Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 9:29pm

Special Snow Flakes Afraid of Democracy




I really wish this was take from Eye of the Tiber:


Students protested yesterday at the Emory Administration Building following a series of overnight, apparent pro-Donald Trump for president chalkings throughout campus.

Roughly 40 students gathered shortly after 4:30 p.m. in the outdoors space between the Administration Building and Goodrich C. White Hall; many students carried signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Trump” or “Stop Hate” and an antiphonal chant addressed to University administration, led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” throughout the Quad. Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

After approximately ten minutes outside from the start of the demonstration, the gathered students were ushered into the Quad-facing entrance to the Administration Building and quickly filled a staircase to continue their demonstration. Pausing in the staircase, a few students shared their initial, personal reactions to the chalkings.

“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added.

A short time later, students moved into the Henry L. Bowden Board Room, surrounding the long table that dominates its center, the students themselves surrounded by portraits of Emory University’s former presidents.

“What are we feeling?” Peraza asked those assembled. Responses of “frustration” and “fear” came from around the room, but individual students soon began to offer more detailed, personal reactions to feelings of racial tension that Trump and his ideology bring to the fore.

“How can you not [disavow Trump] when Trump’s platform and his values undermine Emory’s values that I believe are diversity and inclusivity when they are obviously not [something that Trump supports]” one student said tearfully. “Banning Muslims? How is that something Emory supports?” asked yet another.

Go here to read the rest.  Now the University President of course, being a liberal squish, took these idiots seriously and began kowtowing to them.  What he should have said is something along these lines:


Are you people serious?  You decide to pull a temper tantrum because Trump supporters chalked up a few pro-Trump slogans on campus?  We have a presidential election going on.  On a campus that celebrates diversity, and all of you love diversity don’t you?, we are going to have Trump supporters among the student body, along with supporters of all other candidates.  You don’t like Trump and that is your privilege as an American.  You get to support whoever you wish who is running for public office.  However, that privilege applies to all Americans and not just those who are in ideological lock step with you.  You seem to be arguing that because you are offended, or scared, of some of the things that Trump has said, that the University should come out against him and his supporters.  That is not the function of this University and that is not going to happen.  Time to grow up ladies and gentlemen.  We are trying to prepare you for life in the big world out there.  In that world people come in all shapes and sizes.  Some of them hold views that you will find repugnant.  When you come into contact with such people, stamping your feet, and running to an authority figure is not going to work, at least I hope to God it doesn’t work, because if it does, then freedom will have died in this land.  Here is a thought!  You are all about tolerance right?  Well in regard to people who disagree with you, exercise some tolerance.  Try to understand why they hold their views.  After that, if you wish, refute their views with logic and reason.  If you can’t do that, who knows, maybe there is something to their views, even if you don’t agree with them.  We are supposed to be educating you here.  One purpose of education is to expose you to a multitude of viewpoints and give you the tools to analyze them, so that you can sort the wheat from the chaff.   Demanding that the University censor, or speak out against, viewpoints that you do not like, is directly contrary to that mission.  Speaking of education, time for you to get back to your classes, and to do that which is the reason why you, or your parents, or some third party, is paying 63K a year for you to be here. 

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Dante alighieri
Wednesday, March 23, AD 2016 4:21am

This is my alma mater. This is why, no matter what, I would never give a red cent back to that school. The special snowflakes have never tolerated any dissent from liberal orthodoxy. I still remember Ward Connerly rudely being shouted down during a talk because he committed the sin of being African-American and anti-affirmative action.

Wednesday, March 23, AD 2016 9:12am

I suspect one of the reasons university administrators tend to accommodate
the special snowflakes, and knuckle under to their crybullying, is that the
administrators share their politics. The snowflakes’ absurd protests give the
administration the pretext it needs to treat campus conservatives the way
it already wanted.

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Wednesday, March 23, AD 2016 11:43am

What a bunch of nincompoops. If one of my sons acted the way these ninnies act, he would get a boot up his keester.

David Spaulding
David Spaulding
Wednesday, March 23, AD 2016 3:13pm

The movie “PCU” comes to mind far too often these days.

Thursday, March 24, AD 2016 3:52am

“..we have nothing to loose but our chains.”
Times Square is preparing for an era of “freedom,” snowflake style. Celebrate child sacrifice and bisexual hookups….celebrate Baal.

Elijah is shaking his head, God bless him.

David Spaulding
David Spaulding
Thursday, March 24, AD 2016 5:31am

Phillip, your comment got me thinking and I tracked back the links. Forgive me for stealing your idea and running with it:

Look, I oppose ISIS as much as the next guy. Their murderous rampages, their open war with Western Civilization, their direct assault on Christianity and Christians, rape, murder, child sex slavery… I mean, what is there to commend?

On the list of ISIS evils is the destruction of cultural heritage sites and the destruction of Palmyra will rank high on the list of idiotic and criminal acts they have committed. One does not have to have an affection for the faith of a people to want to preserve the past. However, one must tread lightly in honoring that past, lest one end up worshiping the gods of the past, in the effort to preserve humanity’s history.

This effort cuts awfully close to the line:

I don’t see anyone involved in the project seeking to restore the devotion to Baal but it isn’t like Jews and Christians have no experience with or tradition opposing the worship:

1 Kings 16:31,18:19-40, 19:18, and 22:53
2 Kings 3:2, 10:18-25, 17:16, 21:2, and 23:4-5
Jeremiah 2:8, 7:9, 11:13-17, 12:16, 23:13, and 32:29-35
Judges 6:25-31
Numbers 22:41
Zephaniah 1:4
Hosea 2:8

Looking at the Bible as our story, Baal is no minor antagonist to the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Baal was a sort of evil doppelganger to the God of the Old Testament for, like God, he was supposed to bring life or destruction to the world. Unlike God, his favor was bought through human sacrifice, particularly of infants, and sexual license.

Worshiping Baal was the bane of Jewish life, it was the thing that tripped them up, time and time again. It was the reason that the Children of Abraham were commanded to drive the Caananites from the Promised Land. Failing to do so, made falling into sin all the more likely for our Jewish ancestors.

So, while those replicating the Baal temples are likely not worshipers of Baal, there is simething eerily familiar in their erection, at this point in Western History. As we turn, so decisively from the worship of God to the worship of licentiousness, to the abandon of human want and desire, there is something entirely appropriate about rebuilding places of worship to the god that our civilization buried in the sand.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, March 24, AD 2016 5:56am

+1 David Spaulding. The movie “Idiocracy” also comes to mind.
The poor, little darlings can’t brook argument because they can’t win.
Interesting insights from Edw. Gibbon (Decline and Fall . . .).

“The five marks of the Roman decaying culture:

Concern with displaying affluence instead of building wealth;

Obsession with sex and perversions of sex;

Art becomes freakish and sensationalistic instead of creative and original;

Widening disparity between very rich and very poor;

Increased demand to live off the state.”

Thursday, March 24, AD 2016 7:35am

People say a Hitler-like regime couldn’t happen here, but I expect that these snowflakes would have no problem locking up those who disagree with them.

Thursday, March 24, AD 2016 7:38am

@David Spaulding.

Please don’t apologize.
Your insights and the NYT article is interesting.

As you say, “…least one ends up worshipping the Gods of the past.”

That David, has been growing and growing in this Nation. O’bummer said it; “We are not a Christian Nation, but a country of many beliefs..” ( from memory, might not be exact.)

Hold FAST as this storm that is bearing down is one for the ages!

Missile Crisis Baby (1962)
Missile Crisis Baby (1962)
Friday, March 25, AD 2016 10:45pm

I’ve read that the “young” demographic tends to be for Socialist Bernie Sanders. As a kid from the Cold War era – a true child of the sixties – I think THAT should frighten them — and everybody else.

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