Monday, May 13, AD 2024 5:37pm

PopeWatch: Lipstick on a Pig

As the disastrous current Pontificate careens onward we increasingly see its “fruits”:


The total number of potential ordinands for the class of 2018, 430, is a lower number from 590 in 2017.

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, CSsR, of Newark, Chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, found that the data gives reason for hope as well as provides areas for future growth.

“Although the overall number of ordinations to the Priesthood is lower this year, the information gathered from this survey and the generosity of those to be ordained continues to inform the important work of vocations ministry for the future. It is essential that we continue to make the conscious effort to encourage young men to be open to hearing God’s call in their life and assist them in the discernment process.”


Go here to read the rest.  Stick to wishing Baby nighty-night Cardinal Tobin.  As the Romans said long ago, all the perfume in the world won’t sweeten a piece of dung.



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Don L
Don L
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 4:47am

I am reminded of , “You’re either with Me or against Me.” and wonder if this could be good news for one side in the battle…..

father of seven
father of seven
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 6:06am

By their fruit you will know them. Putting this guy in charge of vocations is clearly intended to drive away good men. He attracts no one other than someone just like himself. Well done. I wouldn’t let Tobin get near a family member. How long oh Lord, how long?

Dale Price
Dale Price
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 7:42am

To be fair, the “sacramental crash” appears to be across the board–baptisms, confirmations, weddings. And all of the latter ones have been on a downward trend for a while.

Fewer committed Catholics means fewer vocations, period. That can’t be laid at the pontiff’s feet.

That said, it is clear that the current pontifical option for laxism is doing nothing to reverse the downturn despite a large infusion of immigrants.

And given how the man emptied his own seminary in Buenos Aires and his ceaseless railing against priests who take doctrine and liturgy seriously, you can count on him not caring too much about a downturn in numbers. You can also count on his appointees in America doing everything they can to spray Round-up on the green shoots which produce vocations–homeschoolers, TLM parishes and sound conservative ones.

c matt
c matt
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 8:40am

I can’t help but think it is by design. Creating a “crisis” in order to provide a “solution.” If the end-game is wymyn priests and destruction of the sacramental order, what better way to accomplish it than dissuade orthodox Catholics from vocations, reduce the numbers, and then “solve” it by wymyn priests (or basically ordaining the laity – how long from extremely-ordinary-ministers of the Eucharist to actually allowing “offering” of the Mass?).

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 9:00am

C Matt.

Extraordinary Eucharist ministers and women priest trying to do the impossible will only fracture the Holy Catholic Church. The divide would be unpalatable.

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 11:00am

“gives reason for hope as well as provides areas for future growth.”

If that is the reasoning, zero vocations would be best for the future.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Thursday, April 26, AD 2018 11:10am

“I can’t help but think it is by design. Creating a “crisis” in order to provide a “solution.” If the end-game is wymyn priests and destruction of the sacramental order, what better way to accomplish it than dissuade orthodox Catholics from vocations, reduce the numbers, and then “solve” it by wymyn priests (or basically ordaining the laity – how long from extremely-ordinary-ministers of the Eucharist to actually allowing “offering” of the Mass?).”

In the Diocese of Saginaw during the tenure of Kenneth Untener, it is difficult in the extreme to avoid the conclusion that this was the idea. Not only did priestly ordinations drop to zilch, but he killed the diaconate formation program within a year of becoming bishop. This allowed for the placement of “administrators” at priestless parishes (usually lay or religious women) and programs for laity presiding and preaching at the Eucharist–even when a priest was present.

Saginaw is a mission field, for all intents and purposes. The current bishop is a colorless functionary from Rigali’s tenure in Philadelphia, best known for shredding documents relating to priestly abuse of minors–yet still getting a promotion.

Parachuting in Carlson to fix things in 2004 only to send him to St. Louis in 2009 was spiritual malpractice by Benedict XVI and those who recommended the decision to him.

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