Friday, May 17, AD 2024 3:50am

PopeWatch: Pope Francis Catholics




Veep Candidate Tim Kaine, Catholic pro-abort, is seeking the votes of “Pope Francis Catholics”:


Kaine’s distinction between a Pope Francis Catholic and a Catholic is puzzling, but part of a greater strategy by the Clinton campaign to appeal to more liberal Catholic Democrats.

He has emphasized his qualifications as a Catholic since taking the stage as Hillary Clinton’s running mate, speaking openly about his Jesuit education and missionary work in Honduras.

“Soy Catolico, Soy Catolico,” he repeated in Spanish during a campaign rally after he was announced as Vice President. “I am a Catholic, and Hillary is a Methodist, but, I tell you, her creed is the same as mine, ‘Do all the good that you can,’” he said, quoting the Methodist motto.

To bolster his Catholic credentials, Kaine reminded the Democratic audience on a Saturday that he would be in his home parish at St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church in Richmond the following morning.

“Hey, St. E.’s folks, I hope you’re watching,” he said. “We will be there at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.”

They were, and so was the media, who dutifully reported Kaine’s participation in the Mass and and “sang and clapped along to the choir.”

“During communion, Kaine joined the choir and took the lead singing a solo. He sang the solo parts of a song called ‘Taste and See,’” ABC News reported.

Parishioners stood and applauded Kaine after he entered the Church after accepting the nomination for Vice President on the Clinton ticket.

By citing his more liberal Jesuit education, Kaine sends a signal that he will not stand for the lives of unborn children as victims of abortion.

“I’m a strong supporter of Roe v. Wade and women being able to make these decisions,” he said when asked a question about abortion during a CNN interview in July.

His voting record to defend abortion rights has earned him the support of abortion providers like Planned Parenthood.

“He has been a champion for Planned Parenthood,” Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards said after he was nominated.


Go here to read the rest.  Does any one doubt that this supporter of abortion on demand would not get a private big thumbs up from our current Pope?

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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 3:57am

Kaine is a heretic.
Ditto for Jorge Bergoglio.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 4:19am

“Do all the good that you can,”-Methodist motto. The irony is too great for words when linking HC to her professed religion.

(C)ain a Catholic?
Bull pucky!

A Francis Catholic?
Oh. I remember.
There the ones who put Obama in office prior to the rise of PF.

It’s been said before…and I’ll add it again; “Chastisement upon U.S.!

Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 5:26am

In yesterday’s Gospel, Christ told Peter to “get behind me Satan” when Perter thought as man does and not as God does. What would Christ say to holocaust supporting Tim Kaine? My guess is that he would let those defenseless children speak for themselves. Tim Kaine has no shame.

bill bannon
bill bannon
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 7:13am

I don’t understand how Saint John Paul II did zilch for 20 years in this area…no Pope did a thing in respect to Cuomo and Ferrara beginning this trend which grew year by year after them because no Pope attacked and excommunicated the first actors in this. Francis will be more of the same. If such Popes had the hidden thought that hospital abortions were safer on the mother than back alley abortions, then they should have said it out loud. Otherwise their corporate inaction is incomprehensible. They e.g. could have changed canon law to include such politicians explicitly as excommunicated latae sententiae as are physical cooperators in an abortion. They did not. This area is incomprehensible in that zealous action ( not speeches or writing) was always lacking in the papacy…and now there are over a hundred such Catholics in Congress because Cuomo and Ferrara were threatened by no Pope at all.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 7:42am

bill bannon.

Good point. I have deep appreciation for St. Pope J P II, but he didn’t walk on water by any means. Your point is well taken bill.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 7:51am

Once you see their (pope, bishops, commie-catholics, et al) objectives it all makes sense. It’s a matter of priorities. To those people the false promises of socialism and humanism are more important than 50-plus million abortions and the Gospels.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 8:31am

In the early New Testament Church, paricularly when St Paul wrote his epistles to the Church at Thessalonika, and when St John was writing on the Isle of Patmos, there was the anticipation that the Lord Jesus would physically return to Earth in the Parousia, So that expectation coupled with intense Roman persecution of the Churhc helped to keep corruption to a minimum. Yes, there were sex perverts like the man in 1st Corinthian 5 who was sleeping with his father’s wife, and idolaters and adulteresses like Jezebel at the Church in Thyatira in Revelation 2. But overall such incidents were the outliers, and were promptly and resoundingly condemned, invariably with threats of death and eternal damnation that were in the case of the liars Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 actually realized. Those times are now distant history and we have become complacent. Thus will the pruning that St Paul discusses in Romans 11 come to pass. The Church will be prepared as the indefectible Bride of Christ even if God the Father has to prune every heretical cleric and every apostate layman into the Lake of Fire.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 9:25am

This warning to those who countenance abortion while saying, “I am a Catholic”, Judas was an Apostle.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 10:28am

The discourse, from soon to be St. Mother Teresa, was given in front of dignitaries in ’94.

Please read her short but poignant statement.
She is deeply missed on the public scene.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 11:14am

Bill Bannon worte, “They e.g. could have changed canon law to include such politicians explicitly as excommunicated latae sententiae as are physical cooperators in an abortion.”
Not just “physical co-operators,” of course – solicitation, incitement and persuasion are equally covered.
The distinction is that the co-operation or “concert” must have reference to the particular act. This is a general principle, which the Canon law derives from the Roman. So, to take a hackneyed example, if A employ B to make him a set of housebreaking implements, not for a particular act of housebreaking, but only as a means of carrying on his general business as a thief, then B cannot be held guilty of the housebreakings which he may commit by means of these implements.

On the other hand, B may be art and part of a particular act of housebreaking by A, if it appear that he made and supplied A with some special instrument for that specific purpose. For example, if it could be proved that A got him to examine the lock of a particular house, and to make an instrument suitable for opening it, that might be sufficient to make B guilty art and part of the housebreaking.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 2:35pm

Let’s not forget that if it wasn’t for Catholics, funding for abortion in this country would likely not exist.

Maggie Sullivan
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 3:24pm

Statement from our Bishops concerning pro-abortion politicians
The pro-abortion Catholic politicians voted to mandate contraception coverage, and I refuse to discipline them – Because I don’t want to seem judgmental.

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians voted to approve Supreme Court Justices who make it legal to kill babies in the womb and I didn’t discipline them – Because I don’t want to be accused of being political.

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Tim Kaine use the media to teach Catholics that abortion and homosexuality are good things and I won’t discipline them – Because people might think I am meddling in their personal lives.

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians vote to destroy marriage and force us to approve of homosexuality and I won’t discipline them – Because if I did the billions of dollars Catholic Relief Services receives from the Government might be in jeopardy.

When pro-abortion Catholic politicians publicly receive the Holy Eucharist with the blood of millions of children on their souls I will give them the Body of Christ – Because who am I to judge.

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians vote to give hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood to kill babies and I won’t discipline them – Because they were just following their conscience.

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians are the public spokesman for sin, Satan, and the Culture of Death and I won’t discipline them – Because the Church could lose it’s tax exempt status.

The pro-abortion Catholic politicians vote for and directly make possible the vicious and brutal murder of millions of babies in the womb and I won’t discipline them – Because people might think I am mean and won’t like me any more.

One day maybe I can stand up to the pro-abortion Catholic politicians and act like I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 3:58pm

It looks like we are closing the divide between Catholics and Lutherans but have new deep distinctions in-house, in our modernist house. Francis catholics, Catholic Catholics…
Is there unity of belief in the Church that is marked as One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic? We are not only divided as contemporaries, catholics are now divided from our Catholic past…. not officially, not magisterially, but, practically.
The Eastern Churches looks so stable. I don’t think he has really made any position statements about their liturgies or pastoral practice yet.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 4:08pm

Anzlyne; Eastern Orthodox Churches stable? Good heavens, they can’t even get together to form their own “council”.

Friday, August 5, AD 2016 4:12pm

Sorry RodH- I admit I don’t know much about their issues- I may be wrong but I don’t perceive them being divided by modernism in the same way we are- it looks to me that their old divisions are pretty old..
I haven’t been aware of changes modernizing their liturgies or “accompanying” as a new watchword in pastoral practice.their

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Friday, August 5, AD 2016 4:32pm

St. John Paul II was not alone in silence regarding abortionist politicians, be they in the USA or Canada or Western Europe.

Where are our bishops? We know damn well where they are – as a body, they are hiding under rocks when it comes to social issues like abortion and homosexuality. There is a steadfast refusal to enforce Canon 915. Cardinal Wuerl is front and center in this refusal to enforce the Canon. He knows it and is fine with it. In his struggle against Cardinal Burke, he whipped Burke. Burke has been demoted and shuffled off to a minor role while Wuerl is running one of the most prominent Archdioceses in the world (I am glad he isn’t in Pittsburgh anymore).

Do not lay this all on St. John Paul II. The radtrads cannot get over him excommunicating Archbishop Lefevbre or kissing the Koran as a gift. The Catholic Left hated him for being a strict ideologue. Try living his life as a young man and see how you would turn out. St. John Paul II wrote and preached much, and was well liked, but was not listened to nearly enough.

Our Church is a mess. The Pontiff is in his own Vatican II world and NOTHING will take him out of it. His mind is firmly stuck in the 1960s. He has no meaningful connection to reality and no clear understanding of the world outside Argentina.

The Eastern Orthodox do not fit any definition of an organized religion. They do not differ much on theology or liturgy but when it comes to exercising any authority the Eastern Orthodox are a disaster. Constantinople squabbles with Moscow constantly over anything and everything.

God will not be mocked and He will straighten things out in His way in His time. There have been bad times before and there will be bad times again.

An observer
An observer
Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 2:50am

Talk is cheap. What I don’t understand is how anyone can logically find justification in sitting out this voting cycle. When conservative voters fail to vote, the result is “a mess” in the words of “Penguins Fan.” Whether it’s the Church or our country, the situation is dire indeed. Catholics can’t vote for a Pope of choice, but we can vote to stay the Liberal tide before it is too late for us.

Shame on us if we allow the Liberals to win in November. It’ll be a big win for Pope Francis and his ilk.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 3:09am

How disheartening is the countenancing of evil by Pope Francis and our Bishops! Who is there anymore to guide us to the promised land. We are sheep without shepherds. We wander alone in the wasteland searching for a glimmer of hope. God help us all.

Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 5:33am

@Michael Dowd.

Search them out. They do exist. The true Shepard and you will know them by their fruits.

* Vibrant prayer communities within the parish ie; Legion of Mary, St. Joseph’s Bible Study. Holy League, Junior Legion of Mary, Rosary Society.
* Faith formation programs that cultivate interest into entering religious life.
* Consistent orthodox teaching and principals proclaimed every day from priest and key parishioners who participate in operations of the parish.

They exist!
Search these parishes out.
Bishop’s worthy of the title are in our midst, however too few in number, based upon this cancer known as abortion. I’ve mentioned Canon 915 in many comboxes, but it’s rarely ever talked about. Catholic politicians must be, Must Be held accountable by the Bishops.
Refuse Communion to these Catholics if they support abortion laws! Instruct and warn them, then impose the Canon. If the Bishops don’t use this instrument they are giving error the upper hand. They are participating in the culture of death.

Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 5:44am

….one more fruit that is extremely good;
* PEA chapel and organization.

Our Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is the catalyst for achieving the desired response in this culture war.


It’s Jesus leading the way.

He is speaking to our young and old parishioners.

He is reaching them. Transforming them and us. Converting and sanctifying us. He is leading the Parish. He is the perfect and without error Good Shepard.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 6:58am

Thanks Phillip. Yes, we have to work at keeping the faith. But mostly it is a do it yourself project. You are right in what you say, plus, for me there is a FSSP parish 20 miles away in Sarasota.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 7:18am

Maggie Sullivan wrote, “… Because people might think I am meddling in their personal lives.”

One recalls Lord Melbourne, Queen Victoria’s first Prime Minister, who remarked, “Things are coming to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade private life.”

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 7:38am

MPS: “Things are coming to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade private life.”

Hilarious. Perfect line for our times.

Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 9:03am

Right on, Philip.

As a convert, I came to the Church to be truthful, naive. I have a Protestant degree in Theology/Philosophy, active in Protestant ministries, and then through a lifetime of study of Scripture and an intensive and fantastic RCIA program, came to the Church. I led my entire adult family to the Catholic faith…only to be faced with the Church as She is at this point in history, beaten, bruised, mugged and dumped in the ditch… It’s not that so many of her prelates see her bleeding and just walk by, it’s that so many of them are the ones that brutalized her in the first place through their effeminacy and lack of care and pathetic weakness.

Yet the Truth can still be found!!

Just as Philip says.

It is our job to get into the ditch with Holy mother Church and lift her up and out, nurse her wounds and make her strong again.

As a convert, I had less than zero interest in the TLM, but it is now at a wonderful TLM {FSSP} parish I and my wife worship. And what a blessing it is. It is a drive, 1 1/2 hours, but worth it. And we are little by little helping out in a local novus ordo parish too, where the Priest is totally orthodox but the Deacons and renegades, leading many astray.

We need to learn to fight for stuff again. Our entire culture has become a culture of surrender, straining its ears for the first rumblings of a cannon so it can hoist the White Flag. And that is the same as in the Church. Do NOT be disheartened. FIGHT. Write your Bishop. Support him when he is strong and chastise in love and TRUTH when he isn’t. PRAY, not just some Protestant mind rambling, but PRAY the organized, focused prayers of the Church, the Rosary, the Litanies, the prayers that have welded hundreds of years of Catholics to Jesus and His Church militant.

And don’t give in to heresy or the appearance of heresy.

No matter who leads you astray. No matter WHO.

Kimberley O
Kimberley O
Saturday, August 6, AD 2016 8:10pm

I think the most offensive thing I can recall when Tim was Mayor of Richmond , was his picture on the side of a bus ” every life is precious.” Richmond SPCA.

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Sunday, August 7, AD 2016 5:04am

RodH is correct.
It’s a challenge to be a faithful Catholic. Trust in the time tested and honored teachings of the Church, not blather.

Since I started going to the TLM a while back (which does NOT make me better than anyone else here, I’ll bet all of you are better Catholics than me), I have noticed that those things that tempt me to err have often grown stronger rather than fade. My temper and my mouth seem to get a little nastier at times. Maybe because of eight years of the Kenyan village idiot in the White House or Muslim terrorists or my own weakenesses being amplified, but one has to slog on. It is not easy.

Sunday, August 7, AD 2016 7:48am

@ Penguins Fan.

I can relate to your struggles.
I too am the least worthy among fellow Catholics. I too get upset and angry at the absurdities commonly accepted and promoted as “lifestyle choices,” or “womans right to choose….KILL.”

What we have are opportunities to practice cultivating peace within our being at the onset of these robberies. The thief wants to steal our peace. He hates that we have it! He wants nothing more than to rob us of a gift that is given to us from God.

If we are without peace we are agents of chaos. We are not able to fulfill our mission.
We are incapable of it, because peace is the attractive commodity that souls thirst for.

Faith, in today’s reading, is so beautifully described; “Faith is the realization of what is hope for and evidence of things not seen.”

We have this vision that many don’t have.
An end that is fantastically orchestrated for those who love God. In this faith we strive to serve neighbor and by doing so, serve God.
We desire that none are lost or cast out from the designs the Almighty has in place.

Abraham shows us this Faith and patience in adversity.

The obstacles in our journey are their for honing our faith. For burning off the imperfections in us, that by our time to return to Our Father we are near pure… refined if you will.

Let the moment of frustration become the moment of Grace. That is the evidence of “things not seen.”
The thief will not win!

Sunday, August 7, AD 2016 9:06am

Shame on us if we allow the Liberals to win in November.

The two who are almost assured to be the only ones with a chance in November are both liberals, and picked by liberals. Trump even bragged about having pulled in a bunch of liberals to vote for him.

There’s always hope, but the problem with “this, too, shall pass” is that it might pass like a kidney stone….

Sunday, August 7, AD 2016 9:15am

Since I started going to the TLM a while back (which does NOT make me better than anyone else here, I’ll bet all of you are better Catholics than me), I have noticed that those things that tempt me to err have often grown stronger rather than fade. My temper and my mouth seem to get a little nastier at times. Maybe because of eight years of the Kenyan village idiot in the White House or Muslim terrorists or my own weakenesses being amplified, but one has to slog on. It is not easy.

Not sure if it will work for you, but I have had a little luck thinking out the stuff that makes me angry– hammer that anger, that you know is coming, into a tool. Do a Churchill, and think out what you want to say when you know they won’t form when the rubber hits the road. Try actually saying them out-loud, if you have to.
A “woman’s choice”? “Abortion stops a beating heart.” Yes, it’s a tagline– but it’s powerful and true. (at about 6 weeks into the pregnancy; 18 days post-conception)
Make sure you’ve got other stuff to follow it up with, not just the tagline. (after that point it usually goes a few different ways besides avoiding the issue– the baby isn’t really a person, so counter with ‘so some humans are non-persons?’; the baby might have a bad life– so we should kill all poor people?; guns– the baby is innocent, someone trying to kill me is not.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Sunday, August 7, AD 2016 9:37am

I agree with Foxfier. Trump and Clinton are both liberals. But whereas Clinton is an evil murderous liberal, Trump is a stupid donkey’s hind end of a liberal.

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