Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 5:22pm

Obama’s Commissars

Obama Commissar



In the old Soviet Union the regular officers and troops of the Red Army tended to despise the political officers, commissars, who enforced political orthodoxy, interfered with military operations, and who would inform on them in a heartbeat if they got a step out of line politically.  Remember the good old days when Americans would have laughed at the idea that such a symbol of a totalitarian state could ever infest their military?



Don’t donate to the tea party or to evangelical Christian groups —  that was  the message soldiers at a pre-deployment briefing at Fort  Hood  said they received from a counter-intelligence agent who headed up the  meeting.

If you do, you could face punishment — that was the other half of the  message, as reported by Fox News.

The briefing was Oct. 17, and about a half-hour of it was devoted to   discussion about how perceived radical groups — like tea party  organizations  and the Christian-based American  Family Association — were  “tearing the country apart,” one unnamed soldier  said, to Fox News.

Among the remarks the agent allegedly made: Military members who  donate to  these groups would be subject to discipline under the Uniform  Code of Military  Justice, the soldier reported.

Liberty Institute has stepped in to investigate. Michael  Berry, one  of the nonprofit’s attorneys, said he has been advising the  soldier  about his options — but that in the meanwhile, he said the American   public should be on guard.

Go here to read the rest.  There have been too many incidents like this over the past few years for this to be merely low level officers seeking to curry favor with the leftist powers that be.  This is clearly a reflection of an unofficial policy set by the administration to uproot Christian and conservative influences  from the military.  If traditional American liberties have to be trampled on to accomplish this, so much the better.  I curse the Obama administration for doing this, and I curse the senior officers for tolerating this for the sake of their worthless careers.


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Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 8:30am
Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 8:31am

[…] Obama’s Commissars – Donald McClarey, T.A.C. […]

Mary De Voe
Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 8:34am

Treason, especially in times of war as in Iraq and Afghanistan; the Tea Party and Evangelical Christian groups are being accused of treason for being inclusive and employing diversity, but mostly for opposing the imposition of totalitarianism.

Amendment 9 – Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Mary De Voe
Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 8:43am

Did I forget to mention FREEDOM? You see how this administation is undercutting the citizens’ freedom by dividing the enlisted man’s patriotism into Obamaism. Anything or thought against Obama becomes treason against the state= Obama IS the state. Not so. America is the state constituted by each and every sovereign person. The military’s patriotism is for America. The military man retains his citizenship even while he submits to orders for defense of the country. This demoralizing decree endangers all persons’ freedom by imposing tyranny and an abuse of command.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 10:33am

In France, the army was called « la grande muette » because the Third and fourth Republics were determined to keep them out of politics, even denying them the vote.

Well, speak they did in 1958. Paras of the Légion étrangère from Algeria landed in Corsica and the garrison of Rambouillet parked their tanks in the Luxembourg Gardens. A man walked out of the Bourse and blew his brains out, only for his body to be trampled underfoot by the crowd of frenzied brokers trying to get into the building. General de Gaulle came to Paris and told the cabinet that France had no further use for their services. (Exciting times for a 13 year old schoolboy visiting relatives in Paris)

Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 11:22am

“tearing the country apart.”

Sounds like that unnamed soldier has had his dose of (clockwork orange.)

These news items should help sceptics wipe the sand out of their eyes and wake up to the reality. The only one tearing the country apart is a virus pretending to be president. Small “p” intentional.

This is another wake up call.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 12:00pm

The wretched business is that the opposition will hold inconclusive congressional hearings, the administration will stonewall, and the public will not react (and, of course, partisan Democrats fancy this sort of behavior is perfectly legitimate, as is using the tax collectors to harass the opposition).

Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 2:29pm

Fr Kepaun was a Catholic priest in the Korean War who was recently posthumously given a Medal of Honor. I watched the ceremony on TV and noticed that the Chaplain summed his prayer with “in your holy Name” instead of the usual reference to praying in the Name of Jesus or to Jesus Christ Our Lord. No mention of Jesus even where it is customary in Catholic prayers.

Saturday, October 26, AD 2013 9:18pm

This morning, as I began to drive across a bridge, I saw black spray painted ‘graffiti’ on a concrete border where there haven’t been any such creations previously. With surprisingly neat, almost two foot block letters “destroy the tea party” was written, revealing the extent of influence that exists. I wonder whether this is a reaction to yesterday’s 5:00 local news blurb about the November 1st reduction of amounts to the usda plastic cards.

Sadly and ironically, the same people controlling money flow to ‘loyal’ voters are not ever going reveal to them political motives or the bailing and waste flow to the other end of the social order.

Sunday, October 27, AD 2013 11:17am

Withholding death benefits for KIAs, closing open air war memorials, subjecting active duty to ridicule via changes to uniforms and PFT requirments, branding veterans/The Tea Party/Christian organizations as terrorists, banning the Mass and the sacraments on base, trying the enemy in civilian vice military courts, using tax money for abortions, lowering the purchasing age for the morning after pill, targeting of groups by the IRS, etc….is alarming. These are overt what about covert actions? Sure I understand that some of the above only lasted a few days or are proposals (for now), but it’s the continuous onslaught of this stuff that’s a harbinger for even worse things to come. Erosion and destruction of our democracy, law, American morals/values and institutions that have long been respected and protect and stabilize our country’s society are the objectives of this administration.
What I don’t get is why the attack on the military seems to be increasing the closer we get to election day? Maybe they are not worried because it’s a given that absentee ballots will be “lost” in the mail or worse yet, our troops in theater and elsewhere overseas won’t vote for fear of reprisals because the Australian ballots won’t be secret.
I’m keeping my voter registration in a city a 100 miles away so that I can vote the pro abortion, liberal politicians out of office and elect decent ones in. Also I’ve checked with the board of elections in my deceased parents’ county and have received in writing that there names have been taken off the roles.

Elaine Krewer
Sunday, October 27, AD 2013 11:24am

Forbidding or discouraging active duty service personnel from joining political activist groups, or participating in political demonstrations, is not a new policy. My husband, a Navy veteran of the first Gulf War, remembers being warned against participation in ANY kind of public political rally, march or sign-carrying demonstration under threat of disciplinary action. This was under the Reagan and Bush Sr. administration).

I’m not entirely sure whether extending the prohibition to monetary donations, however, is really a new policy or simply a new interpretation/application of existing policy. If it is selectively enforced — i.e. donations to Tea Party groups are punished while donations to liberal groups are not — or if it is applied to donations by spouses or relatives of an active duty service member (thereby restricting THEIR right of free speech), or if intrusive measures are taken to uncover prohibited donations, we definitely have a problem.

Sunday, October 27, AD 2013 11:28am

Please excuse the puncuation and other typos.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Sunday, October 27, AD 2013 12:00pm

Elaine, you did read the account? Unless this is misreported, it was sectarian and applied to political and religious groups.

By the way, admirers of Ron Paul rummaged through the FEC database and contended that he was the choice of those listing a military occupation in 2007 and 2008. Do not recall stories of intelligence officers lecturing troops about that.

Tom D
Tom D
Sunday, October 27, AD 2013 7:30pm

It would seem that certain elements of the political establishment intend to declare Christians as subversives, excepting, of course, those Christians who adhere to the ethos of the establishment.

Christians had better wise up, and speak up, or these elites will eventually get their way.

Mary De Voe
Sunday, October 27, AD 2013 9:21pm

“The agent’s claim that military members would be punished if they contributed to evangelical groups clearly was a first amendment violation.”

I seem to remember that the U.S. Supreme Court declared money contributions to a political party or candidate as free speech. The military, out of uniform on their own time, are free citizens. The government does not own the GIs.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Monday, October 28, AD 2013 11:10am

While everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, five years of accumulated evidence is too much to ignore. Unfortunately, the establishment media has ignored most of it so we send these stories around like little candles to illuminate the darkness in the small corners of our acquaintance. Fears of a second Obama term are unalleviated. Saint Paul says, “Be angry but do not sin”. We understand that to mean there is a righteous anger and a reasonable and just response to things inimical to a just and free society. Not to be angry over injustice is a sin of omission.

Monday, October 28, AD 2013 11:33am

Good God fearing men forced to see their tax dollars used for P.P. Used for the killing, no the Murder of an innocent fetus. God help us All. This is righteous anger and our prayers to God while we few kneel in front of planned promiscuous…rather planned parenthood, will be heard. God will not be mocked forever.
Ash cloth would be a good purchase for the govt.! Much more useful than billions of rounds of ammo.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Monday, October 28, AD 2013 5:18pm

Are the billions of rounds of ammo horded against the day when sufficient numbers of the God-Fearing find the criteria of an Augustinian Just War of Rebellion met?

Monday, October 28, AD 2013 7:53pm

56 million fetus question Mr. Walsh.

The hoarding of ammo might be a moot point. A cosmic burp from the sun? Fire from Heaven?

A loving God He is, and as the drowning souls cried out to be forgiven…the same souls who hour before we’re laughing at Noah

Monday, October 28, AD 2013 7:59pm

….now found themselves begging for Gods mercy.

( accidentally hit send key a moment ago.)

Thank God God is the Judge.
We will suffer.
He will separate the goats and we trust in Him. Ammo will not stop God.

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