Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 10:46pm

Stolen Election

Pollster Richard Baris, the King of Pollsters, presents a devastating case that the election was stolen.  His section on election bellweather counties, and they almost all voted for Trump, is a strong circumstantial piece of evidence for fraud.

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Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 2:15pm

A TV plays in a hallway I walk to from appointment to appointment. It’s almost always set to CNN. Today as I walked past, the story was about “meeting the new first dogs” (i.e. the Biden family pets).

Even as I walked by I realized that this was too banal a story for even the MSM, especially at this point in the new cycle. It’s only purpose was as propaganda: if Biden’s dogs are the “first dogs” then Biden must be president.

It sounds like a minor point, but the bigger point is that they are making a deliberate effort to make every little thing that they say make the conclusion that Biden is president seem not only true but ridiculously obvious, like asking if the Yankees are a baseball team. Brainwashing is spot on.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 2:17pm

So if the Democrats succeed in doing this now, there will be no future free elections without force of violence. 🙁 Right now the only way to avoid that situation is action from SCOTUS. And even then the left will riot and there will be insurrection. 🙁 This does not bode well.

Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 2:50pm

You always manage to say what I think (well, I don’t think/say too much about nuclear power because I know so little about it), but do it much more eloquently than I am able.

Bob Kurland
Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 3:32pm

a side comment: taking foxfier’s advice, I’ve trial subscribed to Epoch Times and learn in an email that Fox News TV was #3 Saturday, behind CNN and MSNBC. We’ve switched to NewsMax (available on our cable)–not so good, but better than the 6 pm Fox News right now. (It’s also available as an app on Amazon Prime Video.)

Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 3:48pm

I’m reminded of a football team after a long questionable pass running up to the line to snap the ball before the other team can throw the challenge flag.
I didn’t see the Fox participation in this charade coming. Maybe because I only see them online, not tv.

Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 3:50pm

If Trump is able to prove fraud and gain a second term, we’ll also get a chance to see how both sides handle losing. The Republicans did it quite peacefully. Let’s see the Democrats turn.

Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 4:41pm

MIKES, to me it has seemed for nearly all of Trump’s term as President (still hoping for a second one) that Fox has intentionally been moving leftward, incrementally to be sure, but it’s no accident. The young Murdochs are openly leftist, and the TDS faction among the on-air “talent”, especially Neil Cavuto, have been growing bolder by the day. It now has reached the point where Cavuto, who in my view is beneath contempt, actually cut away from a telecast of a White House spokesperson because she was discussing the obvious fraud underway in this election.

And IMO you are spot-on about the chance to see how both sides handle losing. But I fear LQC is right about that: I expect violent insurrection from the left, which is probably a major reason why Trump just fired the SecDef, who argued against using Federal troops to put down the violence this past summer. I do think Trump believes he will prevail and is laying the groundwork for what he knows will happen as a result.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 5:07pm

It ain’ t over yet. But if this national evil holds, elections have consequences. You steal one, you don’t get a peaceful transition.

The left is brainwashing you with 24/7 lies into accepting the fraudulent election. .

That’s OK assuming you prefer their soft slavery – accountability commissions, cancel culture, street violence, confiscatory taxes, forced changes in your lives, . . .

Until this week, fair and free elections were foundations of the Republic. The left stole this election and ended the Republic.

“Gentlemen cry, ‘Peace! Peace!’ But, there is no peace . . . ” without liberty and justice.

“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

The left stole the election. It must lead to [economic, political, bloody] war.

Strong Hatred Defender Of Freedom.

Captain Thai Tea
Captain Thai Tea
Tuesday, November 10, AD 2020 10:03pm


We saw it 4 years ago. They marched onto a busy freeway in the dead of night chanting “F the police” only to be ran over by a car then call for police for help. I believe the victim lost her lawsuit against the university for allowing her to protest on the freeway. The driver who struck is also allegedly an illegal immigrant who has no insurance and unable to pay

Wednesday, November 11, AD 2020 6:52am

This is treason. You are creating a Dolchstoßlegende to justify your coup. You want a civil war. Never, ever call yourself a patriot because you are not one. You and everyone else here are fascists and idolaters and you will destroy this country. Your hatred of any woman who isn’t a weak, cowardly dimwit is going to ruin the entire world.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, November 11, AD 2020 8:59am


T. Shaw, on a different thread, quoted from Orwell and it fits perfectly with your assumptions;

Orwell, “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak.”

Wake up.

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