Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 6:00pm

Extremist Bead Counters




So what brought on this bout of madness at The Atlantic.  The Left is trying to whip up their apathetic minions for the midterms.   One tactic is trying to scare them with the bogeyman of Christian Nationalism which is a twofer for the Left as they hate Christianity and traditional American patriotism.  The article was written by someone with no knowledge as to how Catholics say the Rosary anywhere and everywhere, which is why at Lepanto in 1571 the soldiers and sailors of the Christian fleet sailed into battle clutching their rosaries.  Explaining the Rosary, or any devotional, to a contemporary Leftist is like explaining algebra to a dog.  Hilaire Belloc do the honors:




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Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 2:56am

It’s a reusable bandolier of spiritual cartridges. I have several caliber rosaries, all high capacity, including 9mm, 22LR and a 40SW—my personal fave.

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 4:51am

Low life imbeciles. I can’t begin to imagine how miserable their little lives are that they view the Holy Rosary as a “threat”. Serious mental issues going on there.

Art Deco
Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 5:17am

The notion the world is beset by “Christian nationalism” is a fiction peddled by partisan Democrats employed by evangelical colleges, deployed in the pissing matches they have with other academicians and trade book authors like David Barton and Eric Metaxes. “Dominionist” is another term used in these taxonomic games. One of the projects of this coterie was slapping the term ‘dominionist’ on Ted Cruz. The perils of ‘Christian nationalism’ is a recurrent subject of the opinion section of Religion News Service. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a frequent subject of discussion there as she actually claims the label. (The treatment of Mrs. Greene and Mrs. Boebert is another example of Alinskyite tactics: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it”).

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 5:58am

A few thoughts:

First, unlike the author I don’t spend my time probing the deepest recesses of the internet for mean memes that substantiate my arguments for articles meant for people who already agree with me, but in my experience pro-gun memes either tend to be in reaction to people like the author, or are simply leftist trolling. Can things go over the top? Welcome to the internet.

Second, the author operates on many assumptions, a few of which are: 1. there’s no inherent link between one’s day-to-day life and survival 2. traditional families are problematic and dangerous 3. a bland pluralistic liberalism is somehow the default and thus sincerely held belief and practice is dangerous or extremist. There are many more, of course, but the delightful irony is that in comparison to all of human history, and indeed in comparison to more than half of the current population of the world, those types of assumptions would be so far outside of the baseline as to be “extreme.” What people like the author do is take the historically niche experience of the decaying prosperity of liberal westernism and universalize it; anything outside of that is extremism. (BTW, I was recently at an AirB&B that had this random outdoorsman book from the 70’s. It spent about a third of the book matter-of-factly talking about guns (including the dreaded AR-15- gasp!), had tons of survival and medical emergency sections, and was full on patriarchal in that it assumed fathers and sons would be doing these things. I guess I was reading an extremism manual- who knew? I suppose I should be grateful the book didn’t strangle me with a rosary then and there.)

Lastly, if he wants to do some actual research instead of just looking for memes that hurt his feelings, he should spend a couple weeks with some of the “rad trads” he demonizes. He’ll be able to see if their patriarchal families are miserable and oppressive. He’ll be able to see how many acts of violence their rosary praying facilitates. He should also see if they’ll take him to the gun range so he can put a couple hundred rounds downrange; it might help him overcome his fear of those scary AR-15s.

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 6:36am

If folks are looking for an option to pray the rosary in a “group”:

It’s online, but also world-wide.

For podcasts, Rosary Army is quite good. Their Scriptural Rosary helps with contemplating the mysteries.

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 6:37am

Ironically, their was a person who threatened violence by using rosary beads. I wonder who it was??

Guy McClung
Guy McClung
Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 6:37am

I would not stand near anyone who belittles or attacks God’s Mama’s rosary. Had I seen thus coming, I would have bought stick in al the rosary companies. Get ready: heretic Jorge is now preparing a new apostolic exhortation to ban rosaries, Bull Beadus Diabolus. Swiss Guards will search all trying to enter St Peter’s so no assault rosaries get anywhere near the heretic. Wait for it…..deadly Holy Water is next on the list. Hmmmm, demons and devils, and apparently democrats, can’t stand rosaries and holy water. And if course, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, the Crucifix. Check it out: the US Govt issued “combat rosaries” made from chain which included miraculous medal and St Benedict medal to soldiers in WW I. Guy, Texas

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 6:39am

Hm…. it’s possible the author ran into the quote from Padre Pio about rosaries being the weapons of our time?

He is kind of in the news.

Elaine Krewer
Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 6:40am

If the discussion traffic on sites like Insty and Red State is any indication, this article is having a Streisand Effect and getting many more folks on the right, non Catholics incuded, interested in the Rosary and in Marian devotions in general. That it was published on the Feast of the Assumption, and the first day of a 54 day Rosary Novena for Our Nation, cannot be mere coincidence.

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 8:06am

“ That it was published on the Feast of the Assumption, and the first day of a 54 day Rosary Novena for Our Nation, cannot be mere coincidence.”
I agree, Elaine. One of the many things I learned to believe during my grace-fueled, two-for-the-price-of-one conversion 18 years ago (i.e., back to active practice of Christian faith, and from Presbyterian to Catholic) was that there are no real coincidences when it comes to such matters. God is always at work at some level. I, too, was impressed with the discussion on the PJ Media sites, where one commenter even posted an account of the Battle of Lepanto, and got a ton of upvotes with very little noise from the Jack Chick faction of anti-Catholics. This can’t be a bad thing, IMO.

Donald Link
Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 8:29am

The shallow and ignorant display of the subject matter in the Atlantic says much more about the quality of their reporting than the content of the article. This publication is little more than mental self abuse designed to satisfy a need for affirmation of a wanna be set of supposed facts. A few sessions with a competent professional would probably assist them to get real world oriented.

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 8:59am

Excellent Pauli! I had forgotten about that! Our President is clearly an extremist!

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 10:21am

Yes, CAG; I will never tire of sharing that quote. This is the kind of thing that embarrasses liberal Catholics and thus is always getting scrubbed.

If you want proof of this, look no further than Snopes which pulls a classic shuffle move on it, stating that “NO, Biden did not say he’d shove a rosary up someone’s *ss.” Which he obviously didn’t say.

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 11:02am

Wasn’t The Atlantic on its deathbed until some bazillionaire’s wife pulled it out, Bezos-style?

Art Deco
Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 12:13pm

I think it stayed profitable longer than did Harper’s. IIRC, Harper’s has been a subsidiary of the MacArthur Foundation since 1983 or thereabouts and had been hemorrhaging for years prior to that date. I think The Atlantic remained viable until the year 2000 or thereabouts. It was a satisfactory magazine during the years it was owned by Mortimer Zuckerman and edited by William Whitworth and did not rapidly decay after they departed the scene (they had an engaging set of bloggers ca. 2007). Harper’s during Lewis Lapham’s endless reign as its editor was passable if you avoided the content under the byline of the editor and under the byline of his pets.

Tuesday, August 16, AD 2022 4:14pm


Wednesday, August 17, AD 2022 7:15am

I don’t know which is worse – the fake news gushed out by the main stream media or those like this Dan who doesn’t know what they is talking about about. He is probably like those who think Satan went away after Christ left this earth – no need to worry about Satan in today’s world.

The sad part is that a lot of people will lap up his swill. And since he lives in that bastion of liberalism – Canada – could he possibly be charged with a hate crime for denigrating Catholics? Oh wait, crimes against Catholics can’t possibly be hate crimes.

Santa Maria mater Dei – Ora pro nobis!

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, August 17, AD 2022 8:09pm

The killing of a innocent child is reproductive health care.

The recitation of the Holy Rosary is a threat to humanity.


Got it.

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