Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 9:15am

Third World Hellholes and Other Truths

Much mock outrage is being generated over  observations that President Trump purportedly made yesterday complaining why the US had so many illegal aliens from s—hole nations rather than immigrants from nations like Norway.  (Trump had met with the Prime Minister of Norway on Wednesday.)

President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.

Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway, whose prime minister he met with Wednesday. The president, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt they help the United States economically.

In addition, the president singled out Haiti, telling lawmakers that immigrants from that country must be left out of any deal, these people said.

“Why do we need more Haitians?” Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting. “Take them out.”


Go here to read the rest.

His observations, assuming that he is being reported accurately, are being called terrible, racist and everything under the sun except what they are:  completely correct.  Since 1965 the US has in fact given preference to immigrants from Third World nations rather than from First World nations and our illegal alien problem is overwhelmingly from troubled Third World nations.  Was Trump wrong to disparage these countries?  Well it certainly wasn’t diplomatic, but it also certainly was true.  People from those countries flock to ours because they view the conditions in their home nations as being bad, often appallingly so.  The  shills for illegal aliens in this nation continually wax eloquent over how bad the conditions are in those nations as the main reason why the hordes of illegal aliens we have in this nation cannot be sent back.  The whole DACA charade is based on how terrible it would be to send those illegal aliens back to, shudder, mainly Mexico.

None of this is surprising however.  When it comes to our illegal alien problem mendacity has ever been king.  Illegal aliens serve two powerful constituencies:  many businesses which want to import cheap labor, and the Democrat Party which wants to replace the native populations in many areas in our land with new populations which will vote reliably Democrat for a generation or three.  Since the flaunting of our immigration laws is unpopular with most Americans, the policy of amnestying these illegal aliens every generation or so has to be shielded with lies.  Trump, crude as he is, broke with this policy of lies, and the mainstream media, and the political establishments, are in a tizzy.   Good.

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Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 2:47am

Osheama bin Libel wasted no time issuing his fatwa on this, replete with gross misuse of Scripture:

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 5:51am

During the previous Administration I worked for a different nuclear employer. We had several immigrants in our group at the office. One was a young women from Nigeria and another was a man from Iraq. Both were very well educated. The young woman had (I assume) gotten her degree at the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Kaduna State. Likewise the man had gotten his education under the former regime of Saddam Hussein (he was overjoyed at the US invasion of Iraq which freed his family from an evil dictatorship). Both were among the smartest people with whom I have had the privilege of working. And both described with disparaging words the serpentine process of immigrating into this country. If they had been uneducated barbarians from Haiti or Mexico, or radical Muslims from Syria, then the previous Administration would have swept away all barriers to their immigration. But they were Christian (the man – a Catholic – even attended my Biblical apologetics class at a parish in the town where we worked), and they were nuclear energy experts (in other words, they weren’t useful to the green energy programs of the previous Administration).


As for people like us being anti-immigration, as I have posted before, my wife and I have cared from immigrants from her home country, the Philippines. We have provided free lodging, food and other necessities. We have helped them get their green cards and obtain gainful employment. Her daughter and son-in-law are now coming on a work Visa to a state up north where we will meet them in a week and a half, helping them to get an apartment and settled in before the daughter reports to her new place of employment. So to all you godless worthless useless Democrats out there, until you do what we do, shut your freaking mouths about Donald Trump and immigration. You got no moral standing and no room to talk. So get out of our country and go to North Korea where you belong!

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 6:35am

My advice to President Trump: “Illegitimi non carborundum.” See “Vinegar Joe” Stillwell.

Our worst enemies are not Kim, Iranian mullahs or ISIS that can be destroyed in a snap. The dire, existential threats to our way of life are “godless worthless useless Democrats.” Again, President Trump has the dastards insanely running around with their hair on fire and their urine-soaked panties in bunches. Good!

FYI – If, like me, one opposes illegal invasions democrats deploy to fundamentally transform America into a Venezuela-style, socialist dystopia, one is a deplorable racist. It’s all they have.

Dave Griffey
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 7:25am

I have to admit, I think Trump was wrong in how he said it. It was, IMHO, needlessly disparaging. I have many friends from Africa that I met in my ministry days. They are aware of their countries’ shortcomings. But it is their home. It’s their family. Their loved ones. Their memories. For Trump to say such a thing seems to accomplish nothing at all. Even if it’s true. But then again, it’s also true that compared to Trump I live in a S**thole. And pointing that out would not be any more helpful, not matter what issue we were tackling.

I get the problems, the issues, the issue with immigration, the fact that Pelosi turns around and invokes the same attitude about White people on the same day. I’m not saying we shouldn’t change our approach and actually try to fix the immigration mess the way Democrats used to say we should. But I don’t think that makes what Trump said excusable. Using nukes for squirrel hunting might be effective, but there’s probably a less destructive way to accomplish the same goal.

Friday, January 12, AD 2018 7:44am

Dave Griffey,

The thing is, as of this morning, the President claims that while he used tough language, he did use that specific language. Whatever the case, it is a he/she said where he claims one thing an unveriafiable sources-cum-leakers tattle on him to the very biased Washington Post. Then we are supposed to just him on the plausibility of it and in what context and how it was used.

Nope. No thank you, as far as I’m concerned.

More language games for our chattering classes and fainting couches the (suddenly!) easily offended. [The obscene attempting another lecture of the vulgar]

Friday, January 12, AD 2018 8:44am

Just before the last election, we were solemnly assured by several
big-ticket movie stars that if Trump won, they’d be moving to Canada
post-haste. Now why do you suppose they weren’t promising to
move to Haiti, Cuba, Zimbabwe or Venezuela?

Leroy Sheckelstein
Leroy Sheckelstein
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 8:53am

T. Shaw,

It’s “Dhimmi-crats” not Democrats.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 9:37am

Since Inauguration Day 2017, dhimmi-crat and RINO traitors have staged an effete, treasonous coup d’etat.

The America-hating traitors would be equally-insanely slanderous if President Trump had pronounced a less-colorful descriptor, such as “dystopia,” .

This may be the first time since 1861 wherein a portion of the country actively refuses to allow a peaceful change of administrations.

If, God forbid, Trump loses in 2020 payback will be “on the menu.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 11:07am

I’m skeptical that he actually said it. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was a concoction of the media or of an opposition liar in the Democratic caucus.

That aside, some people and places have problems. It’s exceedingly poor form to rub their noses in it.

The problem we have is less that we have large scale immigration from dysfunctional countries than we are simply not screening applicants to improve the chances that those entering have an affinity for American life and are not contributing to the mess back home and will not make our social problems worse here. The Uzbek chap who bombed the subway in New York was the recipient of a ‘diversity lottery’ visa, a madcap policy. We have a growing population of Somalis who are arriving as relatives (or ‘relatives’) of an initial corps of Somalis who arrived as refugees. Every aspect of that policy is mad.

Friday, January 12, AD 2018 11:10am

How is it that suddenly it’s not only encouraged to gossip about people– but when anonymous sources declare someone said something that, while true, is rude, we’re supposed to believe it, spread it around and denounce it?

Did detraction and gossip suddenly become totally OK?

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 11:21am

I get that Dave. Ireland was a basket case in the 19th Century during the famine years under British misrule, but it still remained the Emerald Isle.

FWIW, the economists currently running the Maddison Project have released revised data on reconstructed historical statistics in the realm of national income accounting. Their current work suggests that Ireland in 1870 had a per capita income about 35% below that of the United States. It was an English-speaking country whose denizens were familiar with electoral institutions. Countries today which have a pci about 1/3 lower than that of the U.S. include Israel, South Korea, and Spain.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 11:24am

How is it that suddenly it’s not only encouraged to gossip about people– but when anonymous sources declare someone said something that, while true, is rude, we’re supposed to believe it, spread it around and denounce it?

I think the media has been declining in quality for some time. As we speak, though, they’re encountering a businessman-politician who emerges uninjured from the sh!tstorms they conjure to kill targeted politicians. I suspect that causes them considerable emotional upset and they’re willing to do anything to injure Trump.

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 12:27pm

How is it that suddenly it’s not only encouraged to gossip about people– but when anonymous sources declare someone said something that, while true, is rude, we’re supposed to believe it, spread it around and denounce it?
Did detraction and gossip suddenly become totally OK?

Of course it did, Foxfier. Don’t you know that we’re not supposed to do evil so that good may come of it… unless it’s to bring down Trump in which case all is fair?

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 1:48pm

Art Deco,
I haven’t seen you there in a while. Have you tired of tweaking numbskulls at “Marginal Revolution?”

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 1:52pm
Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 2:38pm

I haven’t seen you there in a while. Have you tired of tweaking numbskulls at “Marginal Revolution?”

I comment on a few things. The moderators have permitted others to appropriate my handle and put down parody comments or disgusting sexual comments attributed to me. I think most of the participants can now recognize my authentic remarks from these harassment gestures. There’s another participant who chases me around threads lobbing personal insults. It’s a reasonable wager these are the same person and that that person is a Mercatus employee. Also, too many threads you have to scroll through because most of the verbiage is produced by a gasbag who was fired by the Mercatus Center in 1991 and now lives in Germany. The man is insufferably pompous, yet he’s been so butt-hurt about his history with Mercatus he has to jab people who were not employed at Mason at the time.

In truth, though, they’re just not producing many interesting posts anymore.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 2:39pm

Stephen Colbert

Is a tiresome poseur.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 3:42pm

Art Deco,

I saw that. Sad. It’s their loss. You are a voice of reason crying out in a desert of intellectual idiots that don’t want to hear it.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, January 12, AD 2018 3:59pm

“Stephen Colbert

Is a tiresome poseur.“

To put it mildly.

Friday, January 12, AD 2018 5:11pm
Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 3:13am

I shared this great commentary by Don McClarey on the comment section of an article by my son on ABC TV.
It appears nearly all the comments support the liberal viewpoint.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 4:40am

Donald R McClarey wrote, “Ireland was a basket case in the 19th Century…”

A “basket-case” that produced such physicists as Lord Kelvin, George Johnstone Stoney, who named the electron and measured its charge, George Francis FitzGerald (Stoney’s nephew) who discovered the Lorentz-FitzGerald Contraction, John Tyndall, famous for his work on diamagnetism and infra-red radiation, the Rev Nicholas Callan, the inventor of the induction coil, the physicist and mathematician, like Sir George Stokes, Bart; the list goes on.

In proportion to their populations, the “Sea-divided Gaels” (Ireland and Scotland) produced more eminent scientists, engineers and inventors in the 19th century than any other.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 7:17am

What MPS forgets is that hardship and difficulty tend to produce great and noble men out of tragic circumstances, whereas comfort and excess tend to produce indolent and decadent men out of blissful circumstances. So thus perhaps the percentage of great and noble men per population in Ireland was greater in the 19th century than today; conversely, is the percentage of indolent and decadent men today greater?

I suspect no post-modern, neo-pagan sociologist today would dare answer that question honestly.

Dave Griffey
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 7:43am

I still maintain that Trump shouldn’t have said what he is alleged to have said. He denies saying it. But initially the White House did not deny it. But if he said it, he shouldn’t have. It was needlessly demeaning to the people whose countries he was talking about. And that does no good.

Plus, politically it does no good either. By doing this, he allows the press to continue to ignore anything and everything he has accomplished. To hear the press talk, either nothing good has happened, or it has nothing to do with Trump. By him doing things like this, it allows the press fodder for keeping him as far from his accomplishments as possible.

With that said, I also maintain that the only thing making Trump look good and sane by comparison is his critics. The attempt to make this into the next Holocaust, with threats of censure and impeachment, with the press pondering if it could cause violence against our embassies (want, perhaps?), and acting like it’s unpresidential to use vulgar language (hello Biden!), all reminds us that Trump got where he got because those attacking him have, at least historically, been worse.

Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 8:27am

I don’t like Mr. Trump, but still, did he say it? I did not hear him say it. There is no recording of him saying it.

If a disagreeable man cannot receive justice, then there is no justice.

Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 10:48am

First, the President is attacked for using language in which there is nothing wrong in using to describe this situation. Then he is attacked for giving a compliment to a pretty Korean girl. Today he is under attack for a romantic relationship with a very popular film actress. Three attacks in three days.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 1:29pm

LQC wrote, “hardship and difficulty tend to produce great and noble men out of tragic circumstances…”

Also a particular sense of humour – Look at the novels of Somerville & Ross and the plays of Wilde and George Bernard Shaw, worthy deescendants of Swift and Sherridan

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 4:04pm

Didn’t Barack HUSSEIN Obama call Libya a $hith0le?

Where is the liberal outrage over that?

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, January 13, AD 2018 5:25pm

Libya is one of dozens of ticking time bombs Obama left America.

America is truly blessed to have Donald J. Trump as President.

LQC, Not only that, the lying media (democrat apparatchiks with by-lines) swore to it.

The unconstitutional, unjust war Obmama and corrupt, incompetent Secretary Crooked Hillary inflicted on Libya unleashed a world of hurt on the indigenous population, and got killed Ambassador Stevens and three American heroes. Then they blamed it on a video that no one had ever seen.

Frank (@txtradcatholic)
Frank (@txtradcatholic)
Sunday, January 14, AD 2018 7:10am

Dave Griffey wrote: “By doing this, he allows the press to continue to ignore anything and everything he has accomplished.”
But seriously, whether or not Trump used the word attributed to him by that paragon of truth Dick Durbin, what are the chances the media will ever stop ignoring Trump’s accomplishments, or crediting them to Obama? The famous duo of Slim and None come to mind.

Sunday, January 14, AD 2018 7:26am

Latest attack on Trump by the ultraliberal Archbishop of Miami who called the President “Archie Bunker without the charm.”

Sunday, January 14, AD 2018 8:48am

” …a basket of deplorables” goes after the people, demeans the people.
The people of 18th century Ireland are not demeaned now, but they were demeaned at the time as they emigrated seeking freedom to live well here and elsewhere.
Though Italian, German or Irish immigrants were educated and reared in the ideals of Western civ brought about by Christendom, they were demeaned because of fear and prejudice. They were often fleeing a big bad government or economy; and in their seeking safe harbor, they didn’t expect American government to take care of them, but just to allow them freedom to live and take care of their families. They were free to follow vocations, and build schools and churches and thriving communities. A shared ethos melted us together and we quit being immigrants… abolished slavery and later answered the call to help those old homelands back over the sea.

Now to me it seems this Nation can only struggle- against the tide- to offer the kind of moral basis that made it a safe harbor for wretched and poor; or even provide national security here…no longer having willingness to define what America believes, what we hold allegiance to.
Modernism has attacked the teachings of the Christian faith and changed the whole texture of our society. People flee terrible situations for a new home base, but the shining home base could disintegrate without great care and prayer, to being on a par with the rest of the world, rather than being exceptional

Art Deco
Art Deco
Sunday, January 14, AD 2018 9:23am

The people of 18th century Ireland are not demeaned now, but they were demeaned at the time as they emigrated seeking freedom to live well here and elsewhere. Though Italian, German or Irish immigrants were educated and reared in the ideals of Western civ brought about by Christendom, they were demeaned because of fear and prejudice.

Not much Irish Catholic immigration prior to 1840. Agricultural populations lived close to subsistence and, with varying severity and for varying lengths of time, lived in a state of hereditary subjection. This last was pretty much gone in Europe by 1850 (outside of Roumania and Russia). They were probably less demeaned than they had been in centuries (in Eastern Europe) or ever (in Western Europe). Not sure how educated they were; do know that generalized primary schooling in Britain does not predate 1870. Piecemeal removal of legal disabilities, a revival of medieval conciliar institutions, and extensions of the suffrage were the order of the day in 19th and early 20th c. Europe.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Sunday, January 14, AD 2018 4:06pm

I do not know what Trump said nor the context of it but his enemies are clearly straining out gnats while swallowing camels whole. We should be charitable in thoughts, words and deeds. However, if we are not prudent, even our charity can do more harm than good. Is it prudent to offer such countries little more than siphoning off their more ambitious citizens, or merely providing a safety valve to allow people to escape chronically failed nations? If we are not prudent, eventually the poverty of ____hole countries will just be relocated here. There are elements that would rather make political points than confront inconvenient realties.

Sunday, January 14, AD 2018 7:54pm

Pretty sure that Haiti is more demeaned by having literal trouble with wide-spread human fecal contamination of water than by people supposedly, in a closed meeting, describing that state.

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