Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 1:52pm

Hatred Pure and Simple of The West


Dave Griffey at Daffey Thoughts notes that much of modern Leftism is simple hatred of the West:

People like Dawn Eden and The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood continue to miss the point


Here is the article she references.

The problem isn’t that Palestinians, pro-Palestinian protesters, leftists, and various anti-white, anti-Western activists are saying there is a moral equivalency between Israel’s IDF and  Hamas.  The problem is they’re saying there is no moral equivalency because Israel and IDL are the only bad guys.  By virtue of the Left’s slick ‘Sanctified Oppressed Class v. Unforgivable Oppressor Class’ template, Israel is the oppressor.  Therefore, Hamas is merely a bunch of rough around the edges freedom fighters for the blessed oppressed.  Because for the Left, as part of its anti-Western strategy, to be the Oppressor means you deserve nothing that you have and everything you’ll get.  And anything connected to the Western Tradition is always the Oppressor.  

It’s not hard to see in Mr. Wood’s archives that he drinks deeply from the ‘Bad West and its fascist defenders’ well that makes such idiotic narratives possible.  Same with Ms. Eden.  Her alliance with those dividing the world between the heroic oppressed and the fascist loving cheerleaders of the Oppressors has become more obvious with each passing month.

But now Israel and all those Israeli Jews are the establishment Oppressors.  They are the baddies. Jews in America might still be worth something when it comes to trotting out endless reminders of antisemitism in Europe and America or the Christian Church.  But in Israel?  Not so much.  And as the Left throws out old Western ideals of freedom of speech, religious liberty, forgiveness, reconciliation and tolerance, we see what happens next.  The oppressor has got to go one way or another, along with anyone defending the Oppressor in any way – and that includes Jews.  

So I ask them – what the hell did they expect?  We’ve had about three generations of this little dichotomy being pounded into the heads of our youth.  That is, the world divided into the Oppressed versus the Oppressors.  By the time my kids were in school, that was the canvas upon which their world was painted.  There was still some lag over from the past.  For instance, they still learned that we need to become a color blind society, to put race behind us, and never, ever judge based on skin color no matter what.  But much of the ‘Unforgivable Oppressing West, Otherwise Beautiful Oppressed’ narrative was in full swing.  Along with celebrating the growing hatred, merciless condemnation, calls for the erasing and extermination of reprobate sinners and deplorables and anyone else forever damned for the label Oppressor. 

In addition, since Covid and the 2020 BLM riots, we’ve seen yet another old liberal mantra die and die fast.  That is, the much tired out and endlessly repeated claim that ‘violence is never the answer.’  Well, since 2020, it’s become a damn good answer, if you’re on the side of the Oppressed against the Oppressor. 

And as these things pile up – divide the world, no mercy for the villains, all defining sins of the oppressors, erase the irredeemable, darn right violence against the oppressor establishment – you should be able to do the basic math.  Even now, while the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel side has polished its act up a bit and ditched the ‘gas the Jews’ chants (though I’m still seeing signs that read “Any means necessary”), the template meant to destroy the West is ironclad.  That is, Israel is part of the West, it is therefore the irredeemable Oppressor, therefore it must go the way of the Confederate flag, the Columbus Statue, the Robert E. Lee monument, the Jefferson memorial, and anything of the Oppressor that can’t be cleansed of its unforgivable sins.

People like Dawn Eden, or any Jewish liberals today, have sown the wind, and they are only now beginning to realize that the whirlwind is around the corner.  Some are beginning to wake up, but what that means I don’t know.  Will they put the brakes on and begin questioning this thing with which they’ve aligned for so many years?  Will they think if they can just make them stop calling for killing Jews this time, it will fix things for good?  I don’t know.  The infinite capacity for humans to be stupid is one of our most endearing qualities.




Cardinal:  But, may I suggest,
in the manner of the Greeks.
Michelangelo:  No, in my own manner!
Cardinal:  True, no modern artist can
hope to equal the Greeks!
Michelangelo:  Why not? Why shouldn’t we equal
them? Surpass them, if we can.
Cardinal:  Really, Master Buonarroti,
I had heard you lacked modesty…
but do you claim to be
greater then the Greeks?
Michelangelo:  – I claim to be different.
Cardinal:  – For the sake of difference?
Michelangelo:  Because I am different.
I’m a Florentine and a Christian…
painting in this century. They were
Greeks and pagans living in theirs.
Cardinal:  Pagans? Christians? An artist
should be above such distinction.
Michelangelo:  And a cardinal, especially one who
pretends to understand art…
should be above such foolishness.
I’ll tell you what stands
between us and the Greeks.
Two thousand years of human
suffering stands between us!
Christ on His Cross
stands between us.

Screenplay, The Agony and the Ecstasy

Go here to comment.

The Jews and the Greeks brought a constellation of ideas into being that were amplified by the Romans, producing unique cultures in Western Europe that gave birth to a civilization known as the West, a daring, ever questing civilization that is perpetually seeking to surpass itself, and which has proven simultaneously attractive and repellent to the other civilizations that inhabit the globe.  Compared to the West most other civilizations are static and seek only to replicate themselves across time and space.  The West is different, and everyone knows it, whether they love it or hate it.


The Jews and the Arabs are both Semites.  Sephardic Jews tend to be as dark as the Arabs, and Ethiopian Jews are darker.  However, attachment to the West trumps the usual racial games played by the contemporary Left, and that is why hatred of Israel is a core belief on the Left.  The contemporary Left is always about categories and never about individuals.  Thus women may be raped, children may be tortured to death and babies may be murdered and decapitated if they are in the wrong category.  Concepts like justice and mercy are useful for propaganda purposes for the Left, but are essentially meaningless otherwise.  Wokism is an attempt to destroy the West as a unique civilization.

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The Bruised Optimist
The Bruised Optimist
Wednesday, November 1, AD 2023 7:14am

The left seeks to destroy.

True it leaves a voucher for a paradise, but since there is no God, there is no one to redeem the voucher.

I pity them. I was them. I would pity them more if they weren’t tearing down my house every single day!

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Wednesday, November 1, AD 2023 7:37am

The devil hates Jews because God chose them to bring (as Orthodox Jewish apologist Dennis Prager puts it) ethical monotheism to the world, and because they gave us the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whom the devil hates. The devil thus hates Christians because they are the followers of the Son of God. The devil’s offspring – Muslims and liberal progressive leftists – therefore hate Jews and Christians. It’s that simple.

Dave Rx
Dave Rx
Wednesday, November 1, AD 2023 8:04am

LQC. Yes that’s the entire Middle East in a nutshell.

Wednesday, November 1, AD 2023 8:46am

I think they’re still claiming that ‘violence is never the answer.’ … They haven’t abandoned that, but they’ve re-defined “violence””. 

Now, Silence = Violence
And, rioting, assault, arson is “mostly peaceful.”

Donald Link
Donald Link
Wednesday, November 1, AD 2023 9:44am

I wonder if today’s Jews have finally figured out that the left is no friend of theirs. They were simply used for political reasons when it was convenient. Now, to the left, they are an unpleasant reminder of right and wrong and thus an irritant.

Mary De Voe
Thursday, November 2, AD 2023 12:06am

If each individual loves his neighbor as himself, each individual removes tribalism, racism, discrimination, misogyny, envy and all sorts of evil inclinations to which man is subjected to by the fall of Adam. Loving one’s neighbor as oneself may be the hardest of all virtues.

Thursday, November 2, AD 2023 7:04am

She was just a useful tool in the Marxist clan.

The whole point of Marxism is to destroy and replace it w communism (their utopia).

War is peace.
Wait till they get to the Freedom is SLAVERY

Thursday, November 2, AD 2023 10:22pm

[…] Dawn Eden & The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood Continue to Miss the Point – David Griffey Hatred Pure & Simple of The West – Donald R. McClarey, Esq., at The American Catholic Sound of Bombs During Mass at Gaza […]

Frank John Kupferer
Frank John Kupferer
Thursday, November 2, AD 2023 11:25pm

Thank you for the article, I have been saying this on twitter and truth social for a while now and I don’t seem to get much attention from twitter.

Frank John Kupferer
Frank John Kupferer
Thursday, November 2, AD 2023 11:26pm

I wonder when it will come to armed conflict between tne christians and jews versus everybody else…

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