Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 1:17am

An Alliance of the Dangerous and the Dim-Witted

One of the more bizarre developments in recent years is the alliance between militant Islam and the Left.  Bizarre, because if the Jihadists come to power in a nation, the Leftists can expect, at best. to be treated with the same contempt that Islamic regimes tend to accord all non-Muslims.  At worst, the Leftists would be viewed as a regime threat and would be exterminated.  Dave Griffey at Daffey Thoughts takes a look at this political alliance of the deranged and the delusional:



The other big news from the SCOTUS world is that the court ignored political wrangling and ruled that the president can, in fact, protect the country using such things as a travel ban.  America’s number one and most referenced Islamic rights group CAIR joined in the outcry. 

Here’s my thing.  I don’t give a flip what CAIR thinks.  When Bernie Sanders launched a stunning assault on Christianity by suggesting a religious litmus test that would disqualify Christians who believe Jesus is necessary for salvation, that was CAIR’s chance.  That was their chance to protest Sanders and say they want a nation where all religions are equal and respected.

But as if to lit its slip show too soon, it joined with Sanders and gleefully aided the chorus of Leftist rage against the traditional Christian Faith.  And why not?  Look at religious minorities throughout the Muslim world.   Not just those in the Middle East or in areas impacted by this or that US policy.  If you look only at those, you can do what the Left does and insist it’s all America’s fault.

Hmmm, there’s some trends there, but I’m having a hard time pinpointing …

But look across the Muslim world.  Look at how religious (and other) minority groups are treated.  At best, they’re made sure they know they’re not part of the mainstream minority, with occasional harassment and intimidation trickling from on high.  At worst, it’s outright oppression, persecution and sometimes violence.  Very few are the societies where this is not the case, and even in those nations, there is a strong Islamic presence trying to undo the tolerance.

A friend from Africa once said, years ago in the early 90s, that those who don’t fear Islam don’t live in the shadow of Islam.  The Left, whether honestly or not, has convinced itself and our society (including Europe) that the only thing we have to fear is white, Anglo-American, heterosexual, Christian men.  They have taught that the only true evils of the world came out of the Western Christian tradition and its bastard child America.  Likewise, they have also taught that the rest of the world was always a bastion of tolerance, diversity, women’s rights, gay rights, religious pluralism and enlightened peace, love and John Lennon songs. 

Therefore, the Left sees Islam as useful allies of a like mind in the quest to destroy the one religious tradition it truly hates.  Whether Islam sees the Left as useful fools, or tools, or whatever, remains to be seen. For now, CAIR made it clear that its preference is an America in which Christian who profess the traditional faith in salvation through Christ should not be at the same political table as others.  And that’s while being a sliver minority barely .001% of the population.  Imagine when those numbers increase. Well, you don’t have to.  Just look across the oceans.  Only the fact that we’ve taught Americans to not care about others, including our posterity, could any sane person not be concerned enough to at least rethinking the Leftist narrative.

Go here to comment.  Contemporary Leftism, I suspect, is a hot house plant, beholden to an unusual moment in Western culture, and with all the historical staying power of the old Soviet Union.  Islam is different and has demonstrated a historical durability second only to Christianity.  Leftist myopia and hate for Western civilization ignores this, as it does virtually every important fact about their current allies.  I must confess that I will find grim satisfaction in witnessing what happens in the first western society to fall to Islam, as the aghast Leftists either convert to Islam, are imprisoned or murdered, or escape to a still free Western society to undermine.

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Mary De Voe
Wednesday, June 27, AD 2018 5:22am

The left considers itself above “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” (Declaration) and therefore above the deadly discrimination of Islam…but can they read? Having someone to blame like the privileged white man is not going to bring them back from the dead.

Guy McClung
Wednesday, June 27, AD 2018 6:42am

Simple demographics-the Left – LPDLWTs – aborts their future; Muslims nourish theirs. Think of all the intellectuals, comedians, talking heads and celebrities who have decried the treatment of illegals as sub-humans-and they have killed their own “sub-human” offspring, who will never grow up to parrot what their murderous mommies and daddies shout They who value pre-born life have conquered Europe by making love, and their love is their children. Too late the LPDLWTs will look around and realize who have been the Tontos Utiles. Guy McClung, Texas

LPDLWTs = Liberal Progressive Democrat Left Wing Totalitarians – Yes, redundant again and again

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Wednesday, June 27, AD 2018 8:43am

” LPDLWTs – aborts their future; Muslims nourish theirs.”

Absolutely true.
Degeneration is a badge of honor for the left.

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