Monday, May 13, AD 2024 8:28am

Destroy It Root and Branch

Just how anti-Catholic is the USCCB?  This anti-Catholic:


“I was so elated. We, the community, need good news, and this was just wonderful,” Donna Toliver Grimes, associate director of African American affairs in the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, told Catholic News Service, the official news service of the U.S. bishops’ conference, on Wednesday.

Grimes told CNS that Harris “wasn’t my top candidate in the primaries, and she wasn’t my top pick for vice president,” adding “she’s really deserving and brings a lot to the table.


Mentioning her belief that Biden and Harris will offer “policy that is favorable to people on the margins,” Grimes said she expects Biden “would put good people in his Cabinet, who would not damage the agencies, or ignore the mission.”

Grimes, who was identified in the report by her USCCB position, also mentioned to CNS her hope that, if elected, Biden would address health care reform and voting-rights issues.

A spokesperson for the U.S. bishops’ conference told CNA Aug. 13 that “The Conference is a non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization that does not endorse or oppose specific candidates for office. Comments by individual Conference employees are not necessarily a reflection of the Conference’s official position.”

Go here to read the rest.  How anti-Catholic is Kamala Harris?  This anti-Catholic:

This week, Joe Biden cemented his choice of Kamala Harris as a running mate. For only having one term on at the federal level, the California senator brings an impressive amount of baggage to the campaign trail.

As a state and local attorney general, she distinguished herself as a fearless scourge of mostly-poor, mostly-minority, truant children, whose home lives she endeavored to improve by jailing their parents.

In a law and order election cycle, she can also lay claim to ensuring that death row inmates stay there, possible exculpatory evidence be damned.

But she is best known, to Catholics anyway, for her work on the Senate Judiciary Committee with Mazie Hirono — an interlocutor so dense that light, like answers from judicial nominees, bends around her. The two managed to make the Knights of Columbus sound like badasses, terming them ‘extreme’ for holding Catholic views on abortion.

Ms. Harris does not, she has made clear, believe there to be a place for Catholics in public life if they oppose a woman’s “right to choose” to end an unborn life. On this score, her new ménage with Joe Biden will not trouble her.

Biden’s Damascene conversion on the campaign trail, from which he emerged as a champion of unfettered abortion, was largely sealed by Harris herself when she demanded Biden express ‘regret’ for his past beliefs during a primary debate.

Having made the necessary act of contrition and profession of the pro-abortion faith, Biden is now in full communion with Harris and the party he leads.

Go here to read the rest.  The USCCB and Biden-Harris, a match made in Hell.


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Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Friday, August 14, AD 2020 3:13am

Well said. “Biden is now in full communion with Harris and the (Devil’s) party he leads.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Friday, August 14, AD 2020 3:29am


St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Assist us in helping Our Queen, Immaculata, destroy all heresies and play a role in converting heretics.

On this your feast day, dear brother Maximilian.


John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Friday, August 14, AD 2020 6:05am

The USCCB should be disbanded.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, August 14, AD 2020 6:43am

Sorry to be a bore, but I don’t think you’re going to find many lay employees of Church apostolates (above and beyond your local parish) whose viewpoint isn’t typical of the range of views you find among NGO employees generally. That’s why most of them deserve to be shut down, the Bishop’s conference most of all. Remember the catastrophe at Charlotte Catholic High School? The principal instigator was the school’s quondam religion teacher, working through a lickspittle on the student body. A bishop with stones would have shut the school down at the end of the year and sold the property to a real estate developer in a matter of weeks. Of course, Bp. Jugis did nothing.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Friday, August 14, AD 2020 9:37am

What is it with the magical “thinking” on the Left? The only thing Biden/Harris are going to do for people on the margins is help them stay there.

Arthur McGowan
Arthur McGowan
Friday, August 14, AD 2020 11:59am

One of the purposes of the USCCB is to off-load the pro-abortion activism (The putrid Catholic Campaign for Human Development is just a sliver of the pro-abortion pie at the USCCB.) and pro-abortion statements from the pro-abortion bishops to pro-abortion staffers. The many pro-abortion bishops don’t have to take much, if any, of the heat when a staffer swoons over pro-abortion politicians. But the message gets out.

Needless to point out, it was the USCCB’s long-time Dear Leader, Joseph Bernardin, who promoted the vomitous “Seamless Garment,” which a majority of Catholics appear to believe is a summary of something called “Catholic Social Teaching.” Bernardin’s legacy is a population of tens of millions of nominal Catholics who vote pro-abortion in exactly the same proportion as the average American.

Catholics have been waking up to the USCCB’s enmeshment in human trafficking through their “immigration” (invasion) programs and activism, raking in billions from the federal government. Eighty-percent of women and girls (and many men) crossing the border have been raped in transit. Not a peep from the USCCB or any bishop. Illegal aliens kill almost 5,000 Americans each year. Not a peep from the USCCB or any bishop. Immigrants vote 80% pro-abortion, and states are being flipped from pro-life to pro-abortion. Not a peep from the USCCB or any bishop.

Since its founding 103 years ago, for the purpose of sucking up to Democrat racist Woodrow Wilson, by supporting the Great War and defying the Pope’s vociferous opposition to a universal draft, the bishops’ conference has been a nest of Democrats and a front for the criminal Federal Reserve, agitating from 1919 on for socialized medicine, confiscatory tax rates on income, dividends, and capital gains, and soft money (inflation), and has become more virulently socialist and pro-abortion in lockstep with the Democrat party. The most active revolving doors in D.C. are those between the offices of Democrat politicians and the USCCB.

Rod Halvorsen
Rod Halvorsen
Saturday, August 15, AD 2020 7:42am

“Denominationalism” within the Catholic Church appears to be one of the great “fruits” of Vatican 2. This is highlighted everywhere in the Catholic Church but especially in the USCCB where we see developing a pseudo-Catholic “denomination” akin to the liberal, mainline Protestant groups. As with those organizations, not all members of this pseudo-Catholic iteration agree with the most extreme denials of “paper doctrine” asserted by some. However, they are all, every one of the members, willing to remain working as One, with none of those who might be thought to disagree with the trending deterioration of Catholic doctrine and practice showing any signs they are willing to personally confront those who promote this deterioration. Combativeness, the will to fight, the will to refuse to accept radical and perverse changes to faith and morals have been expunged from this leadership, likely as a result of formation, but certainly adopted since then. Thus we see the USCCB and in fact, the greater Catholic Church establishment aping Anglicanism, where all positions are treated as equals, with all assertions of doctrine affirmed in effect as mere opinions to be discussed and upon which the membership may…”reflect”. Indeed, as the USCCB spokesman Bishop Barron has stated, changes in teaching may now be accomplished, the clarity demanded by the
perennial Magesterum {CCC 1697} shelved, the principle of “eloquent ambiguity” established as a guiding construct.

This method, this code, this new religion, represents the flowering of a weed seed planted by the hand of Pope John XXIII’s unfortunate, self-admitted radical change in practice as spelled out clearly in Gaudet Mater Ecclesiae where he states unequivocally and quite frankly that the Church will no longer follow the method of Jesus, the Apostles and the Catholic Church of all time up till that date and will in the future cease condemning evil, for the remarkable reason that people already know what is evil and don’t need to be reminded what it is. Every sentence of later Vatican 2 documents would have repeated word for word the clarity of the Catechism of the Council of Trent…with this utterance of Pope John, the die was cast.

The result of course is obvious. In practice, the principles of Freemasonry have been adopted in the halls of administration of the Catholic Church and Christ has been removed from the seat of exclusive Kingship, a form of “democracy” has been adopted, with leaders-Bishops-“Electors” chosen who do not exhibit previously celebrated rigid and strict adherence to the teachings of the faith, but rather, assert and live out a “diversity” of thought, will and practice.

This momentous and profound change is nowhere revealed with more clarity than in the chaos and confusion of the neo-denominationalism of the USCCB.

Saturday, August 15, AD 2020 12:00pm

Lots of great comments here, agree with all of them. And Art, you’re not a bore.

Saturday, August 15, AD 2020 12:03pm

“Seamless garment”. IIRC, the original seamless garment ended up as first prize in a craps game which certain government flunkies conducted at the foot of the Cross. There’s a warning in there sonewhere.

Rod Halvorsen
Rod Halvorsen
Sunday, August 16, AD 2020 8:29pm

There is good news, and that is simply that the issues are finally being discussed out in the open by growing numbers of our leaders. Observing the chaos of the Protestant Revolt of the 16th century, it took years of confusion to produce the clarity of the Council of Trent. Going back further, we see a similar chaos preceding other Councils. We are watching the same grim drama playing out today. God will provide the clarity of truth in time. In the meantime, our task is to remain steady and to proclaim the truth no matter who may question it or falter in delivering it.

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