Wednesday, May 15, AD 2024 11:51am

Never Work For the Church, It Could Destroy Your Faith

Case in point:

COLUMBUS (WCMH) — A theology teacher at a Catholic high school in Columbus has been terminated after she said the cause of George Floyd’s death was “disputed.”

The Catholic Diocese of Columbus said on Tuesday that Deborah DelPrince had been terminated after she was placed on administrative leave last week.

Go here to read the rest.  Go here to read some more.  She had taught at the school since 1999 and she was unhesitatingly thrown under the bus in an instant for wrongthink.  Cowards, and far worse than cowards, will determine your fate if you step an inch beyond Leftist orthodoxy in today’s Church.

Hattip to my Bride for bringing the story to my attention.

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Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 4:46am

And PaPa Frankie speaks of Trads being rigid.
Catholic school?
The thought police in Jesus’s day hung him up too.
The teacher is in good company.
May she realize that and glorify God by redemptive suffering.

Still. Shame on the school.

Don L
Don L
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 5:31am

Too many Catholic schools–no intent here to sweep with too broad of a brush– are “far too often” thought of as merely private schools that parents can use to avoid public schools. Sadly, in far too many they need not fear their children being “proselytized” into actually believing and adhering to the faith.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 5:35am

It’s how totalitarians roll. One lie follows another ad infinitum; each fake incident deployed to take away more of your freedom.

.Similarly, five seconds after we heard about the Boulder tragedy WE knew a great deal: they will fictionalize it and employ it to for the 10,000th time try to foment hated against white men and take our guns.

Facts Be Damned. The Narrative Rules.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 6:30am

The stupid. It burns. I get so sick of liberals and their smelly little orthodoxies.

The demographic collapse of the religious orders has been far more severe than the decline in the number of ordinations to the secular clergy (which has been more severe than the decline in attendance at Mass and which can be ameliorated by the vocational diaconate, parish consolidations, and parceling out functions to laymen). The disappearance of friars, brothers, and sisters living communally and compensated with modest stipends has destroyed the economy of Catholic schools and ruined the level of religious literacy among their employees. So, what you get are redoubts of professional-managerial class people who have extra cash and do not care for the district schools. Remember Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel in Charlotte and Katelyn Sills in Sacramento? That’s the sort of scandal you get when that’s your clientele. It’s a reasonable wager that the faculty, administration, and staff at Bp. Ready are what you’d expect of a randomly selected set of NGO employees (with the only Republican voters on the campus being the building custodian and the office manager). If we had real bishops, there would be a diocesan drive to organize homeschool co-operatives and these dinosaurs would be shut down.

The quondam Catholic school teacher in our nexus has a post-baccalaureate degree from Franciscan. He lasted one year as a secondary school religion teacher. He works in sales and service now and spends all day supervising a staff who field customer complaints; he is, I am assured, not nearly so demoralized by his work life as he was five years ago.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 6:47am


Me too.

Is it stupidity or dishonesty? Stupid isn’t a sin.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 7:16am

My guess is that these catholic centers prescribe to a form of Liberation theology. Social justice without Christ. Jesus in the Eurchrist, symbolically only. Abortion is rare, safe and only as a last resort…

Hippie Jesus.

What a downer man.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 8:39am

The Catholic Church would be a great place if it weren’t for Catholics.

David WS
David WS
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 8:45am

Catholic high schools are pretty much prep schools for the upper middle class in most areas of the country today.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 10:00am

My guess is that these catholic centers prescribe to a form of Liberation theology.

I think you’re assuming a depth that is seldom there.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 10:36am

Note that saying that George Floyd was killed by a racist cop would have been just fine, despite the fact that even after all this time the only evidence for Chauvin being racist is that he is white and Floyd was black.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 12:03pm

Art Deco.

Geesh. That bad?
CINO schools. I didn’t realize.
GTACS. Northwestern Michigan Catholic School system is most definitely above the norm…thank God.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 12:18pm

Note that saying that George Floyd was killed by a racist cop would have been just fine, despite the fact that even after all this time the only evidence for Chauvin being racist is that he is white and Floyd was black.

Again, the stupid. It burns.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 12:42pm

Evidently it was the diocesan chancery who ‘investigated’, insisted she be fired, and trashed her to the media. Amazing the alacrity with which they move when they’re motivated.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 12:45pm
Dave G.
Dave G.
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 12:48pm

the only evidence for Chauvin being racist is that he is white and Floyd was black.

You say that as if that is not enough evidence. We long ago said it was fine again to judge based on skin color, and much of the Church appears to have gone with it. I remember the Duke Lacrosse story years ago, in which multiple academics were on the news saying that it’s in the blood of every white American boy to want to rape minorities. That’s when my second oldest quipped something I will always cherish: ‘So I guess we can always tell a racist by the color of his skin?’ Since Ferguson, and now George Floyd, the answer to his question is a resounding ‘yes’, with the majority of Americans in full agreement.

Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 1:23pm

One needs to look carefully at a “Catholic” school these days–those that are left. I had to take my 7 year old son out of one due to abuse there. Thank God I got him out; all his little friends, now grown, have left the Church as far as I know. Our local Catholic church has teachers, I am told, who do not believe. Even worse, never be a part of a parish staff or chancery: very dangerous to the faith!

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 1:35pm

Art Deco’s link regarding Fr. Klee is outlandish. The Bishop should be embarrassed…not for what the priest has done or said publicly, but for his own cowardice and lack of vision. We can use more priests like Fr. Klee;

[Klee also asked for prayers for:

For a tremendous outpouring of graces upon the spiritual leadership of the Church (specifically upon the bishops and priests), that they would be empowered with the Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude. That they would implore the intercession of the martyrs, lest they go from being potential victims of Satan’s attacks, to being actual instigators and accomplices (like the Pharisees in Our Lord’s day). Please pray that they would be freed from a subtle resignation to despair, specifically that of falling into discouragement that the authentic Gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Faith are not the answer, but that atheistic socialism is.]

To close to home for said Bishop.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 1:58pm

Putting avoiding “divisiveness” above defending Church teaching is the sure sign of a bad shepherd:

49 ‘I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division! 52 From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three; 53 they will be divided:

father against son
and son against father,
mother against daughter
and daughter against mother,
mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law
and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.’

Luke 15:49-53

David WS
David WS
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 3:18pm

I had a conversation with officials in my diocese about how there just aren’t any programs for catholic high school age children that can’t afford the $15K per year per child for private high school, and that we are loosing these young persons by the boatload. (My wife and I promote NFP and have four children.) I was told that I was a “granola” person (NFP) and we should not have had four children if we couldn’t afford the (4x15x4) $240K for high school.
They not only saw use contraceptives as ok, they viewed anyone who followed the Church as foolish. They loved the nostalgia of catholic school, but not the Faith.
More, I came to realize the schools weren’t really about the Faith , they were about getting into top colleges and worldly acceptance.
Therefore, this theology teacher being fired doesn’t surprise me at all.
Of course she was fired.

Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 3:22pm

Pray for lay people who care, who have earnestly tried.
Fortitude. Free from despair.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 3:47pm

I was told that I was a “granola” person (NFP) and we should not have had four children if we couldn’t afford the (4x15x4) $240K for high school.

I’m fascinated. Which official told you that, and what did they say verbatim?

Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 4:09pm

Was my comment disallowed for some reason?

David WS
David WS
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 6:35pm

Art, two years ago, both the head the superintendent of the diocese catholic school system and the head of the CCD in the diocese.. I live is SE Massachusetts.

Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 7:29pm

“The disappearance of friars, brothers, and sisters living communally and compensated with modest stipends has destroyed the economy of Catholic schools and ruined the level of religious literacy among their employees.”
Exactly. For this as well as other less tangible reasons, such as the loss of all the countless prayers and good works done by those religious communities, the dissolution of the consecrated religious life, at least in the West (I don’t know how it is in other parts of the world), is in my opinion the most damaging legacy of the post-Vatican II changes in the Church. I believe it may be even more damaging to the Faith than the neutering of the doctrine of “outside the Church there is no salvation”, which led to the nearly complete disappearance of worldwide Catholic missions for the conversion of souls, among other ill effects. Just my hindsight, for what it’s worth.

Captain Thai Tea
Captain Thai Tea
Wednesday, March 24, AD 2021 11:45pm

Not surprised. Gordon was fired for not agreeing with BLM.

My bishop would drive around with a chauffeur in a lexus. Truly the bishops are out of touch.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Thursday, March 25, AD 2021 2:09am

Among Fr. Klee’s manifold sins and crimes is that he actively encouraged the recitation of the Act of Reparation to the Sscred a heart of Jesus.

Truly this is a dangerous man.

Shawn Marshall
Shawn Marshall
Thursday, March 25, AD 2021 3:34am

It becomes clearer everyday – when the Barque of Peter went adrift the whole world went insane – or – to put it another way – the errors of Russia have spread throughout the world.

Thursday, March 25, AD 2021 9:25pm

What dispute? There is no such thing as an “alternative fact.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, March 26, AD 2021 6:51am

What dispute? There is no such thing as an “alternative fact.”

I’m sure the moderator’s wife and daughter can undertake a literature review for you and produce an annotated bibliography. Should they do so, you’ll discover that in surveys of post-mortems conducted consequent to overdose deaths, a femoral blood level of 11 nanograms per cc of fentanyl was about the median. If you examine the portions of the available video which law enforcement in Minneapolis kept concealed for weeks, you’ll see he was complaining he couldn’t breath when he was sitting bolt upright. When you overdose on fentanyl, your lungs fill up with fluid. There is no reason in the world this woman should lose her job because she knows more about the case than the smarmy bureaucratic microbes in the chancery.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, March 26, AD 2021 7:58am

While I have my personal doubts that fentanyl was the but-for cause of death, his blood level is a fact worthy of consideration by the jury. As was Floyd’s swallowing of drugs in a previous arrest in 2019, which the jury will also be permitted to consider.

Again, I think that a jury is likely to find that the knee on the neck for several minutes will get over the “reasonable doubt” threshold.

But that’s not my job, that’s the jury’s–who will have access to more evidence that any of us. And that “us” most definitely includes the leftists and cowards in the Columbus chancery.

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