Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 7:32pm

Just How Dumb Are Some Politicians?


This dumb:


During the floor debate over authorizing the lawsuit against Obama, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, suggested that Democrats had the moral high ground.

Even though some Democrats had thought that President George W. Bush had abused his authority when he initiated the Iraq War, the House, while under Democratic control in 2007 and 2008, did not impeach him.

The current resolution to authorize a lawsuit, Jackson Lee said in a floor speech on July 30, 2014, “smacks against the Constitution, which says there are three equal branches of government. Therefore, the executive has the right to perform his duties. I ask my colleagues to oppose this resolution for it is, in fact, a veiled attempt for impeachment, and it undermines the law that allows the president to do his job. It is a historical fact that President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists. We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.”

A reader asked us to check whether it’s accurate for Jackson Lee to say, “We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush.” So we took a closer look.

Jackson Lee, it turns out, is an imperfect vehicle for making this charge. Here’s the problem: A dozen House Democrats in 2008 did introduce a resolution seeking the impeachment of Bush. And Jackson Lee was one of the measure’s 11 co-sponsors.

Go here to read the rest.  I might be too harsh of course to attribute this to stupidity.  It may simply be lying.

Alas, the mendacity escape clause does not exist for Alison Grimes, Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Democrat nominee for the US Senate, who apparently believes that the Israeli missle defense system has an underground component:


“Obviously, Israel is one of our strongest allies in the Middle East, and she has the right to defend herself,” Grimes said. “But the loss of life, especially the innocent civilians in Gaza, is a tragedy. The Iron Dome has been a big reason why Israel has been able to withstand the terrorists that have tried to tunnel their way in.

Ah, politicians, so long as they exist vaudeville will not be dead.


Update:  Not only is Sheila Jackson Lee perhaps somewhat intellectually challenged, I don’t think members of her staff will be applying for Mensa membership any time soon:

I was transferred to a gentleman on Lee’s staff. When I again asked him about the contradiction and stated that perhaps I was confused, the man said “Oh look it here, we have one of those right wing, tea-bagger nut jobs on the phone taking his cues from FOX News.”

He then accused me of being un-American, raising his voice at me while asking me to calm down, and telling me that I am just on some mission to destroy our country. When I calmly asked for his name, he said “I don’t have to give it to you because I don’t want to show up on some right wing blog and be on your Twitter account.” Keep in mind, I never said who I was – he just made assumptions and attacked me. When I reminded him that he gets paid by our tax dollars, he said “I doubt you even pay taxes and the IRS will find you soon enough,” and hung up on me.



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Mary De Voe
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 7:30am

“I might be too harsh of course to attribute this to stupidity. It may simply be lying” Memorable and quotable. May I?

Friday, August 1, AD 2014 8:27am

The House of Representatives and state legislatures will never cease to amaze, entertain, and delight us all.

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 10:43am

“The sensation [of intoxication] is so elusive that, while they admit it is injurious, they cannot after a time differentiate the true from the false.”
The Doctor’s Opinion, Page xxvi, Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I have long seen similarities between the intoxication of political fame and power, and the intoxication of alcohol.

Art Deco
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 11:28am

Jackson-Lee has a reputation for being the boss from hell; she’s by all appearances a kook who would be run out of any job which had operational performance standards and/or serious supervision and management unless the personnel office and legal affairs told you to back off in fear of lawsuits (and no doubt she’s litigious as well). Capsule biographies of her have a nine year gap running from 1978 to 1987 and she admits to just two years as a lawyer in private practice (1975-77). She’s managed to keep a husband somehow. He has a law license but has spent most of his adult life in academic administration (a career arc you see again and again and again if you’ve worked proximate to such people). Here, there, and the next place there are these rancid little funk holes in the economy and the people in them are exempt from skill development and maintenance or from the ordinary penalties exacted on people with severe personality problems. The Obamas would be type A and Sheila Jackson-Lee, a bevy of academics who’ve made asses of themselves in recent years (Erik Loomis, Ward Churchill, Timothy Shortell) and a prominent Catholic blogger who shall not be named would be type B.

Grimes is a lawyer and has no background in the military; you would not expect her to know much about military technology. Regrettably, the position she’s in tempts her to make utterances about things she does not know much about (which I suspect is a pretty general problem among elected officials).

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 3:19pm

Bless Ms. Sheila’s little heart!

Ms. Jackson is proof positive that liberalism is a mental disorder. At one point in time she was trying to outlaw the operation of conservative nonprofits in her district. If we are talking about dumb and dumber categories–she wouldn’t fit in either–they would have to invent a “dumbest” category for her.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 3:51pm

“Regrettably, the position she’s in tempts her to make utterances about things she does not know much about (which I suspect is a pretty general problem among elected officials).”

Back in the late 1990s, we had a former US House member named Blanche Lincoln, also a Democrat, who decided she was going to stay out of politics and “raise her twins” who were toddlers (as soon as she found out she was going to be beat by her next rival if she ran again for Congress. A few months later she decided she would run for a newly opened US Senate seat in our state (her children must have grown up quicker than most–as it takes most folks 18 years to raise their children.) 😉

I worked on the US Senate campaign of Mrs. Lincoln’s conservative Republican opponent–in his state capitol office. During the campaign, Mrs. Lincoln carried a notebook with her that was alphabetized by general political topics. Anytine she was asked a question, Mrs. Lincoln would thumb through her alpabetized notebook, find the relative subject in her notebook–and read whatever was written for her on that given subject, whether it answetedShe was so dumb that her aides whether it answered the actual question being asked or not, and then refuse to say another word. 5 different questions on the same topic got the exact same answe from her notebook. She refused to allow the public debates we forced her into to be televised so the general public could not see her reading from that stupid notebook. On the rare occasion when a news reporter catch Mrs. Lincoln by herself and start asking questions, one of Lincoln’s aides would rush over and whisk Mrs. Lincoln away. Blance Lincoln was in the US Senate for 2 terms until the TEA Party took her out in 2010. Because of the note book from which she read all of the time, she was forever after known as “Blank” Lincoln. It didn’t help anything when as a US Senator she was publicly unable to name the members of NATO during the debate of important issues related to a vote impacting our relationship with our NATO members. Once elected, Blank Lincoln didn’t have to think for herself as she only repoeated Democratic talking points and voted however the liberal, Senate Democratic leadership told her to vote.

Art Deco
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 4:26pm

It’s curious under those circumstances that she managed to remain in Congress for 16 years. Looking at capsule biographies, I see her occupations since 1982 have been (1) congressional aide; (2) lobbyist; (3) member of Congress; (4) lobbyist. She has remained in Washington since being voted out of office; he husband has a medical practice to maintain and he’s never actually lived in Arkansas. Come to think of it, since about 1981, neither has she.

That’s a career path of the Barney Frank – Trent Lott variety. One assumes Mrs. Lincoln is a much nicer person than Barney Frank.

Friday, August 1, AD 2014 7:23pm

There are no dumb politicians. There are only dumb people who choose among candidates, and if they choose badly, isn’t it the voters rather than the politicians who are dumb?

Just kidding. Sheila Jackson Lee’s an idiot.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 9:04pm

DRM said: That was one of the sweetest victories in 2010 Barbara!

*tears* + <3

Very much so for those of us who poured our blood sweat and tears into keeping her from ever getting to the US Senate to start with. We had a core group of 20-30s somethings in AR Senator Faye Boozman's (the conservative Republican who is the brother to the current US Senator John Boozman.) Dr. Faye Boozman, a military veteran who graduated first in his class as an Opthamologist, ran against Blank for that US Senate seat the first time Blank was elected US Senator. One of the editors of the state paper called us a bunch of "young idealists" because we had reflexive, visceral Attilla the Hunn tendencies when it came to big govt, taxes, abortion, and freedom. We were/still are true believers, and we LOVED Faye & his wife Vickie like they were our parents. The reason that I use the past tense is because Faye died a few years after that in a tragic farm accident. We traveled all over the state with him, attended fundraisers and meetings with the "big" dogs just to get someone with his character, capability, values, and intelligence into office. It was a real calling. When that opening for the US Senate seat came up in the 90s, Faye said that he kept praying & telling God to raise up a good candidate to oppose the liberal Democrats for that seat–and finally he realized that God was telling HIM to run! Lol. After losing, the US Senate race, Dr. Faye Boozman was appointed by then Gov. Mike Huckabee as the head of our AR Department of Health where Faye did a fantastic job until his death. As the head of the dept of health, the Boozeman name continued to be before the public statewide which helped set the stage for his brother John Boozman to win a US House seat and then dethrone Blank Lincoln from what she considered "her" US Senate. Glory hallelujah!

Blank's dethroning absolutely would not have happened without the energy, funding, & spent shoe leather if the TEA Party in our state. When Faye ran against Blank in the 90s the AR Republican Party didn't have even a skeleton of a county committee in many counties or the SE region of our state.

Now we are working furiously to see that liberal Democratic US Senator Mark Pryor becomes US Senator Mark Prior. 🙂

the Old Adam
Friday, August 1, AD 2014 11:15pm

She’s about as dumb as they come. And I don’t care what color she is. She could be purple as far as that matters.

Friday, August 1, AD 2014 11:25pm

Many voters share those some of those same characteristics- not as bright as they think they are, and self serving.
I think I and some of my friends are bright enough, but we have a tendency to take things at face value. Naive, really, about all the tricks that are pulled even when the same tricks are pulled over and over again. We just don’t really think folks would be that bad or that dishonest. Gosh, is our president just inept? he couldn’t really be doing this on purpose!
We wait for another shoe to drop to convince us we really should react somehow. He has dropped a whole closet of shoes and we are still wondering if he means it.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 9:25am

AD said: “It’s curious under those circumstances that she managed to remain in Congress for 16 years. Looking at capsule biographies, I see her occupations since 1982 have been (1) congressional aide; (2) lobbyist; (3) member of Congress; (4) lobbyist. She has remained in Washington since being voted out of office; he husband has a medical practice to maintain and he’s never actually lived in Arkansas. Come to think of it, since about 1981, neither has she.”

“That’s a career path of the Barney Frank – Trent Lott variety. One assumes Mrs. Lincoln is a much nicer person than Barney Frank.”

During Blank’s 1st US Senate race, we did all we could to make a campaign issue of her having lived in VA for around close to 20 years as well as her having her tax returns sent to her VA address–showing that she was no longer truly an Arkansan–however it was to no avail. Blank would appear on TV with that friendly smile and her professional public relations’ prep and her real, slow Southern drawl–and all of those 100s of millions of dollars she had sent from Congress to the crop farmers in this state (with the promise of more cash to come) pointing out that she had “grown up” on an Arkansas farm– with a D after her name-in what was at that time a yellow dog Democrat state (with the exception of a few counties in the NW corner of the state-and kept getting elected until the TEA Party came on the scene and dethroned her.

It is hard to describe to someone, who has not lived on a yellow dog, democrat machine state like Arkansas was until this last 2 election cycles, why Blank could stay in office so long.

Blank’s every public move and word
was choreographed by professional consultants. All contact with the public was strictly controlled. When the debate surrounding Osamacare (misspelled on purpose) was won the first go around–to be lost later when it was brought back up–her staff in her congressional offices quit answering the phone and left voice mail on for the constituents. When everyone else was having town hall meetings in their districts, Blanch refused to come home until finally it became a campaign issue for her. Some of the loudest screaming was coming from the TEA Party group in my home county. She finally scheduled one meeting with a bunch of politicians in my county so she could send out press releases making it sound like she had held a town hall meeting in our part of the state. The problem with Blank’s plan was that Fox 16 out of Little Rock had hired an intrepid young reporter and assigned her and a camera man to cover local community events in our county. This reporter came down to ask Blank some questions and was not allowed access to the a US Senator on her first visit to our county to my knowledge in years. At the same time our county TEA Party leaders, who had been trying to gain access to Blank for a year decided to go hold a protest with signs outside the building Blank was meeting in that day–as all public access was denied to the US Senator. So the intrepid reporter had a ready made story about the TEA Party and the press being denied access to a US Senator–took tons of beautiful video of the TEA Party members & their signs with an interview of the leader of the group and a full airing of their concerns re: Blank and her voting record. This intrepid reporter succeeded in splashing this story all across the state on a state wide news channel. Lol.

I knew that Blank was a gonner when the AR Democratic Party chair for our county told me he was voting against Blank in the Democratic primary. She had come back one time a while later to the lower end of our county, again in an attempt to make a public relations splash for a supposed “town hall meeting.” My friend, who was the top Democratic elected official on the committee for our county (and who had gotten many Democrats from our county elected for years) was denied access to the “constituent” town hall meeting with Blank because only people who were on a pre-approved list were allowed in. The press was not allowed in either. There is no way I could over emphasize the fact that she behaved as if she were royalty and the contact with the great unwashed had to be strictly controlled at all times. I have NEVER seen any kind of impromptu pic or interview with that woman. Her political image was strictly a political consultant managed creation– like she was the queen of England. It was when her constituents started demanding that she actually provide representation as a legislator that she went down in flames.

Even access to her congressional staffers was strictly controlled. I participated in a TEA Party protest against socialized medicine outside of Blank’s Little Rock office. We went to her office because her staffers were refusing to answer the phones in person. Again, we were ignored.

Her husband is an obstetrician if I am not mistaken. I and an older woman, who was a Democratic county chair in one of the big crop farming counties had a public dust up re: Blank & her husband’s career and those twins. The Democratic county chair saw me walking around in a Faye Boozman For US Senate t-shirt campaigning at a public event and promptly confronted me about being a woman working against another woman. I asked her what was going to happen with her twins as US Senators and doctors work 12-16 hour days. The Democratic woman popped off that Blank would put her children in a good day care like the rest of us do. I told this woman that there was no way that Blank’s children would be placed in a day care like normal folk’s kids. I guess she didn’t want to discuss the elite lifestyle Blank lived in the Wash DC area because the Democrat disappeared in the crowd at that point.

I don’t know how nice Blank is. I know she is a smooth, Teflon based, political operator without a independent thought in her head. She didnt get married until she was well up into her 30s, and there are all kinds of rumors about her wild sex life in DC before she married–however I have no first hand knowledge regarding those activities–thank God.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 10:04am

DRM said: “I was transferred to a gentleman on Lee’s staff…’Oh look it here, we have one of those right wing, tea-bagger nut jobs on the phone taking his cues from FOX News.'”

“He then accused me of being un-American, raising his voice at me while asking me to calm down, and telling me that I am just on some mission to destroy our country. When I calmly asked for his name, he said ‘I don’t have to give it to you because I don’t want to show up on some right wing blog and be on your Twitter account.’ Keep in mind, I never said who I was – he just made assumptions and attacked me… When I reminded him that he gets paid by our tax dollars, he said ‘I doubt you even pay taxes and the IRS will find you soon enough,’ and hung up on me.”

Uh, that Jackson staffer most likely knows exactly who called Ms. Shelia’s office–God help the poor constituent. Two of my friends are staffers in a US Congressional office here in Little Rock. They have constituent management software that allows them to pull up the name, address, all history of contacts of a given constituent with that office–including an electronic copy of all correspondence such as email, letters, donations, etc. They can reference such access to constituent history by phone number.

Also, Jackson tried to outlaw the operations of TEA Party groups in her district as such groups were giving Jackson Hell about the time the federal bailout took place and the debate on Osamacare started.

Mary De Voe
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 10:40am

“I might be too harsh of course to attribute this to stupidity. It may simply be lying” Memorable and quotable. May I?
Use it to devastating effect Mary!
Oh, I have, I have.

Mary De Voe
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 10:51am

Barbara Gordon: “Ms. Jackson is proof positive that liberalism is a mental disorder.”
Liberalism is a spiritual disorder as well. Having sold their soul to the devil, liberals like Ms. Jackson, cannot possibly represent human beings, persons who are composed of body and soul.
Taxation without representation results when politicians refuse to acknoweldge his/her constituents complete with the constitutents’ immortal, human soul.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 11:17am

“She’s about as dumb as they come. And I don’t care what color she is. She could be purple as far as that matters.”

Ms. Shelia cares deeply about her skin color and everyone else’s. She is one of the most openly rascist federal politicians I know of. Her rascist comments against “white” people are absolutely to the point of being downright shocking.

Some more dumb quotes from Ms. Shelia:

Art Deco
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 11:49am

Sheila Jackson-Lee managed to pass the bar exam (Virginia’s or DC’s, I believe) and prior to that trudge through Yale and the University of Virginia. Her general intelligence is adequate, though it may have been subject to a great deal of atrophy in the last 35 years. Her problems are emotional, behavioral, and characterological (which may have feedback in the sort of politics she espouses). How she has stayed married is beyond me, though it may help her husband’s peace of mind that he is in Houston and she is in Washington. There are two children, one of whom is apparently in charge of landscaping at the Houston Airport (having done similar work in Atlanta). What they make of their kooky mother is anyone’s guess.

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 12:03pm

Barbara Gordon correctly wrote:
“Liberalism is a spiritual disorder as well. Having sold their soul to the devil, liberals like Ms. Jackson, cannot possibly represent human beings, persons who are composed of body and soul.”
Pope Leo XIII would agree, having written in his encyclical Libertas (
15. What naturalists or rationalists aim at in philosophy, that the supporters of liberalism, carrying out the principles laid down by naturalism, are attempting in the domain of morality and politics. The fundamental doctrine of rationalism is the supremacy of the human reason, which, refusing due submission to the divine and eternal reason, proclaims its own independence, and constitutes itself the supreme principle and source and judge of truth. Hence, these followers of liberalism deny the existence of any divine authority to which obedience is due, and proclaim that every man is the law to himself; from which arises that ethical system which they style independent morality, and which, under the guise of liberty, exonerates man from any obedience to the commands of God, and substitutes a boundless license. The end of all this it is not difficult to foresee, especially when society is in question. For, when once man is firmly persuaded that he is subject to no one, it follows that the efficient cause of the unity of civil society is not to be sought in any principle external to man, or superior to him, but simply in the free will of individuals; that the authority in the State comes from the people only; and that, just as every man’s individual reason is his only rule of life, so the collective reason of the community should be the supreme guide in the management of all public affairs. Hence the doctrine of the supremacy of the greater number, and that all right and all duty reside in the majority. But, from what has been said, it is clear that all this is in contradiction to reason. To refuse any bond of union between man and civil society, on the one hand, and God the Creator and consequently the supreme Law-giver, on the other, is plainly repugnant to the nature, not only of man, but of all created things; for, of necessity, all effects must in some proper way be connected with their cause; and it belongs to the perfection of every nature to contain itself within that sphere and grade which the order of nature has assigned to it, namely, that the lower should be subject and obedient to the higher.
16. Moreover, besides this, a doctrine of such character is most hurtful both to individuals and to the State. For, once ascribe to human reason the only authority to decide what is true and what is good, and the real distinction between good and evil is destroyed; honor and dishonor differ not in their nature, but in the opinion and judgment of each one; pleasure is the measure of what is lawful; and, given a code of morality which can have little or no power to restrain or quiet the unruly propensities of man, a way is naturally opened to universal corruption. With reference also to public affairs: authority is severed from the true and natural principle whence it derives all its efficacy for the common good; and the law determining what it is right to do and avoid doing is at the mercy of a majority. Now, this is simply a road leading straight to tyranny. The empire of God over man and civil society once repudiated, it follows that religion, as a public institution, can have no claim to exist, and that everything that belongs to religion will be treated with complete indifference. Furthermore, with ambitious designs on sovereignty, tumult and sedition will be common amongst the people; and when duty and conscience cease to appeal to them, there will be nothing to hold them back but force, which of itself alone is powerless to keep their covetousness in check. Of this we have almost daily evidence in the conflict with socialists and members of other seditious societies, who labor unceasingly to bring about revolution. It is for those, then, who are capable of forming a just estimate of things to decide whether such doctrines promote that true liberty which alone is worthy of man, or rather, pervert and destroy it.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 12:38pm

“Sheila Jackson-Lee managed to pass the bar exam (Virginia’s or DC’s, I believe) and prior to that trudge through Yale and the University of Virginia. Her general intelligence is adequate, though it may have been subject to a great deal of atrophy in the last 35 years.”

Here in AR one of our state university which caters to minorities predominately literally has disciplined professors and entire departments/programs for writing tests that minority students cannot pass. In the case of the Univ of AR at Pinebluff it was the nursing program a few years back. Also the Univ of AR law school had a large number of students fail the bar a few years back–again, the accepted explaination was that there HAD TO BE a problem with the professors’ instruction or the construction of the test. It was just too hot of a political potato to point out it might be a problem with the students’ skill level or their application of their efforts toward their academic subject matter. In a lot of instances, continual receipt of federal monies in educational programs are based on making sure that a certain number of minority races are accepted into and graduate fron a given program. My point is that just because Ms. Jackson has degrees doesn’t mean she actually achieved them.

Art Deco
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 4:43pm

Here in AR one of our state university which caters to minorities predominately literally has disciplined professors and entire departments/programs for writing tests that minority students cannot pass.

Unless you think the board of law examiners in DC or Virginia gave her a different test than the other applicants received, I cannot see how this is relevant.

Art Deco
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 4:49pm

Cannot say what the situation was in 1975. As we speak, about 43% of applicants fail the Virginia bar exam on their first attempt and 54% fail the DC bar exam. I believe 30% pass the Virginia exam on subsequent attempts.

Art Deco
Saturday, August 2, AD 2014 4:49pm

Excuse me, 20% pass the Virginia exam on subsequent attempts.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Sunday, August 3, AD 2014 2:46pm

AD said: “Cannot say what the situation was in 1975. As we speak, about 43% of applicants fail the Virginia bar exam on their first attempt and 54% fail the DC bar exam. I believe 30% pass the Virginia exam on subsequent attempts.”

Re: testing of minorities in the 70s & 80s in the US. US Law PL 94-142 (which eventually came into application as IDEA) and the modern application of Section 504 of the 1973 American’s with Disabilities Act (and their requisite reauthorizations) came about as a result of parents of primarily students with disabilities and minority students/students for whom English is a second language being labeled as having disabilities when they did not because of false low scores on IQ tests as a direct result of testing bias against minorities purposefully and accidentally written into tests–in the 70s and up to the current time this was/is a raging controversy and point of contention at all levels of education. This is related to what quadrants of the Bell curve minorities were falling into test results, etc. I have dealt with this issue as part of my profession for decades–and continue to deal with it. We regularly see test results, IQ being just one of many, that do not have valid results. Testing bias was a RAGING issue at all levels in the 1970s. The relevancy of my comment comes on because of how testing bias was dealt with historically and still is dealt with today. The federal courts have historically assumed that minorities, etc. have been given biased tests when a large number if minorities score low on them. Assumed and actual testing bias often dealt with by 1. Completely ignoring the outcome of a test all together. 2. Throwing out a certain number of low scores of an overall grade. 3. “curving” grades/scores so that a higher number of students pass–either overall or just for given subsets of students such as minorities. 4. Setting lower acceptable/passing scores for certain subsets of students such as minorities/those who speak Englush as a second language. 5. Te administering the test. 6. Read ministering a different test. 7. Throwing out certain items that a large number of people scored badly on 8. Etc.

Regularly, when there are not a large number of people of certain minority groups doing well or graduating in a given program, the assumption is that there is institutional bias/active discrimination against that subset. Administrators of educational programs work desperately to make sure that Their programs meet mandated quotas of who completes their programs/passes their tests, etc. I have seen funding decreases or eliminated entirely over such issues.

The brouhaha over the Univ of AR at Pinebluff nursing program due to high rates of failures and the AR law school were a result of assumed bias toward minorities–including African Americans and women. Ms. Shelia is both an African American and a woman.

There are all kinds of ways to administer a test/program and come out with politically mandated outcomes in re: to race, etc. by manipulation of data and deeming the qualifications of a degree plan met through alternative means. I have seen it for decades now.

There are a lot of people passing tests and graduating from given programs on paper–who never actually passed the tests nor met the actual graduation standards on paper.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Sunday, August 3, AD 2014 8:13pm

AD said: “Cannot say what the situation was in 1975. As we speak, about 43% of applicants fail the Virginia bar exam on their first attempt and 54% fail the DC bar exam. I believe 30% pass the Virginia exam on subsequent attempts.”

Continuing thoughts from my previous comments re: application of political correctness in higher Ed in order to move people through programs for which they are not qualified on paper:

1. Testing bias is a real, legitamate problem as I have seen many false testing results good and bad.

2. The concern re: bias so not so much the overall percentage pass on the first, second, etc. tries on a given test or who Graduate from a given university–the concern is does various subsets graduate or pass or complete various universities/exams, etc at least at the same percentage as is their makeup of the general population. For instance, if Martians were to make up 20% of the US population, then theoretically 20% of those passing the bar exam must be 20%+ or your entire school program risks sanctions/defunding–and there is likely to be a turn over of staff.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Monday, August 4, AD 2014 7:00pm

Pardon me for noticing—but until this report, I had not seen a recent picture of Ms. Shiela Jackson Lee:and so I do say, in contrast to the gauntness of Mr. Lincoln in 1864, she doth seem to have had some mighty fine fare these arduous years in Washington as she serves all of us, the people. Mighty, fine fare, indeed, and a full accounting a glimpse of her she doth give of it.

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