Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 4:59am

Trump Was a Vote of No Confidence

As he exits the presidency it is good to recall why Trump was elected.  He, a complete political outsider, was a gigantic vote of no confidence in how the country was being run, and that is one of the reasons why he was so hated by conventional politicians.  He was a symbol and reminder to them of just how much they are hated beyond their political bubble.  Now he is gone, and the politicians are rejoicing, but the underlying discontent remains.  To quote a line from the film Spartacus:

He’ll come back. He’ll come back, and he’ll be millions!

To “beat” Trump the establishment had to lie, cheat and betray every standard they claimed to be upholding.  Such a “victory” is the gravest of defeats.

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Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 5:20am

Easy to say there is a lot to be learned from Trump’s mistakes. But his successes are magnificent. He showed the fragility of our very corrupt ruling class who can’t win except by lying, cheating and sabotage.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 7:06am

They stole the White House and Senate.

There is no check. There is no balance.

Next week, rump America will “welcome” the return of the kleptomaniacal idiocracy.

It’s why they hate Trump. He must be destroyed.

It’s why they fear and loathe us

President Donald John Trump made us aware that the criminal enterprises known as the democrat party, media, and social media/tech titans are also peopled by rank idiots.

Battleswarm blog quoted at Instapundit. “The biggest gap in this country isn’t between enlightened social justice warriors and the backward racist redneck freaks of JesusLand, it’s between those who want to continue sticking their snouts into troughs of taxpayer money, feel their own grifts are sacred birthrights above reproach and have different laws apply to them than the peasants, and those who have been made aware of the scam.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 8:09am


Did you catch this? I didn’t think the GOP leadership could get any more worthless.

While we’re at it, you ever wonder what Kevin McCarthy did with himself before he got into electoral politics? He was a legislative aide. He’s been on the payroll of legislatures since he was 22 years old. Steve Scalise’s official biographies give no hint of what he did with himself between the ages of 22 and 32; Mitch McConnell between age 25 and age 36 bounced back and forth between stints as a legislative aide, stints as a government lawyer, and stints as a firm associate; he’s been in elective office since 1977. John Thune was a legislative aide, then held a series of patronage jobs in South Dakota government and in political NGOs. The Republican caucuses have put a mess of people in leadership positions who have employment histories resembling those of upChuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 9:29am

“If you could eliminate half of Trump’s tweets, I mean just randomly, he would have been re-elected,” O’Scanlon joked.

Don L
Don L
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 10:01am

When I was a kid we’d sometimes mix mustard with water, pour it on the ground and pick up the fleeing worms easily. Trump is to the Washington establishment what mustard was to those worms–he exposed their slimly underbellies.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 10:43am


See McConnell. See the Bush clan. See Frank Keating’s enabler, John McCain. See Willard Romney.

There isn’t a dime’s width of difference between the dopey corrupt, incompetent criminals, aka the democrats, and the cowardly/dopey corrupt, incompetent criminals, aka establishment Republicans.

Each day, think of something you can do to mess with them.
I just completed online ordering a mess of IRS forms and instructions – by mail. I will also take hard copies from the library and PO. Then, I do my (not simple: I have rental property and business forms) returns by hand (I already pay too much in taxes and will not spend a penny on TurboTax), and always none too accurately, either. Funny how my mistakes always require them to bill me, with no interest or penalty. Idiots!

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 2:03pm


Everything the last 4 years has proven is that it did not matter what Trump did or didn’t do – they were going to make him orange hitler regardless.

Heck the very previous candidate Romney should have put to lie the idea that any republican can be “well-behaved” enough to avoid smearing by the media machine.

This is their standard operating procedure when it comes to conservatives.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 2:44pm

The biggest hint that Trump’s tweets didn’t hurt him at all is that the mainstream media is pushing the narrative that they did hurt him.

Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 3:32pm

“The biggest hint that Trump’s tweets didn’t hurt him at all is that the mainstream media is pushing the narrative that they did hurt him.”

Unfortunately, that sounds correct.

Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 6:39pm

“Then there was Trump’s campaign strategy, which he seems to have concocted on his own. He relied heavily on rallies. They were great fun to watch but they mainly drew diehard supporters who were going to vote for him anyway. Meanwhile he failed to reach out to those crucial voters in the middle, many of whom might have voted for a president who acted more presidential.”
Also from:

Captain Thai Tea
Captain Thai Tea
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 8:41pm

Republicans then: Let’s repeal obamacare
Trump: Ok lets do it!
Republicans: Nah
Republicans then: We have to secure our borders
Trump: Okay lets build a wall
Republicans: Nah
Republicans Then: Lets withdraw our troops
Trump: Okay lets do i thin
Republicans: Nah

See a pattern? RINOs in the capital hated trump. Whatever Paul Ryan touches he fails: vice presidency, the house and now fox news

Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 9:00pm

“Trump is a man of immense ignorance and vanity…”
– Donald R. McClarey – 2016

“It seems like ages ago, but there was a time when hard-core conservatives saw Donald Trump as a liberal in conservative’s clothing…. Like a lot of conservatives, he was pleasantly surprised when Trump took office and stuck to his positions on such issues as immigration and the appointment of strict constructionists to the judiciary. ….. Alas, The Donald had a fatal flaw. ‘The left just hated him,’ Carroll said. They certainly did. Trump won that 2016 election by energizing all those ‘deplorables,’ as Hillary Clinton termed them. But in 2020 he energized the Democratic base even more…. Van Drew, of Cape May County, was re-elected as a Republican to the House seat he won as a Democrat in 2018 before switching parties a year ago. As a reward, Trump held a massive rally in Wildwood. Van Drew may have embraced Trump’s positions, but he didn’t embrace his tactics. The mild-mannered dentist has never lost a race in a part of the state where he has to collect votes from both parties to win. There’s a lesson in that for The Donald – or there should be. All over the country he lost a whole lot of districts that other Republicans won.
If the Donald wants his legacy to outlive him, he needs to realize that ticking people off with tweets may be great fun. But winning elections is even more fun.”

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Thursday, January 14, AD 2021 9:45pm

Alas, The Donald had a fatal flaw. ‘The left just hated him,’ Carroll said. They certainly did.

Hah! Well now I KNOW the opinion author is worthless.

The left just hated Bush 2 as well. (oh BOY did they hate him). And before that they hated Reagan. And before him, Nixon. Heck Nixon is still used as a cartoon villain by the Left to this day.

If the left’s hatred was a fatal flaw – then it is a fatal flaw of every Republican candidate for president.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Friday, January 15, AD 2021 1:10am

Note that the right hating someone is never a flaw, much less a fatal one. If it’s acknowledged at all it will be brushed aside as “the right unwilling to be bipartisan.”

Friday, January 15, AD 2021 7:12am

“I think I can say without fear of contradiction that I was among the very first pundits to predict the rise of Donald Trump. I did so as far back as November of 2015, a year before his election as president. So I hope he listens to me when I tell him it’s time to go. I’m kidding about him listening to me. Trump doesn’t listen to anyone. That was the key to his rise and also to his fall. ….. Compare Trump’s record to that of another Republican who came into the presidency as an outsider. Unlike the Donald, the Ronald didn’t need to go to court to try and secure a second term in the White House. Reagan built such wide support among Americans that he came within 3,761 votes of a 50-state sweep, losing only his opponent Walter Mondale’s home state of Minnesota. I imagine that this time around Trump felt he was blindsided by the massive switch to mail-in voting. And perhaps one of his many lawsuits will lead the courts to impose restrictions on the practice.
Such a ruling could help future Republican presidential candidates. And the best course for Trump would be to bow out gracefully while continuing the legal actions that could help the Grand Old Party. But then Trump was never the sort of guy who puts the interests of the party first.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 15, AD 2021 7:33am

See a pattern? RINOs in the capital hated trump. Whatever Paul Ryan touches he fails: vice presidency, the house and now fox news

There is no such thing as a RINO. There is such a thing as a careerist / business-shill Republican and they’re usually enough given thin margins in the legislature to prevent anything from happening. Recall: seven Republican senators prevented the repeal of Obamacare. Maybe a third of the Republican caucus favors the Chamber-of-Commerce line on immigration. (Paul Ryan is an ideological open borders extremist).

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Friday, January 15, AD 2021 1:33pm

One of the things which put into stark relief what “Republican principles” meant was the pushback against President Trump’s demands to increase payouts to Americans to 2000 dollars. This was decried as ridiculous and un-Republican because it was a waste of taxpayer money. But all the pork payouts to special interest groups and foreign nations? Perfectly fine. It’s only a waste when it actually gets to the American people.

If that’s what “supporting the party’s interests” means, to hell with the party.

Donald Link
Donald Link
Friday, January 15, AD 2021 4:54pm

It is unfortunate that Trump did not exercise a little more judgement and graciousness in the post election weeks. He would have had a lock on the 2024 election following what we all know will be the dismal record of the Biden-Harris administration. We will now be forced to choose between an establishment Republican and a radical Harris who will use every devious means to win the presidency. The prospect of the next eight years of incompetence and malevolence is truly disheartening.

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