Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 1:12pm

Is Bishop Roger Morin Mendaciously Defending CCHD?

Bishop Roger Morin is the Chair of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Subcommittee that directs the CCHD.  In theory the CCHD works towards ending poverty and injustice in the United States by basically offering grants to organizations that support these goals.  But reality is far harsher than what is written.

Numerous organizations have investigated the CCHD and have uncovered many nefarious groups that are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus.  Many of these groups promote abortion to ‘gay marriage’.  What is striking is that the CCHD doesn’t do anything to end the funding unless a very bright light is shined on them such as the case with ACORN.

Bishop Roger Morin continues to issue memorandums defending CCHD’s vetting process and grants.  Yet time and time again he has been proven unequivocally wrong.  From the Young Workers United to the Chinese Progressive Association, CCHD apparently sees no evil… anywhere.

Is Bishop Roger Morin being mendacious in his continual defense of the indefensible.  I am having a really hard time believing that he could be so obtuse to such an important matter as this.

I’ve worked on the national stage before for a college organization and have been part of national committees.  Some people are in these committees to make a difference, others because it looks good on the resume.  I’m beginning to think that Bishop Roger Morin is of the latter sort and may help explain his unsupported defense of CCHD funding.  Because it’s becoming obvious that he seems unsure as to what CCHD actually does.

Remember what Saint Athanasius and Saint John Chrysostom said:

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.”


To read my previous article detailing the many anti-Catholic organizations that CCHD offers grants to click here.

To read Donald R. McClarey’sNot One Cent‘ post on CCHD click here.

To read Eric Brown’s post on Bishop Roger Morin’s memorandum click here.

For REFORM The Catholic Campaign For Human Development website,, click here.

To read an excellent article exhibiting evidence of the many years that the CCHD has gone against the teachings of the Catholic Church done by Bellarmine Veritas Ministry’s click here.

To read Christopher Blosser’s excellent article on this click here.

To read Donald R. McClarey’s excellent article on this click here.

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Gabriel Austin
Gabriel Austin
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 12:41pm

With so many Catholic charitable organizations, why is yet another overreaching organization necessary? Except perhaps to provide jobs for the bureaucrats in the USCCB?

And what is “human development”? Does it not sound like one of those philanthopically mush words, with no specifics? I recall J.D. Rockefeller’s Committee for Uplift”.

Is not the Church chiefly concerned with salvation?

Tito Edwards
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 12:42pm

Four words: Saint Vincent (de) Paul Society (SVDS).

Their Catholic and they do fine social work.

Give the money you normally give to CCHD to SVDS.

Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 12:55pm

Charity is one side of the coin. Another is justice. And while I realize that many conservatives and Republicans seem to prefer charity as a way of keeping people in their place, the fact is that when the poor have authentic political advocacy, people can be permanently lifted out of poverty. If for no other reason that they in turn can help others.

That said, the local SVDS is a worthy charity. Giving there is an improvement over pocketing the CCHD money for oneself.

As for the post, another conservative Catholic calls another bishop a liar. Yawn.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 12:58pm


I’m reporting what the good bishop is doing.

And I’m Catholic first, conservative second, third or fourth.

You need to remember that we are Catholics before we are anything else.

Michael R. Denton
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 12:59pm

Holy smokes are you harsh on Morin.

It seems the CA contacts, not surprisingly, gave some money to groups that when exposed, were de-funded. Outside of CA though, it does not seem to be a widespread problem, as there are almost no examples. It is not surprising that this is true in CA or that a few examples, given the number of groups that receive funding. occur. Even the highest diligence can result in errors-many of us have heath insurance plans that we did not know cover abortion; many of us shop at companies that support one or more causes we Catholics oppose.

Perhaps that’s enough to make you concerned about making a donation to CCHD and I don’t care whether you donate or not. But that Morin’s skull ought to pave the road to hell? Absolutely no evidence that he deserves that kind of bashing. As a layman and a Catholic, you owe a bishop (or any other human being for that matter) far greater deference.

Donald R. McClarey
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 1:00pm

“the fact is that when the poor have authentic political advocacy, people can be permanently lifted out of poverty.”

I’d say the trillions in anti-poverty efforts by government since the Great Society demonstrates how well unearned government handouts work in lifting anyone out of poverty.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 1:05pm

Michael D.,

Excellent point, but when this sort of thing has been going on for many years. And when the CCHD ignores others (like ourselves) who point out the error of their ways and yet they still ignore, then that is a totally different animal.

As Todd has so clearly and ironically demonstrated that the CCHD seems more partisan than Catholic. Their blind loyalty to everything in the Democratic Party platform has jaded them to the point of being laughable.

Laughable meaning reading Bishop Morin continously defend the indefensible.

Believe me I have deference. You’ll know it’s me when you see me bend to my knee to kiss Cardinal DiNardo’s ring in a busy airport. I’m not ashamed of being Catholic.

Unlike Bishop Morin who will find any excuse in the book to stick to the Democratic Party platform Catholic teaching be damned.

Michael R. Denton
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 1:14pm

But is Morin defending the indefensible? He’s arguing the indefensible does not apply to this situation, and that the CCHD is committed to making sure the indefensible does not occur.

You can disagree with that statement, as it’s a statement of fact. But it seems to me that Morin here has good intentions and if nothing else pushes that standard that the CCHD must hold the groups it funds accountable and needs to improve in carrying out that mission.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 1:25pm

Defend the indefensible?

Like when I suggested to you to move to Houston?

Morning's Minion
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 3:21pm

I am making a point of giving an extra large donation to the CCHD development this year, to counter those whose bizarre and Beckian acorn-fixation has trumped their support of a key Church program. I would note that despite its reputation in secular right-wing circles, “community activism” has a long history in Catholic social teaching. We call it subsidiarity. I would also note that the call for Catholics to donate to the CCHD stands at the top of the USCCB’s website. In my own diocese, it was the subject of a heart-felt letter by Bishop Knestout.

Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 3:55pm

Actually I will be giving my money to Salt and Light radio which my diocesan newspaper strangely ran an editorial that was negative. Also that will go for the money I usually give to the annual Bishop’s appeal. Still doing good – just in a different way and in a way I can specify.

Donald R. McClarey
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 4:20pm

Tony, since you are a Leftist, of course you approve of the funding choices made over the years by the CCHD. Lord only knows why any other Catholic should.

Donald R. McClarey
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 4:33pm

Here is something else that I have always considered odd about CCHD: why in the world is the Catholic Church in this country funding groups that are not Catholic? There are legions of Catholic groups in this country helping the poor. Why not fund them? For the answer, read what Father Neuhaus wrote last year:

“What most Catholics don’t know, and what would likely astonish them, is that CHD very explicitly does not fund Catholic institutions and apostolates that work with the poor. Part of the thinking when it was established in the ideological climate of the 1960s is that Catholic concern for the poor would not be perceived as credible if CHD funded Catholic organizations. Yes, that’s bizarre, but the history of CHD is bizarre. The bishops could really help poor people by promptly shutting down CHD and giving any remaining funds to, for instance, Catholic inner-city schools. In any event, if there is a collection at your parish this month, I suggest that you can return the envelope empty—and perhaps with a note of explanation—without the slightest moral hesitation.”

Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 5:49pm

That’s a true Catholic for you — deliberately give more money to anti-Catholic organizations just out of spite for other Catholics for not being leftists.

Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 6:32pm

Suggesting mendacity is morally beyond the pale.

If not slander it is at least detraction.

Sins of this type require restitution. There’s a serious obligation to undo unjust harm done to another’s reputation.

The eighth commandment is still operative, if I’m not mistaken.

Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 6:38pm

I don’t think that I support the theory that Bishop Morin is being mendacious in his defense of the CCHD, nor the idea that he’s essentially doing it for resume material or visible credit. However, as I read around about the collection it strikes me as a rather poor idea that it specifically restricts itself to:

a) Non-Catholic groups (groups that are specifically Catholic will not be funded by the CCHD, it’s purpose is to fund non-Catholic groups)

b) Programs that do not seek to directly alleviate poverty (by providing food, housing, money, clothing, etc. to those in need) but rather to social programs which seek to change society in ways that will alleviate poverty in the long run.

Particularly in light of the second, it strikes me as a bit dishonest that the marketing for the campaign this year is all focused around the current recession and “how long can you hold on” themes. The CCHD programs will specifically _not_ help families hold on and get back on their feet.

In this regard, I think suggestions of focusing (especially this year) on Catholic programs that seek to directly help those in need (such as St.VdP) are entirely reasonable. Reading over the list of groups which were funded last year on the USCCB site, I see very few that I would choose to donate to over the charities that I already fund. And coming two weeks after the annual diocesan appeal (which I support very, very strongly) it’s not at a good time in our diocese anyway.

Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 6:39pm

“Mendacious” well, it’s a nice Latin way of calling someone a liar.

Still, this post has been up all day and Donald has likewise had all day to consider the distinction between charity and justice. And he still doesn’t get it. For an educated man, willful ignorance is a sorry sight to see.

Donald R. McClarey
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 6:45pm

“For an educated man, willful ignorance is a sorry sight to see.”

Actually Todd some of the most willfully ignorant individuals I have encountered during my life have been the best educated. Those without much formal education I have generally found to be eager to learn. As to charity and justice they are both essentially about love, and a key element of love is truth and not pleasing illusions about bishops or collections.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 8:24pm

the fact is that when the poor have authentic political advocacy, people can be permanently lifted out of poverty

When people have their health and acquire trade skills they can be permanently lifted out of poverty.

Sam Rocha
Thursday, November 19, AD 2009 8:47pm

I am giving my money… wait a minute… never mind. Maybe next year…

Tito Edwards
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 4:05am


When overwhelming evidence is showing how much evil these organizations do and the good bishop is willfully ignoring it, then he’s causing scandal.


I agree. The most educated always find creative and innovative ways to lie through their teeth. Hoping that they find moral loopholes and ethical backdoors to continue lieing through their teeth.

Friday, November 20, AD 2009 5:49am

Is Bishop Roger Morin Mendaciously Defending CCHD?

IMHO YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick Lugari
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 8:06am

Personally, I’m not getting too worked up over this. I agree with those who say that organisations that are not Catholic but help serve the poor (and in ways other than strictly soup kitchens, etc.) are worthy recipients. IKnowing mankind and burocracies, I think erros inevitable. The key questions are: are errors identified as such and acted on in ernest? What measures are taken to prevent them in the future. Tied to the later, was the issue really just an error or was it something endemic or nefarious?

Frankly, I don’t think it is uncharitable or unreasonable to question the program or the judgment of those who run the operation. Excluding Catholic organisations strikes me as terribly imprudent and contrary to our the mission of the Church, which is in part to serve. The selection of some of these organisations is horrific and I can’t believe they were done in ingnorance. This is indeed a problem and IMO the only possible correction is to revisit the mission and operating plan, and start from ground up again.

Elaine Krewer
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 8:29am

Charity and justice are two different but complementary things. I would venture to suggest that while charity (tending to individual, immediate, short-term needs) is an area where church leaders and church institutions do well, justice (tending to the long-term needs of society) is more the job of the laity.

Pope John Paul II more or less acknowledged that when he banned priests from running for public office — he was saying it’s not their job, that belongs to lay people exercising their properly formed convictions.

C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity also said in a chapter about how “the Church” is supposed to lead the way in creating a just society, that this can be understood in two ways. If it means that active Christians ought to become politicians, business leaders, etc. and devote themselves to putting Christian principles into action, that is true.

But if it means “the bench of bishops getting together to put out a political program,” that is wrong and silly, just as expecting Christian literature to come from priests and bishops writing plays and novels in their spare time, rather than from talented writers and poets who also happen to be Christians, would be silly.

With that in mind, I think CCHD represents the official Church hierarchy trying to do something they were not really called to do.

Morning's Minion
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 9:56am

“Tony, since you are a Leftist, of course you approve of the funding choices made over the years by the CCHD. Lord only knows why any other Catholic should.”

By your argument, Donald, the US bishops are leftists, and God knows why Catholics should support them on this one.

Chris Burgwald
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 12:15pm

I have issues with some of the funding decisions which CCHD has made to the point that I probably won’t contribute this year. *But*, I enthusiastically support the idea of trying to address human development in a systemic fashion (cf. Caritas in Veritate in general on human development). I give a more of my annual tithe to organizations that provide direct service to those in need (e.g. SVdPS), but I’d like to be able to contribute to an umbrella organization that provides funds for systemic solutions, much like CCHD intends to do.

Anyone have any recommendations?

Donald R. McClarey
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 12:28pm

Tony I have no doubt that some Bishops lean as far Left as you do. A bigger problem is that most of them pay no attention and let USCCB bureaucrats run the show and almost all of them are on the political Left. The whole purpose of the CHD is not to help the poor but rather to fund political pressure groups of the left. The ACORN funding was not a bug but a wad of this annual tithe that Catholic parishioners unknowing pay to the Left in this country.

Gabriel Austin
Gabriel Austin
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 4:36pm

The question arises: why is the good bishop refusing to go slowly in examining the organization being funded by CATHOLIC money? Is it right for the good bishop to complain about sheep who bleat? It is certainly not right for him to accuse them of bad faith.

I note that in my diocese money is to be directed to Albuquerque Interfaith. This is a group founded by Saul Alinsky, whose underlying purpose is to organize for political action.

Meanwhile we have FOOD FOR THE POOR, ALBUQUERQUE RESCUE MISSION, the various groups helping the local Indian reservations, PREGNANCY HELP and so on. These are small groups who do actually feed the poor, and advise about pregnancies and the like.

Chris Burgwald
Friday, November 20, AD 2009 4:40pm

Gabriel, I don’t fault CCHD for not funding organizations that provide direct assistance… their mission is to address problems at a systemic & structural level, which often entails political involvement. I welcome such an intention… I only wish that CCHD didn’t so often fund organizations with views in opposition to Catholic doctrine.

Dan Donovan
Dan Donovan
Saturday, November 21, AD 2009 7:16am

Its so sad that at a time when we are closing catholic schools in the inner cities, we are also giving money to groups like these.

Dan Donovan
Dan Donovan
Saturday, November 21, AD 2009 7:28am

The problems with the CCHD can be found right in its granting process. It grants only to those organizations that have the “involuntary poor” on their boards of directors. This defies common sense. If the poor understood the “root causes” of poverty and knew the remedies for them, then (Hello) they wouldn’t be poor, would they.

The poor in this country have largely been conditioned to believe that the solution to poverty is government handouts. Therefore, the action to take to end poverty would be to register the poor to vote for those politicians who will give the most government(taxpayer) funds to the poor. Hence you have ACORN who’s main work was voter registration as a recipient of CCHD funds.

Also, I would like to say that it is very devious how the Bishops go about getting this money. They should make it clear that the money will not be used by the
Church directly but given to secular groups to do the work they cannor or will not do. If the Bishops want the faithful to give to these groups, they should issue pastoral guidelins saying so, not collect money under false pretenses then redistribute the moeny to these groups. The Bishops should put out their list of recommended charities, then let us decide which onnes we wnt to donate to.

Sunday, November 22, AD 2009 1:13am

[…] for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).  Donald, Christopher, and I have written over and over again of where the money actually goes to, funding for abortions being the most grevious […]

John Murphy
John Murphy
Sunday, November 22, AD 2009 8:51pm

Another November CCHD collection to which I did not contribute. I have only so much money, and that will go to charities that I am certain are unquestionably Catholic. CCHD is not one of those.

Wednesday, November 25, AD 2009 5:08pm

[…] To read Bishop Roger Morin mendaciously defending CCHD click here. […]

Saturday, February 6, AD 2010 12:07am

[…] this isn’t just one isolated case.  There is the Catholic Campaign for Human Development that provides funds to anti-marriage and pro-abortion organizations.  The bishops response is to arrogantly deny any scandal […]

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