Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 6:01pm

PopeWatch: l’eglise c’est moi

Sandro Magister notes that while the Pope talks of synods, he is a very autocratic Pope:


Much is happening that is contradictory, in the Catholic Church. On the one hand is the celebration of a synod on synodality, which extends participation in Church governance well beyond the pope and the bishops, to priests, religious and laity, men and women. But on the other hand one is witnessing an exercise of papal powers, on the part of Francis, authoritarian and monocratic as never before.

With an added extemporaneous innovation, announced on September 11 by the new prefect of the dicastery for the doctrine of the faith, the Argentine Victor Manuel Fernández, who, responding in writing to the questions of Edward Pentin for the “National Catholic Register,” ascribed to Francis “a particular charism for this safeguarding, a unique charism, which the Lord has given only to Peter and his successors,” but which no one had ever heard of until now.

This is a matter of “a living and active gift,”  Fernández explained, “which is at work in the person of the Holy Father. I do not have this charism, nor do you, nor does Cardinal Burke. Today only Pope Francis has it. Now, if you tell me that some bishops have a special gift of the Holy Spirit to judge the doctrine of the Holy Father, we will enter into a vicious circle (where anyone can claim to have the true doctrine) and that would be heresy and schism. Remember that heretics always think they know the true doctrine of the Church. Unfortunately, today, not only do some progressives fall into this error but also, paradoxically, do some traditionalist groups.”

It is difficult to think of a more sprawling extension of the pope’s infallibility in matters of faith, affirmed by Vatican Council I within extremely stringent boundaries. And in fact the new dogma unexpectedly voiced by Fernández immediately came under a barrage of criticism.

The most in-depth and scathing came from the conservative camp, on the blog “Caminante Wanderer,” by an anonymous and erudite Argentine scholar.

But also on the opposite side, the progressive, the very singular “charism” with which, according to Fernández, only Francis is endowed was rejected without appeal, precisely as being incompatible with the limits of papal infallibility reiterated by Vatican Council II in the dogmatic constitution “Lumen gentium.” Massimo Faggioli, a professor of theology at Villanova University, has written about this in “Commonweal.”

Remaining even more incomprehensible, therefore, is the contradiction between the boundless monocratic powers with which Francis more and more considers himself invested from above, complete with the stamp of his court theologian, and the contemporary “democratization” of the Church that he is after with the new synodality.

Also on this new form of the synod a change of stride has taken place with Francis, in the course of his pontificate.

Getting back to Vatican Council II, in “Lumen gentium,” the dogmatic constitution of Vatican II expressly dedicated to the Church, the word “synod” occurs just once and is synonymous with the word “council,” which brings together exclusively the pope and the bishops.

While in the rare pontifical documents of the following decades in which the word “synodality” occurs, it refers to how this is practiced in the Orthodox Churches, that is, to the college of bishops gathered with their patriarch or major archbishop to exercise hierarchical authority over the respective Church.

Peter Anderson, a scholar in Seattle who is an attentive observer of what goes on in the Eastern Churches and sends out in this regard the most detailed and well-documented factual reports, has ascertained that from the Council to the end of 2013 there were just twelve occurrences of the word “synodality”: six with John Paul II, two with Benedict XVI, and four with Francis.

From this it can be gathered that, still during the first year after his election as pope, Francis was by no means inclined, at least in his public statements, toward a “democratization” of the synods.

The first time he spoke about “synodality” was on June 28 2013, addressing the delegation of the ecumenical patriarchate of Constantinople. And he was referring to the “reflection of the Catholic Church on episcopal collegiality,” on account of which it was a good idea to “learn” from the “tradition of synodality so typical of the Orthodox Churches.”

The second time was in the homily of the following day, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, to express the hope for “harmony” between the synod of bishops and the primacy of the pope.

The third time was in the September 2013 interview with the director of “La Civiltà Cattolica,” Antonio Spadaro. There for the first time he floated the idea that “perhaps it is time to change the methodology of the synod, because the current one seems static to me.” But to immediately repeat that it is “from our Orthodox brothers” that “we can learn more about the meaning of episcopal collegiality and the tradition of synodality.”

The fourth time was in the apostolic exhortation “Evangelii gaudium” of November 24 2013, the agenda-setting document of his pontificate, where however he again limited himself to saying that “in the dialogue with our Orthodox brothers and sisters, we Catholics have the opportunity to learn more about the meaning of episcopal collegiality and their experience of synodality.”


Go here to read the rest.  The Pope reminds me of one of Napoleon’s Marshals, Francis Joseph Lefebvre.  After taking over a town he told the inhabitants that they were free now.  He then told them that this should not go to their heads, because if they made a move without his say so, they would be shot.

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Friday, September 29, AD 2023 4:47am

Pope Francis resign

Friday, September 29, AD 2023 6:55am

Again I concur with you. This is a one way democracy…you can be as democratic as you want so long as you agree with the dictator.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Friday, September 29, AD 2023 7:25am

From Fr. Gobbi and the Marian Movement of Priests;

June 12/78: “Offer up the holocaust of your suffering. The hours through which you are living are truly difficult and painful. Yet through this holocaust, you are able to save those who are seeking your ruin, and you are able to do well to those who are, for you, a scourge.”

Allegedly, Our Lady was giving Fr. Gobbi messages for her priest sons and in turn to her children.

They are storm clouds, such as these times, that appear on the horizon. Throughout history they roll in and then they pass away.

The Blessed Mother requests that we pray to save those who seek the ruin of souls. Those who do us harm.

Recall the freshness of the air, the clarity of the environment after the storm passes away.
That’s what’s to come for the Holy Catholic Church. Lightning hit the Dome of Saint Peters Basilica on the eve of Benedict’s resignation.
Indicator of a storm moving in.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, September 29, AD 2023 10:40am

>>>”in the dialogue with our Orthodox brothers and sisters, we Catholics have the opportunity to learn more about the meaning of episcopal collegiality and their experience of synodality.”>>>

Apparently, the pontiff is a bad student. This exercise in progressive wish-fulfillment looks nothing like the Orthodox practice. But using the term gulls the rubes, so there you go.

Henry F Mulfinger
Friday, September 29, AD 2023 10:39pm


We had a boss who bought into the touchy feel propaganda that one should let employees figure out how thing should be organized. He appointed a committee to investigate a problem, gave them no guidance, and told them to come back. The put a lot of work into the project and made what most thought was a solid and innovative proposal, which did not agree with what the boss wand=ted and he castigated them publicly in the harshest terms.
No one ever gave him any input after that, and after 6 months or so he got fired.

Reminds me of our Pope, except that no one this side of the vale of tears can fire him, he sincerely believes that a synod will give him exactly what he wants, and his track record indicates he will go on the warpath at any deviation.

Pray for the Church.

Remember: GOD is in Charge.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Saturday, September 30, AD 2023 8:21pm

Henry F: “…He sincerely believes that a synod will give him exactly what he wants, and his track record indicates he will go on the warpath at any deviation.“.

Can’t top that summary. Spot on.

Monday, October 2, AD 2023 12:31am

[…] Small Turnout for Creation of New Cardinals in St. Peter’s Square – Fr. Z’s Blog PopeWatch: L’eglise C’est Moi – Donald R. McClarey, Esq., at The American Catholic Catholic Doctrine & the Sunday […]

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