Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 8:57am

Heard About the Attempt to Assassinate Trump?

If a similar attempt had been made to assassinate Hillary Clinton, you would be hearing about little else:


Did the left-wing “climate of hate,” which has been plaguing Donald Trump and his supporters for many months, incite an autistic British man to take extreme measures to “stop” him?  If Sarah Palin and the tea party could be blamed for the assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords in 2011, then it’s fair to question if Donald Trump’s critics can be blamed for the attempt on his life.

A few days ago, 20-year-old Michael Steven Sandford attempted to kill the Republican presumptive nominee at a rally at the Treasure Island Casino. Sandford tried to take a gun from a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer in order to assassinate Trump but failed in his attempt, according to court documents filed in U.S. District Court in Nevada.

The British national, who was living in the United States illegally on an expired visa, now faces up to ten years in prison after apparently making a confession to a Secret Service agent. Media coverage of what should be a major story has been somewhat less than wall-to-wall. Would the media be this curiously disinterested if the assassination attempt had been on Hillary Clinton?

Go here to read the rest.  The media is correct that we live in a climate of hate, they merely are wrong about which side of the political divide is fostering most of the hate.

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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 7:25am

It is ever fascinating that contrary to popular myth in the mainstream news media, it is the liberal progressive left which has the ever present penchant for gun violence and NOT the gun-weilding, Bible-toting, Rosary-praying, ultra-conservative Christian NRA member.

bill bannon
bill bannon
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 7:52am

I don’t remember a more wasteful waste of ten years. Trump has been destroying his campaign since mid May…so to try and grab a cop’s gun and shoot him is to ignore that Trump has been shooting himself for four weeks. The man should be put in an asylum…not in prison with brutal thugs…Sandford I mean….Trump, maybe.

Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 10:50am

Pretty obvious he’s been solidly soaked in the “everybody knows” liberal junk, too– how many times have you heard people talk about how open carry means that it would be easy to take someone’s gun?
It’s a rather by-the-book what they know ain’t so example.
Glad nobody was hurt.

Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 11:09am

There will be only 2 VIABLE candidates in the election:
1) Trump or 2) Clinton.

One of these will be the next US President and will greatly influence the following:
– US Supreme Court nominees
– 2nd Amendment rights
– Jobs/employment
– Trade policy
– Open Borders or borders
– National Security
– Immigration and Refugee laws and executive orders
– Iran deal
– Obamacare
– Globalism first or Nationalism first
– $19.2 Trillion dollar national debt.

This will affect all of us, our families, and our Country.
None of the 3rd Party candidates will influence any of the above.

Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 11:23am

Let us not forget that in 2015 Hillary Clinton wants to force Christians to change religious beliefs to support ABORTION.
Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement and $20 million from Planned Parenthood Action Fund

bill bannon
bill bannon
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 4:08pm

You’re correct that Trump is the better choice just on the level of the Supreme Court list which he will stick to because he needs Republican cooperation on an ongoing basis in Congress. But I doubt that he will deliver on much else. I think he’ll be beaten though because he wants others to pay for a general election campaign as he got others to fund his casinos. The Times today said thus far he has paid his own family and his own companies 1.3 million dollars out of campaign money for their services. That revelation will further stop donors. And Paul Ryan seems to be running for president for 2020 in contrapunctal commentary on Trump as in the muslim temporary ban issue… you have two republicans running for different years…never a good thing…never a feeling of solidarity. It’s not impossible that Trump will just quit at some point in revenge on Ryan with parting advice for all base republicans who voted for him in the primary. Ryan is helping destroy Trump but Trump is admittedly a vengeful counter puncher….throw the left and get hit with a right as you bring the left back and down. Wait for itttttt…

Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 7:28pm

I saw the headlines while browsing the “Washington Post” this past week. Indeed, it didn’t last long!

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 9:44pm

Some idiot filmmaker made a move about assassinating President Bush. I am not surprised.

Wednesday, June 22, AD 2016 10:04pm

Unruly Democrats sitting in and protesting in the House are trying to keep the media busy covering them and ignoring the strong statements Donald Trump made today about HRC.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 2:46am

Assassinations are unnecessary for Mr Trump. He seems to be arranging his own political suicide by what he does and says. I say this with sadness as I do not want Hillary to win.

Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 5:37am

Bill Bannon, all candidates have had others pay for their campaigns.
This includes multi-millionaire Hillary Clinton who has donated nothing to her own election – primary or general.
Trump paid for most of his primary election over $46 million of his own.
Why do you expect him to pay for the general election as well since he never promised to do so? What requirement are you pointing to ?
If Bernie can get millions from small donors so can Trump. We can all do our parts for our Country even if we can’t afford much.

Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 5:47am

bill bannon, I disagree with you. Trump will deliver on almost all of the things that I posted on.
For those who want more information –
Paul Ryan is a RINO and I urge everyone to email their House Rep and ask that he be removed from Speaker position. He should keep his mouth shut. By providing the liberal media with his sound bites, Ryan is clearly supporting Hillary – and he knows it.
Federal law allows for any President – without Congressional approval to ban from entering the USA any class of people, organization, or group that is detrimental to our security. This includes Muslims who believe in Sharia Law.

Elaine Krewer
Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 7:06am

I hope this is not an inappropriate or offensive topic to raise on this blog, but I believe it does have relevance. The young man in question is described as autistic. One of the hallmarks of autism spectrum disorders is the tendency to take what people say literally, and assume they mean it 100%. It is not easy for them to discern when people are joking, being sarcastic, or exaggerating for effect. It takes a lot of practice and life experience for them to learn this. (I still struggle with it to this day.) So this young man, if he was constantly being exposed to in person or online commenters saying that Trump was just as evil as Hitler, etc. , was more likely than the average person to take that kind of “hate speech” seriously. Of course, most ASD persons will not take it that far, particularly if they have a strong sense of right and wrong and proper moral guidance, and don’t also have other disorders such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. on top of it. Again, I do not intend this to cast any aspersions on others who have ASD, it is simply an observation that may have a bearing on this particular case.

Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 8:33am

Elaine –
that sounds very plausible, especially with the way questioning of talking points gets a nuclear response this year.
“He’s worse than Hitler.”
“Do you really mean that?”

Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 8:34am

that you link to Trump’s position page as proof that he’ll do anything tells us all we need to know about your objectivity.

c matt
c matt
Thursday, June 23, AD 2016 2:19pm

Trump may not do a single thing on his list. But at least it’s on his list. Take the exact opposite of everything on it and you have Hillary’s, of which I fear she will accomplish many.

Friday, June 24, AD 2016 7:36am

Elaine Krewer,

Indeed. And consequently such folk are also easily manipulated by the unscrupulous… 🙂

Friday, June 24, AD 2016 8:09am

Foxfier, Trump’s positions have not only been on his web site for months, but he also speaks about them at most of his rallies.
All of his rallies are live streamed, and can also be viewed later on RightSide Broadcasting Network – rsbn.

In most cases Hillary’s stated positions are just the opposite of Trump’s on the following:
– US Supreme Court nominees
– 2nd Amendment rights
– Jobs/employment
– Trade policy
– Open Borders or borders
– National Security
– Immigration and Refugee laws and executive orders
– Iran deal
– Obamacare
– Globalism first or Nationalism first
– $19.2 Trillion dollar national debt.

Friday, June 24, AD 2016 5:01pm

That’s the nice thing about Trump. Anything you want him to say, he’ll have said it– somewhere.

Saturday, June 25, AD 2016 7:05am

You have to start proving your statements – if you expect anyone to believe you.
Personal opinions without documentation have no value.
Exact quotes and links are appropriate.

Saturday, June 25, AD 2016 11:15am

You have to start proving your statements – if you expect anyone to believe you.

You seem to be under the impression that it is I who am trying to change anyone’s mind.

You’re the one pushing a well-known Democrat blowhard who publicly and notoriously abuses the legal system for profit and emotional support; if by some miracle you have not been exposed to Trump’s habit of saying both black and white, a moment to search for “trump contradicts” in any search engine would provide an embarrassment of riches.

You have offered assertions as evidence; I have responded with the same level of evidence.
If you’d like to give some sort of evidence for why anyone in their right mind should trust Trump to do anything but “what is good for Trump,” you’re going to have a rather difficult row to hoe. This is the guy who made a big deal about fund-raising for disabled veterans, failed to deliver the money for months, and then complained at people not accepting his word that he had put *other people’s money* where he made a big deal about doing so– while failing to demonstrate even basic transparency.

Saturday, June 25, AD 2016 12:18pm

You have offered nothing but your own opinions again.
Trump raised almost $6 million for Vets, including $ 1 million of his own.
You need to check things out before you post.
You are proving yourself to be a liar. – A shill for Hillary Clinton.
We know that she is paying trolls – are you paid or unpaid?

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