Monday, May 13, AD 2024 3:13am

June 20, 1985: Medal of Freedom for the Saint of the Gutters


We are misunderstood, we are misrepresented, we are misreported. We are not nurses, we are not doctors, we are not teachers, we are not social workers. We are religious, we are religious, we are religious.

Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa is being canonized today.  It brings to my mind the date that President Reagan awarded her the Medal of Freedom:

The President. This great house receives many great visitors, but none more special or more revered than our beloved guest today. A month ago, we awarded the Medal of Freedom to 13 heroes who have done their country proud. Only one of the recipients could not attend because she had work to do — not special work, not unusual work for her, but everyday work which is both special and urgent in its own right. Mother Teresa was busy, as usual, saving the world. And I mean that quite literally. And so we rather appreciated her priorities, and we’re very happy, indeed, that she could come to America this week.

Now, a moment ago, I said we’d awarded the Medal of Freedom to heroes who’ve done our country proud. And I believe Mother Teresa might point out here that she is most certainly not an American but a daughter of Yugoslavia, and she has not spent her adult life in this country but in India. However, it simply occurred to us when we wanted to honor her that the goodness in some hearts transcends all borders and all narrow nationalistic considerations.

Some people, some very few people are, in the truest sense, citizens of the world; Mother Teresa is. And we love her so much we asked her to accept our tribute, and she graciously accepted. And I will now read the citation.

Most of us talk about kindness and compassion, but Mother Teresa, the saint of the gutters, lives it. As a teenager, she went to India to teach young girls. In time, Mother Teresa began to work among the poor and the dying of Calcutta. Her order of the Missionaries of Charity has spread throughout the world, serving the poorest of the poor.

Mother Teresa is a heroine of our times. And to the many honors she has received, including the Nobel Peace Prize, we add, with deep affection and endless respect, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

[At this point, the President presented the award to Mother Teresa.]

May I say that this is the first time I’ve given the Medal of Freedom with the intuition that the recipient might take it home, melt it down and turn it into something that can be sold to help the poor. [Laughter]

And I want to thank you for something, Mother Teresa. Your great work and your life have inspired so many Americans to become personally involved, themselves, in helping the poor. So many men and women in every area of life, in government and the private sector, have been led by the light of your love, and they have given greatly of themselves. And we thank you for your radiant example.


Mother Teresa. I am most unworthy of this generous gift of our President, Mr. Reagan, and his wife and you people of United States. But I accept it for the greater glory of God and in the name of the millions of poor people that this gift, in spirit and in love, will penetrate the hearts of the people. For in giving it to me, you are giving it to them, to my hands, with your great love and concern.


I’ve never realized that you loved the people so tenderly. I had the experience, I was last time here, a sister from Ethiopia found me and said, “Our people are dying. Our children are dying. Mother, do something.” And the only person that came in my mind while she was talking, it was the President. And immediately I wrote to him, and I said, “I don’t know, but this is what happened to me.” And next day it was that immediately he arranged to bring food to our people. And I can tell you the gift that has come from your people, from your country, has brought life — new life — to our suffering people in Ethiopia.


I also want to thank the families here in United States for their continual and delicate love that they have given, and they have shown, by leaving their children to become sisters and to serve the poor throughout the world. We are now over the world and trying to bring the tenderness and the love of Jesus.


And you, you cannot go where we go. You cannot do what we do. But together, we are doing something beautiful for God. And my gratitude to you, President, and your family and to your people. It’s my prayer for you that you may grow in holiness to this tender love for the poorest of the poor. But this love begins at home, in your own family, and it begins by praying together. Prayer gives a clean heart, and a clean heart can see God. And if you see God in each other, you will have love, peace, joy together. And works of love are works of peace. And love begins at home.


So, my sisters, brothers, and fathers, you are going — and all our poor people, thousands and thousands and thouands of people that we deal with, I bring their gratitude to you. And keep the joy of loving. Love them, and begin in your own family first. And that love will penetrate right through the furthest place where no one has ever been — there is that tenderness and love of Christ.


And remember that whatever you do to the least, you do it to Him, Jesus said. You did it to me. What a wonderful opportunity for each one of us to be 24 hours with Jesus. And in doing what we are doing, as he said, if you receive a little child in my name, you receive me. If you give a glass of water in my name, you give it to me. What a wonderful and beautiful tenderness and love of Christ for each one of us.


So, once more, I want to thank you for this beautiful gift, which I am sure it will bring great joy to our people by sharing it with them.


God bless you and keep you in his heart.



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Sunday, September 4, AD 2016 11:54am

I have a question. Who are today’s living saints? I certainly hope we all are, of course. But who are the public exemplars of Catholicism, the people you look at and sense that 50 years from now they’;ll have parishes named after them? I can see a Pope St. Benedict XVI. Other than him? Are their founders, evangelists, leaders in any respect that you think are headed toward sainthood?

Anna Bucciarelli
Anna Bucciarelli
Monday, September 5, AD 2016 6:12am

Well said Donald. We are unaware that we walk among saints every day throughout our lives, some we recognize for their goodness, others we dismiss as quacks. We are obligated to try to emulate as much as we can what Mother Teresa and others like her demonstrate, and to follow the words of our Savior as diligently as we can in looking after those less fortunate. In so doing I believe we become living saints in the eyes of our Lord. And that is what counts, not the recognition of humankind.

Duncan Black
Duncan Black
Monday, September 5, AD 2016 9:05am

Here’s a different take on Mother Teresa. Thoughts to ponder.

“In sum, the life and legacy of Mother Teresa provides a crystal clear image of what Francis is Hell bent and determined to usher into being:

A Catholic Church effectively stripped of her true identity; ambivalent toward her divinely-given mission – with all that remains being an earthbound enterprise so entirely focused on temporal matters that even her most highly celebrated missionaries can’t be bothered to consider the supernatural ends for which man was created.”

Monday, September 5, AD 2016 10:04am

There are always, I pray, great Catholics in the world. I’m just asking about visible ones at their prime. The Loyolas and Sheens. Not the game manager quarterbacks, but the Joe Montanas that the other team has to think about on every play. I have a lot of respect for Father George Rutler, and should I make it to heaven I imagine he’ll be there to explain it to me, but he doesn’t have a world stage.

I wonder, in the age of communication that we’re in, is it paradoxically harder to get an audience? Not because we seek low-quality entertainment (there is that), but because of the sheer number of channels? Is the humble glamour of a John Paul II impossible to recreate? And – is that where Francis is going wrong? But then, isn’t the Church always the antidote for the poisons of an era?

I dunno. I have the day off work and I’m rambling. I’ll tell you one thing about our era and saintliness though. They’re going to have to do away with the old rule of reading all of a person’s communications in the process of canonization. It won’t be possible any more.

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