Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 7:12am

Biden’s Mideast War: Analysis


One of the more malign features of a malign administration was the attempt by the Obama regime to cozy up to Iran, purportedly to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons.  Anyone with the slightest knowledge of the mullah regime knew this was madness, but this was never the real point of the policy.  The real point was that Obama shared the Leftist distaste for Israel and viewed the Iranians as downtrodden people of color.  This probably gives Obama too much credit, as many of his policies were simply the result of prejudices and grievances he harbored rather than of thought.  Well, Biden has rarely been guilty of thought, outside of thinking up schemes to get massive bribes to himself, and now he is incapable of much thought, so his Leftist puppeteers revived the Iranian policy of Obama, which Trump had repudiated, in the face of constant evidence of how detested the ruling mullahs are in Iran.  The mullahs, having taken an accurate measure of the idiot Biden administration by getting some six billion in frozen funds for releasing some hostages, decided that now was an opportunity to derail the coming agreements between the Saudis and Israel.  The mullahs view the Saudis as their main regional adversary and Israel as the Little Satan.  How to do this?



Hamas in Gaza has been a handy auxiliary for the mullahs for many years.  The Hamas murderers are rabid dogs, always up for raids on Israel, completely indifferent to the consequences to themselves and to the people of Gaza.  Iran therefore provided them with the money and the planning to launch a sneak attack on Israel’s holiest day with a maximum body count and enough rockets, 5000, to overwhelm Israel’s Iron Dome.

Incredibly the IDF did not catch wind of this plot, probably as a result of distraction due to the ongoing cold civil war between leftist and conservative factions in Israel.  The left in Israel has been losing a demographic battle to the conservatives, mainly religious Jews, and their electoral strength has been waning.  The Israeli Supreme Court, appointed and not elected, has become the mainstay of the left retaining some power in Israel.  The Likud-led coalition has been passing laws to curb the power of the Supreme Court, and the left has been responding with huge rallies, often with members of the IDF declaiming about how this is a threat to Israel.  A military possessed by domestic politics often ignores foreign threats.

Yesterday the Israelis suffered 800 killed, proportionately far greater than we sustained on 9-11.  Hamas has been seizing Israeli women and kids as hostages and making videos of all this.   They want the Israelis to come after them with everything they have, as this serves the interests of their Iranian paymasters.

What happens next? The Israelis will flatten Gaza and do their best to exterminate Hamas.  Hezbollah in Lebanon has already launched a raid into Israel which the Israelis have repelled.  I think that Egypt and Jordan will stay out.  Syria is too weakened from years of civil war to be much of a threat.  I do not discount the possibility of open war between Israel and Iran, with Israel launching punishing raids on Iran.  If the mullahs have deep enough contempt for the Biden puppetocracy, they likely will begin seizing Western and American ships in the Persian Gulf.  The Puppet regime has brought the American people rampant inflation, high interest rates, a coming recession and now, likely a Middle East war.  Stolen elections have consequences.

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Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 6:33am

We need energy independence now. Well, years ago, We have it all: coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear. And lots of it.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 7:04am

What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” When the LORD had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

I wonder about America. The hundreds if not thousands of mercies given to her and her people when it truly deserved a reprimand for it’s many national sins.

The God of Mercy is also a God of Justice.

When enough inhabitants of this blessed land turn away from His mercies America will be an example of the old testament chosen one’s who abandoned their God.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 7:20am

We have the leadership we deserve;

*24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.*

Romans 1:24-27

Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 8:21am

Prediction: this will not deter most American Jews from continuing their blind support of the Democrats, who would celebrate the total destruction of Israel. That’s one I’ll never understand in this life.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 10:34am

Hamas has been seizing Israeli women and kids as hostages and making videos of all this.

An exchange proposal;

One President of the United States for the release of Israeli women and children.

After all, this administration is aces in making great exchange deals. It would be an honorable act of bravery. We’ll even sweeten’ the deal and throw in AOC, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck the duck Schumer and the trans man who won the women’s college swimming championship.

Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 12:56pm

PN, you left out Obama and Valetie Jarrett.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 6:33pm

That’s one I’ll never understand in this life.

The distinction between the parties in regard to policies which affect the security of Israel doesn’t interest them. Also, the religious perspective and political culture of various national populations of Jews differs a great deal, and there’s a chasm which separates Israeli Jews from American Jews. American Jews have never produced many immigrants to Israel and a large share of the American Jewish population is now indifferent to Israel

You also have to recall that a fat chunk of the American Jewish population is quite hostile to other social segments, evangelicals in particular. That’s more consequential in their political impulses than a host of other considerations.

Sunday, October 8, AD 2023 10:28pm

The left-leaning Jews (those in the entertainment and “influencers” spheres) have already started a trend on social media – “I stand with Israel” accompanied by the Star of David. They cannot reconcile their support of leftist political parties and their “stand” with Israel. They will still hate on Trump- who would have unleashed absolute hell on Hamas, if he was at the helm. But it might not have gotten to that point because Biden is a useless as they come when it comes to US applying intimidation to achieve deterrence.

I’m saddened that the war will spill into neighbouring Lebanon where Hezbollah will most definitely use as an excuse to assist Iran. This is the last thing the Lebanese people need.

I pray Netenyahu does not hold back on this one. It needs to be targeted with minimal loss of civilian life. Praying for the dead especially.

Monday, October 9, AD 2023 12:21am

[…] Attacks Israel: Biden’s Mideast War: Analysis – Donald R. McClarey, Esq., at The American Catholic Biden Financially Enabled Bloody Hamas […]

John Flaherty
John Flaherty
Monday, October 9, AD 2023 4:06pm

“They want the Israelis to come after them with everything they have, as this serves the interests of their Iranian paymasters.”

So we’re thinking that Iran is using Hamas to weaken Israel? Are we thinking Iran is looking at attacking Israel at a somewhat later date? Or is this more aimed at weakening Israeli economics or achieving another goal?

Incidentally, did anyone ever determine what Putin was after with invading Urkaine? That fight is…not that terribly far from the Mid-East on the whole.
…On the other hand, I’ve been watching a series about World War II lately–TimeGhost channel on YouTube. Plausible that I’m thinking a little too pessimistically…..

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