Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 8:54am

“The Catholic Church Is Dangerous, Outdated And Should Dissolve” Yahoo!

No this isn’t a quote from Catholic Democrats or Obama Administration Catholics- but I suspect it represents the worldview of the typical secular liberal who is feeling his/her oats these days.  With all the propaganda attacking traditional morality and the Hierarchical Catholic Church available in the mainstream media- it should hardly be surprising that an article like this can pass as intelligent commentary on the Church without a firestorm of protest from any corner of American society. If you don’t think that America is heading for a major push to drive the real Catholic Church underground- leaving behind a sort of patriotic catholic church as in China- consider that the Catholics aligned with Obama are probably in agreement with much of this Yahoo commentary- if they are speaking among themselves.  It would be nice to find a journalist who would press the prominent Catholic Democrats into offering their honest critique of this Yahoo piece. I think everyone needs to just come clean and be direct on where they stand- so that we can get this debate out into the open where the Truth longs to be seen.  Here is the article –  [ Yahoo has apparently taken the link down for now- so here is the content of the piece]- 

The Vatican (generally meaning “the Pope”) is angry with nuns for their behavior, and Cardinal Dolan from the New York Archdiocese is embroiled in yet another pedophile priest scandal. Let’s look at how the two situations prove the Catholic Church is on its last legs.

Starting close to home we have Cardinal Dolan’s little fiasco. It just came to light he might have been part of a plan to pay off child-molesting priests 20 grand each to leave the priesthood quietly, according to a CNN report.

The alleged reason was to hide the pedophiles’ actions and avoid lawsuits by paying them hush money. If it were anyone buy clergy committing these acts my guess is that mass arrests would have already been made.

Another CNN report talks about the Vatican’s recent attack on American nuns. The statement from Rome says they have gone rogue and have become radical feminists. The reason? The Pope thinks they should spend less time supporting social justice and more time opposing same-sex marriage, abortion, and euthanasia.

The Vatican is enforcing sanctions against the nuns, taking punitive action to get them back in line. The Pope is essentially telling each of these nuns, “Shut up and get back in the kitchen where you belong, woman.” Apparently in the mind of the Pope social justice just isn’t a big deal.

It’s possible that Dolan was trying to protect the institution of the Church with his actions. If so he and his Church are broken. I don’t care how loyal he is to the Church — it should be instantly obvious that the well-being of a child rape victim is more important than an organization. Normal people can’t stand the idea of letting child rapists off the hook.

It’s possible the Pope thinks he’s making the right decision biblically — and he might be correct. If so, his scripture is broken. It’s ancient mythology that treats women like property. It’s making him think social justice is irrelevant.

The Catholic Church is out of touch with reality and cares little for social justice and women’s rights. Any religion so broken should dissolve and give its adherents a chance to live better lives without it.


Andrew Riggio

Andrew is a freelance writer living in New Hampshire. He is passionate about writing the way Mozart was passionate about music.

and here is one written by a Catholic Democrat over at NCR  – “We are all Sinead O’Connor Now”   


The thing to remember is that for the secular/catholic liberal mindset- there is no difference between seeking administrative reform and accountability from our clergy and bishops and seeking to uproot official teachings/doctrines and replace them with ideas about morality which pass the mass media/Hollywood smell test. This is a huge distinction- and because Catholic Democrats tend to blur the lines – they threaten to do great damage to our Faith from within- using the ample powers of State and Media who are always ready to chop the Church up into controllable bits.

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Paul Primavera
Sunday, June 3, AD 2012 6:47pm

I think that we are going to come to the same place that the Cristeros came to.

By the way, don’t these liberal fools know anything? Roman Emperors and modern dictators alike tried what they advocate. The Church still stands.

Donald R. McClarey
Reply to  Paul Primavera
Sunday, June 3, AD 2012 7:01pm

I doubt it, especially if we beat Obama in the fall and demonstrate what bad politics anti-Catholicism is.

Sunday, June 3, AD 2012 8:20pm

unlike Hitler Obama sucks at hiding his socialism for more than one year.

Sunday, June 3, AD 2012 8:20pm

….did that second guy just seriously imply that the Church in Europe is in trouble because of the US Bishops that listened to then current psychology on pedophiles??!?!?

Paul W. Primavera
Sunday, June 3, AD 2012 9:29pm

T Shaw, it’s going to come to that. Liberals won’t respect anything except overwhelming force. There is Scriptural precedence – the Maccabean brothers. But let the liberals throw the first punch. Do NOT initiate violence. But when it’s given – and history says it will be given – then smash them into nothingness.

Sunday, June 3, AD 2012 9:56pm

Hate speech, irresponsible journalism, closing minds, and cold hearts have certainly blossomed in the past couple of years under the polarization game of the puppeteers.
Tonight, I just want to figure out how to cancel email from the host of that article. Back in the 90’s, it was highly recommended by the since retired computer builder with whom I did business. Doesn’t seem right to experience possible assault on sensibilities just going online. Wish he didn’t retire, and wish I had a clue.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 12:01am

[…] Yahoo!: “The Catholic Church Is Dangerous & Should Dissolve”, Yahoo! – T. Shipe, TAC […]

Don the Kiwi
Don the Kiwi
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 12:57am

Here is my sharper but equally vicious response. “Make the World a better place. Shoot a liberal in the face.”

That IS a bit vicious, T Shaw.

It does remind me, however, back in the 70’s, when growing your own weed, and a dislike of some immigrating Englishmen, prompted many tee-shirt wearing Kiwis to buy , and wear with an air of agression, a tee-shirt which read –
“Grow your own dope – plant a Pom a day.”

(“Plant” being the local vernacular for “Punch”. 🙂

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 3:33am

It is not only liberals and socialists who are the enemies of the Catholic Church. There are those who defend practices and currents in Catholicism, which are destructive, who are otherwise “beacons of orthodox/traditional Catholicism”. These too are enemies of the Catholic Church. For me, it is these latter ones who are my clear enemy and a clear enemy of the Catholic Church, but who are extremely difficult to root out because of their apparent orthodoxy.

For this Catholic, I am glad to see the ire of the leftists raised. I doubt, at least by now, that many decent Catholics of a more conservative view were unaware of their shenanigans and the harm their ilk has done to the Church. At least now they are out of the closet, even for the less discerning puzzled Catholics.

However, the embedded pseudo orthodox Catholics continue their insidious actions. It is these who are very dangerous because they truly believe they are doing the “right things”,
when in fact they are self-deceived and allowed, even encouraged to continue in their invasive, clandestine malignancy.

If the Church must be brought to its knees to get to these predators, who are many, than so be it. This is not the best way to go about it. But these kinds of pests are very difficult to purge, particularly when they are protected by the hierarchy who are much in line with them.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:23am

I ran across that column yesterday and I was befuddled as to how to respond. I hear no outcry similar to what I would expect if any other group were attacked with hate. Any option I considered felt like yelling alone in the desert, so I decided to pray that the author would have a Damascus Road experience…yea, lets pray that he becomes Catholic.

Mary De Voe
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:48am

This comment is posted at Archbishop Chaput’s column and is relevant here: The Person of God, the Father and God the Father’s Love for Jesus Christ, the Person of the Holy Spirit, and the Person of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ’s Love for God, His Father, the Person of the Holy Spirit are three Persons in One God – and are addressed as WHO.
Viva Christo Rey. Government serves its constituents. Government’s constituents serve God. There is no government without God. Communism, totalitarianism, socialism, fascism, their name is Legion and even the herd of swine does not abide them. The herd of swine, 4000, possessed by Legion, the devil, ran off a cliff and drowned itself in the sea. The devil believes in God but atheists choose not to believe in God, “their Creator” from The Declaration of Independence. The United States of America has chosen to be run by atheists, in spite of the Person of God inscribed into its founding documents as “their Creator”. How patriotic is that? How truthful is that? How smart is that? How generous and charitable is that?
Charity is a virtue. In order for the government to practice the virtue of charity, government must acknowledge, publicly acknowledge God,” “their Creator” and also acknowledge that the practice of the virtue of charity is the domain of the church. Without the acknowledgement, by government, of God, as “their Creator” and the church as the servant of God, and government as the servant of its constituents; government, constituted by the sovereign personhood of its constituents, who are endowed with sovereign personhood by “their Creator” has no sovereign authority to govern, the reason for its existence. Real money must not be given to support a regime without the truth of God. Viva Christo Rey.

Mary De Voe
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:00am

The Catholic church IS dangerous to every devil, liar, criminal, murderer for upholding the Ten Commandment and the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. Perfect Justice, virginity and innocence in the world, which is also the government’s job. Government needs to take assessment of itself and follow in the footsteps of virtue and truth or it (the government ) will vanish from the face of the earth. God is infinite. Yet Yahoo insists upon foistering, imposing a finite god of some evil entity on the people. Let Yahoo come forth with some proof that their finite god is a SUPREME SOVEREIGN BEING, THE FIRST PRINCIPLE, THE UNMOVED MOVER, “their Creator” and endower of unalienbale rights of LIfe, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness or does Yahoo’s god not give a damn about the Happiness of the people.

Mary De Voe
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 8:57am

Is Yahoo’s silly finite god or godess going to bless immortal souls with eternal life in the presence of the SUPRME SOVEREIGN BEING, THE FIRST PRINCIPLE, or will yahoo’s god or godess leave man unprotected from the evil one , the devil himself, to be preyed upon, tormented and finally damned? Some choice. FREEDOM.

Darren O.
Darren O.
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 9:28am

Dear embattled Great Leader (Insert name here):

Having problems with the finances? Marriage problems got you down? The answer is always the same: loot the Catholics. Sure their property technically isn’t yours to take, but when has that ever stopped the Great Leaders of the past? Now don’t you worry, they aways grow back again!

Mike Malone
Mike Malone
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 9:39am

Andrew Riggio can’t be this far off from the truth by accident so I can only conclude that he is concocting this story to advance his secular, liberal agenda which is likely his effort to kill religion in the public sector. Here he launches an attack upon the Catholic Church using hyperbole, innuendo, distortion and ignorance. Only it ain’t gonna be so easy because too many Catholics today know what’s going on. So lets disassemble his commentary.

Cardinal Dolan and the Church have not hidden paying defrocked priests $20,000 because there is no reason to do so. Riggio and other detractors should consider these payments as severance pay. It is given to these defrocked priests to get them to voluntarily leave the Church and it avoids a prolonged and expensive expulsion process; either way these abusive priests are being kicked out of the Church.

He also deliberately distorts the facts when he says, “Cardinal Dolan from the New York Archdiocese is embroiled in yet another pedophile priest scandal” What pedophile priest scandal? The John Jay College of Criminal Justice’s report, “The Causes and Context of the Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests, 1950-2010 reported that less than 5% of all priests involved in the abuse scandal were pedophiles. So what were they? The report, which is the one and only extensive and fact based study ever done on this issue, concluded that the principle offenders were ephebophiles not pedophiles. Since this report has been widely distributed and covered in detail by the media I think it is safe to conclude that one would have to live in a cave not to have seen and read this report. At best Riggio is just uninformed, at worst he is deliberately distorting the truth to stir up support for his cause.

With respect to the nuns. This is a canard from the beginning. Characterizing this as an attack on Catholic nuns is a deliberate distortion and a thinly veiled attack on the Catholic Church. Since when does a church have to check in with CNN or Riggio in order to call its members to task for misbehavior? If Riggio would have bothered to read the Vatican assessment he might have reported the following:

“The Holy See acknowledges with gratitude the great contribution of women Religious
to the Church in the United States as seen particularly in the many schools, hospitals, and institutions of support for the poor which have been founded and staffed by Religious over the years. Pope John Paul II expressed this gratitude well in his meeting with Religious from the United States in San Francisco on September 17, 1987, when he said: I rejoice because of your deep love of the Church and your generous service to God’s people…The extensive Catholic educational and health care systems, the highly developed network of social services in the Church – none of this would exist today, were it not for your highly motivated
dedication and the dedication of those who have gone before you. The spiritual vigor of so many Catholic people testifies to the efforts of generations of religious in this land. The history of the Church in this country is in large measure your history at the service of God’s people. The renewal of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious which is the goal of this doctrinal Assessment is in support of this essential charism of Religious which has been so obvious in the life and growth of the Catholic Church in the United States”.

Now does the above sound like an attack? The assessment then goes on to describe areas where the LCWR has drifted or ignored church teachings…..for years! These instances of dissent are well documented and can be found on-line everywhere. So why didn’t Riggio provide a more balanced commentary…..because it doesn’t feed his bigotry.

When I read an article that is so duplicitous I am finding it harder and harder to frame a charitable response. This is the best I can do; Riggio should stick to his knitting (web-design I think) because he knows zero about the Catholic Church, scripture and his commentary is rife with errors and misrepresentations. In fact he should be embarrassed to even write such twaddle.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 9:44am

We’re promised the gates of hell won’t prevail against the church. And they won’t. And we’re blessed to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 10:13am

I’d be happier if we could keep the shooting-each-other comments to a bare minimum, outside of references to skeet and sportsmen. I’m aware of the Russian proverb: If a person causes you a problem, remember: no person, no problem. It’s one of the things that’s made Russia the pleasant land it is today.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 11:47am

[…] can’t help but wonder if those who are writing the articles lately about how “Dangerous” the Catholic Church is, understand that Jesus Christ was considered to be just as dangerous, if not more, by the […]

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 12:04pm

but I suspect it represents the worldview of the typical secular liberal who is feeling his/her oats these days.

Andrew Riggio can’t be this far off from the truth by accident so I can only conclude that he is concocting this story to advance his secular, liberal agenda which is likely his effort to kill religion in the public sector.

He’s an out-of-work insurance agent, age forty. Not much of a danger to anyone.

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 12:09pm

“He’s an out-of-work insurance agent, age forty. Not much of a danger to anyone.”

Actually, big mouth liberal nit wits with a bully pulpit and an ever attentive progressive news media are a threat. People listen to these idiots. I am not sure what we can do about such threats except to respond with our own voices and to pray.

Alphatron Shinyskullus
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 12:12pm

Insurance agents work on commission, and very often work for themselves. If he’s an out of work insurance agent, it means he was no better at selling insurance than he is at writing hate speech.

Donald R. McClarey
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 12:14pm

“I’d be happier if we could keep the shooting-each-other comments to a bare minimum”

Indeed, I delete such comments when I see them, although the comment by T.Shaw slipped by me. I have remedied that error of omission.

Darren O.
Darren O.
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 1:43pm

In days gone by, great orders arose for the defense of the Faith. The Dominicans were great preachers. The Society of Jesus were great teachers. What’s needed now? A Holy order of (don’t laugh) lawyers! I believe that much of modern atheism rests upon the tacit acceptance of the claims made by the early Protestant “reformers”. I envision these lawyers writing terse letters to the inheritors of the various rebel denominations demanding the renunciation of the untruthful claims about the RCC which forms the foundation for their denomination. As they will be an order of religious, they will live under a rule of chastity, poverty, and obedience.

My suggestion is somewhat tongue in cheek. Holy Lawyer? Who couldn’t make a lot of jokes with that kind of material to work with? At the same time, the idea is appealing or has some potential.


Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 2:11pm

“What’s needed now? A Holy order of (don’t laugh) lawyers!”

Perhaps Donald McClarey could be petitioned to serve as their Superior General (or whatever the right term is)? I think a letter of recommendation to the Vatican is in order!


WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 3:37pm

Hopefully our defense will come in elections, turning of hearts and the eventual realization by the useful idots in media that they are the crucible of lies, and therefore stop repeating the nonsense and mendacity so far strewn.

Prayer, and more prayer.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 3:46pm


That comment was intended to highlight Riggio’s thinly veiled blood libel.

I know! I’m on moderation.

You and Cdl Dolan need to demand that Obama disavow such hatred.

See Don the Kiwi, 12:57AM above . . .

FDR: “You don’t have to wait for the rattlesnake to bite you.”

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 4:14pm

I could not read Ruggio’s column. It would have made me angry all day and I would have taken it out on others.

This morning, I woke up via the clock radio to hear a phone conversation badmouthing the Catholic Church from some whacked-out evangelical conversationists. Did you know Benedict XVI equals 666? I did not know that prior to 4:50 AM Eastern time June 4, 2012!

Oh, and there was some Romanian preacher/minister/something or other that prophesized that the United States would be invaded by Central America and South America! I had no idea that my wife was part of the invading Colombian Army. I bet she doesn’t know, either.

Stupid is not limited to atheists.

Alphatron Shinyskullus
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 5:15pm

“Oh, and there was some Romanian preacher/minister/something or other that prophesized that the United States would be invaded by Central America and South America! ”

As long as the invading horde does not include Chilean penguins, we’re safe. Nothing like a menacing mob of penguins from Tierra del Fuego to put fear into the hearts of men.

Andrew Riggio
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:02pm

Goodness. It’s so interesting to hear how much some of you despise me for speaking the truth. It’s also interesting to see just how bad the readers have been at researching who I am and what I do for a living. 🙂 Cheers.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:30pm


“Woe to him who calls good evil.”

Dante alighieri
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:40pm

Goodness. It’s so interesting to hear how much some of you despise me for speaking the truth.

I think pity is a more fitting adjective for how we feel about you.

It’s also interesting to see just how bad the readers have been at researching who I am and what I do for a living.

You’re a freelance writer who can’t manage to get a better gig than writing for Yahoo.

Paul Primavera
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:41pm

Andrew Riggio = liberal progressive Democrat.

That’s all one needs to know.

And we know what the Democrat Party supports: murder of unborn babies, sanctification of the filth of homosexual sodomy, promotion of the lifestyle of hedonistic sexual promiscuity.


Darren O.
Darren O.
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 6:49pm

Dear Andy:

Keep you filthy mits off of our property. What’s the matter with you anyways? Are your entertainments just not giving you the thrill they used to?

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:07pm

The Catholic Church yesterday, today, and tomorrow: the “eternal now”.

Andrew Riggio
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:22pm

Oh, you make me giggle. T-Shaw, your inability to correctly spell my six-letter surname amuses me. As to not calling good things evil, I could not agree more. Since religion isn’t based in reality, however, it’s tough to consider it “good.”

Paul Z – your post sounds like it carries a slight undertone of jealousy.

Paul P – as opposed to a closed minded, regressive republican? I’d say my position wins that contest. Perhaps you think open-minded, forward-thinking people are the ones doing something wrong?

Darren – what property would that be?

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:42pm

Andrew what is your problem? You spontaneously made a post on this article making false accusations and act like a pinhead just wants to get people riled up with your rhetoric.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:44pm

There should be a “who” in between “pinhead” and “just”.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:47pm

Liberal post hippies are some of the most hate-filled totalitarians I know of. I know because I grew up in the generation which have them as parents.

Donald R. McClarey
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:47pm

Lord Macaulay, one of many authors I am sure Mr. Riggio has probably never heard of, said it best about the Catholic Church and its staying power in 1840:

“There is not, and there never was on this earth, a work of human policy so well deserving of examination as the Roman Catholic Church. The history of that Church joins together the two great ages of human civilisation. No other institution is left standing which carries the mind back to the times when the smoke of sacrifice rose from the Pantheon, and when camelopards and tigers bounded in the Flavian amphitheatre. The proudest royal houses are but of yesterday, when compared with the line of the Supreme Pontiffs. That line we trace back in an unbroken series, from the Pope who crowned Napoleon in the nineteenth century to the Pope who crowned Pepin in the eighth; and far beyond the time of Pepin the august dynasty extends, till it is lost in the twilight of fable. The republic of Venice came next in antiquity. But the republic of Venice was modern when compared with the Papacy; and the republic of Venice is gone, and the Papacy remains. The Papacy remains, not in decay, not a mere antique, but full of life and youthful vigour. The Catholic Church is still sending forth to the farthest ends of the world missionaries as zealous as those who landed in Kent with Augustin, and still confronting hostile kings with the same spirit with which she confronted Attila. The number of her children is greater than in any former age. Her acquisitions in the New World have more than compensated for what she has lost in the Old. Her spiritual ascendency extends over the vast countries which lie between the plains of the Missouri and Cape Horn, countries which a century hence, may not improbably contain a population as large as that which now inhabits Europe. The members of her communion are certainly not fewer than a hundred and fifty millions; and it will be difficult to show that all other Christian sects united amount to a hundred and twenty millions. Nor do we see any sign which indicates that the term of her long dominion is approaching. She saw the commencement of all the governments and of all the ecclesiastical establishments that now exist in the world; and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all. She was great and respected before the Saxon had set foot on Britain, before the Frank had passed the Rhine, when Grecian eloquence still flourished at Antioch, when idols were still worshipped in the temple of Mecca. And she may still exist in undiminished vigour when some traveller from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St. Paul’s.”

Lord Macaulay was an anti-Catholic, although not a simple minded bigot like Mr. Riggio, and he understood history, something I am certain is largely terra incognita to Mr. Riggio.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 7:53pm

Andrew make an argument for sodomy other than gay pride.

Paul Primavera
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 8:00pm


An open mind lets all the knowledge fall on out. Forward thinking? Wasn’t “Forward” Stalin’s motto as he murdered tens of millions of his own people?

The Church survived – even prospered – under butchering Roman Emperors who thought as you do – Domitian, Tajan, Nerva, Commodus, etc.

The Church survived Robespierre and his reign of terror. He tried to do what you wanted. He murdered tens of thousands with that merciful instrument of euthanasia designed by Dr. Guillotine. He did it to your own rallying cry of “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.” He tried changing the days of the week and the months of the year to prevent the celebration of Christian Holy Days. He ended up at the end of the blade to which he had sent so many.

The Church survived Plutaco Elias Calles in Mexico, and Josef Stalin in Russia, and Adolf Hitler in Germany. The Church continues to survive the bloodshed wrought by forward thinking people exactly like you – Pol Pot in the 70s, Fidel Castro, Kim Il Jong, and all of the rest of the brutal anti-Christian demonic minions of hell.

The Church survived and prospered for 2000 years with now 1.2 billion adherents. If the good Lord should tarry another 2000 years, the Church will go on surviving – even prospering while the bones of forward thinking people are crushed into oblivion and all memory of them a fade in the dust.

Jesus promised in Matthew 16 that the gates of hell shall NOT prevail and they have NOT prevailed. As Romans 14:11 says:

“For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”

That means, Andy, that you WILL personally and individually confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. You will either do it voluntarily in this life now after repenting, or you will do it in the future at the Great White Throne of Judgment as recounted in Revelation 20:11-15. Whether you believe it or not (and your belief is irrelevant to the existence of the Truth), here is what is in store for you and for me if we don’t repent and lead holy lives (as Scripture says, without holiness, no man can see God):

“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

Forward think on that, my friend. I do. Every time I go into the Confessional knowing I am not worthy.

One last thing – for the record: I am not too enamoured with the Republican Party. I personally prefer the US Constitution Party whose platform is closest to Church teaching.

And I do look forward – to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ” He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20. Obama doesn’t look forward because he knows where he’s going.

BTW, Blessed José Luis Sanchez, murdered by forward thinking people exactly like you, Andy, knew precisely what St. Paul meant when he wrote in Philippians 3:13-14:

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Forward thinking people like you murder babies, 14 year olds, the infirm, the terminally ill and the aged. Your father is satan, the father of all lies and all murder. Yeah, I jealous. Right!


Monday, June 4, AD 2012 8:13pm

I Paul Primavera that was well stated, but I don’t think we should take someone seriously who thinks that two men jacking off is the same as a family.

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 8:13pm

I am referring of course to Andrew.

Paul Primavera
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 8:40pm

Thanks, Valentin – I knew what you meant. God bless!

Monday, June 4, AD 2012 8:46pm

God bless you with your beautiful Roman speech and statue picture.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Monday, June 4, AD 2012 11:20pm

Always amusing to see somebody like Riggio come by to pat himself on the back.

The self-esteem movement launches yet another immortal into the pantheon of literary greats.

Tuesday, June 5, AD 2012 12:45am

I think Riggio needs a gold star on his web post to show his mommy.

Elaine Krewer
Tuesday, June 5, AD 2012 4:40am

I didn’t have time to look at it, but last night there was a NEW post up at Yahoo titled “Islam is Dangerous, Outdated and Should Dissolve.”

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, June 5, AD 2012 5:50am


S-a-weet! You stuck it to them knuckle-draggers.

So, where are the jobs???

Cliches, sterile hedonism, and lies: how Obama and you cheat in the war of ideas.

So, how much further will US median household incomes crash-dive?

You are a paragon of liberal tolerance.

The one, true Church has survived 2,000 years of desultory persecutions. Holy Mother Church will survive Obama and you.

Here is your gold star for this 15 minutes twisting the truth to add your putrid dollop of hackneyed lies to the massive trap for fools, which is liberalism.

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