Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 2:18pm

Egyptians Probably Stole Their Technology From Wakanda



We live in a time when ignorance and lies are celebrated and heavily promoted.  We know Cleopatra’s blood line for centuries before her birth.  Her ancestors were all Macedonians with one Persian.




From commenter Nate Winchester:





If the actor looks familiar he portrayed Cajun Merriell Shelton, Private “Snafu”, Eugene Sledge’s buddy in The Pacific.


Strong language advisory:


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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 3:34am

Were there any great civilizations in black Africa like the Egyptian civilization that built great monuments, left behind a legacy of hieroglyphic writings and statuesque art, and influenced neighboring nations for millennia?

Or did such civilizations arise but the jungle eventually devoured them?

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 4:55am

LQC, from what I’m read, no sub-saharan civilization had a written language or even two story structures. Years ago I created an architecture course and one aspect showcased architecture from all around the world and sub-saharan didn’t have any. To be considered Architecture a structure has to be permanent. Similarly most American Indians tribes didn’t have Architecture either.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 5:00am

Identity History. If you don’t study it you are ignorant. If you do, you’re deluded.

Last night Fox News had a segment which revealed some polled believe each year cops kill 1.000 unarmed black men. In fact, it’s 12. Now 12 is too many, but tthey lie and many believe.

The Truth is out there.

There are few things that are more fictional than “Wakanda:” critical race theory, structural/systemic racism, the 1609 project, the transgender circus, climate hysterics, inanimate objects kill, . . .

George Haberberger
George Haberberger
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 5:34am

And of course Wakanda was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, two white men.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 6:21am

The other day, I was in a thread and someone pointed out a presentation Neil deGrasse Tyson did for the National Geographic Society on the Indus Valley Civilization.

Tyson is filmed walking and talking and then computer generated imagery is inserted around him by editors. Surviving skeletal remains are consistent with the thesis that the inhabitants of the Indus Valley, ca. 2000 BC were kin to the inhabitants of South Asia today. You can see the film editors at the National Geographic Society populated the Indus Valley city with Africans.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 6:28am

Were there any great civilizations in black Africa like the Egyptian civilization that built great monuments,

IIRC, there were territorial states in the Sahel contemporaneous with Medieval Europe which had cities and stone structures. I think they may have used Arabic script.

I believe Ethiopia had its own script, stone structures, cities &c.contemporaneous with Late Antiquity.

David WS
David WS
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 6:49am

Human beings are found on all continents. However the only societies that developed beyond subsistence were found in temperate climates… not too hot, not too cold.
Another bonus is to have inland seas & navigable rivers… easy trade.
Essential for science is a Belief in a Creator and thus a discoverable universe.

There is really only one place on earth where all these components existed:
The Mediterranean.

Ps. Temperate climates mean lighter skin. It’s a vitamin D thing… Any aliens visiting earth must think we’re really cool for having such variety but really really stupid.

Donald Link
Donald Link
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 7:43am

Real story of Cleopatra was an episode on the History Chanel almost two decades ago. The current promoters of this one must have thought everyone forgot about the original.

Mary De Voe
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 10:12am

These comments are most enjoyable; even fun. I enjoyed them.

Mary De Voe
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 10:19am

The you tube clip tells me that I am really stupid. and that past history is not real.

David WS
David WS
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 10:33am

Tyson is to Science, what slick Salesmen who happen to have an engineering degree are to actual Engineers.

The lack of darker skinned advanced civilizations has nothing to do with skin color!!

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 2:49pm

Tyson is to Science, what slick Salesmen who happen to have an engineering degree are to actual Engineers.

He’s not an academician, but most astronomers aren’t. He is a planetarium director. He also has a signed dissertation and a bibliography of research articles. I don’t see the point of insulting him. Those weren’t actual buildings and actors around him. It’s not clear who was responsible for this.

Tom Byrne
Tom Byrne
Friday, April 14, AD 2023 4:23pm

Part of these shenanigans arise from a false identification of “civilized” with “higher moral status”. It isn’t: it means cities, writing, settled agriculture and life organized beyond mere tribalism. Nothing to do with morality (and Dawson observed that pastoral “barbarians” often had stronger and more virile moral codes than neighboring civilized states). Canaan was civilized with ritual prostitution, Israel was not. Carthage (which sacrificed babies to a god of wealth, sort of like modern liberals) was less civilized at the time than Rome. That your distant ancestors did not build pyramids says nothing about your character or brains. Get over yourself!

Friday, April 14, AD 2023 5:33pm

This fixation on Cleopatras skin colour trivialises her many accomplishments. Skin colour did not matter to the Ancient Egyptians. They identified themselves via the regions they lived and each region had people with skin that graduated from light to dark. They did not focus on skin colour to determine identity or class. A focus on Skin colour to determine superiority or inferiority is a modern fixation.

As a side, I recall visiting the city of Tripoli in Lebanon in my 20’s and the city is mainly Muslim – and simple and poor- walking through the markets I was surprised that many market vendors were very fair skinned with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes – that came from the Crusades mixing with the local people and had nothing to do with how civilised or what class a person belongs to. You see pockets of this mix of skin colour happening all of ME, North Africa and throughout the Mediterranean.

The other thing about Cleopatra was she was insanely inbred. It was normal to marry ones sibling. Cleopatras father was believed to have married a few of his sisters and Cleopatra herself may have married her brother. The likelihood of the Pharaohs marrying some random black woman when they are of Macedonian/Ancient Greek, is illogical.

Friday, April 14, AD 2023 8:01pm

[…] Donald R. McClarey, J.D. Come Back Soon, Mr. Biden! – Fr. John Hunwicke at Mutual Enrichment Egyptians Probably Stole Their Technology From Wakanda – Donald R. McClarey, […]

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Saturday, April 15, AD 2023 5:28pm

If this goes on, 10-20 years from down popular culture will seriously endorse the idea that William Shakespeare and the Vikings, among others, were actually black.

There’s already more support for that lunacy in academia than you would think, and of course Hollywood is keen on putting blacks into those sorts of roles while crying about whenever a white actor is put into an “inappropriate” role (see the last Hellboy movie for a completely ridiculous example of that.) Yet the public is still generally aware when they see a black Viking or Trojan or Victorian noble or whatever that this is artistic license. But in 10-20 years, it will probably be taken as an accurate reflection of the past.

Tom Byrne
Tom Byrne
Sunday, April 16, AD 2023 2:08pm

There were no black Trojans, but (in the legend) Ethiopia sent warriors to the defense of Troy, led by Memnon.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Sunday, April 16, AD 2023 2:50pm

Tom Byrne, Interesting.

Not sure how many Ethiopians, or Africans, trace descent from Eos, goddess of the dawn. According to Wikipedia [I have to see if I can find my Iliad somewhere], Memnon only appears in Homer’s The Odyssey.

During the eighth century, BC Egypt was ruled by a succession of Nubian pharaohs. [Discover magazine] The Nubian king Piye became the first of a succession of five “black pharaohs” who ruled Egypt for six decades with the blessing of the Egyptian priesthood because hundreds of years prior priests accompanying Egypt’s conquering armies saw a land mass and concluded it was the birthplace of their chief god, Amun [they think].

Christopher Columbus’ mother was Irish you know.

Tom Byrne
Tom Byrne
Monday, April 17, AD 2023 12:44pm

The Nubians are still there, in southern Egypt, but the Egyptians themselves show the genetics of the Middle East and North Africa, not Black Africa, although there are traces of that in the peoples of Upper Egypt (below Memphis). Dr. Hawass, who directed their antiquities services for years, demonstrated by genetic studies that the people of Egypt are genetically the same as the mummies of thousands of years ago. I’ve taught Egyptians, and they don’t look like Spike Lee!

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