Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 1:45pm

In Plain Sight

Take that admonition about weak stomachs seriously.  After forty years at the bar little shocks me and this did.  The battle was waged and lost about unrelated homosexuals adopting kids long ago.  How many of these kids are then subjected to hellish sexual abuse?  The answer I think is going to shake our society.  Good Catholics have been appalled at the homosexual predators in the ranks of our priests.  We also realize that much of the secular world’s outrage had little to do with the conduct and everything to do with it being a golden opportunity to bash the Church.  I suspect predation of kids in the Church is low compared to other institutions, especially among artificial families created to allow homosexuals to pretend that they can have kids.  Our odious, and useless, Transportation Secretary taking “paternity leave” after the birth of special order twins for him and his “husband”, demonstrate this evil reduction of children to a commodity thrust into a completely unnatural “family”.  I have always thought the highest wrath of God is reserved for those who harm children.  To abortion we add this obscenity to the tally of evil which must be requited.  Jesus wept.

Go here to read the story, but my warning about it stands.



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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 4:47am

There will be hell to pay to eradicate this perversion from society. The Democrats will never give up abortion and pedophilia without being forced to, just as they didn’t give up slavery without being forced to. Phinehas in Numbers 25:1-9 and Mattathias in 1st Maccabees 2:23-26 would not tolerate this.

Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 5:30am

I couldn’t read it. The headline was enough. I agree that one day, the tides will turn and society will realise the sick, perverted atrocities which were allowed as mainstream and led to this sort of depraved behaviour. Unfortunately I don’t see it happening in our lifetime, but the younger generation will wake up and have to clean up the mess. God-willing. I feel for them.

Speaking of homosexual priests- my teenage daughter relayed some shocking news to me today which was disheartening. She attends a Maronite Youth at the Maronite Church. It’s a great youth group run by a wonderful father- very orthodox and correct in the topics they cover. She was a little sad when the Parish priest abruptly left his vocation and the parish at the end of last year. The letter sent out to the parishioners was that it was his choice and he was struggling with his vocation and he missed his family and wanted to move back to his home country. So nothing scandalous. However, the truth was that the Bishop removed him because he was a homosexual. A Deacon reported him to the Bishop and rather than being honest with the parishioners he allowed him to leave and according to my daughter he took the wage the Church was paying him and he is currently comfortably running a cafe in his own country. The Church is reportedly going to take legal action against him for the wages earned, however that’s just here say. However, the Bishop could get stood down for being dishonest and covering up. My daughter and some her friends are slightly shocked, as not only was this priest organising and attending youth events and assisting at them, but he was hearing confessions, giving spiritual direction and celebrating the sacraments- all the while living another life.

Don’t know where this all is going to end.

Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 7:43am

The lack of media coverage is appalling but not at all surprising. God Bless Townhall! In any event, I hear there is a real problem with homicide in Georgia state prison. This problem might get solved sooner rather than later.

David WS
David WS
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 8:00am

I can’t read this for two reasons. 1-it’s sickening, 2-my mind drifts to something you do to a deranged animal attacking children, with no remorse.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 8:59am

Social workers assisted by lawyers and elements of the mental health trade are responsible for this. IMO, there’s a good argument for dismantling social work as an independent profession and clearing the lot of them out of public bureaucracies. There is also, IMO an argument for cutting off the mental health trade at the bar by refusing insurance reimbursement to them them for aught but the supervision of schizophrenics (which is a task for psychiatrists, not the rest of them). Three elements of the brief against them would be the sex-reassignment industry, the indulgence of the homosexual population, and the continuous bloat in the contents of DSM-[Roman numeral]. You could add their detours into psychoanalysis and psychosurgery to the brief.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 9:17am

@David WS – “my mind drifts to something you do to a deranged animal attacking children.”

Phinehas in Numbers 25:1-9 and Mattathias in 1st Maccabees 2:23-26. There is Biblical precedence.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 9:32am

It’s atrocities like this that keep me from taking the ever-evolving Roman teaching on capital punishment seriously.

John L Flaherty
John L Flaherty
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 9:42am

You know, I could wish I COULD be shocked and outraged by this garbage. Disgusted, yes. Shocked and outraged, …not really. If nobody predicted this,’s still consistent with the ideas and intentions professed by academia and “social elites” clear back in the 90s. They’ll deny it adamantly, of course. Ultimately though, seeking “secular” society, thereby expelling Judeo-Christian ideas from law and culture…has severe consequences.

Sadly, ..conviction or not for abuse may depend on precisely what Georgia law allows. Or not. …Glad I don’t live in Georgia. I would NOT want to be a juror for this case.

Tom Byrne
Tom Byrne
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 1:17pm

I recall a depressing scene from Star Trek: New Generation, where Picard and an away-team board a Borg vessel, discovering a normal, healthy infant attached to machines that will slowly absorb it into the Borg. They can do nothing.

Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 1:31pm

Years ago around “Don’t ask; don’t tell” there was a USMCR LCol, I think a JAG, that described the heinous parctices of some homosexuals. Bad enough with adults, consenting or non consenting, but to force that behaviour on a child is beyond disgusting, cruel, inhumane the adjectives could go on and on.
No, I didn’t read the article. But I thank you for posting. Maybe, just maybe it will save some little boys.

John L Flaherty
John L Flaherty
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 1:50pm

“Maybe, just maybe it will save some little boys.”
And girls. As we ultimately see more from the belly of the beast, we’ll find plenty of lesbian abuses too.
Incredibly, I’ve heard many LGBT activists decry “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. They consider it horrid because it denied them equality with heterosexuals. It compelled the services to keep the LGBT community, yet they couldn’t be “out and proud”.

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 9:18pm

The lamp’s pro-inclusivity phrase—a mainstream LGBTQ mantra that self-styled “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs) have co-opted in a rebranding campaign that attempts to normalize sexual attraction to children—is one Zachary frequently promoted online.
“And then we never told anybody, because it wasn’t anybody’s business, but we get child support for the kids from the state,”
“Oh, you still get child support from the state?” the family member asked. “Mhm, until they’re 18,”
In the words of Ben Shapiro: “Why do I have to pay for a woman to kill her child?”
“Why do I have to pay for child sex trafficking?”
Jean Paul Sartre, Alfred Kinsey, Nambla, the North American Man Boy Love Association started by Paul Shanley, B4UACT, child psychiatrists who sued to enact and promulgate adult, minor child sex, a century or more ago.
What is new is that human persons have been acknowledged as sovereign living souls.
Yes. Art Deco. The social workers put sex offender Jesse Timmendequas in the nice neighbor hood and bought him a house. Within two weeks Timmedequas raped and strangled Megan Kanka.
We the taxpayers are paying for this holocaust of minor children, our constitutional Posterity, to whom is owed time to mature to emanciaption and to have informed consent in all things.
Those hairy demons, lizzards who have consumed these minor victims deserve hell as does Harry Blackmun, William Brennan, Lawrence v. Texas, Obergefel v. Hodges, cruel, cold blooded monsters. When hell freezes over, they will love it there. Take my word for it.

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Wednesday, January 18, AD 2023 9:22pm

“It’s atrocities like this that keep me from taking the ever-evolving Roman teaching on capital punishment seriously.”
The criminal is a citizen and a member of society. As such the criminal brings himself to Justice and is executed through his own power of attorney.
“All men are created (not born) equal. Equal Justice for all.”

Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 12:20am

[…] Dreher Jesus Baptism Site Makeover Aims to Draw a Million Christians in 2030 – B. B. C. News Gay “Couple” Violently Raped & Prostituted Their Adopted Underage Kids – The Amrcn Catholic Thousands Attend Funeral of Modern-Day St. Francis in Italy – C. […]

Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 12:26am

When a father sexually abuses his daughter, does anyone rail against heterosexual parenting? Nobody defends rape or sexual abuse of children – irrespective of the perpetrator’s sexual orientation.To hold up one salacious story as the “norm” for any group of people is not only irresponsible, it’s despicable.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 6:15am

There’s just not enough exorcists to go around. Noah had the ark.
We have the Eurchrist.

May Jesus have mercy on us when the fires fall upon us.

Bill R
Bill R
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 7:41am

I’m surprised it took 14 comments before someone decried an accusation against one was an accusation against all. That usually is the first contra-argument, and one of a simplistic logic and defense. No one said it was “all LGBTQ+ people.” The article presents the case and it is clear who the perpetrators are and their motive is entirely linked to their identity. It is they, and the anti-cis advocates who are pushing for “MAPs” to be accepted as well. It goes hand in glove with the whole “smash the hetero-normative patriarchy” set. They bask in it. Is it some, but not all? Sure. All generalizations are false. But … last I checked homosexual men made up >30% of child sex abusers, greatly exceeding their overall representation in society. And if you scrape the surface you see child and adolescent sexual abuse is the cause, not the result, as adolescent sexual abuse is the #1 indicator of adult homosexual activity, at least according to the Dr.s and psychologists I was working with.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 9:42am

I’m surprised it took 14 comments before someone decried an accusation against one was an accusation against all.

It’s worse than that. John can’t even manage a pro forma condemnation of this particular atrocity or a word of sympathy for the children who are scarred for life by these predators. Instead, it’s just “salacious.”

John’s showing us the same mindset that insisted priestly rape be kept quiet for generations. No doubt he has some stronger words for those child rapes, though.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 10:00am

When a father sexually abuses his daughter, does anyone rail against heterosexual parenting?

There’s only one kind of parenting, John.

As for allocating slots in the adoptive parents queue, social policy properly plays the averages and considers teleology. Social workers, lawyers, and mental health tradesmen have for decades promoted the fiction that there is no correlation between homosexuality and the sexual violation of youth and that different household forms are interchangeable. This is a lurid illustration of a more general point, that the social policy in question was all a crock. These youths were assigned to this pair because the social work ‘profession’ and the judiciary care a great deal about the self-image of the homosexual population and care little for any other consideration. Note they were assigned to this pair in lieu of assigning them to an ordinary married couple waiting to adopt. (And would it really surprise anyone to discover that family courts and local social service departments systematically favor homosexual pairings over ordinary couples?).

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 10:03am

John’s showing us the same mindset that insisted priestly rape be kept quiet for generations.

I don’t think it was kept quiet for generations and I don’t think it’s the same mindset.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 10:11am

Yes. Art Deco. The social workers put sex offender Jesse Timmendequas in the nice neighbor hood and bought him a house.

IIRC, one of the characters Timmendquas did time with owned the house and invited him to stay there on his release. No one bought him a house. No clue if the parole apparat in New Jersey employs social workers or not (or did at that time).

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Thursday, January 19, AD 2023 8:27pm

Thank you Art Deco for the correction.
Thank God for Megan’s Law

Friday, January 20, AD 2023 9:20am

John, first show me a anyone, homosexual or not, who hasn’t contributed in some small way to the gay rights/LGBTQ+ agenda, and I’ll show you someone who bears no responsibility here.
There are actually gays who are anti-gay-marriage, and those who keep their “sexuality” entirely private. And I agree that there’s an impossible-to-determine percentage of gays who are anti-pedophile to their very core. Therefore, I can respect any argument that says there are gays who stand athwart to pedophiles. But to denounce others for making any sort of connection between the two is what’s irresponsible, and I would say despicable, because that’s actually at the heart of the problem.
Will you silently stand by or agree as some commenter in another forum repeats the decades old dogma that pedophilia is purely a heterosexual phenomenon? Or will you call it out too? Or how about when they present the foregone conclusion that these were two cis-hetero men who merely presented as homosexual to obtain child victims? Will you voice any doubt? How did it come to pass that so many people will see a story like this, and their knee-jerk reaction will be to look for the opportunity to make the gay community out to be the true victim here?
Now consider this: even if it were true that there has never been nor could there ever be such thing as a gay pedophile, who was it that created the conditions in which pedophiles could easily pose as gays, easily access child victims, easily shield themselves from any form of judgment, and therefore be free to violate children with virtually no resistance? Before that, who was it that began dismantling what should be considered “natural” human sexual behavior, and enabled generations of rapists and pedophiles to start coming to terms with the possible nature of – and even justifying – their “proclivities”?
I personally have no problem with the Catholic view of human sexuality and sexual morality. I also think there is plenty of rational argument that can be made regarding the connections between all devious or “alternate” sexual desires and/or how excitedly they’re being accepted. And lastly, I have no problem with those who are uncomfortable with or even are disgusted by the thought of homosexual activity. It’s a perfectly natural response. If anyone in this forum wants to voice something about any of that, I think they should be free to do so. Because it’s inarguably the hyper-tolerant attitudes – and not the intolerant ones – that directly led to this tragedy.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Friday, January 20, AD 2023 10:11am

Because it’s inarguably the hyper-tolerant attitudes – and not the intolerant ones – that directly led to this tragedy.

Amen Terry.

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