Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 7:38pm

Debate Open Thread

The usual open thread rules apply:  be concise, be charitable and, above all, be amusing!






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Monday, January 22, AD 2018 11:48am

Oh my! That was great fun. Could hardly be classified “debate” though since the battlefield seems to have no boundaries or rules of engagement. I had to laugh at my own flailing debates as I progressed in my life from the Left to the Right.
These two not played true to Left -Right unconstrsied- constrained thinking but alsoHimself and Herself typology (which I know is itself aggravating to both debaters*. ) The left side’s M.O. here from the first mention of the word “dominate” seemed to be a strategy of Pounce and Twist.
*i think we all resist being seen as types?but want response to our individual uniqueness.

Monday, January 22, AD 2018 11:57am

That should read “both” not “not”. played to …
And “constrained” “unconstrained”

Mary De Voe
Monday, January 22, AD 2018 12:37pm

It was a death struggle to free all men from the feminist ideology that has emasculated three generations of men and turned some into cowering cowards and some in useless malcontents and some into transgendered neutered eunuchs. It was a death struggle for for the first time common sense is being brought to bear on a culture that has become nihilist and insane. I am embarrassed to have to hand over a legacy of totalitarian ideology to all future generations, our constitutional Posterity. Doctor Jordan Peterson fights for free speech and the freedom to determine our culture through debate against a government mandating what a person is permitted and/or is forced to say by the current politically correct groups in power. Group Identity is communism. The sovereign state is instituted by the sovereign personhood of the human being. The state or government has no personhood only the sovereignty with which it is instituted by the citizens.
The UN Human Rights say that unalienable human rights come from the “people”, the state. “The rights the state gives, the state can take away.” Thomas Jefferson.

Mary De Voe
Monday, January 22, AD 2018 12:41pm

for two days I have been praying for an Open Thread. After I read my notes and compose I will post a comment. Thank you for Dr. Peterson. Donald McClarey.

Mary De Voe
Monday, January 22, AD 2018 12:51pm

“The war after a nuclear holocaust will be fought with stick and stones.” Albert Einstein. I don’t know. David did pretty good.

Tuesday, January 23, AD 2018 1:30am

Mary, I can tell you Einstein was wrong. One or two ballistic missile submarines are to be held in reserve for World War Four. They won’t be launching when the others do.

Mary De Voe
Tuesday, January 23, AD 2018 3:15am

TOMD: Thank you. Somebody is planning ahead.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, January 23, AD 2018 3:17pm

Trump the Barbarian on that which is good in life. “To pass a tax bill, to stop a shutdown, to see the Schumers driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.” (Instapundit)

I was watching (I came away even more stupider) the WH presser and the questioners prodded the following two phrases in my alleged mind: “universally stupid” and “walking talking refutations of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.”

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, January 24, AD 2018 12:34pm

Here are my notes: Vitamins, honey, carrots, pay water bill, write Thank You notes, the sovereign person, newly begotten and full grown as an adult has been evicted from the public square in the same way that the Person of God, Jesus Christ, has been exiled from the public square and common discourse. Unless an individual searching for his destiny in life to mature spiritually, physically and mentally adheres to group identity such as Social Justice Warriors or gender benders, the individual is abandoned, ignored, literally blackballed as an outlaw from our culture dedicated as it is to all group identity.
It is dangerous to the greed for power group to have a sovereign person articulate his civil rights as an individual. This is exactly in opposition to what Justice Anthony Kennedy said about individuals defining their own reality. An individual defining his own reality according to the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” (Declaration) acting on his own rightly formed conscience will be imprisoned.
Here in Maryland, a group of young people held signs against abortion on the highway. They were arrested, handcuffed, strip search in the parking lot of the police station and imprisoned. So much for conscience rights and free speech. Some freedom fighters took it to court where the victims were awarded $30,000.00. Without the fight there would be no freedom for citizens.
RX, raw sugar call tax office….

Mary De Voe
Friday, January 26, AD 2018 7:25pm

“I am not going to cede the linguistic territory to radical leftists regardless of whether it is passed into law or not.” Dr. Jordan Peterson.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen demonstrated in his “Glory of Being American” that Democracy is concerned with the individual person and safeguarding his unalienable human rights. In Democracy the government is a servant of the people, a public servant of the sovereign person who institutes the sovereign state.
Communism is concerned with the Party, the individual person serves the Party. When the individual can no longer serve the Party the person no longer exists and may be eliminated.
Dr. Peterson tells that group identity and gender politics is the same philosophy as the philosophy of group identity of the communists like Stalin and Mao.

Mary De Voe
Monday, January 29, AD 2018 2:07pm

“that” can never refer to a sovereign person. Only “WHO” can refer to a sovereign person. “WHO” is the Holy Spirit of God. The Supreme Sovereign Being in WHOSE image man’s rational, innocent, immortal soul is made is three distinct sovereign Persons: Father, the Creator, Son, the Redeemer, and the Love of Father for the Son and the Son for the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier of mankind, that is, male and female.
If Adam and Eve had obeyed God as did the Blessed Virgin Mary, man would still be in paradise, there would be no subconscious, no need for a subconscious for man to hide his guilt, man would be walking with God in the Garden of Eden still and Jesus Christ would be walking with us in His desire to be among the sons of men.
Jesus always offered perfect acknowledgement of His Father in heaven. Mankind too, following Jesus, would offer perfect acknowledgement in sacrifice to God in heaven.
This is the Utopia sought. A Utopia that cannot be found without the perfect innocence of the children of God following Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The devil is a person WHO has denied his sovereignty to personify pure evil. The devil is a person without sovereignty, that is discipline over himself.
Satan devoured himself. Satan promised Adam and Even sovereignty over themselves, to be like God…when Adam and Eve were like God, children of God, in sovereignty over themselves. Adam and Eve sold their sovereignty to the devil. Satan was given a portal to mankind through procreation.
The sins of the father are visited on the children. Yes, visited but unless engaged in by the person, the person maintains his innocence, his sovereignty. The human being is not corrupt only inclined to do battle with the demons.
The newly begotten human being is perfectly morally and legally innocent and sovereign. The sovereignty and legal and moral innocence of the newly begotten is the standard of Justice for the sovereign state instituted by his sovereignty.
It was the guilt of disobedience, original sin, that made Adam and Eve feel “naked”. Had Adam and Eve obeyed “their Creator”, the human race procreated at the will of our parents in cooperation with God, WHO is existence and WHO exists, would have maintained and cherished their innocence and sovereignty.
Mary, the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION was created at the desire of the Son of God to become the Son of Man. After the creation of Adam and Eve and with the command to procreate, the Son of God wanted to walk with the sons of men.
Mary, the Mother to be of God in the fullness of time, in full informed consent of her free will chose to remain a virgin, innocent and remained the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. The Son of God came into the world through a virgin.
God forces no one into heaven. God does not contradict Himself. If God contradicted Himself, God would not be God.
The devil is a WHO without sovereignty, forfeited through arrogance and pride and everything vulgar and disgusting. The devil betrayed himself and seeks to betray all who fall into his overreach. Even so, the devil is a person, a person devoid of all sovereignty over himself, the personification of pure evil, who cannot do good but can only do evil and can only be referred to as a “WHO” not a “that”.

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