Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 6:54pm

PopeWatch: Who Am I to Judge?


PopeWatch is old enough to recall when Democrat politicians would not cite a pope prior to betraying Catholic moral teaching.  Father Z gives us the details:

We have seen antinomianism rear its dangerous head in many scenarios now: those who are bound to uphold and enforce the law simply deciding sua sponte that they won’t uphold law X or Y because the law conflicts with a pet position.

But this is downright disgusting.  From TIME:

Kentucky’s Attorney General Explains Why He Won’t Defend Gay Marriage Ban

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway tells TIME [A willing accomplice in this Act of Dumb.] why he decided not to defend his state’s ban on same-sex marriages, saying he ‘knows where history is going on this’ despite the complications the decision could have for his potential gubernatorial bid  [And you don’t want to be “on the wrong side of history”, do you!  – [POUNDING HEAD ON DESK] – ]

Calling laws against same-sex marriage the last vestige of widespread discrimination in America, [Last vestigate? HA!  It is to laugh.  Will he crusade next against anti-Catholicism?  You would think that a man in this position would be smart enough to distinguish this special interest group’s agitprop from the legitimate claims of black people in the civil rights movement.] Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway told TIME Tuesday he refused to continue defending his state’s ban on gay marriage because he feared he’d regret it for the rest of his life. “I know where history is going on this,” he said. “I know what was in my heart.” [Ahhh! It’s “in his heart”.  Well, then, I guess it’s okay then.]

“Where we are as a country now, this really seems to be the only minority group that a significant portion of our society thinks it’s still okay to discriminate against.”  [So long as you exclude the Little Sisters of the Poor and, I dunno, tens of thousands of others who object to the HHS mandate.]


A Catholic and a Democrat [What a surprise.] considering running for governor in 2015, Conway said he knew the decision could put him at odds with voters and with church leaders in his hometown. [Get this….] His thinking was shaped partly by statements from Pope Francis that encouraged openness toward gays. “Our new pope recently said on an airplane ‘Who am I to judge.’ The new pope has said a lot of things that Catholics like me really like. I have, as someone who grew up as a Catholic listened to some of the words of the new pope and found them inspirational.”  [This quote again.  Gosh, thanks, Holy Father, for that one.  That said, its use here is a LIE.  HERE]


We have lurched more deeply into the Age of Stoopid, I”m afraid.

The Left’s education system in these USA, which infected Catholic schools as well, has left at least one whole generation without the tools to think, or the basic catechism points that allow Catholics to figure out nearly instantly that some MSM reportage doesn’t pass the smell test


Go here to read the rest.  Is it even necessary for PopeWatch to note that Attorney General Conway is a pro-abort, so that his devotion to papal statements is, shall we say, suspect?  Of  course what the interviews by Pope Francis do is to give fake talking points and cover to people who hate the teaching of the Church.  The Pope does not intend to do this of course, but his careless language in interviews, twisted by an anti-Catholic media, results in this time and again.  What is disheartening is that the Pope does not seem to care, judging by his repetition of the same easy to twist amorphous answers time and again in interviews.  PopeWatch wishes that the Pope would begin to care half as much about pro-aborts and gay marriage advocates falsely hailing him as a guide and champion, as he appears to be about alleged irregularities among the Friars of the Immaculate.

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T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 7:33am


Darwin must the rotating in his grave. Apparently, these dolts don’t believe in Evolution. If gay tendencies are genetic (I don’t care), very soon there will be no gay man or woman and the “gene” will disappear.

On what planet is sterile, perverted perfidy equivalent to fecund, holy matrimony?

A. Lincoln cited the case of a boy who, when asked how many legs his calf would have if he called its tail a leg, replied, ” Five,” to which the response was “Calling the tail a leg would not make it a leg.”

Friday, March 7, AD 2014 8:04am

“The Left’s education system in these USA, which infected Catholic schools as well…”

Yes indeed, I have a resident who was educated through the twelfth grade in Catholic schools. He said the other day that we can never say anything is wrong.

He is sincere however. When I asked him if we could call cattle cars filled with Jews on the way to death camps evil, he was stumped. He was then receptive to the idea that there is good and evil and we can know it. So long filled with trash, there are many souls that are quite responsive when presented with truth.

Hopefully Mr. Conway will also become open to the truth.

Mary De Voe
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 8:18am

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway is not worried about history or even SSM. Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway is imposing his opinion and will over the opinion and will of the people, his constituents.
This man has taken an oath to represent the people. Now, this man is imposing his will on the will of the people. It would be a legitimate response to crime, but criminalizing the truth and subjecting the truth to discrimination by way of the courts is out and out illegal. After taking the people’s tax money, this man would engage in tyranny over the people whom he considers and treats as beasts of burden, his burden, the SSM perjury that sexual orientation is responsible for sodomy burden, or that sexual orientation is the same as sodomy burden.

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 8:39am

From Louisville… what a surprise. (well not really, I think the only Catholics in KY are in Louisville, and that’s just until the Baptists finish their potluck – then the crusade begins)

You know, when your state is trying to swallow up and eat you…
(my hometown!)

I’m just saying, might want to be wary of angering God…

Mary De Voe
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 9:48am

Winston Churchill:
‘Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.’
I love Winston Churchill. It is nice to have friends in high places, beside his name has a church in it.
Now, off to Mass.

Brian English
Brian English
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 10:09am

“Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway is not worried about history or even SSM. Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway is imposing his opinion and will over the opinion and will of the people, his constituents.”

If Conway was actually a man of integrity, he would have resigned in order to avoid having to defend the law he finds so odious, instead of just refusing to defend a legally enacted law of the state.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 10:13am

We can kvetch all we like about the “Who am I to judge” comment, but Conway’s intuition isn’t entirely off: the Vatican has been functionally mute on gay marriage. When Croatia turned back a gay marriage referendum last year, Rome offered no congratulations.

The Pope has also been silent about Belgium’s new euthanasia law.

Brian English
Brian English
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 10:16am

“Hopefully Mr. Conway will also become open to the truth.”

How is that going to happen? It very unlikely any member of the Church hierarchy is going to do anything about this, so how will he see the error of his ways?

As far as his political career goes, I am sure he expects, and I have no doubt he will receive, generous campaign contributions from out-of-state to reward him for his “courageous” stance.

Friday, March 7, AD 2014 10:32am

“If Conway was actually a man of integrity, he would have resigned in order to avoid having to defend the law he finds so odious, instead of just refusing to defend a legally enacted law of the state.”

Though the Attorney General of the United States has given permission to state attorneys general to do this:

Now all we have to do is find AG’s who will not enforce abortion laws, gay marriage laws etc.

“How is that going to happen? It very unlikely any member of the Church hierarchy is going to do anything about this, so how will he see the error of his ways?”

I unfortunately believe you are right. Now if this were a social justice issue…

Art Deco
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 12:18pm

We can kvetch all we like about the “Who am I to judge” comment, but Conway’s intuition isn’t entirely off: the Vatican has been functionally mute on gay marriage. When Croatia turned back a gay marriage referendum last year, Rome offered no congratulations.

The Pope has also been silent about Belgium’s new euthanasia law.

Considering the Pope’s habit of chit chat, this is a disappointment.

We’re used to tedious and vapid bishops. It has not these last 35 years extended to Rome. Oh, well. At least we did not get stuck with a sock puppet of the Theophylacts.

Mary De Voe
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 3:49pm

The bridegroom, acting in place of Jesus, absolves every fault from the soul of his bride. The bride, acting in place of Holy Mother Church, receives every fault from the soul of her husband.
The man, as husband, purifies his wife by taking on her imperfections and faults and repairs her, that is, he does reparation for her.
The woman, as wife, assumes her husband’s imperfections and brings him to perfection by doing penance for his soul.
Now, the couple, perfected in each other, present themselves to God as a pure sacrifice, a pure family. The two, each by each other’s love, begin the journey of life as a pure and spotless family. This is Holy Matrimony. The work of marriage is the sanctification of both spouses.
Are SSM partners ready, willing and able to fulfill the vocation to make pure and holy one another by repairing and doing reparation, penance, for one another? I think not. The SSM partners must deny each other’s immortal soul. They do not achieve union, do not work for the sanctification of the partner, and do not form a family. Each partner actively operates against his partner’s best interest. Oh, sure they may get government benefits and have someone to keep their bed warm.
In the old country, people slept with cows to keep warm when it got excessively cold. That does not make the cow one’s family.

Barbara Jesnsen
Barbara Jesnsen
Friday, March 7, AD 2014 8:26pm

Why do you assume the bishop of Rome DOES NOT INTEND to give ‘fake talking points and cover to people who hate the Church’? His careless language may indeed be very purposeful and very much intended to provide the anti Catholic press with the grist they need for twisting and spinning. Mr. Bergoglio is either very stupid or he intends his ‘easy to to twist amorphous answers’. This is plain to anyone who wants to see. I suspect it is all to clear to the bishop of Rome what he is doing. The masonic infiltration in the Catholic Church is a fact. Let’s connect the dots.

Friday, March 7, AD 2014 9:31pm

The pope may not have meant some of the things he is reported to have said. But he may as well have because the effect is the same as if he did. As has been noted, politicians and people in positions of responsibility have acted on what he is reported to have said, so it takes a life of its own. Some politicians have changed their votes and their stance on issues. Have priests shrugged their shoulders in the cônfessional wondering who they are to judge?

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 12:55am

By right, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway ought be impeached for failing to carry out his office.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 5:44am

“I know where history is going on this,” he said. “I know what was in my heart.”

It beggars belief that a law officer could make such a crass remark.

However, his decision (not the grounds for it) does raise an interesting question. Is an A-G bound, or even entitled, to resist a constitutional challenge to a law that he, regardless of his personal preferences, considers unanswerable and, therefore, bound to succeed?

Art Deco
Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 6:36am

Michael, the notion that the federal constitution prohibits the definition of marriage as consisting of one man and one woman is an utter fraud. There is no interesting question here. He’s just another shyster.

Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 9:32am

T. Shaw-
I’ve seen this argument go out before, so I’ll give you the short responses I’ve had thrown back.

Darwin must the rotating in his grave. Apparently, these dolts don’t believe in Evolution. If gay tendencies are genetic (I don’t care), very soon there will be no gay man or woman and the “gene” will disappear.

Depends on how it’s passed on– it could be a doubling up of a gene that is beneficial, or a very rarely expressed half gene (shorter: recessive); oh, and they’ll claim that it’s just proof that a lot of homosexuals are “repressed” and a lot more folks are “really gay.” (translated: genetic tendency, rather than an on/off) Both would explain bisexuals, which some folks push as the “real” default sexuality. (Especially common notion among lesbians, I think because they’ve spent so much time and effort relabeling EVERYTHING that’s touch-and-emotion as “sexual.”)

There’s a reason some of these folks are so desperate to make up just-so stories to make having a homosexual a survival positive instead of a dead end.

More likely, it’s a tendency from a wide range of factors, including genetics (I’d suspect a strong sex drive), womb environment and being told from a very young age that if you admire someone and/or desire hugs, you’re expressing sexuality. Oh, and people being starved for a human touch– being isolated makes for a lot of friendships that wouldn’t otherwise have gotten off the ground; I’d bet that the same goes for “Relationships.”

Mary De Voe
Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 9:52am

My two daughters were once queried: “Are you incestuous lesbians?” Two men, two women are no longer free from scrutiny. It is like having sewerage splashed onto you. Celebrating a dysfunction instead of the sovereign person is abnormal.

Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 5:21pm

Dale Price used the term “functionally mute” on gay marriage- I think that is an optimistic reading of events related to pope’s communications. The pope’s words are functioning as, or having the effect of, liberalizing What People Understand To Be Catholic teaching.

Don McClarey -a question- since we had our short technological upgrade hiatus, I no longer get e-mail notifications of responses on posts I am subscribed to- ?

Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 5:46pm

Might check your spam– I think the mumble-bumble thingie changed.

Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 5:59pm

Thanks Foxier. The lost is found. Sorry to bother you and Don with that- I could have thought if that!

Saturday, March 8, AD 2014 7:07pm

Welcome– if it helps, that means your spam detector is better than mine.

Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 1:49pm

[…] JD, TACatholic Benedict XVI, Penned a Critique of Francis Interview – The Epnyms Flwr PopeWatch: Who Am I to Judge? – Don. R. McClarey JD, TACatholic Pope Francis Has Made Nations Sit Up & Pay Attention […]

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