Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 4:35pm

The Left’s Astroturf War Against the Catholic Church

Christopher Johnson, a non-Catholic who has taken up the cudgels so frequently for the Church that I have designated him Defender of the Faith, has a barnburner of a column over at his blog Midwest Conservative Journal:


Gay conservative Kevin DuJan lets the cat out of the bag:

John Nolte at just published a hard-hitting piece that’s worth your very valuable time…exposing Barack Obama’s commitment to the institutional Left’s Alinskyite objective of “dismantling, undermining, and toxifying the Catholic Church”; this article’s one of those that I’ll probably quote from for years to come, because I’ve never seen this articulated so succinctly before.  Dismantle. Undermine. Toxify.  That is precisely what Leftists have been attempting in their decades-long war against the Catholic Church. Kudos to Nolte for precisely encapsulating so much evil into three small words…which I hope you’ll join me in making everyday vocabulary from this point forward.

What John Nolte probably doesn’t know firsthand, though, is that the Left’s weapon of choice against Catholics is normally gays…who serve as a Gaystapo goon squad that is revved up into frenzies of hatred against Christians in general (but Catholics quite specifically).  If you observe the institutional Left’s strategic moves long enough, you’ll see it’s almost always gays who are bused in to block the entrances to cathedrals or churches and scream expletives at parishioners heading into mass; this is, of course, the toxification aspect of the Leftists’ agenda…since they are attempting to make going to Catholic mass so unpleasant an experience for believers that they’ll potentially start staying home, just to avoid being screamed at by obnoxious gays out on the street (most of whom, in the video above at least, are actually members of the Chicago Teachers’ Union…more on that later).

The Left uses the Gaystapo against the Church (with gays screaming “Bigots!”) in much the same way that Democrats trot blacks (led, of course, by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Henry Gates) in front of cameras to accuse conservative businesses, Republican politicians, or any of the Democrats’ other perceived “enemies” of being “Ray Ciss”. This is stage crafting coordinated by the DNC, with gays and blacks serving as useful idiots and foot solders for the institutional Left.

It’s a long article and there’s lots of video at the link.

Is this what Catholics have to look forward to?  Sure, if this country’s gays are titanically stupid.  For my part, nothing would get me into the Catholic parish directly across the street from where I live faster than hearing that I would be greeted by wild-eyed hordes of marauding gays as I walked in the door.

Of course, the Archdiocese here would probably discourage me from coming quite strongly, what with the fact that as I walked in, I would point and laugh at the assembled homosexuals, perhaps drop an F-bomb or two, physically react to any physical assaults on my person and break out an Anglican apology (I’m sorry if you were offended…) later if anyone called me on it.

You get the idea.

John Nolte, in the post DuJan linked to above, overstates the case a bit.  Would the left really like to “demystify, undermine and toxify” the Roman Catholic Church?  Undoubtedly.

Why?  Because at the present time, the Roman Catholic Church is the single largest and most influential worldwide organization standing in the way of the leftist agenda.  I certainly don’t mean to suggest that strong opposition to the left does not also exist in Protestantism or Orthodoxy; it most certainly does.  But Protestantism is too fragmented and Orthodoxy still too exotic and foreign to put up the kind of fight that only the Catholics can currently wage.

I’m not making a judgment, I’m simply stating a fact.  Think of it like this; once you take Helm’s Deep, all you have left to do is to quietly wait for the rest of Middle Earth to fall into your hands.

That said, I don’t believe that the left has to make any special effort to “demystify, undermine and toxify” the Roman Catholic Church and certainly not by sending out wild-eyed hordes of marauding gays since wild-eyed hordes of marauding gays will attract far more people into Roman Catholic parishes than they will ever drive away.

All the left needs to do is to allow liberal Christianity to accomplish its goals for it.

Now and then, I have a serious purpose in writing twaddle like this.  In the case of that particular twaddle, I believe that that is precisely what the Christian left would do if it had the ability to time-travel.

Liars like Susan Russell, Joan Chittister, Jim Naughton, Katharine Jefferts Schori, Gene Robinson, Matt Fox, Doug Kmiec, TEO’s entire House of Squishops and the rest of the Christian left knows what the Book says about The Issue.  Unfortunately, they can’t travel back through time, destroy or alter the relevant manuscripts and instantly solve their problem.

So what do they do?  Since those words can’t be removed from the Bible, do the next best thing.  Delegitimize them.

How do you do that?  Simple.

Try this one on.  Some leftist bastion or other, San Francisco or New York City, say, passes a law declaring that any speech which denigrates a particular group of people is harmful to that group and will no longer be allowed.  The city also declares that no religious organizations will be excepted from this law’s provisions.

After this law is passed, the Catholic Church takes the city to court claiming that this statute is an obvious violation of the First Amendment.  How does the city respond?

As part of its case, the city hauls in a steady stream of “Christian” leaders, the local Episcopal squishop foremost among them, to testify before the court that the Catholic Church’s interpretation of the Scripture verses in question is not only incorrect but detrimental to the propogation of the Gospel.

Salvation, they inform the court, comes from Christ and from Christ alone and the Church has taught this throughout its history.  No one, they say, is saved or has ever been saved by believing that homosexual sex is a sin.

Would the Supreme Court take such a case?  The current one probably wouldn’t but future courts might.  The “Christian” testimony in favor of this law certainly gives the Justices an out on the “free exercise” clause.

And it’s not unlikely that one of the city’s more astute lawyers will observe that the First Amendment is not absolute even in matters of religion.  After all, declaring yourself a follower of Molech or an adherent of the pre-Conquest Aztec religion does not give you the legal right to kill innocent people even if your alleged “religion” demands that you be allowed to cut someone’s heart out from time to time.

So our theoretical Supreme Court decides that forbidding the teaching of certain doctrines not only does not materially impede the free exercise of the Christian religion but provides a definite public good.  Thanks to the Court’s decision, traditionalist Christian teachings will not only carry legal opprobrium but “Christian” opprobrium as well.

Go here to read the brilliant rest.  Mr Dujan’s column is must reading for any Catholic who wishes to understand the mechanism by which their Faith is on its way to pariah status if the Left in this country gets its way.

I very much enjoy being “one of them”, as Equality Illinois Woman referred to  me…because I sure as Hades never want to be mistaken for one of the nuts who’d  heed the Ayatoldja Johnston’s call for jihad and scream and yell at a church on  a Sunday.  I’d rather this woman forever call me “one of them”…since “one  of us” in her case would mean a wasted and pathetic life wallowing in the  institutional Left’s special blend of hypocrisy and hatred.

On an intensely personal note, the more I consider it the more I truly do  believe the Holy Spirit drew me down Belmont (a street I rarely walk down) last  Sunday (a day I rarely am out and about walking in the neighborhood) for the  specific purpose of catching the Gaystapo on tape engaging in this coordinated  attack against Catholics; for Nolte at Breitbart to publish his article on the War on Catholics today (while I was working on getting the  video footage up on YouTube and this essay written) sends a shiver up my spine  because it, too, feels like the Holy Spirit at work compelling my service to the  faithful on the ground here in Boystown. There’s a great line in Indiana  Jones and the Last Crusade where Sean Connery, playing a devote Catholic, “suddenly remembers (his) Charlemagne” and says, “Let my armies be the rocks and  the trees and the birds in the sky”…before employing an umbrella to send  seagulls into the air to cripple a Nazi warplane. The Holy Spirit apparently has  a long history of commandeering both the ordinary and the oddball for service as  needed, no matter how unexpected it would be.

I’m delighted and honored to similarly answer the Spirit’s call whenever and  wherever it comes…in service to my Lord, my country, and the American people I  adore.  I hope as friends you always join me in this and together we  endeavor to expose all the bad things the supposed “gay community” does to aide  and abet the institutional Left.

Too many Catholics fail to understand that we are in a war in this country for the preservation of our religion.  Our enemies understand all too well.



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Sunday, June 23, AD 2013 7:01am

[…] The American Catholic: The Left’s War Against the Catholic Church […]

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Sunday, June 23, AD 2013 3:03pm

“Useful idiots” is what Lenin called his mob of revolutionaries. The gays’ final goal is to make the human being property of the state, deny the human, rational, immortal soul and our Creator endowed unalienable rights.The “Our Father” is going to be labeled hate speech and prohibited in spite of: “or prohibit the free exercise thereof.” If every gay was a dictator, he would need slaves or persons to whom to dictate. The sovereign state would no longer exist as the sovereign personhood of the individual human being constitutes government, but without the acknowledgment of the Supreme Sovereign Being, and the sovereignty of the human person, there can be no state. So, the gays think that they will rule…but the devil has other plans for the gays. The man practicing homosexual behavior takes as his bride the asinine sphincter of another man. Equality of sodomy? with what? Fornication is the chief form of devil worship. Even the devil does not want sodomy. Oh brimestone and fire where is your tenderness?

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Sunday, June 23, AD 2013 3:09pm

Sir Sean Connery is indeed a devout Catholic. See “Darby O’Gill and the Little People”, a Disney movie circa 1959 about leprechauns, especially the added bonus features which are more fun than the movie.

Sunday, June 23, AD 2013 10:47pm

“This is stage crafting coordinated by the DNC, with gays and blacks serving as useful idiots and foot solders for the institutional Left.”

I agree that certain tactics are obnoxious (of course for anyone who believes wholeheartedly in their cause, whatever the issue, there’s no such thing as too obnoxious.) However “useful idiots” implies that these protesters are dupes of something they’re not fully onboard with. Which I kinda doubt is the case.

Ms. De Voe you complain about speech-policing and then launch into an over-the-top tirade about “gay rule” and hellfire rhetoric…no one is trying to legally prohibit you from saying those things but are you really surprised that certain people take issue with this sentiment

Monday, June 24, AD 2013 1:24am

so apparently God created adam and steve…well that is what the stupid gay community thinks anyway….they are just sick perverted morons…

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Monday, June 24, AD 2013 11:07am

“The Holy Spirit apparently has a long history of commandeering both the ordinary and the oddball for service as needed, no matter how unexpected it would be.”

Best news I’ve had in years. Bring it.

Monday, June 24, AD 2013 11:14am

[…] John M. Grondelski The Pagans are Happy to Socialize Your Children – Devin Rose, Ignitum Tdy The Secularist’s Astroturf War Against the Church – Donald R. McClarey JD 3 Reasons Porn Suc#$ – Marc Barnes, Bad Catholic Jimmy Carter […]

Monday, June 24, AD 2013 11:29am

at the present time, the Roman Catholic Church is the single largest and most influential worldwide organization standing in the way of the leftist agenda.

Really? Our nation’s leading proponent of amnesty for the illegals? The world’s most vocal opponent of capital punishment? A church that never met a social spendng program it didn’t like (in the words of one leading conservative)? The Church that funds hundreds of left wing community organizing initiatives? The Church that has long been in the hip pocket of labor unions?

Monday, June 24, AD 2013 6:09pm

I agree. Note, though, that the USCCB is composed only of U.S. Bishops, so whatever wise or unwise pronouncements they make concern only the Catholic Church in the U.S.

Cardinal Ratzinger, before he became Pope Benedict XVI, had some interesting things to say about the danger of Bishops Conferences and their ability to stifle the voices of good bishops in “The Ratzinger Report,” a book-length interview by Vittorio Messori, in 1987. Ratzinger, then prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF), said:

“We must not forget that the episcopal conferences have no theological basis, they do not belong to
the structure of the Church, as willed by Christ, that cannot be eliminated; they have only a practical, concrete function.

“No episcopal conference, as such, has a teaching mission; its documents have no weight of their
own save that of the consent given to them by the individual bishops.”

Elsewhere, he explained the difference between the College of Bishops, which In union with the Pope to magisterium because collegiality transcends geographical and historical boundaries. In other words, things The Twelve taught at the very beginning hold true for the Church to this day and in the future , all over the world.

That said, Pope Benedict also had something to say about about the “common good.”
” The more we strive to secure a common good corresponding to the real needs of our neighbours, the more effectively we love them. Every Christian is called to practise this charity, in a manner corresponding to his vocation and according to the degree of influence he wields in the pólis. This is the institutional path — we might also call it the political path — of charity, no less excellent and effective than the kind of charity which encounters the neighbour directly, outside the institutional mediation of the pólis.”

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 9:45am

Marietta —

But are the bishops anywhere else in the world any different? In most of western Europe, save the Protestant UK and Nordic countries, the expansive social welfare schemes they now have were not enacted by the Socialists but by Catholic politcians with the firm support of the bishops and with priests generally designing the programs of the welfare state. I am referring to Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Malta.

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 10:36am

BTW, check out liberal Catholic Senator Tom Harkin’s hearing at 2:30 ET today on raising the federal minimum wage. His star witness will be the bishop chairing the USCCB’s domestic policy conference.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 11:21am

“Most of the major ills of the world have been caused by well-meaning people who ignored the principle of individual freedom, except as applied to themselves, and who were obsessed with fanatical zeal to improve the lot of mankind-in-the-mass through some pet formula of their own. The harm done by ordinary criminals, murderers, gangsters, and thieves is negligible in comparison with the agony inflicted upon human beings by the professional do-gooders, who attempt to set themselves up as gods on earth and who would ruthlessly force their views on all others with the abiding assurance that the end justifies the means.” From The Mainspring of Human Progress by Henry Grady Weaver

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 11:23am

Ergo, . . .

In 1950, 80% of men were employed, today 65%.
In 1979, the real, entry-level hourly wage for a HS grad was $15.64, today $11.68.
In 1960, 72% of adults were married, today 51%.
In 1950, 78% of households contained a married couple, today 48%.
One-in-three children live in a home with no father.

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 11:29am

Yep, Don, that would be him. Guess how much gushing the bishop will be doing towards the Senator this afternoon. I predict a lovefest.

Amnesty, minimum wage, spend more for food stamps. That our bishops for you.

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 12:05pm

“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

-C.S. Lewis

The classics never die.

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 12:19pm

Amnesty is not getting out of the House and neither will an increase in the minimum wage.

Can’t have everything. Already got Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, repeal of DADT, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, some good pro-union NLRB rulings, the Auto/UAW bailout, higher taxes on the rich, kicked big banks out of the federal student loan program, new regulations on credit cards, significant defense cuts, Hate Crimes Act, and some really great appointments. And that’s not counting the secret stuff to steer work to unionized firms.

All in all, the laity’s church tithes have been used more to help the President than to hurt him. Remember what your friend Deep Throat said, “follow the money”.

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 12:38pm

Doesn’t look like you have the obsolete Voting Rights Act any more.

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 1:15pm

1. Obamacare remains massively unpopular and that is before the onerous provisions kick in which begins next year. Obamacare will do permanent damage to your party Kurt, so perhaps on balance it is a good thing after all.

I’ll take my chances. You can guess about the future. For now, it is the law. Upheld by the Roberts Court. 🙂

. Repeal of Dadt-Why am I not surprised Kurt that you would hail a development that both weakens the military and is a slap in the face to traditional morality? The main impact of this development is that cowards will no longer have an easy way to get out of their enlistments, which was overwhelmingly the cause of most discharges under Dadt which involved self-informing.

That one you don’t even predict will be repealed. Settled and done.

4. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009-The main impact of which is to allow members of my profession to bring lawsuits decades after the alleged pay discrimination. As always with most Democrat legislation the true beneficiaries are the lawyers

Trial lawyers need jobs too. Settled and done.

. Kicked big banks out of the federal student loan program-Yep, by making the taxpayers foot the bill of a loan system that is rapidly going into default.

Settled and done!

It takes a certain type of deranged partisan mindset to view making the student loan system a federal preserve in any way pro-student.

So, Democrat degranged partisans are ruling the day. Settled and done!

7. new regulations on credit cards-Which have had little benefit for consumers:

Awwwh, but it must create some bureaucrat jobs and mess over the banks.

Settled and done!

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 1:27pm

From “The Idiot Vote” by Harry Stein:
“Yet in America today, only one of the dominant political parties–guess which one–is actually dependent on the idiot vote for its very survival.
Ignoramuses are the Democrats’ core constituency. Can’t name your congressman or a single Supreme Court justice? Have vaguely heard of Gettysburg, but can’t quite place the war? Get your idea of news from People and Us or Comedy Central? You’re a single-issue voter and the single issue is more-more-more and who-cares-how-it-gets-paid-for. The Dems not only want you to vote, they’ll hunt you down, fill out the registration form for you and show up on Election Day to drag you to the polls. And if you can’t make it, they’ll send someone else and say you did. And all the while, proudly cast themselves as defenders of democracy, because the right to vote is, you know, like, sacrosanct.”

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 3:38pm

But think how much the Catholic faith is advanced by calling other people idiots.

Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 6:59pm

Can’t resist quoting today’s Gospel here, kurt, as regards ‘advancing’ for the world.
Matthew 7: 6, 12-14
( It’s valuable. We were reminded that God calls us to holiness and must recognize qualities that aren’t. So many ways the Catholic faith is rich beyond imagination in care. )

“Jesus said to His disciples:
Do not give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the Law and the Prophets.

Enter through the narrow gate;
for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction,
and those who enter through it are many.

How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.
And those who find it are few.”

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 7:05pm

“But think how much the Catholic faith is advanced by calling other people idiots.”

About as much as your fit of putrid gloating has done.

t shaw
t shaw
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 8:47pm

Mr. Stein nailed it. Please provide facts to refute his essay.

t shaw
t shaw
Tuesday, June 25, AD 2013 8:56pm

AP will no longer use the phrase ‘illegal immigrant, it will use ‘undocumented democrat.’

Dems push Amnesty in attempt to replace 53,000,000 aborted children. Limbaugh

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