Monday, May 13, AD 2024 7:16am

Democrat Vote, Mortal Sin:  The Message

Recently several priests, pastors, and bishops in America have now publicly proclaimed that it would be sinful for a Catholic to vote for Joe Biden or for Kamala Harris.

This is not a veiled plea or cunning ploy to get people to vote for Donald John Trump, nor is it a request that one not vote at all. This is simply shepherds caring for the eternal good of the souls of the faithful. One American bishop has asked the faithful to “Heed this message.”

The Message

For over a decade there has been an effort by many, grounded in hope, faith and charity, to help people make their way to heaven and to avoid soul-killing sin that would be their ticket to Hell for all eternity.  This effort has included stating and sharing this truth, “The Message”:

It is a mortal sin for any faithful Catholic with a well-formed conscience – as defined by the Church – to vote for any democrat for any office in America at any level of government .

Some well-meaning people and some others – democrat socialists, democrat operatives, schismatic and/or perverted and/or homosexualist and/or criminal sexual predator priests and bishops, anarchists, and various democrat candidates  – have ridiculed, castigated, shunned, condemned and attempted to silence those sharing The Message.  With what has been happening recently, their efforts to blunt The Message clearly show that those who seek to stifle it realize its truth.

The Democrat Party Platform for 2020 shows that this Party of Death, if in power, will enshrine the court-created right to abortion as an absolute right – a status of no other right in America – and that they will force every taxpayer to pay for abortions as ‘health care.’  Either this ‘absolute right’ will be expanded to include a female’s constitutional  right to kill her newly-born child who has survived its attempted murder, or willing pro-death so-called “justices” will judicially legislate from the Supreme Court bench a new “maternal right to homicide,”  infanticide, infant cide.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support the new absolute status of the “right” to abortion

As The Message has been spread in true charity and out of a concern for the eternal happiness of souls, the progression of democrat perversion and consummate evil has advanced unabated. Predictions of where the slimy slope of this evil will lead have been mocked as utterly fantastic and completely beyond the pale of reason. But, not surprisingly, the foetid and metatastic growth of this evil has exceeded even the direst of these predictions. The voting catechism Faith-Filled Citizenship, ( prepared by me before the 2016 elections, did not envision the inevitable scope and depravity of this wicked metastases that would ooze from the democrat Party Of Death. (

Evils Newly Spawned From The Democrat Darkness

In addition to the new homicide right for females, the democrats and their celebrity shills are now supporting and advocating for public celebrations of abortions, and worse. These celebrations are ongoing and can be witnessed on a regular basis, especially when TV and movie stars announce that they could not have won a recent award if they had not aborted their children. As one democrat presidential candidate said, for democrats this female homicide right is a “sacred choice for women.”

This is a prediction from 2019:

“What new evils for 2020 and beyond?  If they succeed in creating a right to infanticide, the following evils will logically proceed: The selling of a live baby who has survived an abortion; Harvesting of organs and body parts from the child while still alive  before it is “terminated” successfully;  In vivo vivisection for “educational” purposes of a living child; Buying a still-living abortion victim and using the child in an evil ritual with live child sacrifice.” (; emphasis added).

This prediction has now come true:

“In an announcement The Satanic Temple declares:

‘SATANIC ABORTIONS ARE PROTECTED BY RELIGIOUS LIBERTY LAWS In accordance with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), first trimester abortions are now exempt from unnecessary regulations for all individuals practicing The Satanic Temple’s religious abortion ritual. The announcement explains: “The Satanic Temple is proud to announce its Religious Abortion Ritual, a ceremony rooted in our deeply-held beliefs. . . .’    The Satanic Temple just announced the “Religious Abortion Ritual” which is designed to protect access to the medical procedure using existing religious liberty laws.” (

“The Satanic Temple explains that the “Satanic abortion ritual” does not require women to get abortions but “sanctifies the abortion process by instilling confidence and protecting bodily rights.” Part of its abortion ritual involves the woman reciting the “Personal Affirmation”: “By my body, my blood, By my will it is done.” (

So now we do have a ‘religious’ group making child sacrifice part of their diabolical worship – incorporating an actual abortion including the murder of a living child into their “church” rituals. Your current author is unaware of any democrat candidate opposing constitutional rights protection for these deadly liturgies.  The Party of Death’s opposition to any limits of  the “right” to abortion is 100% consistent with such a religion with live child sacrifice. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support the no-limits absolute-right position.

Moral Sewage?  You Ain’t Smelled Nuthin’ Yet

Think back to fifty, forty, thirty, even twenty years ago about what were slippery-slope alarms about the limitless democrat evil and nose-of-the-camel-under-the-tent warnings about their demonic aims. Think about them retorting that even to suggest such things was an attack on their constitutional rights and “we just want to be accepted.” Now think about what they have done in having their beliefs and perversions enshrined in law (federal, state and local), regulations, public policy,  grade school curriculums, and Planned Parenthood educational programs teaching teens how – mechanically and in great graphic detail – to engage in homosexual actions. With that as preamble, here are some things democrats are doing or have sent up trial balloons about – coming soon from californication origins to your state legislature, city council, or school board hearings:

Lowering the age of consent (to 14, or 12, or whatever) or abolishing it altogether

Having  now-criminal pedophilia and pederasty recognized as sexual orientations – God made me this way – with all the moral and legal atrocities that would necessarily flow from such “science.”

Eliminating the legal requirement that criminal pedophiles and predatory pederasts be listed on public sex offender roles

Clergy Complicity

Ignoring for the moment the fact that a plethora of priests and bishops are themselves criminal pedophiles, criminal pederasts, criminal sexual predators, and criminal homopredators – which is one explanation – the question arises: “

Why for so many years and decades have the clergy been silent about the sinfulness of voting for democrats because of the Party of Death’s support of and advocating for abortion rights? How could they be silent when the Party Of Death promotes so many other things that are “non-negotiable issues” for Catholics, issues like euthanasia, marriage integrity, and foetal stem cell research?

According to Catholic doctrine, abortion is an “intrinsic evil.” The Catechism of the Catholic church says this:

“. . . There are acts which, in and of themselves, independently of circumstances and intentions, are always gravely illicit by reason of their object; such as blasphemy and perjury, murder and adultery.  (1756) . . . There are concrete acts that it is always wrong to choose, because their choice entails a disorder of the will, i.e., a moral evil.  (1761).”

This means that there are no possible circumstances in which elective abortion can be morally acceptable – none, none, none, none, none, none and none.  Voluntarily engaging in homosexual actions is also intrinsically evil, as is “same-sex” marriage.  This means that there are no possible circumstances in which such actions can be morally acceptable – none, none, none, none, none, none and none

Most bishops and priests across the country today, at all levels of church governance and hierarchy, if they are not themselves active practicing homosexuals are “homosexualist” – they support the view, with varying degress of publicity, that the church teaches that loving homosexual relationships are possible and that, under certain circumstances,  homosexual actions are not only morally permissible, but are virtuous. They go farther – relying on Bergoglian heresies – and say that people engaging in these actions- and unrepentant – are to be welcomed into the public community life of the church.

To come out publicly against abortion as an intrinsic evil implicitly impacts their efforts to change the church’s magisterium regarding  voluntarily engaging in homosexual actions and to create within the church a new homosexual version of the sacrament of matrimony.

Democrats: Stone Cold Killers

Writer Selwyn Duke sees these Democrats for who they truly are:

Leftists were once part of the counter-culture, but the only culture that’s truly theirs is the Culture of Death . . .  So you can point fingers, modern Democrats, but in your hearts, some of you, I suspect, know exactly what too many of you are: stone-cold killers. [Murder: It’s a Democrat Thing, The American Thinker, August 7, 2019]”

A person with a well-formed conscience knows all of this. That is why

It is a mortal sin for a Catholic with a well-formed conscience – as defined by Holy Mother Church  –  to vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or for any democrat at any level of government.


Further sources & reading

Vote Democrat, Mortal Sin

Sin Voting, Reasons & Intrinsic Evil

Is It A Sin To Vote Democrat?

Democrat Baby Lynching

Bishops Will Proclaim How In Good Conscience You Can Vote For A Democrat


There Are No   Proportionate Reasons That Justify Voting For Any Democrat

How To Vote Nazi With A Clear Conscience

Hell-Vote Yourself In

[Re: Kamala Harris]  Planned Parenthood Beasts, Democrats, and Other Demons

Celebrate Democrat Abortions! Shout For Feminist Terminations!

Abortion Celebrations

Abortion Is Slavery Part I

Abortion Is Slavery Part II

A Key To Aunt Thommie’s Cabin, Guy McClung, 2020.

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Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Thursday, September 10, AD 2020 8:37pm

This is terribly wrong. As much as I oppose Biden and as comfortable as I am supporting Trump, Jesus is not on the ticket. That means that one must exercise practical prudence informed by Catholic teaching in determining for whom to vote. While it is possible that a vote for Biden could be sinful, this would be dependent on subjective intent. The same would be true for a vote for Trump.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, September 10, AD 2020 9:31pm

“It is a mortal sin for any faithful Catholic with a well-formed conscience – as defined by the Church – to vote for any democrat for any office in America at any level of government .

Well that’s the rub, isn’t it?

When half of U.S. Christians And 62%[!] of Catholic Christians are cool with casual sex, it’s obvious a majority of Catholics do not, in fact, have a well formed conscience.

Every Bishop in this country ought to be offering up Masses of Reparation daily for the manifest failure of the Church to pass on the Catholic faith.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, September 10, AD 2020 9:39pm

Four years ago, I would have agreed with you Mike. But both Biden and Trump are known qualities (not just quantities, btw) now. That wasn’t true four years ago.

And the well-formed conscience thing I’m harping on is key here. I agree that actively supporting Biden/Harris by voting for them is cooperating materially with evil.

That being said, it might very well be true that, given the choices before us, voting period is a venial sin.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Friday, September 11, AD 2020 4:14am

Human Sacrifice to the god of the earth and god of materialism is what the Democrat Party is all about. Abortion, euthanasia, contraception, all of folks whose lives were destroyed due to the economic lockdown of the pnony virus “pandemic”, BLM Marxism, Antifa, population control, etc. Anyone who votes Democrat has
a death wish. Catholic who do will have hell to pay.

Friday, September 11, AD 2020 9:00am

I’m with Mike.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Friday, September 11, AD 2020 10:10am

While it could be true that supporting Hitler as chancellor could be sinful, this would a matter of subjective intent.

My point is not that democrats are literally Hitler. (Their evil is largely of a different type). My point is that the above statement isn’t technically speaking inaccurate. In fact since all sin requires knowledge of what the act is and consent, you could say that whether any action is a sin requires on “subjective intent.” Even things like rape or murder.

But we would never talk about most sins in this way because it would be understood that when we talk about them as sins we say for example that premarital sex is a sin we aren’t talking about people who don’t fully understand what marriage or sex is, or who are forced into sex by rape.

It’s only when we talk about the democrats and their favorite sins (like abortion) that suddenly a bunch of qualifiers appear.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Friday, September 11, AD 2020 10:14am

Heck, I doubt that we’d even use such language for a republican that really crossed the line.

Imagine that there was a republican candidate who was pro-life, had good economic policies, supported religious freedom, etc. But he also said “The only thing I don’t like about the KKK is that they didn’t lynch enough blacks, and we need to fix that.”

I suspect very few people would say “maybe a vote for him could be sinful, but it would really depend on your intent.” No, everyone all both sides would roundly condemn this hypothetical candidate and anyone who supported him.

But when a candidate enthusiastically supports the murder of millions of babies or wants to see cities burn for “racial justice”, suddenly the attitude changes.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, September 11, AD 2020 10:19am

As bad as the choices have been getting, I console myself with the reflection that they are only going to get worse.

Friday, September 11, AD 2020 2:34pm

Mike and Pinky. Please take this seriously. This is not theoretical. Magnanimity here should be directed to the victims.

Art Deco
Friday, September 11, AD 2020 4:52pm

I console myself with the reflection that they are only going to get worse.

I’d say you have the last 35 years on your side supporting that supposition. Then again, the choices we had during the period running from 1975 to 1988 look rather better now than they did at the time (and not just by comparison).

Friday, September 11, AD 2020 4:54pm

I’m very serious about my faith. I make some lighthearted comments, but don’t mistake that for frivolity about the faith.

I wouldn’t vote for Biden. I wouldn’t vote for him because he’s pro-choice. I wouldn’t vote for him because of what he did to Judge Bork, and for his lack of support for the Contras, and for dozens of other more recent reasons. I wouldn’t vote for him because he’s stupid. He’s the worst kind of stupid for political office: he’s uncurious. He’s never had a thought outside of his duty to his party. He’s banally corrupt.

It is not inherently sinful for a Catholic to vote for a Democrat. A local dog-catcher, for example, is never going to be called upon to act on his political ideology. If two county commissioners have the same positions, and one of them is incompetent, it would be reasonable to vote for the other one. A good Catholic could even conceivably vote for Biden, if his political calculus were completely different from mine. For example, he might hold that abortion is inherently wrong and cannot be supported, but real progress against abortion can only take place in the non-political realm, and there are some issues which override abortion at the federal level. I would discourage such thinking. I think it’s completely wrong. But the Catholic Church has never stated that a vote for a Democrat is immoral. We don’t have the right to claim the Church says something she doesn’t.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Friday, September 11, AD 2020 9:47pm

I was with you until you said a good Catholic could vote for Biden.

Saturday, September 12, AD 2020 3:39am

” But the Catholic Church has never stated that a vote for a Democrat is immoral. ”

No she hasn’t but her teachings have taught us to recognize the evil contained within the Democrat platform and it’s promotion of that evil should the Democrats succeed in this election.

Christ never said homosexuals cannot marry and he didn’t have to by teaching us the Truth about marriage that it is only between a man and a woman.

If you know someones intent is to murder an innocent person if they have the means to do it, are you complicit in that murder if you give them the gun knowing what they plan on doing? It’s not that complicated.

Reading 1, Ezekiel 33:8-9.

8 If I say to someone wicked, “Evil- doer, you are to die,” and you do not speak to warn the wicked person to renounce such ways, the wicked person will die for this guilt, but I shall hold you responsible for the death.

9 If, however, you do warn someone wicked to renounce such ways and repent, and that person does not repent, then the culprit will die for this guilt, but you yourself will have saved your life.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, September 12, AD 2020 6:15am

I used to subscribe to the Long Island Catholic diocesan newspaper. Years ago, they published [I think] lib nonsense that one could in good conscience vote for a Dem as long as the reasons were other than support for abortion [now add support for sodomy, child mutilation, race and class hate, etc.]. I didn’t buy it. To me it was like saying I was against killing six million Jews, but voted for Hitler for other issues. Cue the “How dare youz!”

Saturday, September 12, AD 2020 10:38am

Ernst – I know what you mean. I keep wanting to put qualifiers in what I’m saying, like “not actually Joe Biden though”.

Ordinary Catholic – If you cooperate with someone in order to help them do evil, then you bear responsibility. If you vote for a pro-abortion candidate in order for him to promote pro-abortion policy, that’s a sin. If you vote for a candidate in spite of some inherently evil position, that’s permissible (at least as I understand the Church’s teaching). The Church has existed under a hundred different types of government, and has criticized all of them when they go wrong, but I can’t think of an example where the Church has specifically told us who we should vote for. To Guy’s point, I think the Church talks this way in order to help properly form consciences. She’s not going to issue specific directives, but wants to teach the voter how to make decisions. By telling people that they’d need an unusually strong reason to justify a vote for a pro-abortion candidate, she’s telling us to prioritize this issue.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Saturday, September 12, AD 2020 1:32pm

Bob, I was with you until the dog catcher example.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Saturday, September 12, AD 2020 1:33pm

Derp. I meant Guy.

Sorry about that.

Saturday, September 12, AD 2020 3:05pm

It may not be a sin for a Catholic to vote for Biden/Harris, but only if they do not know that Democrats support abortion and Republicans do not, in particular, Donald Trump. He has made his pro-life views crystal clear. The only Democrat who may not know these obvious facts are probably over 90. Every other Catholic knows. If you know Democrats support abortion (now infanticide) and you vote for Democrats, you are morally culpable for abortion. Good luck explaining that “seamless garment” to God.

Elaine Krewer
Sunday, September 13, AD 2020 7:07am

I think there’s also a misunderstanding of what is meant by “proportionate reasons” that could justify voting for a candidate who is pro-abortion or less than 100% pro life. The most common and obvious situation being when both major party candidates are pro-choice/pro abortion and you have to choose the lesser of two evils. Another situation might be if an ostensibly pro-life candidate who is manifestly corrupt or incompetent is up against a pro-choice candidate who is not particularly aggressive and would most likely simply maintain the status quo. Neither situation exists with regard to the presidential race this time around.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Sunday, September 13, AD 2020 9:18pm

“proportionate reasons”.

Thanks, Elaine. I’ve been waiting for a reason to post that link.

I know who I’d vote for, in this admittedly extreme example.

(hat tip: Instapundit

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