Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 9:02am

Cardinal McCarrick and Sister Carol Keehan

The ever exceptional Catholic blogger Diogenes couldn’t help himself as he commented on “Sister” Carol Keehan’s reading at a Mass for retired Archbishop Theodore Cardinal McCarrick.

“Sister” Carol Keehan, who is the president of the Catholic Health Association, endorsed ObamaCare.  Thus declaring themselves in contradiction with Francis Cardinal George and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who opposed ObamaCare.

Here is Diogenes’s brilliant column:

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who has devoted so much of his episcopal career to the effort to make everyone comfortable, is approaching his 80th birthday, and already the celebrations have begun.

(No, I don’t mean the celebrations of the fact that as of July 7, “Uncle Teddy” will be ineligible to vote in a papal conclave—although that’s definitely reason enough to chill the champagne.)

At a Mass in Washington, DC for the retired Archbishop, one of the readings was done by Sister Carol Keehan, the president of the Catholic Health Association, whose role in helping assure passage of the health-care reform bill had recently drawn the ire of Cardinal Francis George, the president of the US bishops’ conference.

It’s possible that Sister Keehan was chosen because of her clear, resonant voice. More likely—and we’re talking dollars-to-donuts here—she was chosen as a signal that in the benign view of Cardinal Ted, we’re all still friends, despite our little disagreements on subjects such as whether or not babies should be dismembered in the womb.


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Henry Karlson
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 2:51pm

More likely—and we’re talking dollars-to-donuts here—she was chosen as a signal that in the benign view of Cardinal Ted, we’re all still friends, despite our little disagreements on subjects such as whether or not babies should be dismembered in the womb.

So, basically, Diogenes lied, and Tito reinforces the slander. Got it. Tito will probably next say “you slander me.” I am used to it. It’s his response when people call him out.

CHA and Sister Keehan do not think babies should be dismembered in the womb. As long as you continue with this misrepresentation, all you get is proof of your own ill will.

Tito Edwards
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 2:56pm

Henry K.,

You wonder why you are placed on moderation?

It’s because of your unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks on many of the columnists here at TAC.

“Sister” Keehan is clearly going against Church teaching as she gleefully accepts a pen from President Obama in celebrating the murders of millions more innocent children.

Henry Karlson
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 3:10pm


Not only is she a sister, she didn’t celebrate the murders of millions… nor did Obama. And you talk about “unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks…”

Tito Edwards
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 3:14pm

Henry K.,

She pushed hard, using the Catholic Health Association, to help pass ObamaCare.

ObamaCare will fund millions of abortions.

Your comments are bizarre and without basis.

Henry Karlson
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 3:35pm

She pushed hard to get health care reform. She believed that the reform bill will not fund more abortions. Therefore, she is not celebrating the death of more children.

Now show us where it funds abortions which were not already being funded by the government.

Tito Edwards
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 3:38pm

Henry K.,

She has reached the age of reason.

She has received a fine education in Church teachings prior to accepting final vows.

She has purposely and consciously decided to oppose Church teaching by supporting and pushing for the death of millions of innocent unborn children.

She was gleeful in her acceptance of one of the pens that President Obama gave her that he used to sign ObamaCare with.

Now show us where it funds abortions which were not already being funded by the government.

Are you trying to be funny?

Paul Primavera
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 3:57pm


Anyone who supports Obama supports a man who believes in the “right to chose”.

Anyone who supports Obamacare supports the “right to chose”.

Now people can use all the obfuscation and sophistry they want, but one cannot in good conscience support either Obama or Obamacare.

I wish people would pay attention to the daily Old Testament readings this week from 2nd Kings. The people of Judah were deported to Babylon because they sacrificed their own children to Baal, Asherah, Molech and the other Canaanite gods. How different is that from Obamacare which provides health insurance coverage to murder babies in the womb?

Yes, God IS merciful and loving, and He is about to show Obama, Sister Keehan and every other liberal democrat how merciful and loving He is towards the unborn.

Colin Gormley
Colin Gormley
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 4:06pm

“So, basically, Diogenes lied, and Tito reinforces the slander. Got it. Tito will probably next say “you slander me.” I am used to it. It’s his response when people call him out.”

Mr. Karlson,

Back it up. You made the accusation. Provide proof. Otherwise you have nothing to offer except ad hominem.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, June 25, AD 2010 4:37pm

Excellent, Mr. Primavera; and, of course, Mr. Edwards.

Ancient fertility cults sacrificed first born sons (sometimes daughters, less valued) to appease the (river, rain, sun, etc.) gods and reap good harvests.

Esau gave up his birthright for a bowl of lentils. Sister Carol, Henry Karlson, et al have aided and abetted the sacrifices of 47,000,000 (and counting) unborn babies for a chimera: social justice.

And, THEIR trump card was commented on by F. A. Hayek: “ . . . ‘social justice’ is not, as most people probably feel, an innocent expression of good will towards the less fortunate, but that it has become a dishonest insinuation that one ought to agree to a demand of some special interest which can give no real reason for it. …I have come to feel strongly that the greatest service I can still render to my fellow men would be that I could make the speakers and writers among them thoroughly ashamed ever again to employ the term ‘social justice.’”

Repent, confess, do penance, amend lives and (through personal good works) glorify God.

Saturday, June 26, AD 2010 11:18am

Our Secretary of Health and Human Services, who is a “Catholic”, is virulently pro-abortion,( she supported and was friends with Tiller the baby killer so IMO that says it all)and that gives one great concern when considering that she is the person who has the authority over the decision-making for the funding of the Community Health Centers.

Here are the Bishops’ concerns:

In the Senate bill, there is the provision that only one of the proposed multi-state plans will not cover elective abortions – all other plans (including other multi-state plans) can do so, and receive federal tax credits. This means that individuals or families in complex medical circumstances will likely be forced to choose and contribute to an insurance plan that funds abortions in order to meet their particular health needs.

Further, the Senate bill authorizes and appropriates billions of dollars in new funding outside the scope of the appropriations bills covered by the Hyde amendment and similar provisions. As the bill is written, the new funds it appropriates over the next five years, for Community Health Centers for example (Sec. 10503), will be available by statute for elective abortions, even though the present regulations do conform to the Hyde amendment. Regulations, however, can be changed at will, unless they are governed by statute.

Additionally, no provision in the Senate bill incorporates the longstanding and widely supported protection for conscience regarding abortion as found in the Hyde/Weldon amendment. Moreover, neither the House nor Senate bill contains meaningful conscience protection outside the abortion context. Any final bill, to be fair to all, must retain the accommodation of the full range of religious and moral objections in the provision of health insurance and services that are contained in current law, for both individuals and institutions.

Saturday, June 26, AD 2010 6:09pm

Those Catholics who support Obama and Obamacare have their reasons. I think they are much weaker then finding justification for the Iraq War or even the folloy of equating such support with support for changing the rules of engagement in Afghanistan.

But they will hold onto whatever straw they need.

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