Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 6:13am

Terri Schiavo Was Unavailable For Comment

Jesus Wept:

People with severe brain injuries sometimes emerge from a coma awake but unresponsive, leaving families with painful questions. Are they aware? Can they think and feel? Do they have any chance of recovery?

A new study has found that PET scans may help answer these wrenching questions. It found that a significant number of people labeled vegetative had received an incorrect diagnosis and actually had some degree of consciousness and the potential to improve. Previous studies using electroencephalogram machines and M.R.I. scanners have also found signs of consciousness in supposedly vegetative patients.

“I think these patients are kind of neglected by both medicine and society,” said Dr. Steven Laureys, an author of the new study and the director of the Coma Science Group at the University of Liège in Belgium. “Many of them don’t even see a medical doctor or a specialist for years. So I think it’s very important to ask the question, are they unconscious?”

In the United States, 100,000 to 300,000 people are thought to be minimally conscious, and an additional 25,000 are vegetative. In Belgium, the combined incidence of the two conditions is about 150 new cases per year, Dr. Laureys said.

An article about the new research was published on Tuesday in The Lancet.

Dr. Laureys and his colleagues studied 122 patients with brain injuries, including 41 who had been declared vegetative — awake but with no behavioral signs of awareness. People who are vegetative for a year are thought to have little or no chance of recovering, and the condition can become grounds for withdrawing medical treatment. Terri Schiavo, in a vegetative state for 15 years, died in 2005 in Florida after courts allowed the removal of her feeding tube.

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Mary De Voe
Wednesday, April 16, AD 2014 10:56pm

The court was told by Michael Schiavo that Terry had said that she would not want to live. Terry could not change her mind, if, in fact, she had said something to that effect? Terry had a strong will to live. It took 18 days for Michael Schiavo, the court and the police to starve Terry to death.
“Where did we go wrong?” “When you put the first innocent person to death.” from the Trial at Nuremberg

Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 1:22am

So sad.

It’s clear her husband didnt want the “burden” of caring for her on that state.

The PET scan is such a simple procedure, as they inject the radiation and wait around 45mins for it to travel in your body. I’ve had 3. And if that could have put to bed the argument that she wasn’t conscious enough to be alive, then its heartbreaking.

God see’s all. His Just Love cannot be fooled, and the parties that had her starved to death will answer to Him. God have mercy on their souls.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 7:04am

The Code of 1804 (Code Napoléon) provided a very simple definition: a person is dead, when a severed vein no longer bleeds.

Of course, when hospitals became chop-shops for transplant surgery, this definition was found inconvenient. One might have thought that clarity and certainty in such matters were very convenient indeed, but the article was amended notwithstancing

Mary De Voe
Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 7:16am

Thank you Donald McClarey. Will save the correct version.
Terry Schindler Shiavo’s parents fought for custody of her in court. Was Terry allowed Holy Communion? Terry was treated as a non-person. The state does not give personhood. God does.
Michael wanted Terry dead. Michael Schiavo could have divorced Terry after the court gave custody to the Schindlers, who heartbrokenly had to watch their daughter starved to death. The court gave custody of Terry to the man who wanted her death.

Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 7:54am

Sorry typo, I meant “in” that state (condition), not “on” that state.

Thank you for the transcript Donald.

Im speechless. I had heard of Terri’s case, but being outside of the US, didnt know the full details of her story.

Why didnt the nurse go to the police with evidence that her husband wanted Terri dead? That he was abusing her? That he was intimidating staff? That he tried to spike her sugar levels? That he was altering her records?

You wish smart phones were around at the time, as it would have been very easy to capture footage or audio of this mans filth.

I have a query: would you say that regardless of the volumes of evidence presented in court against Michael Schiavo, andin favour of Terri’s consciousness, the state of Florida would have ruled in favour of Michael Schiavo, regardless? If so, why?

Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 8:00am

Ms. Sauer’s testimony is disturbing.

This is the first time I’ve read it. Thank you Mr. McClarey.

As Terri suffered her starvation her advocate Pope JP II united his sufferings to that of our Lords on Good Friday 2000 plus years ago. Redemptive suffering for the intentions of what?
Holy souls in purgatory?
End of abortion on demand?
For Terri Schiavo possibly?

March 31st Terri died. Two days later our beloved Pope of whom championed the right to Life died.

The struggle for life and these two souls will always be united in my heart. Even though the right to life was denied Terri, the fight is far from over. Right to Life from natural conception to natural death.

Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 8:42am

Well the police didnt even investigate the nurses claims. Or they did, and were silenced themselves.

I wish there was a way to prosecute MIchael Schiavo, in light of the nurses testimony, post-Terris death….this man seems unfit to be living amongst free society.

Thursday, April 17, AD 2014 8:45am

And if the judge ruled them irrelevant, what on earth is “relevant” evidence, when it comes to the insincerity of her husband.

Sylvia Hebel
Sylvia Hebel
Saturday, April 19, AD 2014 11:16am

In the first weeks of our married life, we roomed with a couple who rented a room to an older person who had gotten hit by a streetcar and was in a coma for36 YEARS! He attended the old state school in Dixon, Ill. and worked at the old Marshal Field in shipping. He would travel all over the country on his vacations, by himself. I do not know if he had any living relatives, but he was happy, had a job to support himself, and a place to live, thanks to our landlady. I also have worked with many physically burdened people over my 40 years as a CNA and had to time and again educate the other workers to slow down, let a person eat, talk to them, in short, treat them as you would like to be treated. It is enormously cruel these days to see the lack of compassion in many nursing homes.

Sunday, April 20, AD 2014 11:23am

Thank you for providing the nurse’s statement. My mother went to the ER on a Mon a.m. with a UTI. She was in her early mid 90s. I won’t go into all the details but by Wed eve she couldn’t communicate. I had to tell the nurse mom’s breathing was raspy as in pneumonia because she said she couldn’t hear it. By Thurs a.m. she was in the ICU. My MD brother kept in contact by phone but couldn’t be there because of the hurricane. On her 11th day in ICU which was the day after the storm passed through, my mother passed to her eternal reward. Unlike Terry Schiavo, her priest was there with me and he gave her the Precious Blood and blessed her with the papal indulgence. Father saw a tear after the blessing and I, concerned that she might be in pain, rang for the nurse. In retrospect I think it was a tear of joy. Mother died an hour later with a kindly nurse reading the 23rd Psalm and I holding mom’s hand and reciting the “Hail Mary… and at the hour of her death.”
Here’s the point of my comment: There are many in the medical field that practice, either elderly or passively, what we describe as elderly euthanasia, . My mother had an advanced medical directive which was in agreement with the teachings of our faith and my brother, an ER doc, and I shared responsibility for her medical treatment. She did not have a DNR. My brother had always advised against it as every case is different. He told us that he had seen instances of patients, not his, in the ER who had DNRs and thus were not given treatment when an antibiotic could have saved an elderly pneumonia victim or meds could have saved a heart patient. In my state a DNR form is bright yellow. Unfortunately the acceptance or refusal in my mother’s case was on the back page.
In assisted living and hospitals even for any routine test as an outpatient, there is a push to have a Do Not Resuscitate. In the ICU it was the night duty dr., a non Christian, who called and talked about mother’s DNR on 3 occasions. I would set the dr.r straight on NO DNR and refer her to my brother. Even some of the nurses in the ICU had not read mom’s chart thoroughly and only grudgingly let me see it. There was much pressure not to have her intibated, but we did and mother breathed on her own after the treatments and continued to do so up to her death. As my brother said, we gave mother a fighting chance.
When the chief of service returned from leave I complained but by then it was too late.

Sunday, April 20, AD 2014 8:07pm

A typo re elderly euthanasia, I mean to say practicing it either actively or passively, not elderly or passively.
Happy and Blessed Easter to all.

Sunday, April 20, AD 2014 11:02pm

[…] Liberty – Ryan Eggenberger The End of the Anonymous Church – Nathan Tran, Ignitum Today Terri Schiavo Was Unavailable For Comment – Don. R. McClarey JD, TACth John Hagee & Anti-Catholicism – Shane Schaetzel, […]

Mary De Voe
Monday, April 21, AD 2014 8:59am

Thank you, Cam. Greatly appreciate this sharing. R.I.P. Cam’s mother.

Amy Parr
Amy Parr
Tuesday, April 22, AD 2014 1:57pm

To add to the horror and shame of her murder:

And, while this all happened, Catholic Jeb Bush was silent, hiding under his desk.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, April 23, AD 2014 8:39am

Michael Schiavo and his mistress can fool the priest, but Michael Schiavo and his mistress cannot fool God. Maybe they deserve each other, worrying about who is going to kill off whom.

Wednesday, April 23, AD 2014 10:18am

“Michael Schiavo and his mistress can fool the priest, but Michael Schiavo and his mistress cannot fool God. Maybe they deserve each other, worrying about who is going to kill off whom.”

Spot on Mary!

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