Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 8:41pm

Laura Ingraham: Member in Good Standing of the Trump Cult



To show how invidious the Trump Cult is, listen to the video above where radio talk show host Laura Ingraham makes lame excuses for the fact that the candidate she backs, Donald Trump, sold out the pro-life movement in regard to abortion as to the Republican party platform.  This comes as no surprise, because Trump is neither pro-life nor a conservative.  But to Laura Ingraham, who has always claimed to be pro-life and a conservative, none of this apparently matters in regard to her support for Trump.  In reaction to this, she absurdly lashes out at the Republican Establishment for being insufficiently pro-life or anti-gay marriage, as the candidate she supports prepares to jettison both issues.  Being a member of a cult means never having to think again and that appears to be what has happened to Laura Ingraham since she joined the Trumpsters.  Sad and pathetic.

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Don L
Don L
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 4:12am

Maybe she’s tired of hearing from the GOPe, “After we win, we’ll deal with those “social issues,” or maybe she’s “evolved” like Obama? I do recall her and Acid-Ann Coulter ganging up to stop Sarah Palin for Oromney, and now she’s on the same Trumpcycle with her. Who knows?

Hey, as long as she doesn’t go to North Carolina and use the rest rooms she’s a moral person.

What a totally bazaar world.

Friday, April 22, AD 2016 4:16am

As nauseating as Trump is, he’s nowhere near as rancid as Hillary. Still, I’m
reminded of Kissinger’s remark on the Iran-Iraq war– “it’s a pity they can’t
both lose”.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 4:27am

I don’t think we can expect politicians to do the job that Catholic Bishops won’t. If Catholic Bishops had done their job by directing Catholics to vote only for anti-abortion candidates politicians would have the courage to take on abortion with more confidence and the situation would not be as bad as it is now. This goes for all the social issues.

Friday, April 22, AD 2016 5:58am

Phyllis Schaffer endorsed Trump? Is no one interested in Cruz?

Friday, April 22, AD 2016 6:00am


Friday, April 22, AD 2016 6:04am

Yes, I like your play on words it is a bizarre bazaar world. It’ an opem bazaar and ” may the buyer beware!”

Dante alighieri
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 6:10am

Laura is one of the more disappointing Trump cultists (Rush is a bigger disappointment overall, but he’s not so much a Trump booster as someone who refuses to criticize him or accept criticism as legitimate). The most depressing thing about Trump is the acceptance of all of Trump’s bad characteristics as a good thing. Even though Trump’s candidacy is supposed to be some kind of protest against the “Establishment,” his embracing of every type pf Establishment behavior, with selling out on social issues being just one example, is somehow twisted into being a genius political move.

But hey, Hillary’s worse, right? I guess it depends if you prefer the knife wound in the front or the back.

bill bannon
bill bannon
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 6:42am

She may be taking Trump at his March 23rd word as to appointing Supreme Court justices only if the Heritage Foundation recommends them. If he keeps his word, this would be more important than his exceptions for abortion which Romney also had…and Ryan had by association with Mitt.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 7:24am

Here is my proposed poster for the election. ‘They All Stink – 2016!”

bill bannon
bill bannon
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 7:47am

I wonder if back room dealing between Trump and Republican leaders might give him peaceful success at the convention if he signs a document which would include a list of written promises to include the Supreme Court choice process going through their hands or Heritage. Many books will be written in the aftermath of that convention if he sails through being 100 or more short of the 1237.

Friday, April 22, AD 2016 7:48am

T. Shaw

“They All Stink – 2016.”

I’ll be your first customer if you wish to print these up as bumper stickers. $7.00 ea. (?)

Friday, April 22, AD 2016 7:51am

Heritage Foundation Absolute on pro life?

Mary De Voe
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 9:05am

The question for Trump and Laura Ingraham ought to be: Do you believe in the self-evident truth that all men are created (not born) equal by “their Creator.”? And: Do you believe that the Constitution for the United States was ratified by all states to eradicate the Unanimous Declaration of Independence, the will of the people to be free? And: Do you believe that our Constitutional Posterity, George Washington’s Constitutional Posterity have no right to Life? The answer to the last question is: The newly begotten soul in a free will act of his innate, endowed sovereign personhood to survive has the civil Right to Life equally. See: Vera Coking on Trump.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Friday, April 22, AD 2016 12:39pm

Sad example of how power tends to corrupt.

Saturday, April 23, AD 2016 1:35pm

It is easy, and common, to read history and stand amazed at those who stood by and did nothing as evil grew to its deadly, violent and chaotic conclusion. This is how it happens. Wisdom and understanding have left the world and we are left with the strange and inexplicable; erstwhile allies fighting each other over simple definitions of reality while the true enemy gathers its forces for assault.

Trump is a judgement from God. If he is elected, the country is truly doomed; and thus the world. Extreme? No, I think not. Sometimes a Hitler DOES rise to power. Sometimes the South actually DOES secede. The fact this tiny excuse for a man is rapturously followed by so many formerly rational people is simply astonishing.

All nations will ultimately fail. Ours is no different. All the signs are there, to me, of sooner rather than later.


Saturday, April 23, AD 2016 1:47pm


Your late to the party….

It must be great to be King.
To tip the scales in favor of whomever you wish because you are King.

Obama and Hillary are judgements from God Almighty. America the beautiful has an undercurrent that is anything except beautiful.

Saturday, April 23, AD 2016 3:56pm

Yes, in regards to Barak. Yes in regards to Trump. Both.

My hope has been that there was a remnant of sanity, united in opposition to the irrational evil of liberals. Trump takes that opposition to liberalism and splits it in half; warring parties who both think they are fighting for conservative principles: by either defending or opposing Trump. The conservative movement has been reduced to …… Trump. Instead of a statesman who can turn the tide, we get Trump who will happily advance liberalism and immorality and the destruction of Constitutional principles with conservative complicity.

If conservatives unite behind this man, at this moment in time, there is truly nothing left to stand in the way of the powerful advance of the liberal horde, tearing this nation apart at the seams. He is causing conservatives like Ingraham and so many others to compromise core principles for the sake of Trump’s …… what, personality? I don’t get it.

That is the judgement Inrefer to: making conservatives complicit in the liberal agenda and lowering the last line of defense to make the liberal project, finally possible.

Saturday, April 23, AD 2016 4:12pm


Agreed. Your not alone in your disgust for agent orange.
Lowering the last line of defence. I’m not a Cruz groupie, however I’d support him over loud mouth.
This is chapter 3 of; “America, the Great Chastisement.” An unwritten work that is playing out before our very eyes.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Monday, April 25, AD 2016 5:42am

I’m not surprised that most who believe in the existence of a ‘GOPe’ (a scapegoat whose leading members they cannot name) also believe in the existence of a conservative Donald Trump.

Magical thinking.

As for those who should know better such as the darling Laura Ingraham and the tenacious Phyllis Schlafly, I can only conclude that their throwing in for Trump comes from despair. (I do sympathize for I too have found US voters cause for despair for decades.)

In the end, I recall the warning of the Gods of the Copybook Headings, “better the devil you know.” Mrs. Clinton is a thoroughly known quantity. Trump is this season’s GOP novelty candidate, he changes his mind more often than his hotels change bedsheets, and is the only candidate with a higher negative opinion among the general public than Mrs. Clinton.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Monday, April 25, AD 2016 5:44am

(There’s something broken in this site’s comment posting system.)

I’m not surprised that most who believe in the existence of a ‘GOPe’ (a scapegoat whose leading members they cannot name) also believe in the existence of a conservative Donald Trump.
Magical thinking.
As for those who should know better such as the darling Laura Ingraham and the tenacious Phyllis Schlafly, I can only conclude that their throwing in for Trump comes from despair. (I do sympathize for I too have found US voters cause for despair for decades.)
In the end, I recall the warning of the Gods of the Copybook Headings, “better the devil you know.” Mrs. Clinton is a thoroughly known quantity. Trump is this season’s GOP novelty candidate, he changes his mind more often than his hotels change bedsheets, and is the only candidate with a higher negative opinion among the general public than Mrs. Clinton.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Tuesday, April 26, AD 2016 10:56am

I see nothing preferable in a Clinton administration to a Trump administration.
Donald R. McClarey

Neither do I. And the converse of that statement is also true. Both have lusted for the presidency for decades. I worry about what we cannot yet see. Thus, I commend to you for consideration the wisdom of the Gods of the Copybook Headings, “better the devil you know.”

P.S. I hear that Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Rhode Island has made a de facto public break with the Democrat party. This horrible election year has one consolation, it has wonderfully concentrated the mind of at least one Catholic bishop in the US.

Tuesday, April 26, AD 2016 6:53pm

Clinton is a faded, washed up socialist with baggage so heavy she can’t hope to accomplish a single thing. She’s an incompetent hack and can easily be marginalized and neutralized.

Trump is a dangerous, dangerous man. He is an amoral, potential fascist with a violent streak. He is surrounded by like-minded cretins who would love to get the keys to America’s car and take it for a spin. He is a deceptive liar at the core and is sucking in large swaths of conservative dupes to help him achieve his liberal pro-Trump agenda.

Trump is a hateful man who has the ability and connections and moral,corruption to do great damage to this nation.

Clinton is a talentless, feckless, washed-up hack who will achieve nothing if elected.

I would take Clinton over Trump any day. Clinton will accomplish little or nothing and will, at the end of the day, be a sad little drama. Trump, with his itchy little trigger finger on the keys to ultimate power terrifies me. He will be a man of accomplishment, no doubt.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 2:03am

Brian. You can’t be serious. Trump will be a great President.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 7:29am

Brian is correct. See: Vera Coking.

Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 8:10am

Vera Coking, a thorn in the Donalds side at that time. Thanks for the morsel Mary.
Intimidation is a tool used by the weak.
They lack imagination and creativity.
They, the trumpeters, will continue on bullying and use harassment as a means to their ends.

As far as Hillary being less harmful than agent orange? Unsecured State level documents in her possession that could threaten the security of our Nation….and this, when she was Madame Secretary. I cringe to think what level of gross negligence she would be capable of as Madame President.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 11:33am

Philip: Donald Trump had the money to make moving for Vera Coking profitable. Yet Trump tried to swindle Coking out of her property using Atlantic City’s power of eminent domain abused. Hillary is like water running downhill…the line of least resistance even to surrendering out national sovereignty to one world godless government. Hillary Clinton’s contempt for our Constitution can only be matched by Bill Clinton’s contempt for our Constitution. Hillary ought to be arrested before she tries to take an oath to uphold the Law of the Land.

Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 11:45am

Hillary and the oath to uphold the law of the land……now THAT is a contradiction in terms.

She puts the cess in cesspool.

I can’t be any more charitable than that when it comes to Madame sweep the hard drive, what’s the big deal, Benghazi..who cares, religions must change their views on abortion Clinton.

Her Stink is offensive to Skunks.

One Hail Mary coming up.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 12:59pm

The fact that Hillary Clinton is not in federal prison is proof that the (once-great) USA is no longer a nation of laws.
Here’s Trump’s main asset. He cannot be one-tenth as bad as the demonstrated corruption and incompetence of Obama, Hillary, Kasich, Sanders and any other (except Cruz) of the democrat or GOP damnable dastards of uncertain parentage that have (since Reagan left office) been feverishly striving to destroy our country and our way of life.
N.B. The warden made me delete the expletives from that rant, which I earlier inflicted on her in the car.

Wednesday, April 27, AD 2016 1:15pm

T. Shaw.

God bless the warden.

btw..most of all speeding tickets derive from heated rants formed on the expressway. 🙂

Same money. Rant in the comfort and convenience of the den.

Thursday, April 28, AD 2016 8:34am

Michael Dowd,

What has Trump ever done, said or advocated to make you think he will be “great”.

He is a staunch liberal, over a lifetime, who is playing conservatives for suckers in the Primaries.

He cannot or does not present a cogent policy argument on any topic; just loud, angry emotives, (we are going to be SO great again). He encourages anger, hate, tolerates and encourages violence.

His record in business is one of dishonesty and theft, using the power and largess of government to pad his pockets. To me he defines fascism. Look it up.

This is what gets me. Conservatives line up behind this guy and I cannot understand why except that he channels their anger. This is such a key moment in America’s history on the brink, and we are blowing it on a bloviating liberal with fascist tendencies; a fundamentally dishonest man who is everything he says he is not.

This is an epic social fail in the making. I would take Hillarynover him because she can be stopped. Trump can destroy everything.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, April 28, AD 2016 9:06am

Loosen up Brian–

Donald will be the best President we will have in years. Anybody who knows how to make the money he has is a winner in my book. Trump will beat Hillary for sure. Huge numbers of folks support him including lots of savvy Democrats. Have no fear of Trump. He will make the country great again. If you were you I would worry more about the eternal damage Pope Francis is inflicting on the world and Catholics in particular.

Thursday, April 28, AD 2016 9:53am

Yep that sums it up. “Best President in years”. “Make the country great again”. How? No answer. You have no answer because Trump has no answer.

I predict that no matter what happens in Cleveland, there will be a third Party created and three candidates for President. And I hope there is. The old way is likely over. Dangerous times, these. Times for a statesman, not a hack or an ignorant big mouth proto-fascist.

The conditions on the ground are so much like those prior to the Civil War, (or even Weimar Republic, pre-Nazi Germany). The division between the people is primal as is the anger. Regardless of who is the next President, those divisions are what matter, ultimately. They must, and will be resolved somehow. I hope in peace, not violence.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, April 28, AD 2016 12:22pm

Very good Brian. Maybe you are correct. But you have to ask yourself what am I missing when Donald will have received the most votes of anybody ever in a primary. And I do agree with you on the Independent Party. Donald will be the first President representing the Independents. All he has to do, once elected, is to say that he has established The Independent Party. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did this and say bye bye to the Republicans.

Thursday, April 28, AD 2016 4:21pm

I consider this conservative voter madness as part of the genre contained in “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds”, which is a 19th century study of various mass delusions. In one case study, the author describes a time when normal Dutch citizens purchased single high quality tulip bulbs for the price of a house. You were crazy if you did not ALSO sell your house for a tulip bulb along with everyone else.

I have read about such things. I have never experienced them first-hand. This is such a time of mass delusion. The fact Trump receives all these votes just confirms for me the insanity he is leading. He is so obviously unqualified that conservative participation in such an emotional, illogical passion speaks more against him than for. It shows his attraction is something primal that transcends the moment.

Again, this is described in the book, (wiki summary available). It is the type of thing seen in socially transformative times.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Friday, April 29, AD 2016 1:35am

Listen to the great Mundabor the scourge of all things unholy as he endorses our man Trump:
“I think Trump will still be the by far better choice. And I think it will be far easier to bend him to the will of the Republican majority than to force Hillary to appoint the right judge at the Supreme Court.”
Now what do you say? No one is more upright and uptight than Mundabor.

Don L
Don L
Friday, April 29, AD 2016 5:08am

Tulipmania comment.

In all honesty, this was one of the world’s most poignant examples of mass greed. Fiscal conservatives would do well to note that it was also the complete workings of an unregulated free market. Something comes to mind about–do “all” things in moderation…..

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Sunday, May 1, AD 2016 8:08pm

Hanging, and old age, tend to focus the mind. Trump would be far less damaging than Hillary. In the meantime, we bear a Cruz sticker on our car and hope for the best.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Monday, May 2, AD 2016 3:06am

William P. Walsh makes good sense. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Monday, May 2, AD 2016 8:33am

I appreciate the repartee between Brian and Michael Dowd: I am with William P Walsh, in that Hil-liar-y is the greatest danger. Trump no doubt is policy-challenged—can he be “trained up”? I don’t know. Yes, he could be. However Cruz-Kasich-Trump etc are “infinitely” better than Hilliary.

But to say that one would vote for Hilliary, I cant fathom that position. Hilliary and Bill are utterly immoral: Trump has a moral code–and, at least by contrast with “Bonnie and Clyde”-Clinton, an outstanding one.

I cant see Trump abandoning nearly 30 Americans to torture and death by Al-Qaeda cutthroats, as did Hilliary (to this day, all the horrible torture imposed in his last living minutes on Ambassador Chris Stevens is cloaked in official secrecy); HIll, who stole off to bed, while the American contingent huddled in terror under 13 hours of continuous battle-assault in Benghazi .

(Does anyone know what it is like to be under modern mortar fire for nearly all of the 13 hours? It was mortar-fire, ominously marching up and down the secondary annex that finally killed a desperate Dougherty and Woods, who were manning gun positions on the roof, while radioing continuously—ultimately, to HIlliary, for help, that was denied. They knew what was coming, and kept trying to move from siting position to siting position. Until…)

And Hilliary? What did she do? She hid; strategized; slept; sent e-mails; hid e-mails; and the next day, lied. And lied. And hasn’t stopped lying since. HIlliary, who unfathomably benefited from Glen Dougherty’s and Ty Woods’ sacrifice, as well as the other 6 or so contractors (who in fact ignored orders to “stand down” from Hill, and possibly out of spite alone for that, she left them all to die), who gave or risked their lives to save the 26 others that they “got out” of that hell-hole. “What difference does it make!”

The assault started at (about) 4pm Washington DC-time: according to retired former vice chief-of-staff, 4-star Gen. Jack Keane, Hilliary and Obama were “certainly informed within about 15 minutes” of the assault. And? Their response? Their concern for American lives.? And? They did nothing. Nothing.

Trump (or Cruz; or Kasich) vs. Hilliary? Hilliary, who hid for 13 hours, (except for calling a 10pm Washington DC-time political strategy meeting, not to organize a robust military extraction operation, but to fabricate a false spin narrative about an insulting anti-Muslim video.

So it is hard for me to be so outraged at Trump’s evident flaws that I would embrace a cold, ruthless, power mad, utterly immoral alternative.

“What difference does it make?” –Hillary Clinton testimony to Sen. Ron Johnson, House Foreign Affairs Committee, 1/23/13

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Monday, May 2, AD 2016 8:50am

Steve Phoenix is utterly correct. Hillary is an evil person who is sure to bring more evil times.

Monday, May 2, AD 2016 8:51am

“. Anybody who knows how to make the money he has is a winner in my book.”
No. I will also go for Cruz until unless someone better comes along.

Monday, May 2, AD 2016 10:30am

Steve Phoenix.

Hillary will hear her own words repeated back to her at her most difficult inquiry: “What does it matter Hillary? “You’ve already chosen for yourself.”

The choice is always ours.

Heaven or Hell.

Hillary has chosen Hell.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Monday, May 2, AD 2016 11:25am

I do not know the state of anyone’s soul. Assessing the state of my own is chore enough. That said, there is little doubt but that the election of Hillary Clinton would be a disaster. Trump is a populist, out of his depth for the office he seeks but Hillary is the Wilsonian progressive she proudly claims to be. I see the progressive philosophy as nothing less than a satanic temptation and a vector for an epidemic of madness among the population.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, May 4, AD 2016 12:37pm

Donald Trump made his money by playing the legal loopholes in our bankruptcy laws, having claimed bankruptcy more than several times, on the backs of decent people.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Wednesday, May 4, AD 2016 3:13pm

Mary, I am not a defender of Trump;

However, the prevailing misunderstanding of the Ch 11 code for business reorganization is pervasive in the common consciousness. Usually, what drove an organization to Ch 11 were decisions and contracts made long ago, sometimes bad decisions, but other times, decisions that could not possibly have forseen tectonic market shifts (such as AIG insuring mortgage derivatives prior to the 2008 mortgage collapse: although AIG did not have to actually file for Ch 11. By the way, it did pay back all the “bailout loan” it had been given.).

For just a few facts, Ch XI of course has to be approved by (generally) a gimlet-eyed federal bankruptcy judge (many US Catholic dioceses have found it was not the “easy-out” they had thought it would be), and it means the prioritization of payments and the securing of assets for the benefit of creditors. It gives authority to the judge to force renegotiation of disastrous contracts, even employee contracts, even union-negotiated contracts and retirement pensions, which Detroit’s City Employees’ Union discovered, much to their chagrin and shock (many Detroit workers—although that is the corresponding Ch 9 city/municipal government bankruptcy restructuring— are estimated to be taking a write-down on their pensions of 20 to 70%:

Since the 1986 code was adopted, the new Ch 11 system has been shown to be one which has saved innumerable companies from the old receivership disastrous “fire-sale” of assets at penny prices, which was also often was accompanied by the complete loss of jobs for the employees and the “yard-sale” snapping-up of assets by “vulture” funds and firms.

Just for a comparison, we as taxpayers should wish we could force “Ch 11” for: the US Postal Service; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage corps (which by the way, are private corporations, but always bailed out by the taxpayer), 2 org’s which are essentially bankrupt now; Sallie Mae, the student loan org; the Veterans Administration, which would be a way to break the grip of the union contracts strangling that organization; and by all means, or for Puerto Rico (although that would likely be a Ch 9 restructuring). All these, and we could mention many other government org’s, are failed, debt-skyrocketing shell companies that no longer serve their stated purpose. In the future, expect that the states of California and Illinois will have to file the corresponding Ch. 9 bankruptcy: nearly every analyst observes these states unfunded liabilities are slouching toward a day of reckoning.

So, “filing bankruptcy”, if it is a Ch XI case, has more to be said for its validity as an option. When I hear it thrown at Trump, it often is done so by Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton who have magnificently bankrupted the US Treasury, without any accountability for their actions.

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