Monday, May 13, AD 2024 12:26pm

Bill Moyers: Good Riddance

Bill Moyers, the sanctimonious left winger who has gotten rich at the public trough at PBS, is wrapping up Bill Moyers Journal on PBS.  Moyers has adopted the pose of an above it all sage in the past few decades.  Actually, Moyers has always remained a go-for-the-jugular-partisan, as he was when, as one of LBJ’s flunkies, he helped put together the Daisy Girl Commercial in 1964, the video above, which in essence stated that kids would die in a nuclear holocaust if Goldwater were elected.

My friend Jay Anderson at Pro Ecclesia has a do not miss send off for the Uriah Heep of PBS here.

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Bill Hoogsteden
Tuesday, December 15, AD 2009 7:32pm

An older co-worker told me that people would tell him in 1964 that if he voted for Goldwater, the country would be at war and there would be rioting in the streets. So, he voted for Goldwater, and sure enough, the country was at war and there was rioting in the streets!

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Tuesday, December 15, AD 2009 7:55pm

Ion’t agree with much of what Bill Moyers said but don’t see your column or the one you linked to as anything more than a meanspirited attack on a long career that must have added something to the discussion of ideas at least.

Elaine Krewer
Tuesday, December 15, AD 2009 9:25pm

I used to listen to the Bill Moyers Journal podcasts on iTunes and found some of them very interesting. He was NOT constantly bashing people who disagreed with him but actually did some very thoughtful interviews. So I don’t know that his whole life ought to be defined by what he did for the LBJ White House.

Believe it or not I do actually listen to (gasp!) NPR once in a while because even with their obvious liberal bias, you get far more information and insight on many of their stories, for which they allow a decent 5 or 10 minutes of coverage, than you get from the typical highly superficial radio or national/local TV news story which runs 2 minutes at best.

I may be a bit stuffy or old fashioned on this point but I don’t believe it’s necessarily healthy to get ALL your news ONLY from sources you agree with 100 percent of the time. Still, I’m probably the only person I know who flips the car radio back and forth between public radio and EWTN on long car trips 🙂

Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Tuesday, December 15, AD 2009 11:09pm

Please……give me a break. Please remember when Lee Atwater’s conversion occured. Who doesn’t think they are a genius in their 30’s.

Don the Kiwi
Don the Kiwi
Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 1:20am

“……the sanctimonious left winger who has gotten rich at the public trough……….

Sounds like a lot of our AGW diehard scientific and political apologists who have enjoined the doomsayer prophets at Hoaxenhagen with their snouts in the trough, meanwhile getting fat on the profits.

Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 2:58am

The episode on LBJ a few weeks back was actually really good. But on balance, good riddance. I’d find him less irritating if he just admitted that he was a left-wing apologist. Instead he masquerades as a journalist. But I suppose that’s why liberals love him. He creates the illusion that liberal conclusions are arrived at through objective methods.

I had a theory that Moyers was responsible for the implosion of Rev. Wright. Moyers did everything he could to introduce Wright to the public as a misrepresented saint. Wright bought into it himself before discovering that the rest of the media wasn’t going to be as easy on him as Moyers was. I don’t think Moyers is merely distasteful. He does real harm.

Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 4:54am

Mr. McClarey. I watched him once and once was enough. Even this discussion is more than he merits.

Jay Anderson
Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 7:36am

I agree with Don and Restrained Radical that Moyers would be less objectionable if he were up front about his biases. I would have much less negative to say about the man were he not (1) posing as an objective journalist, (2) doing so while pushing his agenda on the public dime at PBS, (3) so vitriolic in his attacks on religious and social conservatives (dismissing all as “fundamentalists” and “religious zealots” who “loathe democracy”), and (4) being touted as some sort of “moral authority” or “conscience of the nation”.

The guy’s a mean-spirited, sanctimonious jerk, so I get a kick out of the notion that Don and I are being “mean spirited” for calling him out on it and taking issue with the fawning coverage of Moyers as some sort of “sacred American institution, a repository of the nation’s conscience”.

Gail F
Gail F
Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 8:00am

When I was young and accepted the idea that PBS was impartial, I thought Bill Moyers was very intelligent and engaging. As I got older and saw that, gee, PBS wasn’t in the LEAST impartial, I thought that Bill Moyers was intelligent, engaging, and very biased — some of the time. Like most journalists on PBS, he seems to think that he is unbiased and to try to BE unbiased, except in issues where he believes that he is right. Then bias goes out the window. Journalists are not taught to be unbiased anymore, and they don’t value a lack of bias. The liberal version of bias has given rise to the conservative journalist, so all the news is consciously biased. It’s discouraging, really.

Elaine Krewer
Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 8:03am

I listened to (via podcast) the “Bush impeachment” episode of Bill Moyers’ Journal. I didn’t care for the arguments raised by Nichols (and by the way Don, I agree that The Nation is a gratingly liberal rag and I rarely if ever read it even online), but Fein — who did, after all, work on the Clinton impeachment — raised some valid points. In fact some of those points — usurping power belonging to the legislative branch, undermining constitutional checks and balances — were similar to those raised in the (later) Blago impeachment proceedings.

I agree, though, that the show would have been much better had it included someone who made equally valid arguments AGAINST impeaching Bush, and pointing out how the Clinton and Bush cases were different although superficially it might APPEAR that there was “more reason” to impeach Bush (for alleged violations of the Constitution) than Clinton (for allegedly “only” lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky).

I did eventually quit subscribing to the podcast after Obama’s election because most of the shows were just loaded with glowing praise of the guy and I’d had enoiugh of it. But, that doesn’t negate the fact that Moyers did some very good “Journal” shows.

Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 9:12am

I agree whole heartedly with Elaine Krewer. If you get your news from one source you are cheating yourself. Labeling one as a “political hack” is pointless as they are ALL political hacks and should be viewed so at the outset. If you are listening to “either side” and believing everything they say then IMHO that makes you a hack. It is up to YOU to apply the filter which for us is Catholic teaching – ALL of it – not just “moral” or just “social”.

Sean Hannity was as wrong on contraception with Fr Eutenauer of HLI as Moyer and his merry band of “progressives” is / was with their “social Gospel” that ignores all moral teachings of the Church in the name of “alleviating poverty”.

The Coup de grâce was Sean Hannity and Michael Moore debating interpretation of the Bible and Church teaching to defend their respective “hack” positions. It was like watching Abbot & Costello do their “Who’s on first” routine.

Jay Anderson
Wednesday, December 16, AD 2009 9:46am

No one here is disputing that one should receive their news from multiple sources with differing perspectives. Heck, I rarely – IF EVER – watch Fox News, but watch PBS all the time. I’m also an avid listener of NPR.

That’s part of the reason I know that Bill Moyers is NOT what his admirers claim him to be – because I’ve actually listened to what he says and how he says it.

Thursday, December 17, AD 2009 1:19pm

You know, I wouldn’t mind a story presented by two people on the same side of the issue. The one pro / one con format gets a little shrill. So if you want to do a story about impeachment, lay out the case as solidly as you can. But don’t have every story presented from the same political viewpoint. Moyers goes to the left and the left on taxes, the left and the left on race, the left and the left on education….

Maybe I’ve just given up on expecting my news stories unbiased. But I’d be willing to watch multiple stories with multiple biases. I mean, every Charlie Rose interview is with Tom Friedman, Ezra Klein, Paul Krugman, and/or involves quotes from those three. Can you imagine him having Ralph Reed and Mike Huckabee for a retrospective about Oral Roberts?

Art Deco
Thursday, December 17, AD 2009 2:27pm

I agree with Don and Restrained Radical that Moyers would be less objectionable if he were up front about his biases.

I will wager that Moyers does not conceptualize his biases as that, nor conceive of himself has having an authentic interlocutor outside of the circles of which he is a part. Argument is over strategy and tactics among friends. There is among those Thos. Sowell calls ‘the anointed’ an tendency to regard institutions as their possession by right and reason as their possession by default.

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