Monday, May 13, AD 2024 10:06am


Danes tend be among the most laid back people on Earth.  A sign of just how fed up people around the globe are about the Black Sniffles restrictions.

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David WS
David WS
Monday, February 1, AD 2021 6:22am

Hmm. A “reset”.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, February 1, AD 2021 6:59am

Irish Democracy.

Ecclesiastes 1:9, ” What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

Evidently, proportionately fewer Danes than Americans are supine serfs.

Edward Gibbon [seems did not like] Caesar Augustus – favor the poor and oppressed over middle class. The propensity of a despot to humble the people and to sink all subjects to the same level of poverty and dependence.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Tom Byrne
Tom Byrne
Monday, February 1, AD 2021 8:03am

T. Shaw:
Or could it be (in part) that the Danish media give more objective cover the such protests than ours does?

Monday, February 1, AD 2021 8:41am

It seems that internationally the members of the global elite are very similar in arrogance and policies. It reminds me of what I have read about the monarchs who led their nations into WWI.

Michale Yon had an interesting post about how Antifa is an international organization and members from the US went to Hong Kong to observe and borrow organization techniques. Michael Yon did make the point that the Hong Kong Protesters had the moral high ground and did not destroy innocent businesses as our local Aintfa/BLM.

There may be much to gain from cooperation with the populists in other nations that have a history and taste for freedom. The struggle against those who have seized our government and have displayed their despotic intentions will be dangerous and complicated. There may be valuable allies in other nations having a similar struggle.

Tuesday, February 2, AD 2021 9:30am

It’s sad to see the culture of death continue to spiral. Putting freedom from masks over saving lives, disregarding social distancing and, therefore, the well being of others, just shows how selfish and callous to life we have become. Small sacrifices to save the lives of the elderly, those with respiratory ailments and those in good health who have the misfortune of being among the more inexplicable victims, should be embraced by those who truly value life. Unfortunately, self-centeredness reigns the day.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Tuesday, February 2, AD 2021 12:57pm

How many children have to commit suicide for you to feel safe, John?

Tuesday, February 2, AD 2021 3:31pm

I don’t know the specifics of the Danish or Italian lockdowns. Sometimes government oversteps, and I’m generally glad to see people willing to push back. But bad hygiene practices are stupid. It seems like the vast majority of high-risk people in the US will have received at least one dose of the vaccine by May. I’m fortunate that I can hold out that long, so I’m not going to do anything that will increase the likelihood of transmission. But I hate the way people on both sides have locked into their positions in defiance of common sense. If we were capable of having mature debate and following the actual science, we’d have opened up all our K-8 at least, and we wouldn’t have shut down outdoor dining. Probably a lot of other things we would have done, both in prevention and in reopening (or never closing).

Reply to  Pinky
Tuesday, February 2, AD 2021 3:36pm

Masks are no more “hygienic” than dousing your hands in cold water and rubbing them with a public drying cloth.

Now, actual hygiene, like washing your hands regularly– which has been shown to correlate to lower transmission rates, and which has been shown to go down with mask mandates, based on soap use— that would be a good thing to focus on.

But the fecal-oral transmission vector icks folks out, and isn’t so easy to check, and unpleasantly correlates with protected demographics. So what’s a more deaths from bacterial pneumonia (which will then be recorded as COVID based on symptoms) so long as folks can feel like they’re making a difference, even if it doesn’t actually work?

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