Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 2:05am

PopeWatch: Canonical Penalties

The Pope can ignore a vote to bring abortion to Ireland, but his man in Tucson wants to go Innocent III on those trying to uphold the immigration laws of our nation:


Tucson Bishop Edward Weisenburger raised the possibility of implementing canonical penalties for Catholics involved in implementing the Trump administration’s asylum rules.Canonical penalties could range from withholding the sacrament of communion to excommunication.

Bishop Weisenburger and other leading U.S. Catholic bishops escalated their criticism of the Trump administration’s immigration policies, calling the separation of mothers and children at the border “immoral.”

The comments came as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the organizing body of bishops, gathered at their biannual meeting on Wednesday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Bishop Weisenburger stated the following: “In light of the canonical penalties that are there for life issues, I’m simply asking the question if perhaps, our canonical affairs committee could give recommendations, at least to those of us who are border bishops, on the possibility of canonical penalties for Catholics who are involved in this. I think the time is there for prophetic statement. I also think, even though what I’m saying could be a little risky or dangerous, I think it’s important to point out the canonical penalties are there in place to heal.  First and foremost, to heal.  and therefore, for the salvation of these people’s souls, maybe it’s time for us to look at canonical penalties.”


Go here to read the rest.  Before the Bishop begins excommunicating members of ICE he might wish to read this provision of the Catechism:

2241 The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.

Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.


These clowns are doing their best to convince people that if you are not a Leftist you have no place in the Catholic Church.  That is a lie.  Our Church has endured over 20 turbulent centuries and it will endure and outlast the current idiots in charge of the Bride of Christ.  May God forgive them.


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Friday, June 15, AD 2018 10:05am

Francis will make him a Cardinal.

Friday, June 15, AD 2018 2:23pm

Hopefully he gets a few rather peeved canon lawyers going, roughly, “there ain’t any.”

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, June 15, AD 2018 2:49pm

“These clowns are doing their best to convince people that if you are not a Leftist you have no place in the Catholic Church. ”

I’ve been saying this very thing for years.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, June 15, AD 2018 2:56pm

I love the Catholic Church. I hate the Bergoglio Church. It’s as simple as that.

Friday, June 15, AD 2018 3:10pm

Well, here’s one– from someone basically on his side, at that.
To what act would a canonical penalty be attached? Bishop Weisenburger referenced existing canonical penalties for “life issues,” but these penalties are only incurred through very specific acts – the taking of human life through abortion or homicide.

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Saturday, June 16, AD 2018 5:26am

“May God forgive them.”
No. May they repent and then God forgive them.

Mary De Voe
Saturday, June 16, AD 2018 7:47am

Saint John Paul II called the American bishops to Rome and told them that one sexual abuse of children and the priest was OUT. The bishops came back to Dallas and decided that two sexual abuses against children will be the norm. Why, do tell, must anybody listen to the bishops when the bishops do not listen to the Pope?

Bob Kurland
Saturday, June 16, AD 2018 8:37am

Why not canonical penalties for pooiticians who vote for abortion?

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Saturday, June 16, AD 2018 10:23am

@ Mary De Voe.

Captain, Road Prison 36:
“What we’ve got here is… failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach.”
Obidence is a form of humility.
Lack thereof is pride.
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and Pride..(?)
They just don’t go along together.
Go figure.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, June 16, AD 2018 6:43pm

Why not canonical penalties for pooiticians who vote for abortion?

Last done around about 1988, in San Diego, as I recall. Abp. Wuerl tried to undermine Apb. Burke when he spoke of denial of communion to Pelosi et al. Not sure which time and place had bishops as frivolous as they are in the occidental countries today.

Mary De Voe
Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 3:54am

It cannot be that most of our bishops are dumber than tree stumps in regard to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the soul, the rational, immortal human soul of the newly begotten?
We have legal immigration. Could our bishops be supporting the invading hordes un-vetted?

Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 8:30am

And my wife cannot understand why i say ‘the Catholic Church left me, i did not leave the Catholic Chruch

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 8:52am

Keep in mind that the left constantly caricatures, vilifies, and attacks Holy Mother Church except when they can join with banal bishops (the floor of Hell is paved with the skulls) to subvert/politicize it to advance evil.

I am mad as Hell and I will not countenance sinister politicizations and subversions of Church teachings.

The lying media had on TV last night Cdl. Dolan. He gleefully and obligingly stuck in his mouth his size 14’s.

Please pray tell, Cardinal-darling, tell us, “Where does it start?” I mean which duly-enacted law by popularly elected legislature must we flaunt?

That being said, you force them to end abortion and then maybe you listen to this utter nonsense.

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 10:38am

The bishops never hold responsible the politicians that lead the Latin American nations where things are so dire. Never.
The bishops want the United States Government to let in every single person south of the border who wants to come here and provide said people with food, shelter, housing, welfare, health care and transportation.

We in the US have a problem with our own poor. Government assistance had not led to a reduction of poverty. It has let to a culture of dependence upon government.

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that nations do have the right to limit or curtail immigration. Hungary and Poland have refused to admit Muslim and African migrants. The bishops of those nations have, to my knowledge, not uttered one word of criticism.

The bishops want these people in the US for a bunch of reasons. First and foremost they hope to fill their pews with Latinos as Americans continue to drift away. Second, it provides another reason for existence of Catholic Charities. Third, at least some bishops think that they can create a Catholic majority in the US that will then vote the way the Catholic bishops want them to vote.

Poor Latin American Catholics are usually very poorly catechized and easily led out of the Catholic Church and into Evangelical type organizations…who tend to be the most virulently anti-Catholic. Look at their growth in Honduras, Guatemala and Brazil.

Notice the blather from the bishops about our “broken” immigration system. Oh, it’s abused and almost always by those that find some way to benefit from it. Not one family would be separated if the parents kept their children at home and stopped trying to enter the US illegally.

Calling them as dumb as tree stumps is an insult to tree stumps. I want illegal aliens to be deported. All of them. Come legally or stay home and clean up your own mess.

Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 11:14am

The bishops never hold responsible the politicians that lead the Latin American nations where things are so dire.

To be fair, in Mexico right now the big push is “please stop shooting people that are running for office, or who got elected and actually crossed the cartels, please?”

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 11:46am

If your not property of the Cartel and you think the federales are not property of the Cartel…you soon will be property of the Cartel. If your children do not have a chance except for being a mule or sex toy, you sure as hell will try your best at getting them out of that environment. Until a highly financed, committed and trained to the teeth military power deep cleans the territories nothing but exile will we see from our southern brothers and sisters.

Dave Griffey
Dave Griffey
Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 12:07pm

“Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.”

Ouch. Thank goodness that’s the part of the Catechism that no longer matters.

Sunday, June 17, AD 2018 2:59pm

part of what infuriates most of the folks familiar with border control politics is the knowledge that, to get across, “mules or sex toys” is exactly what these kids become.
Pay to get across, get abused on the crossing, live here with services often provided by the cartels, including sexual services of yet more trafficked people, usually girls but sometimes boys too….

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Monday, June 18, AD 2018 3:52am

( shaking my head ) A vicious and heartbreaking tale. I couldn’t imagine how completely hopeless their parents must feel..that the only hope is the passage through a living hell. God have mercy on these children.

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Monday, June 18, AD 2018 5:24am

“If your not property of the Cartel and you think the federales are not property of the Cartel…you soon will be property of the Cartel. If your children do not have a chance except for being a mule or sex toy, you sure as hell will try your best at getting them out of that environment. Until a highly financed, committed and trained to the teeth military power deep cleans the territories nothing but exile will we see from our southern brothers and sisters.”

Mexico has seen very little but blood and violence through its existence. Mexico has been led by corrupt politicians almost since it won its independence. For longer than anyone cares to admit, the Mexican government has been pushing its poor people off onto the United States rather than deal with its own problems….while refusing to take any migrants from its southern neighbors.

Let’s be honest. This entire “separation of families”, which has been going on since Obumbler was in the White House and maybe before that, is just another attempt by the anti Trump crowd to embarrass Trump. The Hollywood types having a hissy fit care nothing about those children. The US bishops may well care but they have their ulterior motive of importing more Latinos with the hope of filling the pews on Sundays and begging for more money from Congress for Catholic Charities to resettle them.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Monday, June 18, AD 2018 10:33am

Penguins Fan.

What you say is true on the separation of families. Don’s recent post is very enlightening.
It’s a tide, I’m afraid, from Central America and South America that will/is reaching our boarders. What is the answer that would allow themselves to prosper in their native regions?

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Tuesday, June 19, AD 2018 10:58am

Philip, the answer is to destroy the drug cartels. They need to be treated like an enemy military and completely destroyed. Now, not all of Latin America is a basket case. Panama and Costa Rica are fine. Colombia just had an election where the clearly better presidential candidate won. As a region and as a people, Latin America MUST embrace the rule of law and disavow Leftism in all its forms. Then and only then will things improve throughout the region.

The US is right to restrict immigration. Poland and Hungary do it and the Pope dare not breathe a word against the policies of Poland…..because your average Pole on the street is likely a better Catholic than the Pope.

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