Monday, May 13, AD 2024 2:06am

The “Truth Teller” Speaks His Mind

By now everyone reading this blog has either heard or read of Donald Trump’s incomprehensibly silly remarks about John McCain. As a reminder, here is what he said:

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” The comments clearly shocked the crowd at the summit, some of whom reacted with boos and shouts of condemnation.

Here is where I am contractually obligated to note that I am no fan of McCain, and that one’s war record doesn’t justify political actions four decades later. But this is also a man who voluntarily stayed in prison in place of another soldier, and who endured mental and physical anguish that the soft bellied anonmyi who occupy the internet like a plague couldn’t begin to dream of. What’s more, in attacking McCain, Trump managed to insult all prisoners of war.

Tangentially, I’ll note that the continued defense of every idiotic thing that comes out of this man’s mouth is starting to feel vaguely familiar. The last two election cycles we had to endure Ron Paul supporters flocking to every thread where even the slightest criticism of Doctor Paul was made. The same phenomenon is at work in this cycle with Trump, who at this point could call the Virgin Mary a dirty little whore and he’d have legions of supporters cheering on his “bravery” and “just telling it like he sees it” and “Yeah, well, Jeb Bush, GOPe, establishment shill, GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!”

At any rate, it’s telling that this comment made all the news when it’s not even the dumbest thing he said during this talk. Here’s Captain Truth Teller on the Eucharist:

“When we go in church and I drink the little wine, which is about the only wine I drink, and I eat the little cracker — I guess that’s a form of asking forgiveness,” Mr. Trump said.

The “little wine” and the “little cracker.” Yes, this is how Donald Trump references the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now it must be mentioned that the thrice-married Donald is a Presbyterian, and so he’s possibly just revealing the truth about how certain Protestants view the Eucharist. Having been to a few of their services I could see how the average person could view what they serve as a little wine and crackers. That being said, perhaps a few more people might appreciate Trump for the circus sideshow freak that truly is.



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Monday, July 20, AD 2015 1:13am

I have e-spoken with some people who assure me they know other Vietnam POWs who claim McCain did dishonorable things there.
Me, I stand here and go… “He can’t raise his arms, he didn’t get an early out, really not seeing what “favors” he could’ve gotten that resulted him him coming home crippled.”

I’ve got a crazy uncle. He was a made-for-TV Vietnam vet before he went to Vietnam. I could– and, in person, would– explain in detail some of his shortcomings, number depending on how many folks are at the reunion.

But I wouldn’t insult his military service; that’s dishonorable. For the same reason I ignore anybody who insults my quite mild military service, I wouldn’t insult it– it’s stupid.

Don L
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 2:25am

I suspect that the brouhaha going on against Trump from most all of the Washington establishment is not because he misspoke (lacking the political cunning and deceit required to get to the top) His valid point was poorly stated as usual.

McCain aside, the takedown attempt–the Palinization of Trump by his own party is not because he told something wrong, but because he’s speaking much of the truth that the GOP and the left (a possible redundancy) cannot let afford to become the message.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 4:43am

that the GOP and the left (a possible redundancy)
Granted McConnell and Boehner are hopelessly ineffectual, and, with Priebus, cat’s paws of donors. They’re also in the business of gaming their own caucus. That having been said, remarks such as this are silly.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 5:30am

that their most ardent supporters are incapable of ever accepting the fact that they may have done or said something wrong. Now Palin was often attacked unfairly and without merit,

About the only legitimate complaint I’ve ever seen in print about Gov. Palin was that there were cost over-runs on a public works project she engineered while Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Some of her ‘more ardent supporters’ might be more amenable to criticism of the Governor if any of it was something other than people in verbalizing occupations displaying their class prejudices (or partisan Democrats displaying their ambient hostility to anyone not a partisan Democrat or deriving from benighted subcultures).

Don L
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 6:37am

Art Deco…” That having been said, remarks such as this are silly. (that the GOP and the left (a possible redundancy?)

I assume you refer to the remark in parenthesis. If so, in regard to both party’s open war on “social conservatives” (read as Christians) I reiterate the redundancy remark.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 7:00am

This time this crazy will not succumb to the GOP prevarication that I’d be “cutting off my nose to spite my face” if I vote third party. They never come through, even if they win.

One, John McCain needs to apologize to 15,000 Arizonans that he called “crazies” for showing up at a Trump event.

Two, paraphrasing a real hero, Patton, “Nobody ever won a war by getting shot down and being tortured as a POW.” McCain’s service fits the definition of immensely virtuous victim. Job not Sgt. York comes to mind.

Three, in the US losing the Vietnam War pilots were made POW’s. Grunts were shot in the head or tortured and staked out for the rest of the troops to see. Grunts were, and are, expendable.

Four, Trump says much that many of us crazies want to hear.

Five, Although I agree with PZ’s comment above, I want Trump to run as an independent. Then, we crazies will give the (castrati, Chamber of Commerce, country club, big-government) GOP much needed creative destruction.

Finally (at last), it seems as if the fix is in. It will be Bush, Inc. vs. Clinton, Inc. I’ll very happily go deer hunting.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 7:13am

If so, in regard to both party’s open war on “social conservatives” (read as Christians) I reiterate the redundancy remark.

There is no ‘open war’. The closest you’ve seen to ‘open war’ on social conservatives was the Huntsman campaign and the headquarters idiots piling on Todd Akin. How’d that work out for them?

Stephen E Dalton
Stephen E Dalton
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 7:22am

. I don’t support Trump, but I’m not wild about McCain either. Many Ex-GI’s and POW’s believe he was a Vietcong collaborator while he was at the Hanoi Hilton. If Te Donald wanted to slam McCain, he could have mentioned what these former soldiers thought of him. But instead, he makes a dumb-ass remark like this one. No vote for you man!

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 7:30am

Many Ex-GI’s and POW’s believe he was a Vietcong collaborator while he was at the Hanoi Hilton. If Te Donald wanted to slam McCain,

I see ‘many ex-GI’s’ is now a synonym for “Ron Unz”,

Monday, July 20, AD 2015 8:12am

Social cons? Trump is a social progressive! “Evolving” on gay marriage, and pro-abortion until a few months ago (conveniently, and with a story much less convincing than Reagan’s or even Romney’s, with, oh yeah, the fact that it generates a few months before a run!) What is going on!

He is practically a Communist, only guy seeking nom. who ever advocated a one time total net worth tax on America’s wealthiest, or employed Occupy rhetoric during the protests. He was a Hilary and Pelosi supporter and major donor pretty recently too.

He should be the Ron Paul and Tea Party and Social Warrior and quasi-Libertarianism crowds’ least favorite candidate!

Heck, besides “immigrant bad,” he supported limited path to citizenship like, < two years ago.. A border security hawk with a limited path to citizenship? You know of whom that reminds me? LITERALLY every other GOP candidate! Except he's changed! You know who else stopped with the pro-path position? Jeb Bush! Less clearly a Dem than Donald, you should be far less skeptical of his flipflop!
Except Carrot-top is loud and says stupid things he knows will sell books and increase ratings, which you associate with bravery. You must also think Bruce Jenner is brave. Different people laugh at them, but they both get laughed at, all the way to the bank. How brave!

Monday, July 20, AD 2015 8:18am

And on the McCain thing, imagine Obama said it. Maybe in some open mic gaffe. Try to have the same reaction you would have to that. Try (I know it’s very hard) to be consistent.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 9:36am

Evidently it is now a conservative value to degrade POWs.

I suspect it’s just the usual crackpots doing what comes naturally (sponsored by Ron Unz, natch). One of Unz more recent escapades was to publish an article claiming a cabal at Harvard was rigging admissions procedures and giving mulligans to Jewish applicants. The claim was taken apart by a private citizen living in Chicago assisted by a sociologist and a statistician. Unz reaction was to call the woman in Chicago ‘mentally ill’, the sociologist ‘dim’, and accuse the statistician of scamming around. George Soros and Trump are not the only capable businessmen polluting political discourse.

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 9:42am

Have you ever thought that maybe the Marxist left loves the edification of Donald Trump as a way of imprinting on the America populace how non-credible the Republican Party is according tother portrayal? I do NOT say that the Republican Party is non-credible. Rather, I say that by popularizing Donald Trump in the media, the party is made to seem that way. I think this is all a game and Donald Trump’s ego and hubris are well fed in the process.

c matt
c matt
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 12:52pm

Not to defend him form his other comments, but for Protestant services, he is right. It is nothing but a cracker and wine (or juice) because they do not have a valid priesthood, and therefore cannot properly confect the Eucharist.

c matt
c matt
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 12:55pm

My point is it’s not just their [Protestants] view of how they reference “the body and blood of our Lord.” When referring to their own services, it in fact is NOT the body and blood of our Lord. So his reference is correct. If he said that about Catholic (and Orthodox) services, then yes, you have a point.

Don L
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 1:40pm

“Social cons? Trump is a social progressive!”

We now I am confused. Why would they Palinize him? He fits in perfectly with the elitists running the GOP. Big money man and socially progressive…..hmmmm.

Monday, July 20, AD 2015 7:18pm

I’m so tired of hearing about how this egotistical lout is a truth teller. He’s a carnival barker telling people what they want to hear.

They’re not mutually exclusive.
I think he’s about as sincere as a guy looking for a one night stand, but that doesn’t mean the sky isn’t blue if he says it is….
We now I am confused. Why would they Palinize him?

Not the same “them,” other than some overlap with those who are only “conservative” because the “liberals” are so extreme.

Stephen E Dalton
Stephen E Dalton
Monday, July 20, AD 2015 11:17pm

Art Deco: until you brought up his name, I never heard of this Rom Unz. My information on McCain came from a Viet Vet, who as far as I know, had no connection with Unz.

Tuesday, July 21, AD 2015 3:29am

I wish Trump would go away but I love this take by Steyn:

Take home quote for me “Personally, I’d like it if Calvin Coolidge were on the ticket, or indeed the Marquess of Salisbury. But they’ve decided to sit out Campaign 2016, so one must take what one can get. And a citizenry that votes for an asshole is less deluded than one that votes for a messiah.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, July 21, AD 2015 6:55am

My information on McCain came from a Viet Vet, who as far as I know,

‘Information’? He has been a public figure for 33 years and twice a candidate for President. There would be a three-digit population of people who could testify from personal knowledge as to things he did do and did not do while in prison in VietNam. It’s not as if there is not embarrassing dirt on McCain out there (marital infidelity, serial mishaps while a Navy pilot, horrid outbursts of temper in Congress, and a wretched academic record at Annapolis). Yet, somehow, all the reporters and Democratic Party oppo researchers missed this one. I follow a rule: when someone tells you they have inside dope in circumstances such as this, the odds are they’re deluded or lying. YMMV.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, July 21, AD 2015 7:51am

The most vital question facing the Republic is not whether John McCain is a war hero.

I’m a vet. I knew a number of heroes, including pilots who provided close air support at 200 feet. One PFC Paul P. was on sick call for a serious illness but volunteered to go on a helicopter assault to try to save an overrun company. He was killed and his body sent to his parents in burned up pieces. Paul was a hero. That shot up company was pulled out. Many men died. We lost the war, which still hurts.
The POW’s were given heros’ welcomes. Grunts were flown out of Saigon and dropped at the airport, discharge papers in hand. They were lucky if they weren’t spat upon. I was not accosted.
One cannot carry on the fight while locked up in a POW camp.

Whether you are or are not a veteran, try to resist insulting people.

Tuesday, July 21, AD 2015 8:02am

Trump has no chance of getting the nomination. His value at this time is to channel the frustration of the majority of conservative voters about the lack of leadership and failed promises of the Republican elites in Washington and elsewhere. He ultimate value is to prove to the other conservative candidates that there is value it being willing to step outside the politically correct, Beltway media narrative and tell the truth and in doing so exposing the weakness of several other candidates. Trump is certainly an imperfect instrument but he has done an important service.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, July 21, AD 2015 9:54am

He ultimate value is to prove to the other conservative candidates that there is value it being willing to step outside the politically correct,

Hope that works. Biggest problem any Republican will face will be the animated cadavers who ‘lead’ the congressional caucuses.

Ben in RI
Ben in RI
Wednesday, July 22, AD 2015 6:17am

We need electoral freedom, like that have in the UK and other parliamentary systems in Europe. We don’t have true party choices in this nation. We are left with the Big Two; how is that an improvement from the Soviets, who only permitted one party?

As a Navy vet, Trump was a coward who didn’t bother to serve his nation. McCain did. Point blank.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, July 22, AD 2015 7:34am

As a Navy vet, Trump was a coward who didn’t bother to serve his nation. McCain did. Point blank.

The enlistment and induction rates published in contemporaneous editions of the Statistical Abstracts indicate that about 45% of the male population born during the years running from 1939 through 1954 had military service of some sort. Somewhat less than 15% of the men in those age cohorts were deployed to the theatre. (IIRC, somewhat fewer than half of these had postings which put them in harm’s way at some point). The notion that it was bog standard for a man born in 1946 to have put in time carrying a rifle in VietNam is just wrong; only a modest minority did so.

About a quarter of those in those cohorts were disqualified when they reported for an induction physical, about half of these categorically, and about half contingently. Another 30% or so did not serve for a variety of reasons. A minority had student deferments for a time (and recall that only about 20% of the men in those cohorts ever earned a bachelor’s degree) while others had married and had dependent children by the time their draft board took an interest in them; some others were excused on occupational grounds. About 7% spent all their service time in the Guard or Reserves. Another 25% were in the service on active duty but deployed elsewhere. Roughly a quarter of those deployed in theatre were not in VietNam itself and some of those who were were in desk jobs in Da Nang the whole time.

In Trump’s case, he was awarded a student deferment in 1964, something quite common at the time. The Washington Post fancies ‘the VietNam war was heating up’ and there was some sort of gamesmanship involved in acquiring this deferment. Neither was true. It was normal during the post-war period up to that point for bourgeois youths to do their military service after college and Selective Service policy was to put at the head of the line for induction the oldest among the eligible who had yet to serve. American deployments in the spring of 1964 consisted of about 20,000 ‘military advisers’ attached to South Vietnamese units. Pres. Johnson did not send American troops into VietNam en masse until March of 1965, when Trump was in his 2d semester, and as late as the end of 1965 total deployment (185,000) did not amount to more than 10% of a male age cohort of the era. Trump did not drop out and enlist. At the time, enlistment was commonly in lieu of waiting for conscription. Aspirant professional military and war time volunteers were a small sliver of the male population of the era (as can be inferred from re-enlistment rates). Trump eventually reported for a physical when his student deferment expired and was classified I-Y for some minor podiatric problems. The military can be oddly exacting about this. My grandfather was put on non-combat duty during World War I for flat feet; Hubert Humphrey was deferred for a hernia; I knew a man who was deferred in 1969 due to eczema on his feet; Rush Limbaugh was deferred around the same time for a pilonidal cyst; you could be deferred for being fat. The I-Y classification sent him to the back of the queue for a time and before he could be examined again the draft lottery was instituted. His lottery number was so high (356) he was never going to be called.

Trump’s history with the Selective Service incorporated no scheming that anyone knows of; he did about what he was supposed to do when he was supposed to do it and provided the services the military demanded of him (none, as it happened). He violated no laws and engaged in no evasive maneuvers. He availed himself of no dispensations which were not available to a seven or eight digit population of men of age during those years. None of this is impressive but none of it is dishonorable in and of itself either; nor is it indicative of any more cowardice than you’d find in Joe Average. (We would like our leaders to be better than that, of course).

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, July 22, AD 2015 9:32am

Art, your reply is charitable and reasoned. Here goes.
If Trump were a coward he wouldn’t espouse unpopular positions that raise the hatred of both the GOP eunuchs and the tyrannical left; and brought him a $100 million (Mexican drug cartel boss) price on his head. The man was able to tunnel and motorcycle out of a max. security prison, I wouldn’t want to be Trump’s life insurance agent.

I don’t care about men that call “cowards” other men for not volunteering to be expendable. That’s right: expendable. The infantry is the walking dead. The Navy not so much. So, Trump didn’t waste some of the best years of his life assisting in the first lost war in US History. Thank you, Bill and Hillary.

c matt
c matt
Wednesday, July 22, AD 2015 9:47am

Trump’s candidacy enjoys a certain freedom to say outrageous things (true or not) because he does not seriously intend to win the nomination. His run is about one thing – publicity. He needs to be controversial so he can market his next gig – I’m guessing some sort of “reality” talk show.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, July 22, AD 2015 10:19am

cmatt: Truth. But, I’d pay big bucks to see The Donald debate HRH Hillary. The GOP castrati not so much.

Wednesday, July 22, AD 2015 2:39pm

Ben in RI- who cares if there’s a choice when it doesn’t actually mean much?

I’d much rather have two big parties where the power plays and trading happens inside of the party, rather than where I get to pick the person that’s running who most fits my goals…and then he’s got to do power plays with the far side of the spectrum to form a functional government.
Our system isn’t perfect, but it at least sets up antagonism between the two sides; systems have a big problem where the various parties have to consider “am I going to need to ally with these guys at some point, or risk not having power?”
Less dangerous if it’s individuals who are making that choice, and they can be rewarded on a grander scale.
Trump’s a blow-hard– but he’s doing the equivalent of a niche political party without even having to be elected.

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