Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 5:28am

Running Scared

“You know, I think the Guard is 90 some odd percent I believe male, only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden. You gotta figure that the guard which is predominantly more conservative and I see that on my social media, and we know it, there are probably not more than 25 percent of the people there protecting us that voted for Biden, the other 75 percent are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something and there were military people and police who took oaths to defend the Constitution and to protect and defend who didn’t do it, who were in the insurrection.”

Steve Cohen


Congressman Steve Cohen (D.Pluto) has always been a bit of a nutcase, but I think he reflects a high level of fear among Democrats in Washington, at least at the top.  They know they are unpopular no matter what their propaganda polls say, some, privately, suspect the election was probably stolen, and the Capitol Hill Riot scared them badly.  Watch them try to put together a Democrat controlled force, a party army in all but name.  Perhaps they could call it Security Service, or SS for short.


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David WS
David WS
Monday, January 18, AD 2021 7:40pm

One son is in the Guard.
It’s much worse than Congressman Steve Cohen suspects , many many Guardsmen are Hispanic, Black, Asian and …

Monday, January 18, AD 2021 8:06pm

David WS, that would be my expectation. If I had to guess, I would say not many “wokies” bother signing on for the Guard’s duty regimen.

Monday, January 18, AD 2021 8:10pm

Don, there are videos circulating online claiming that state capitals in Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Kentucky, Washington State and Pennsylvania (I may have missed some) are being garrisoned with either Guard or active duty Federal troops in significant numbers. Of course it’s impossible to establish whether these are actually current or not. I wonder if you or anyone else here might have additional information or thoughts.

Monday, January 18, AD 2021 8:46pm

Thanks. No surprise there…SMH

Monday, January 18, AD 2021 8:59pm

This could be very risky for Biden. I have recently read that the military is having great difficulty recruiting from a diminishing pool of candidates fit for military service.

I doubt that Biden will be able to resist the influence of those who relentlessly seek foreign military adventures. There is also risks for attacks on our military forces in countries like Afghanistan or Iraq, requiring reinforcements.

Regardless of the senior military officer affinity for the Democratic Party, there are large numbers of conservative enlisted members. With an decreasing enlistment recruiting and attrition from those who become dissatisfied with military service, the Biden could face the need to resume a draft or recruit mercenaries to fight wars overseas.

Being forced to bring back a draft could make Biden as unpopular as Lyndon Johnson and start the widespread protests that the Democrats are now imagining.

Monday, January 18, AD 2021 9:14pm

This could be very risky for Biden. I have recently read that the military is having great difficulty recruiting from a diminishing pool of candidates fit for military service.

Objective stuff, they’ve been saying this since before 9/11.

Subjective– by which I mean “exclude the badthink”– yes, it is. The thugs they want aren’t available even with wavers, in most cases.

Monday, January 18, AD 2021 9:40pm

The latest word is that Biden’s team is outraged that Twitter is refusing to transfer Trumps 33million POTUS followers to new POTUS. Instead it will archive the account and told Biden’s team to start from zero.
Barack had only 12million as POTUS which were transferred to Trump. Trump has 88million personal followers and Biden 24 million. And even if they give him Obama’s 12million it still doesn’t add to Trumps total.

Biden won the election. Yet it seems as though there is no legitimate support for Biden’s Presidency- not from the National Guard and Military not even from genuine Twitter followers…alright then.

Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 12:00am

Patrick59 ‘s first paragraph is correct for some ratings and designators. Rep Wittman R, VA stated there are shortages in aviation mechanics, pilots, NFOs. Close to 90 per cents of young pplicants are unsuitable for various reasons.
If I were Nat Guard I’d be concerned about what the deranged officials in DC and state houses might order the guardsmen to do.
They have shown themselves to be liars, in disregard of the rule of law and the Constitution. They are vengeful and prone to judge prematurely. Too much emotion and not enough reason.

Art Deco
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 6:56am

The FBI hyped a report that all 50 state capitols were going to be assaulted by Trump supporters over the weekend. This is gaslighting on a gigantic scale.

One thing the last four years have demonstrated is that the FBI needs to be broken up into pieces and its top echelons fired.

Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 8:18am

Amen to that, Art. Several state and local level law enforcement officers with whom I worked over the years have told me that the FBI has had serious problems with mission management and upper-level political corruption for a long time, since before Hoover’s demise. It has gotten much worse in the last twelve years. Local LE officers have always resented the Bureau for its arrogance and controlling attitude, but those issues are minor in comparison to the, ahem, systemic problems. This is not to say there are no good people at the front line level of the FBI; there are many such, but they are not usually the ones who rise through the ranks. My contacts also tell me the Secret Service has, in their experience, been more professional and competent than the FBI in nearly every particular.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 8:40am

Insisting on a party-loyal military will end well, sure.

Not that it will work well–except in the upper echelons, which can be screened for reptiles willing to say and do whatever to get stars on their shoulders. But given that the ruling class aren’t putting their precious Kaidens and Emmas into uniform, the rank and file may not be so amenable to ideological modification. Especially after a fresh set of interventions across the globe.

Since a Commissariat would be a little too obvious, they will be better off developing an alternate police force, their very own Guardia de Asalto. It will likely be an extra sub-department of DHS or the EffBeeEye, but having some politically-reliable shock police is an essential tool for leftist regimes.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 12:39pm

There are two rules for having a standing army that behaves itself:

1.) Pay them on time, as much as you promised.

2.) Keep them out of politics.

Violate rule 1 and things get messy really fast. So far I haven’t seen anything saying the administration has been dumb enough to do that, though destroying the businesses of the soldiers relatives might have the same effect by proxy.

The problem with violating rule 2 is that the second you start making the army a political institution, you give soldiers the idea that they can bend politics their way. And as they have only one means of doing that…

Donald Link
Donald Link
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 1:23pm

We have a domestic agency to root out spies and terrorists. It’s called the FBI. Did a commendable job during WW II and the Cold War but in the last 12 years has deteriorated into a version of Rocky and Bullwinkle through political corruption. It was reorganized in the 1920s to meet the challenges of the day. Seems past due for another shakeup.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 1:26pm

At this point I’m not convinced that the FBI has ever solved a crime that it didn’t set up itself.

Art Deco
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 2:26pm

Did a commendable job during WW II and the Cold War

IIRC, until the Appalachin conference, the FBI maintained the Sicilianate mafia did not exist as such. Note, from the time the mafia began to infiltrate the Teamsters to the time they were flushed out of the central offices thereof (though not out of every local) elapsed 62 years.

Art Deco
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 2:30pm

My contacts also tell me the Secret Service has, in their experience, been more professional and competent than the FBI in nearly every particular.

When they’re not stiffing Colombian hookers.

Art Deco
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 2:33pm

Scared regimes always rely upon coercion first and last.

What we’ve discovered over the last seven years is that Democratic voters will pretend it isn’t happening. Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, RM Kaus, Alan Dershowitz, Ann Althouse, and Jonathan Turley will notice. And that’ll be about it.

Art Deco
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 2:47pm


Did you catch this? The Republican Party is bedeviled by the reality that it’s ‘leaders’ are a collection of self-absorbed bubble-dwelling careerists.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 3:16pm

The “bipartisan agreement” that McConnell is talking about means “Republicans cave to democrat demands.” I’ve never once in my life seen it used in any other way. And McConnell has been around long enough that I have no doubt that he knows that’s what it means.

Tuesday, January 19, AD 2021 9:29pm

Or does the Left have something on the McConnells? Mitch’s father-in-law’s large shipping company has deals with ChiCom China meanwhile his wife headed Transportation. The Dems have been insinuating about Elaine Cho’s ethics violations with favored treatment of the family business.

eddie too
eddie too
Wednesday, January 20, AD 2021 2:44pm

The government controls the education of most Americans. The government denies educational assistance to parents who have beliefs different from those taught in the government controlled schools. This is, of course, immoral, unjust and unconstitutional; but it is instrumental in the plitocrats’ destruction of the American Republic.

If we want freedom and justice to prevail in America, we must end the governments’ monopoly on funding for the education of America’s youth.

Art Deco
Wednesday, January 20, AD 2021 4:30pm

Or does the Left have something on the McConnells? Mitch’s father-in-law’s large shipping company has deals with ChiCom China meanwhile his wife headed Transportation. The Dems have been insinuating about Elaine Cho’s ethics violations with favored treatment of the family business.

I tend to be a Sundance skeptic. However, he offers today a plausible explanation for McConnell’s conduct over the years. Worth a read.

The man is, btw, the most enduring floor leader the Senate Repubican caucus has ever had. His time in that position has been approached only by Everett Dirksen and Robert Dole. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to discover he’s the most thoroughgoing crook among the lot of them. These are decadent times in which we live.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, January 20, AD 2021 4:42pm

It’s human nature to fear and loathe those you are harming and those from whom you are stealing.

The Founding Fathers knew foreign entanglements;, unlimited government [with no check or balance like we have now]; and a standing army were among the things that would bring on the end of the Republic. Today’s national [secret, political] police forces are beyond their imagining.

“My bread is sorrow and my drink is tears.” Native saying quoted by Kipling in a short story chapter heading.

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