Friday, May 17, AD 2024 2:18am

Was that a fluke with a capital “F”?


In the wake of Sandra Fluke’s testimony before several Democrat members of Congress, Mark Steyn has written what The Motley Monk believes is a superb analysis.  It’s close to being one of those “come from behind, two outs, 1-and-2 count, bottom of the ninth inning, grand-slam homeruns” that wins the ballgame for the home team.


Sandra Fluke
Georgetown University Law Student


Steyn’s article is well worth the read.  He’s articulate, witty, and forcible, demonstrating the product of a truly liberal education: Conversancy with intellectual culture and taking no prisoners when engaging in the battle of the intellect.

Concerning Fluke’s testimony and the ensuing brouhaha, Steyn writes:

…the most basic issue here is not religious morality, individual liberty, or fiscal responsibility. It’s that a society in which middle-aged children of privilege testify before the most powerful figures in the land to demand state-enforced funding for their sex lives at a time when their government owes more money than anyone has ever owed in the history of the planet is quite simply nuts.

As good as Steyn’s analysis and economic judgment is, The Motley Monk disagrees with one point Steyn makes:

Where was I? Oh, yes. The brave middle-aged schoolgirl had the courage to stand up in public and demand that someone else pay for her sex life.

No, sorry.  Ms. Fluke didn’t demand that someone else pay for her sex life…and that’s where Rush erred egregiously.  The Motley Monk believes Ms. Fluke was demanding something much more than simplistic “economic redistributionism.”

Ms. Fluke wants taxpayers to foot the bill so that she won’t have to deal with the consequences of satiating her sexual appetite.

The Motley Monk thinks this a very big “difference with a distinction,” one to the heart of the anti-life agenda that many of those on the political left wholeheartedly embrace as dogma.

As adherents of that agenda would have it, there should be absolutely no consequences for satiating one’s sexual appetite.  And that goes so far as to include murdering an innocent human life that has been conceived but has not yet been brought to term while satiating one’s sexual appetite.

And that, The Motley Monk believes, is the significance of this flukey Congressional “hearing” and its ensuing fallout.

The Democrats who invited and hosted Ms. Fluke—especially U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi—have given a name and a face to an agenda that is not primarily about religious morality, individual liberty, or fiscal responsibility.

Important as those issues may be, the real agenda concerns Nature’s law and personal responsibility.

Left or right.  Liberal or conservative.  It matters not.  Human beings are not free to violate Nature’s laws and, then, to expect that there will be no consequences.  To quote the late-19th century American botanist Luther Burbank:

If you violate Nature’s laws you are your own prosecuting attorney, judge, jury, and       hangman.



To read Mark Steyn’s article, click on the following link:

To read The Motley Monk’s daily blog, click on the following link:

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Paul W. Primavera
Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 2:21pm

The President of the United States has held up a self-identified fornicator as a role model. The news media all glorifies in this. And to speak against this defines one in this post-modern, neo-pagan society as intolerant, indecisive, judgmental, prejudiced and closed-minded.

Paul W. Primavera
Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 2:22pm

PS, forgot to add – good commentary by the Montley Monk.

c matt
c matt
Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 4:16pm

Neo-pagan? That’s an insult to pagans. At least pagans had a rudimentary understanding of natural law. I don’t even know how to begin to describe the debased culture we live in.

Paul Primavera
Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 4:20pm

Thanks for the correction, C. Matt!


Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 5:55pm

C matt-
As I understand it, “Neopagan” just applies to the folks who go at it from a post-Christan POV without much care for what being pagan would actually entail; that said, by chance to you read Mr. Wright’s blog? (John C Wright, the author and entertaining Catholic.)

Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 5:55pm

(and I forgot to subscribe….)

Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 9:30pm

Sandra Fluke wasn’t asking for someone to pay for her to have sex. Stop distorting things. She was asking that the government ensure that health insurance companies insure daily contraceptive pills. And how the hell would you know what her sex life consists of? Perhaps she’s abstinent and you’re judgmental?

Do you realize that there are women (and little girls) who have serious menstrual problems? The only treatment is hormonal, and they only come in “birth control” form. THAT specific example has NOTHING to do with sex. And furthermore, this what EXACTLY the example she gave during her testimony.

Hitting your head with your bible isn’t making you smarter.

Donna V.
Donna V.
Sunday, March 11, AD 2012 10:57pm

Steyn is always excellent.

May I vent?

I went to the 4:30 p.m. Saturday vigil mass this weekend. The priest was a visiting Jesuit priest from my alma mater – not a good sign. The Jesuit began his homily by saying he got the idea for it from a NY Times story. For a split second, I thought he might be talking about the hateful anti-Catholic ad the “Freedom From Religion” folks ran a couple of days ago – an ad so ugly that even agnostic WSJ writer James Taranto felt the need to come to the defense of the Church.

But no, we are talking about a Jesuit – so of course, he did not talk about that nasty ad, but about a story about “evil” bankers who are so awful they foreclose on people who cannot make their mortgage payments. A 10 minute “social justice” lecture ensued.

The letter from the bishops opposing the HHS mandate was included in our mass bulletins, but I did not hear it read from the pulput nor did I hear any priest even reference it. No, my priests (priests in an urban, liberal area) behave like the HHS mandate doesn’t exist and keep talking about how dreadful we are for not wanting our taxes raised.

At the same NY Time website, commenters salivate over the thought of Holder “investigating” the Church right out of American existence during a second Obama term. They don’t know or care about useful idiots like the Jesuits or other “social justice” clergy.

Donald R. McClarey
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 6:31am

“Hitting your head with your bible isn’t making you smarter.”

Reading it certainly makes someone much better informed, something I rather expect you have never done.

“Sandra Fluke wasn’t asking for someone to pay for her to have sex. ”

No, she was merely asking Big Daddy Government to coerce all employers in this country, including the Catholic Church, to provide insurance coverage so she and the others who think like her can strive to have sex without consequences. She did so while lying about the cost of contraceptive coverage. She decided to go to Jesuit run Georgetown in order to have a platform to wage a campaign to coerce Georgetown to provide contraceptive coverage in student insurance. To her, this has always been a battle against the Catholic Church, no surprise since she is a pro-abort activist.

“Do you realize that there are women (and little girls) who have serious menstrual problems?”

Yep, and I know a mendacious smoke screen when I see one. This has nothing to do with providing birth control pills to women for non-contraceptive purposes, and everything to do with compelling the Catholic Church, and everyone else who has moral objections to contraception, to provide insurance coverage that covers contraception. Obama thought he would have a cheap victory here in the Culture War, and such is not going to be the case.

Dante alighieri
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 8:12am

Do you realize that there are women (and little girls) who have serious menstrual problems?

This has become to the birth control debate what “rape and incest” are to the abortion debate.

c matt
c matt
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 8:46am

I read Wright’s blog on occasion, but not nearly as often as I would like to.

c matt
c matt
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 8:50am

Do you realize that there are women (and little girls) who have serious menstrual problems? The only treatment is hormonal, and they only come in “birth control” form.

My understanding is that prescription of the pill for non-contraceptive purposes (i.e., real medical issues) is not prohibited or contested. So what’s your point?

Monday, March 12, AD 2012 10:48am

Do you realize that there are women (and little girls) who have serious menstrual problems? The only treatment is hormonal, and they only come in “birth control” form.

My understanding is that prescription of the pill for non-contraceptive purposes (i.e., real medical issues) is not prohibited or contested. So what’s your point?

If it’s a recognized off-label use it’s treated like any other drug’s recognized off-label use.
(Gotta clarify that it must be a RECOGNIZED use, there are some quacks who have rather odd personal theories.)

At some point, someone decided to lie and claim that those uses were banned, and people have taken it up. Kinda like people claiming the Catholic Church wants to force women to die rather than allow the killing of their child as a secondary effect of saving them. (ectopic pregnancies, etc)

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 12:37pm

Lifewrecker: You sheople need to rant on about contraception and how them mean bishops will not let Miss Fluke have enough sex to be popular with men.

Here’s why you need to talk about condoms.

Post-ABC poll shows 46% approved Obama job performance; 50% disapproved. That’s a flip from his 50% to 46% in early February. The swing is especially severe with independents: 57% disapprove — and racist whites no college degrees: 66% hate him and 28% are so stupid they support him. The genius has problems among racist independents too. They go for Mitt 50 – 42. Santorum beats him 48 to 45.

PS: If she’s not giving sex, no one talks to her.

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 2:09pm


The irony is palpable.

Donna V.
Donna V.
Monday, March 12, AD 2012 9:53pm

Heh, using little green footballs as a source is laughable. Who on earth (besides his much diminished little band of bootlickers) pays any attention to Charles Johnson these days? CJ turned on his old readers (and on associates like Zombie and Roger Simon) because he thought he’d be rewarded for his treachery in the same way David Brock was. Alas, all Johnson did was make himself completely irrelevant – the HuffPo and Daily Kos crowd doesn’t need him and nobody on the right cares about anything he says any more.

Monday, March 19, AD 2012 1:02pm

[…] Was That a Fluke With a Capital “F”? – The Motley Monk, The American Catholic […]

Monday, March 19, AD 2012 3:56pm
Jeanne G.
Tuesday, March 20, AD 2012 8:26am

Lifewrecker, you said “Do you realize that there are women (and little girls) who have serious menstrual problems? The only treatment is hormonal, and they only come in “birth control” form.”

That is patently untrue. This is what the pharmaceutical industry and most mainstream doctors want us to believe, because it is easy and available. I should know since I have serious menstrual problems myself, and have been supplemented hormonally without resorting to the use of “birth control” pills, implants, etc. Oral contraceptives are taken through the entire cycle (with a week of placebo pills to give the appearance of menstruation). Through the use of NaPro Technology ( — charting the symptoms of the menstrual cycle and supplementing specific hormones when they are needed the cycle can still be fertile, and extra unnecessary hormones aren’t dumped into the body.

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