Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 8:10pm

Mel Gibson Needs Our Prayers

Last night I was exercising and flipping through the channels and saw Mel Gibson on the Jay Leno Show- very disturbing stuff.  He joked about having a lot of off-color jokes, he offered up some profanity to quote some girls he ran into while filming in Boston. To top it off he promised Leno that if and when he decides to get married again he would announce it first on Leno’s show.

This is all pretty common fodder for celebrities on these cheesy talk shows- but I had built up Gibson as a brother Catholic who put his faith out there when he made “The Passion of the Christ”, and was very public in opposing embryonic stem cell research. He was like my guy in Hollywood.

The doubts about him started with his drunken rants against “the Jews”.  But I sort of attributed that to his being an alcoholic and falling off the wagon one night, and being so fed up with the media circus during “The Passion” with accusations of anti-Semitism flying in his face at every turn. He could have given into a night of purging out his anger in drunken stupidities. But now he has publicly crossed a line in the sand for me.

Here is a man in his 50’s, so personally familiar with the redemptive suffering of our Lord, a man married for many years with SEVEN children by this woman- and he has an affair with a young woman, and announces her pregnancy on – Jay Leno?? His wife divorces him and he is now apparently living with his new lover and his 8th child. And the next big step in his life will apparently be announced through the late night comedy format once more.

This is all very bad stuff. I understand now, as a married man with children myself, just how important the whole life witness aspect to being a Christian disciple truly is.  You can’t miss seeing the impact of your actions on the faces of your own kids- but all the little ones and all the non-believers are impacted by what you say and what you do when you publicly proclaim your own Christian loyalties.  This life witness is a huge deal.  I fear that the excellent artistic presentation of the Passion of our Lord will be negatively affected by the antics of the artist who brought us this profound work. This is how it works in real life. People associate Christians with Christ, they associate public persons with their personal lives- when you combine these two aspects as Mel Gibson does- it is an intense pressure. Mel is obviously not dealing with it all very well. He needs his Catholic brothers and sisters to intervene- I don’t know him at all personally, so I can only pray for him as my wife and I did last night with one of our rosary intentions.

I don’t want to see Mel Gibson end up on the scrap heap of Hollywood celebrity has-beens. He has gifted me and millions with his work on “The Passion”, he deserves our concern and our prayers- he needs to wake up and stay away from Jay Leno’s couch and focus on repentance and using his failings to help others avoid whatever sins he has been seduced by. I can recall that he chose to have his own hands filmed to depict the nails being driven into Christ at His crucifixion. He needs to get back to that level of humility and spiritual awareness. Come back brother- we need more artists for Christ not yet another one shamelessly mocking the faith and our Lord in word or deed.

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Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 1:06pm

Very sad. But for the grace of God….

Donald R. McClarey
Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 1:26pm

Mel Gibson needs prayers and a good kick in the tail. A lot of people looked up to him and he threw it all away for the bottle and a babe. The staging of a ceremony where his crazy father ruled that his first marriage was invalid, was the coup de grace.

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 2:10pm

I feel the same way. Mel Gibson has let many people down, himself, his wife and children most of all. I won’t be buying any more movie tickets or watching him act like a dirty old man for the amusement of his waning audience.What’s next–showing up at the Playboy mansion to party with Bill Maher etc? So very sad to see how far he has gone off the deep end. He, his children and his wife very much need our prayers as does the little new life he has brought into the world so carelessly.

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 2:14pm

What’s happened to Mel Gibson is the last year or so is really confusing and disappointing. Maybe some day we’ll get the full story. That said, I can’t imagine a guy like him without spiritual advisors and such that would have tried to talk some sense in to him… or is it all just for show?

The worst part is that people think he’s Catholic… but how can that be with someone who basically set up his own parish and clearly lives contrary to the Church’s teachings? He might worship in a ‘Catholic fashion’ but I doubt this counts and communion with Rome. All very sad…

That said I still think he’s one of the most interesting directors working today and I do want to see Edge of Darkness. Go figure.

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 2:53pm

We all know that the Church is supernatural, but this is a reminder of how badly we need the institution on a natural level. If in-laws had the power to annul marriages, how many marriages would be held valid? We need guidance from an objective source. Henry VIII thought he could be perfectly Catholic on his own, and that didn’t work out well either.

Joe Hargrave
Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 3:11pm

I concur with everyone’s sentiment about Gibson – I thank him from the bottom of my heart for The Passion, which I think is one of the greatest films ever made. I am also deeply dismayed by his downward spiral, not only as a Catholic, but a traditional Catholic.

I mean, the odds that we would ever have a man in Hollywood making films from our perspective had to be a million to one. And now this.

That said, I’m going to see his new movie 🙂

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 3:16pm

These days, I find HOPE to be the most important thing to pray for. These are depressing days.

Tito Edwards
Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 3:19pm

I also concur with all the comments here. Though I caution lumping him with traditional Catholics. I would say he was a sedevacantist or an independent chapel Catholic, but not traditional Catholics.

With that said I too will be watching his movie!


Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 4:10pm

It is a real shame about the divorce. He, like all of humanity, is a major disappointment.

And, even so, The Passion remains an outstanding achievement.

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 4:58pm

Tito, you’ve hit on a pet peeve of mine. There is no such thing as an independent chapel. Either you’re under the authority of the Church (usually a bishop), or you’re in schism. I know that some breakaway groups have called themselves “independent” to distinguish themselves from the SSPX, but schism is schism.

Tito Edwards
Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 4:59pm


No skin off my back.

They can call themselves the Purple People Eaters for all I care, they’re still not Catholics with a capitol “C”.

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 6:13pm

I think that the Devil drew a bead on him after the Passion and set out to tear him down in the most dramatic fashion. Sadly, he didn’t (for whatever reason) have (or avail himself of) the resources that could have helped him resist. Thanks for the reminder to pray for him.

Dave Hartline
Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 7:27pm

There are some great comments above. I would just like to say that we have to be careful not to fall into the same trap in which Mel fell. This is in no way to diminish what he did, but Mel must have known his weak areas, the areas the evil one could exploit. We all have them. I heard about some of Mel’s failings a couple of years ago while in Hollywood giving a talk about my book. I didn’t want to believe it and hoped it was some sort of misunderstanding. Sadly, the critics of the Passion are feelings their oats and thus have become more emboldened to tear down the Faith. While we pray for Mel and his family, let us also pray for each other that we too don’t end looking as cartoonishly sinful as Mel has become. It could happen to us all, if we don’t pray, lose our humility and stay faithful.

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 9:52pm

Mad Max is Mel’s best film, hands down.
I wonder if there is more to this whole Mel Gibson thing for Catholics than meets the eye. Consider: And this may be a bit of a reach… The heresy of Modernism. Pius X called it the culmination of all heresy. Relativism and Sentimentalism are two wide spread belief ‘systems’, ‘orientations’ or ‘perspectives’ that clearly fall under Modernism as verifiable heresy yet they are nearly unknown or unrecognized in western Catholic circles. The Sedavacantists have fallen prey to relativism as if the experience of Jesus is a subjective experience, versus meeting TRUTH. And the Sentimentalism of Jim Cavezel and his Mejougorja connection – ‘i feel the presence’ versus ‘I am present in front of the Tabernacle. I think Mel is simply an actor and his life has always been a bit of a tragic comedy. Is it just me? I think an honest man would have to admit that we all are the son that never left the farm and that Mel will always be the Prodigal son, wondering his way home.
They say if you really want to see Mel as himself, watch the movie ‘conspiracy theory’

Wednesday, January 27, AD 2010 10:18pm

I was always puzzled by conservative Catholics who held this sedevacantist up as a model Catholic.

Thursday, January 28, AD 2010 7:32am

Seeing his failings, I have been tempted to mock but I wonder how easy it is to trip and fall away from the catholic ideal. Once the fall begin and the darkness surround us we become incapable to discern what is going on. So, pray for him, humbly, and pray for all the brothers and sisters who fall each day, maybe one day they will be the one praying for you.

Thursday, January 28, AD 2010 10:38am

To restraindradical
Regarding sedevacantists. I have found them all a fascinating bunch overall. Coming from hard corp ultra-lefty katholic boston – The novelty of talking to them I find brings me great joy.
Incidentally, i never refer to my self as a conservative catholic, rather I am orthodox in my belief and follow the magisterium to the letter. Honestly I find it much more reasonable to believe that the seat of Peter is currently vacant, than to believe that a woman’s choice trumps a babies life or that relationships based on dirty habits should be elevated to ‘marriage’. Both these social dysfunctions have been elevated to quite near dogmatic teaching in katholic Boston. Mel Gibson deserves legend status – His alcoholic escapades have landed less lucky men in jails and homeless shelters. God has given him herculean grace. Consider; Direct and produce “The Passion” and bring the term “sedacavantist” into the vernacular are accomplishments fitting of a Bishop. For sure he is an Alcoholic goofball but he is also an odd poster child for the plight of Catholic manhood…at least mine anyway…

Thursday, January 28, AD 2010 11:10am

RR – I’ve often heard celebrities talk about the Faith and get parts wrong because they’re not well-catechized. Heck, never mind celebrities, you hear that stuff from people from all walks of life.

I didn’t know much about Mel Gibson, but I figured that he had a large family, and talked about his faith, and didn’t cheat on his wife, and even made a movie about Jesus. Good for him. If he said a few things that didn’t reflect a proper understanding of Catholicism, I’ve probably heard just as bad from priests. I didn’t realize that he’d really bought into the whole sedevacantist thing, and didn’t know about his other failures.

Thursday, January 28, AD 2010 1:09pm

I was disapproving of Gibson’s turn to the violent in the film that was about the Mayan’s (Apocalypto). It was definitely a lurid fascination with evil violence.
Gibson also EXAGGERATED the whipping scene in the Passion, contrary to known facts, and was superficial in the Gethsemani scene (where spiritual suffering was greater than the physical torture). It was almost as if the demons wished to snare Gibson for making the Passion by detecting a weakness they could exploit. Another weakness which one can note is personal vanity. Henry VIII was ruined by that kind of pride gradually taking over his life, and one can see similar symptoms in Gibson. Now he’s trapped and seems to know it and doesn’t seem to know how to solve it!
The separatist spirit of schismatics may be the error that brought him to decide his Catholic marriage was conveniently invalid. Again, hints of Henry VIII!

Thursday, January 28, AD 2010 2:03pm

I think Apocalypto was far too mild. The culture depicted celebrated human sacrifice. In Abortion-nation we have made believe since roe v wade that abortion is something that it isn’t. At least the Mayan’s were honest pagans.

Thursday, January 28, AD 2010 6:26pm

I totally agree with restrainedradical. I followed the development and production of “The Passion” even when it was considered an underdog that might never see the big screen and I was definitely pulling for Gibson, Caviezel, et al. It was a pretty good movie for illustrating the suffering endured by Christ. It was not sufficient for communicating the Gospel, in my opinion.

Back to the point: Mel Gibson’s well-known rejection of the Papacy ensured that I would not trust him wholly. I tried to tell people that we should pray for his conversion or he could disappoint us. The spiritual warfare he endured must have been horrific.

If he repents, I think he needs to retire to a private life, as it is obvious that celebrity kills souls.

First Bud MacFarlane, Jr. and now this. It’s unfortunate. We need to pray hard for Jim Caviezel just in case.

Saturday, January 30, AD 2010 4:31pm

Anyone who saw Gibson’s interview with Raymond Arroyo during filming of the “Passion” should have seen the man was headed for a big crash. But, apparently, he had so isolated himself within his own version of Catholicism that he had no mentor, no father-confessor who could pull him back from the brink. You don’t pour that kind of energy into that serious of a work and not have personal blow-back *unless* you are prepared and surrounded by those who will keep you from crashing.

You can see the same sort of scenario with someone who has nursed a spouse or close family member through a serious disease such as cancer. Once you get through it and the pressure lets off . . .


Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 4:39am

I concur. The devil is having a field day with him. Take down Mel and you take a lot of people with him via confusion, dissapointment, disgust, etc. Excellent that you should remind us to pray for him. The wife should have never divorced him. (such an easy off the hook for guys) Poor thing, she played right into that. Don’t misunderstand;I would be furious,too. But see, the devil is smarter than we are. If you LIVE THE GOSPEL, which is, if you TAKE CHRIST’S advice…you will not lose. Go it on your own ie divorcing him, that was NOT what Christ wanted her to do; she played right into the devil’s hand and then of course, Mel is in no condition to be running the show right now and a man isn’t going to want to be alone..hence, the foreign chick. Let us pray for him and hit the devil where it hurts !

LM Weber
LM Weber
Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 6:41am

I agree with leanne———–he needs our prayers!

Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 10:33am

Yes, Mel needs our prayers (this devil an be cast out only by prayer and fasting). John Edwards (pro-abortion creep) also needs prayers. After cheating on his dying wife, he too has gone out of control sexually. I think Tiger Woods might be trying to save his marriage but I don’t know. I agree the devil wants to “get back at Gibson for his film. But for the grace of God, there go I.

Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 11:25am

After seeing Mel’s answers to Diane Sawyer about The Passion, I never expected this. It is truly shocking.

However, Mel has long been conflicted–as if anything goes in art. Braveheart is a masterpiece, but there was no need for him to get naked with an actress in this film or any other flick. And his Icon Productions distributes a lot of crap.

I like Jim’s attitude. All these men are gifted, I just hope they come around to Christ and use their talents to lead others to heaven. God help them and all of us.

Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 12:00pm

You see his latest interview? Looks like he’s drinking again.

Henry Karlson
Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 12:19pm

Mel Gibson for Severian.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 12:20pm

I couldn’t finish watching it.

He certainly needs God grace now more than ever.

Henry Karlson
Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 1:01pm

Mel Gibson is the only one who could play Severian. Mel Gibson for Severian.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 1:08pm

That would make for an interesting movie.

You are referring to Chrysostom’s antagonist right?

Pamela Mundling
Pamela Mundling
Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 3:16pm

Being a recovering alcoholic and Christian I can identify so much with my Catholic brother Mel.
The person I was when I drank was often rude and disgusting.
The sober person I was before I had my wonderful encounter with a Loving & Forgiving Savior could also be harsh & judgmental.
The kindness and gentleness that define me these days can only be maintained by continual relation with Christ. If I slip up and begin to drink again, or forsake the relationship I have with our Lord,will probably take me back into the people I was before.
Brother Mel needs our prayers so that he may be able to to return to the Lord in fellowship and sobriety.
I look forward to the day when he will again be a wonderful witness for Christianity.

Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 4:39pm

Recently I read that Mel suffered from Bipolar Disorder in addition to being an alcoholic.

After just having read Bud Macfarlane’s three novels, I read about his divorce situation. It really astounded me. His wife’s side of the story has been told, but there is no word of/from him at all. Maybe he, too, suffers from Bipolar.

Both men are so gifted and I am sure that spiritual warfare has been fierce – maybe they were just not prepared for the onslaught. It is so very sad that they’ve inspired so many and now have disappointed so many. Lots of prayers and fasting are needed.

Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 8:43pm

Rich Joyner has said that those on the front lines confronting the enemy are those who are attacked. Yes, some become prisoners of war, and we must never abandon our troops. I believe this is Mel Gibson. Let us not condemn him but we must pray until his release. He is still one of us.

Thursday, February 4, AD 2010 10:37pm

To be honest, I think any kind of reparation and self-reform Mel makes should be mostly private, lest there be a temptation to profit from it in his career. He has not handled fame well in the past. For his soul I can think of no safer way than to retire to obscurity.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 8:39am

Mel is old enough to know better. Money is a very corrupting infuence. Never pray for money; pray for wisdom.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:00am

It is more than likely because of his movie, The Passion, that he has been targeted by HAARP. Before you jump me on this, please do your research on this low frequency radiowave generator that has the capability of changing a persons mental state – ELF vibrations are the same frequency as human brain waves. It’s part of the military – many countries use this technology that some call the Tesla tech..
It appears to have begun after the Passion movie. Traditional Catholic or not, anyone or group of people can be zapped.
Do the homework…ask for the Mercy of God for our Nation and the world.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:08am

My sister is friends with a group of women in L.A., who are the girlfriends of Mel’s wife. Mel’s wife is a saint, especially after all she has endured. Mel is not humble enough to submit to Rome, never has been accountable to anyone, from most reports. Medjugorge is not, as of yet, approved by Rome. Most of authentic Catholic family life is “doing your duty and following in the footsteps of Christ.” One can not continue drinking and also have a relationship with Christ. This was said by St. John Vianney. One or the other will become your master. Pray for Mel’s wife…and all wives and children who have endured their alcoholic spouses/relatives, it is a chaotic spiral that tries to pull everyone involved into HELL…

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:10am

Enough judging … more praying.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:15am

In regards to Mel Gibson it saddens my heart with exsream passion for this man. Remember he is being attacked by Satan though all of his mental illnesses, alcohol abuse and relationship with his previous wife. I believe God himself touched Mel Gibson and inspired him to direct the “PASSION OF THE CHRIST MOVE” with actor Jim Cavisel playing Jesus. Both men have incountered God in their own way. Now Satan has attaced our brother and we must pray for Mel Gibson and Jim Cavisel. Forgiveness is the answer. I thank you Mel and Jim for making such an inspiring movie of our Lord. I am also a Catholic and prolife person and believe that Mel will come back to his faith one day. Mel Gibson is my brother and I love him as Jesus loves him.. God bless you Mel Gibson and my prayers are with you. When I saw you on the show I feel your pain. God bless, Sarah “Remember people we all have fallen, so don’t throw stones and don’t ask questions that hurt”. Love the sinner and not the sin..

Thereas Marie
Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:18am

Mel had been making up his own theology about “Church” and ecclesiology for some time as witnessed by the subjective adherance to the Pius X group. He is making up his own spirituality and theology surrounding marriage and dating, now it seems at this point. One heresy leads to another.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:23am

In regards to Mel Gibsons wifes friends. Have you read or watched the movie about St. Rita? Watch it and you will get truth and compassion regarding Mel Gibson. Sometimes a person when they are in that danger zone of sin, they feel they can’t turn back. They loose faith, so remember to pray for his healing. Watch the inspiring movei of St. Rita Of Caleta/Italy.. As Mel Gibsons wife, she must be hurt and must forgive Mel Gibson the man, so she can heal. God knows all things and will never leave Mrs. Gibson and their children. I will pray for her for devine strength and healing of the pain she is induring from the sin.. God bless you all

Jim Gordon
Jim Gordon
Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:27am

I agree with the article’s writer that Mel should be prayed for. However,can someone,outhere, also say the Rosary for his first wife and their children, who must really be hurting?

tamara bogaczyk
tamara bogaczyk
Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:42am

Amen Brother!!I have been feeling the exact way about Mel Gibson.I have to comment on Thereas Maris comment. Mel Gibson was not and is not involved with the ‘Pius X group’.The Pius X group as you refer to them,are not Sedevacantists and Mr. Gibson is a Sedevacantist.I read that his father annulled his marriage to his first wife.Because he does not recognize the authority of the Holy Father or the Bishops.I will agree that one heresy leads to another.He sure does need our prayers!!!

Rick Lugari
Rick Lugari
Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:44am

Don’t chalk something up to brainwave zapping that can be easily explained in one word. Sin. It’s pretty easy for many of us to go from feeling (or desiring to be) profoundly zealous and pious to the other direction. For those of us who have embraced sin at one time, it’s a never ending battle to resist those temptations. Sometimes we win and are strengthened, sometimes we give in and are weakened. Just pray for the guy and sinners in general.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 9:52am

Did you say “Mel, please come back to the Church”?
Mel Gibson was never in the Roman Catholic Faith, he and his father are sedevacanist. They have their own beliefs.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 10:18am

I think the unnamed writer of this blog genuinely did Mr. Gibson a disservice by his condescending comments on what s/he admits was a “flip through” of an interview he wasn’t paying attention to. That lack of attention shows. The interview was about being a father late in life, and how Mr. Gibson was quitting smoking after having that habit for forty-five years for the sake of his daughter. I don’t recall him being foul in any way. He was his usual good natured self. Even in his recent movie, he plays the role of a decent father.

Pray for whomever you wish, but stop incesantly criticizing the people who use their talents in wonderful ways and yet have human flaws. Criticism is cheap, and usually comes from the people who buried their own talents. And gossip and distorting the truth is a sin in every religion.

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 10:24am

It seems the closer one gets to our Lord the more diligently the devil works to trip you up. Prayers, prayers and more prayers!

Friday, February 5, AD 2010 10:35am

I agree totally with Mon. My dear Brothers and Sisters, Mel, through the Grace of God, gained sooo much territory for the Body of Christ and ANGERED the enemy! The Devil PREYS on our weaknesses and brokenness. He REVELS in our misery. I will not judge my brother Mel, because there before the Grace of God go I! I completely abhor everything he’s doing, but PLEASE instead of chastising him, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Beg the Lord for healing graces for this man and his wife and children. Mel can’t do it alone! He desperately needs the intercession of his Catholic family!

Len Jurena
Len Jurena
Friday, February 5, AD 2010 10:43am

Mel, GOD loves you and so do we.As a sober Alcoholic for 34 years I know that if I can stay sober, you’ve got more where-with-all than I do, a retired aviation employee. I’ve seen part of your “chrst” movie and was very inspired. Be for GOD in the media. One Day At A Time, Easy Does IT, Live and Let Live, Let Go and Let God. GOD BLESS YOU AND RECOVER FROM YOU ILLNESS, I DID.

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