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The Bush Dynasty were grifters pretending to be conservatives.

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Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 7:32am

Jeb and George P. did offer some remarks endorsing the decision. George P. is leaving office at the end of the year but could conceivably return to political office; his father at age 69 is done with politics.

David WS
David WS
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 8:55am

One thing is for sure:
The Bush Cheney dynasty hates Donald Trump….
.. and any of his successes.

Donald Link
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 9:00am

Both father and son were one hit wonders. Father handled Kuwait well and W. performed competently after 911. Both were affected adversely by their economic programs or lack thereof. Both were succeeded by men that caused considerable damage to the social fabric of the country. Sometimes a backward look helps avoid the same problems in the future but rather more often the lessons of the past are ignored when it comes to politics.

George Haberberger
George Haberberger
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 9:22am

His silence is especially oblivious since Alito, who wrote the decision, was his nominee.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 11:41am

The Bushes and Cheneys hate Trump for the same reasons the deep state and commies hate him. He is a mortal danger to the family business.

Someone on the radio gave credit to whomever on the court is a Bush appointee and voted for life.

There isn’t a dime’s width difference between and establishment Republican and a Democrat.

I voted twice for each. My sole consolation is Dukakis, Gore, McCain and Romney would have been much worse.

J. Ronald Parrish
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 1:56pm

The good picks of Alito and Thomas were more accidental than deliberate. Their being chosen was certainly not because of their pro life views.

Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 2:30pm

I was always puzzled why the media labelled Trump a bully when there was a war-mongerer by the name George W Bush not long before. Yet he’s become a coward in retirement. He rubs shoulders with the left side of politics. He visited a Catholic Ukrainian Church with Bill Clinton in May. A Clinton! I guess he has to pander to them and the Obamas (media darlings) so his daughters keep getting media gigs and he can show off his psychedelic portraits.

When I think of the destruction of the Christian population in the Middle East- ie Iraq, I think of George W Bush.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 7:12pm

See Fred Barnes article in The New Republic in 1985 on what his sources were telling him on and off the record on the thinking in the Administration on filling Supreme Court slots. Barnes noted that the Administration was ‘not prepared’ for one particular contingency – the departure of Thurgood Marshall. They weren’t anxious to replace Marshall with a non-black due to the optics and they weren’t anxious to allocate a seat to the available black jurists due to the problem of finding one who wasn’t fundamentally hostile to their jurisprudential project. So, the plan was to tee up someone. Thomas’ nomination to the DC Circuit in 1989 was controversial and faced atypical resistance. (Harry Reid would have just blocked it; George Mitchell was more collegial). Thomas only spent a year on the DC Circuit. Thurgood Marshall had intended to thwart the Republicans but was too ill and addled to stay on the court any longer. He died 15 months after his last day on the job.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, July 6, AD 2022 7:15pm

George W. Bush would have preferred to have Harriet Miers on the Court, but her nomination generated a certain amount of protest and his staff decided she wasn’t conversant enough with constitutional law.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, July 7, AD 2022 7:06am

Thurgood Marshall had been a great trial attorney in his day, but he had mentally checked out of the court for years before he retired. His last few years were spent watching television in his chambers while his clerks ran the shop.

A triumph of the taxidermist’s art, as he himself admitted (“just prop me up and keep on votin’ me”). The New Republic back in the day was a publication which frequently went off script and one occasion was a review of a biography of Marshall wherein the reviewer offered the assessment that Marshall’s understanding of the role of an appellate judge was making up excuses to give your clients what they wanted. You’ll recall that Marshall, Brennan, Blackmun, and John Paul Stevens joined in a dissenting opinion in 1977 contending one had a constitutional right to a Medicaid-funded abortion.

J. Ronald Parrish
Thursday, July 7, AD 2022 5:13pm

Three of the four were Republican appointees, as was the author of Roe, Brennan. Whether you like the man, or not, the well written decision by the underrated Alito would not have happened without Donald Trump.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, July 7, AD 2022 6:54pm

Three of the four were Republican appointees

Read John Dean’s Blind Ambition. It’s a questionable book in many respects, but does have an account of Dean’s participation in vetting Supreme Court nominees. Much of the Nixon Administration was a study in unforced errors, including those. Gerald Ford gave us John Paul Stevens. Eisenhower had vocal regrets about putting Earl Warren on the Court. As far as I’m aware, Ford spoke of none in re Stevens. (In fairness to Ford, the Democrats controlled 62 seats in the Senate at that time (some were Southern conservatives, of course, partially balanced by liberals and temporizers in the Republican caucus).

Mary De Voe
Thursday, July 7, AD 2022 9:11pm

President Biden wants to build abortion clinics on Federal ground. The government instituted by the sovereignty of the citizens owns nothing. All Federal land and waterways, all free lands and waterways belong to each and every citizen in joint and common tenancy; you own it all and I own it all.
Bill Clinton wrote an executive order making all free lands and water ways as belonging to the executive in office the week before he left office . Not so. Then Harry Reid’s son-in-law tried to sell Cliven Bundy’s grazing land to an Arab. A seaport of the Missouri River was sold to Mexican nationals until the people found out and cancelled the sale with tar and pitchforks. Foreign nationals who own property in America do not need passports to enter and without vetting.
Biden does not own any property. The citizens own it all. If Biden wants to build abortion clinics on Federal land Biden needs to get the people to vote for it. Put it on the ballots. Long live our Founding Principles.
None of this is proven. Don’t print it but you and I and “We” own the Federal lands in joint and common tenancy; so too the American Flag and our legacy to our Constitutional Posterity. The American citizen has God-given freedom to be free…of confinement at birth see: INDWELLERS
The Supreme Court said that the private citizens who live in national parks have a right to live in national parks. The HOMESTEAD ACT is still on the books.
One thing that tickles me is that two ranchers burned a fire break on “government land” to protect their ranch. Obama put them in prison for five years. Trump let them out of prison. Biden put the two ranchers back in prison to serve out their five year sentence for preserving their livelihood.
Now that Roe has gone the way of the doodoo bird, Biden will have to build those abortion clinics by himself and maybe Biden ought to be impeached.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, July 8, AD 2022 5:11am

Brennan was a Democrat appointed by Eisenhower in a mistaken bipartisan gambit which Eisenhower called one of his worst mistakes in retrospect. Roe was not authored by Brennan.

Prior to 1986, appointments to the Supreme Court were generally treated as a species of political patronage with only light vetting. Since then, they’ve been heavily credentialed and all but one were previously federal appellate judges. The exception was Elena Kagan, who had been Solicitor-General, the executive branch official who argues in front of the Supreme Court (and who has an office in the building). Wm Dyer (“Beldar”) was of the opinion that Harriet Miers would be a satisfactory addition to the court because she was familiar with day-to-day law practice and conversant with areas of law that most SC Justices do not know much about. A more common complaint is that the place is an Ivy League funk hole. Thirteen of the last 16 appointments to the Court have attended some combination of the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and Stanford, and Amy Coney Barrett is the only one on the Court who has completely avoided those 11 institutions.

For however annoying and ill-advised that may be, it is an improvement on the previous situation. William Rehnquist, Lewis Powell, Abe Fortas, Arthur J. Goldberg, Earl Warren, Harold Burton, Robert Jackson, Felix Frankfurter, and Lewis Brandeis had no time on the bench ‘ere their appointment. Wm. O. Douglas had chaired a regulatory commission. Hugo Black had a couple of years as a JP.

J. Ronald Parrish
Friday, July 8, AD 2022 3:47pm

My mistake on Brennan, instead of Blackmon (another “Catholic “ ushering in the legalized slaughter of 63 million unborn babies). They were almost ideological twins; nonetheless, I erred, you are correct. Consolation: it was primarily the Catholic Justices who ended the murder spree legalized by Blackmon.

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