Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 7:30pm

Civil War Coming?

At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?– Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!–All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

Abraham Lincoln, January 27, 1838



The above video is a best case analysis, for the regime in power, of a war by the US military against a substantial portion of the American people, and even it isn’t pretty for the military.  The reality of course would be much grimmer, with the US military fighting a civil war against itself, which is why the Left wants to purge conservatives from the ranks of the military.  The guerilla war throughout the country would make Afghanistan and Iraq seem like peaceful operations in comparison.  Red states would quickly use their National Guard and veterans as a nucleus of a Free America military, not to mention all the bases in Red states, and that the ranks of the military are disproportionately from Red States.  We have seen this film before in 1775-1783 and 1861-1865.  When Americans go to war against each other, the conflicts are long, sanguinary and desperate.

From an active duty sailor:

But that’s not actually what the training says. The training we received this month was rushed through in the wake of the Washington, D.C., riot. The course, which was given in a PowerPoint deck, included a slide defining “extremism.” One would expect a broad, catch-all phrase that makes it clear that any radical activity undermining our nation or promoting criminal activity would not be tolerable.

But that would be wrong. Extremism was narrowly defined as “supremacist” beliefs only. That’s it. Nothing else. Nothing about anarchism, nothing about any group that might be found on the left. Everyone in the room – of every race, incidentally – had a collective hush as the chilling effect of this clearly biased definition dawned on our team. As one person on our team put it, “Why does the DoD only care about one kind of extremism? Why do they refuse to talk about antifa? Why is it extremist to attack a Capitol police officer, but not extremist to attack a Portland police officer?”

We were further lectured that “supremacists” were seeking to join the military to gain skills and proficiency with weapons. But, of course, we know that inner-city gangs have been trying this for years, and yet there was no discussion of this. Nor was there any mention of antifa, which explicitly and often openly promotes violent activities. It seems odd that in 2020, when we saw 1,000 riots with varying levels of violence, our training would be centered on the one riot connected to the right and ignore the 999 connected to the left.

Throughout the presentation, the drumbeat was consistent, constant…and chilling. This was a shot across the bow to the right, and deafening silence for the left. As true Americans, committed to our fellow servicemen and women, we should reject all extremism unequivocally from any source. My concern is that this blatantly political training is not only bad, it’s counter-productive. Extremists feed on paranoia, and the Department of Defense just fed them a healthy dose of it.

What do they think these people will do? Quit? Because some admiral made them sit through three hours of lectures? Hardly. They’ll go underground. And they’ll continue to fester. And so too will the left. Only no one will be watching out for them, because the brass’ silence speaks volumes.

Go here to read the rest.  Indoctrination, pure and simple.  The PuppetMasters’ Administration is going to purge the military, at least the officer’s corps, of all conservatives, to utilize the military as a politicized weapon against their political foes.  As a last resort they will use the military to wage war against half the population while giving a pass to our foreign foes.  2021 could easily be the most disastrous year in our history since 1861.  I hope I am very, very wrong but I fear that civil war is in the offing.  The kindling is all there and the current administration keeps adding wood and fuel.  May Christ in His Mercy save us from a war without an enemy and from loss of our freedom.



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Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 1:30am

Now what can we do about this development? If brought to the attention of our “leaders”, the MSM and the military it would probably be called a conspiracy theory.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 5:31am

In other news, Americans are spending their China virus relief money to buy guns.

When it starts, if it starts, the question is which way will the real trigger-pullers be shooting?


John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 5:54am

People are being manipulated. Biden is not just a puppet he’s now a digital creation.

Art Deco
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 6:56am

This is being pushed by a comparatively small corps of malevolent people. The problem is that they have the assent of a broad mass of the feckless. What happened after that business in Minneapolis should have destroyed the Democratic Party in November, and it hardly injured it.

One thing of which it does persuade me is that components of the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security are so ruined that they cannot be reformed. Here we are and their ‘top priority’ is a threat that simply does not exist.

Art Deco
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 6:58am

Biden is not just a puppet he’s now a digital creation.

My impression from the video was that the ‘reporters’ were a digital creation and that Biden uttered that one line to the air.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 7:10am

“. . . that business in Minneapolis should have destroyed the Democratic Party in November, and it hardly injured it.”

It would have if not for massive voter fraud.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 7:58am

● Strategic clarity ●

The role of lesbianism in the military.

Holy #¤◇☆!

We are setting ourselves up for complete failure.

Jessie Jane Duff opinions are spot on.

God help US.
“Our priorities are misplaced.” JJD
No kidding!

Art Deco
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 9:41am
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 10:10am

Response to this post from a friend on MeWe:

The guy that put this video together makes an assumption that the military will remain a cohesive organization. That is not true. All one has to do is look back in history to the Civil War. Further, he doesn’t seem to consider or account for the massive number of retired front line battle vets spread throughout the population, especially in the areas most likely to form the heart of the opposition to the government. These vets are up to date on military technology and the means to defeat it. The tech is an undeniable advantage but it is one that can be attenuated to a large degree, especially if current troops are on the side of the insurgents and working with the vets to disrupt the military, a scenario that I believe will play out.

The ability to move troops and materials quickly is a huge advantage. So, troops stationed overseas can be quickly moved back to America. Or, can they? Those troops are stationed strategically to hold back our “enemies”. Pull too many out and the US will create a void that will quickly be filled and virtually impossible to get back. So, I’m guessing that only a percentage, possibly a rather small percentage, can come back and a number of those will immediately go over to the insurgency.

Resupply of weapons and ammunition will be an issue for the insurgents. But the government will have a potentially larger supply issue. They will have to supply food for themselves and the civilian population under their authority, which will be the majority of the American people. They can’t let the cities go hungry or they will be fighting a very serious war behind their own lines. Unfortunately for them, most of the productive farmland lies in insurgent territory. So, they will not only have to control the farm acreage but secure the supply lines as well. That alone will take up a huge percentage of their available force and is probably not possible.

I am assuming that there is already serious preparation going on right now on the insurgent side. If this war happens, which I believe it will, and if the planning is ongoing, as I believe it is, then this isn’t going to be just a bunch of good ol’ boys grabbing their shotguns and playing army.

A professional command structure to support the insurgents already exists. Remember those retired officers that supported Trump? Assuming they have intelligence sources in the military/government, they should be ready and able to avoid arrest at the beginning of the war and slip away to assume command.

I also assume that if this sort of planning is occurring then it also includes communications and planning with former military in the civilian world. Have you noticed how hard the administration seems to be cracking down on the Oath Keepers? My guess is they are just one of these formalized chain of command groups and that the administration knows this.

We are in far a long and drawn out fight. Pray.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 2:47pm

A month ago I began receiving emails from good Catholics concerned about the rise in militia activity in there part of the country. These are good Catholics that don’t subscribe to using insurgency as a means of survival.

Here is a quote from the MeWe friend of LQC: “I am assuming that there is already serious preparation going on right now on the insurgent side”.

The preparation has been going to for some while, I can only surmise that when Biden was inaugurated, this ‘preparation’ took on an even more serious tone.

A retired Black Ops analyst wrote that Liberals tend to be less organized but much more nosier when they demonstrate or riot. Conservatives don’t demonstrate or riot as much, but when they do, they make Liberals look like kindergarten kids at recess.

God help us all.

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 3:02pm

LQC, additionally any smart bombs will become a one shot weapon. I doubt a new supply will be forthcoming, even if money was available, since the parts and raw materials for complicated weapons will be disrupted at best.
If the US goes civil war, restrains all over the world are cut loose and many long stagnant situations will heat up and change. Those Troops left “somewhere else” may be on their own. There was an old GDW game in 1984 called Twilight 2000 that dealt with this situation but it was post WW3. We should look up the game and use it as a plan…

David WS
David WS
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 4:24pm

I shot competitive 22 cal rifle for many years with an Anschütz rifle.
Our team was made up of technical people who seem to be attracted to the precision sport, including machinists.
One machinist just for fun and with access to a Bridgeport milling machine made, I kid you not, a 22 cal Gatling gun as a replica to a Civil War Gatling. And it worked.
Burned through ammo rather quickly. 🙂 And those bullets smelled like maple syrup. (see map.)

Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 6:41pm

Insurgents? Or weary citizens who think the Constitution means what it says?

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 8:04pm

Off Topic.

Civil war might have to wait.

Putin has challenged Biden to a teleprompter, ear piece free debate…live.

Seems Biden spoke off the cuff to George Stephanopoulos regarding the “killer.” Now the accused wants a face off with Mr.- kill the unborn child as you wish – Biden;

Vlad the impaler v. Smiling diamond Joe.


Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, March 18, AD 2021 8:09pm

[ My suggestion regarding no ear piece or teleprompter. Joe can think on his feet…right? ]

Art Deco
Friday, March 19, AD 2021 8:26am

Here’s another one for the Crimes-of-the-Judiciary (along with the Crimes-of-the-Medical-Profession file).

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