Friday, May 17, AD 2024 7:02am

Buzzfeed Does A Hit Piece on Father Z

Well this is interesting.  Internet media powerhouse Buzzfeed has a lengthy piece going after Father Z.  Go here to read it.  Go here to read 1Peter5’s take on it.  This is all very odd since Buzzfeed usually has as much interest in religion as a pig does in penance.  The author of the hit piece writes about Catholicism with the same skill and knowledge as one would expect of a person blind from birth writing about the color green.  So why would Buzzfeed do a piece on a topic of small interest to most of their readers?  That is likely answered within the post:


Also, his critics say, he has rallied his followers to carry out harassment and no-platforming campaigns that directly recall the alt-right. In September 2017, in a post entitled “Should a seminary headline a homosexualist activist as a speaker?” Fr. Z alerted his audience to an upcoming speech by the progressive Jesuit priest Rev. James Martin at Catholic University, shortly after the publication of a new book by Martin urging dialogue between the Church and LGBT Catholics. Following Fr. Z’s post, and denunciations by other popular conservative Catholic and schismatic websites, Martin became the target of an online harassment campaign, including threats of violence. And two days after Fr. Z’s post, Catholic withdrew its invitation to Martin, citing “increasing negative feedback from various social media sites.”

“For me the saddest thing about Father Z’s blog is how cruel it is,” Martin told BuzzFeed News. “It’s astonishing to me that a priest could traffic in such cruelty and hatred.”

Fr. Z told BuzzFeed News that it was not his intention to sic the Zedheads — as he affectionately calls his readers — on Martin, and added that though he did not think it was appropriate for Martin to speak, he, too, had been disinvited from similar engagements for his views.

Father James Martin, SJ, that tireless crusader on behalf of homosexuality, is very, very well connected in the media.  It is not fanciful to conjecture that he sicced some of his media friends on Father Z who had the audacity to actually hold Martin to account for what he writes and says.  Those of us who have the temerity to be orthodox Catholics should expect more of this.  Our adversaries have powerful friends within and without the Church and have few scruples in using them.


In response to this I have two words:  Bring it.


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Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Saturday, February 3, AD 2018 2:23pm

Fr. Martin should be sent to a cloistered monastery for the rest of his days, supposing he wishes to remain a priest. He is more interested in promoting homosexualism than the Gospel.


T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, February 3, AD 2018 3:40pm

Funeral Mass or no, you never can tell. They may be in Heaven and they may be in Hell.

It seems on one (gasp) thing Fr. Martin and I may agree. The Funeral Mass for Ted Kennedy was likely sacrilegious.

It is never about Funeral Masses or wedding cakes. It’s about power, fundamental transformation, and coercion.

They force Catholic or Christian bakers ($130,000 in “damages”) to decorate gay “wedding” cakes. But, will not force Islamic/Halal meat stores to sell bacon.

Anyhow, when arranging (been there, done that) a Funeral Mass, Father does not ask the family if their departed loved one died in a state of grace. But, a dead (the best kind of) public sinner and the co-conspirators are a different issue.

Fr. Martin used the word “hate-mongering.” His arguments consist of unjustly ascribing evil motives to his opponents; denying their official authority; mischaracterizing Church teaching; equating private sins to public; etc.

Mary De Voe
Saturday, February 3, AD 2018 5:35pm

“Fr. Martin used the word “hate-mongering.” His arguments consist of unjustly ascribing evil motives to his opponents; denying their official authority; mischaracterizing Church teaching; equating private sins to public; etc.”
Has Fr. Martin heard of the sin of detraction?

Saturday, February 3, AD 2018 8:48pm

Fr. Martin can’t tell the difference between public, notorious sin and having sinned.

He has some kind of a fanboy who wouldn’t care if he did.

Go figure…..


Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Sunday, February 4, AD 2018 8:58am

In Fr. Martin’s statement above, 8:34am, he is not addressing the mistake of supporting so-called same sex marriages nor the scandalous actions of funeral masses for deceased couples in said marriages…but attacks the ones who are obedient to the teachings of Holy Church and for this reason he should be reprimanded. Courage, dear Fr. Martin, is following in the footsteps of our Saintly brethren who upheld the sanctity of marriage in the face of popular cultural fashions. Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Fr. John Hardon S.J. and St. Pope JPII.

To be disobedient to our teachings and then attack them that are obedient is a sign of spiritual death regardless of his intentions.

Praying for Father Martin’s soul.
His conversion.

Sunday, February 4, AD 2018 9:38am

The orchestrated attempt to label Catholics as fringe group is roaring ahead. Those who drag themselves to Holy Mass twice a year or dissent from Catholic Teachings are the “mainstream”. Thank you Frank.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Monday, February 5, AD 2018 2:51pm

The more “they” criticize Father Zuhlsdorf, the greater the publicity “they” give him. That’s a good thing.


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