Monday, May 13, AD 2024 5:15am

PopeWatch: Vatican Trolling

You know you are living in interesting times when  an ink stained Fleet Street wretch like Piers Morgan is more Catholic than the Pope:



Why is it deemed unacceptable to wear a red Chinese dress to a prom, but acceptable to lampoon an entire religion at a celebrity gala?

This particular subject is personal to me.

I’m a Catholic.

Not the most devout you’ll ever meet, I’ll admit.

But I was brought up a Catholic – I even received not entirely successful spiritual guidance from nuns as a teenager! – and I still consider myself to be a Catholic.

I know many people don’t believe in any God or religion, let alone Catholicism, and I respect that.

All I ask in return is for my beliefs not to be rudely disrespected.

Just as I always respect other religions even if I don’t believe in what they represent.

To me, this year’s Met Gala crossed a line and was openly, brazenly disrespectful.

By doing so, it confirmed itself as an organisation of rank double standards, because everyone knows they’d have never dared do it to Islam or Judaism.

Apparently – staggeringly – the Vatican gave permission for the Gala to be ‘Catholic-themed’ because it has already provided a variety of clothes and other items for an accompanying exhibition at the Met.

To which my response is: what the hell was the Vatican thinking?

Go here to read the rest.  Let PopeWatch answer that question.  The Vatican is currently controlled by people who hate traditional Catholicism.  It is impossible to imagine this crew associating the Vatican with anything that mocks the sacred cows of the secular elites.  However, mocking Catholicism as practiced by those troglodytes who actually believe what the Church has taught for 2000 years?  Have at it!  We are being trolled by the current crew at the Vatican who have nothing but contempt for the Faith and for us.  May God forgive them and quickly end their misrule of His Church.



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Mary De Voe
Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 6:02am

” Let PopeWatch answer that question. The Vatican is currently controlled by people who hate traditional Catholicism. It is impossible to imagine this crew associating the Vatican with anything that mocks the sacred cows of the secular elites. However, mocking Catholicism as practiced by those troglodytes who actually believe what the Church has taught for 2000 years? Have at it! We are being trolled by the current crew at the Vatican who have nothing but contempt for the Faith and for us. May God forgive them and quickly end their misrule of His Church.”
Concise and true.

father of seven
father of seven
Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 6:02am

“The Vatican is currently controlled by people who..” aren’t Catholic. I don’t believe they are even Christian. Francis told Muslim invaders to look to their own faith traditions. No man who has the light of Christ would ever say that, ever. Christ is not the way, the truth and the light for these people. I don’t know what religion they hold to other than it appears they each consider themselves to be their own god. We’ll see how that works out for them.

Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 6:34am

Piers Morgan said it all. The Met Gala was Halloween come early. Who were most of those exhibitionists anyway? Do we care? The Lavender Mafia must have loved it.

Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 7:26am

Why the “hell” is anyone shocked by this? One could not ask for a better display representing of the last five years of Catholic leadership. Outside of this, a handful of other websites and their readers, the catholic world not only takes this, it is embraced. We not only deserve this, we deserve a “hell” of a lot worse. Sadly, we will get it.

Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 7:32am

Not shocked, with pope “smell like the flock” in charge and cardinal bozo.
But an exhibition featuring beautiful Catholic fashion is not a bad thing. I mean it’s not like you’re going to see anything beautiful in the church, might as well see it in a museum.

Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 8:13am

Actually, the Vatican is controlled by people who hate Catholicism itself, not just “traditional” Catholicism.

I pick the nit, only because it seems the crux of the problem. The problem is deeper than just hatred for something old, ancient, perhaps seen by some as outdated. There should always be only one faith. And the correct label should be either Catholicism or counterfeit Catholicism; Catholicism and everything else; the One True Faith and its pale imitators.

So events like the Met Gala are attacks on Catholicism, not just the “traditional” version.

I do not accept Pope Francis’ divisions into tribes of belief. There is one faith, in union with all those who came before, in union with Christ, in union with His Kingdom in Heaven.

Sorry about the nit picking, but I do think it is important to not accept that label, “traditional”, as compared to “Novus”. No more modifiers.

Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 11:36am

Francis has always been pope Bozo to me so I guess the pudgy, no talent ass clown Dolan is now Cookie his assistant. I don’t care about crass celebrities, but Dolan should have had more common sense to stay clear of this trainwreck.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 1:14pm

Every time you think contemporary bishops have hit bottom and cannot sink any lower, they prove you wrong.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Thursday, May 10, AD 2018 3:54pm

Dolan has become a disgrace.

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