Sunday, May 12, AD 2024 11:51pm

How to Vote Nazi With a Clear Conscience

58 million



Commenter Guy McClung takes the Shea voting advice in regard to pro-abort Bernie Sanders to its logical conclusion:

Germany 1943:

Dear Friends in Christ, We encourage all faithful believers to vote in the upcoming elections which are so important to the future of our cities and of our beloved country which was once a shining star in Christendom.


You can in good conscience vote for Adolf Hitler, but you cannot vote for him for the wrong reasons, which would be a mortal sin. You, as we all do, know that his government has killed millions of people, and millions of Jews, including thousands of Jewish babies, and that this will continue for the foreseeable future since he has told us this will be so and this is his Party’s publicly stated policy. If you vote for him and his government because you want them to kill Jews, that would be a mortal sin. You cannot vote for Hitler so that more Jewish babies will be killed, that would be a mortal sin.

If you vote for him and his Jew-Killing government, it must be for good reasons. If you like the fact that they have made the trains run on time, and do not vote for him so Jews will be killed, that will be not only morally permissible, it will be an act of virtue. If you vote for him, not because more Jewish babies will die horrible deaths if he is elected (which, of course, is absolutely certain), knowing your own tax dollars are paying for the killing, but because he has increased employment here in the Fatherland and will continue to do so, that will be a civil good in accord with your moral duty as a good citizen. If you vote for Hitler because he has all but eradicated poverty and hunger (by his focus on preparing for the war that is now inevitable), in accord with the Savior’s Sermon on the Mount and the Gospel’s clarion call to social justice – you can proceed in good faith to vote for him and any Nazi Party candidate for any office, knowing you have followed your conscience and you will have no sin to confess. We all know that our tax money funds the Nazis killing programs, provides the money to run the Death Camps, pays for the ovens that cook away most of the evidence of the dead bodies, and pays for the fuel for the trains that bring the people to the camps. You cannot pay your taxes with the intent that these things be done. If however you pay your taxes, as all good citizens should, so that children (the children of good Germans) will be properly educated or, for example so that foreign workers here are properly housed and fed, then you can in good conscience pay your taxes and win merit in heaven for doing so.


Also, you can vote for any member of the Nazi party, some of whose soldiers wear the Death’s Head Symbols, especially those Nazis who say they do not support the intrinsic evils of death and of racism that the Party has espoused for years and has made a reality here. You will know who they are if they say things like: “Yes, The Nazi Party has done and will continue to do these atrocities, but I am personally opposed to such atrocities;” or “I am personally opposed to gassing Jews so vote for me;” “It is their right to choose to kill Jewish babies, but this is against my personal conscience;” “I can keep my personal views on holocausts private, and vote for the common good of all citizens;” or “My religion, whose principles are explicitly contrary to those of the Nazi Party, will remain a private thing for me.”


Pay attention: if a candidate says he is personally opposed to Hitler or he is personally opposed to Jewish genocide, you can in good conscience vote for such a candidate and we encourage this; even if such a candidate takes part in the public rallies with their clear quasi-religious message in support of Hitler. If a candidate says he is personally opposed to your tax money funding killing, paying for gas chambers, and buying the furnaces at Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz and other locations, and you know what they are used for, you can still vote for such a candidate.

If a candidate says he is personally opposed to denying your religious liberty, even though you know the Party will continue through legislation to do this, it will be an act of virtue to vote for such a candidate.

Yours in Christ,
German & Austrian Church Leaders

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Wednesday, February 3, AD 2016 8:58am

The civil good.

Masterfully accomplished Guy McClung.

The civil good is killing us.
The foundation of a once remarkable and blessed Nation has eroded due to civil good.
George Orwell couldn’t of foreseen the future more accurately than he did in 1984.

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” G.Orwell (1984)

The diabolical has gained control of inteligencia. Not all, but most. Especially the liberal elite. This global experiment, human existence, is nearing a result that will eclipse the holocaust of the Nazis. I have over 58 million examples to prove my point.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Wednesday, February 3, AD 2016 2:38pm

Had the late Archbishop Joseph Cardinal Bernardin consulted a Topologist of Moral Theology, he would have learned that there is a seamless garment that fits Cthulhu.

When will our bishops renounce the seamless garment excuse and all her works?

Wednesday, February 3, AD 2016 4:00pm

Well, you know, the policy of killing Jews isn’t going anywhere. Some 20% of Germans oppose killing Jews, and about 20% favor it, and the middle 60% have some problems with it but don’t want to talk about it. So let’s not fool ourselves that “not killing Jews” is a real option this election.

Wednesday, February 3, AD 2016 5:45pm

There’s enough of a conscience left to want to try to justify wrong doing- just not enough left to see how you are really a collaborator, and misleading others

Wednesday, February 3, AD 2016 7:06pm

“Be careful not to hitch your wagon to the wrong horse.” Seems to me the conformity of ill-formed consciences is status quo today.
To participate in genocidal practices or condone such activities is nothing short of horrific. Collaborator’s Anzlyne! This is a nightmare. A killing fields in our own backyard. God has mercy on repenting souls.
What about the non-sorrowful abortion practitioner and pregnant women?

Do we have conscience free murderers sipping Latte’s and running for public office’s?

Do we have a broken moral compass?

Do we deserve the leadership in the Church and Nation?

Depravity….The United States of Depravity.

Wednesday, February 3, AD 2016 7:24pm

One request please.

Can you spare a prayer for Sandra “Susan” Merritt? Houston Criminal Court reduced charges from felony to misdemeanor.

To shift the spotlight from Planned Parenthood to Susan Merritt is ludicrous.
Part of her defense team is staffed by Chris Downey and Dan Cogdell. Please say a prayer for them tonight as the grotesque DA team tries to beat up and hang the heroes, the undercover video journalists.


Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, February 4, AD 2016 4:47am

I like the association of the Democrat Party with Nazi’s. It fits. Now if we could only get our Bishops to seriously take them on by name instead of kowtowing to this party of evil for government largess. The problem with the Catholic Church is that they are way to beholden to the government when they should be calling it to a higher moral standard as our Constitutional system requires to make it effective.

Thursday, February 4, AD 2016 5:04am

Canon 915.

We’ve had clear teaching and clear consequences for so-called Catholics who present themselves for Holy Communion, yet our leadership is weak in enforcement. Burke excluded. So guess what? Nazis welcome!

Thursday, February 4, AD 2016 6:36am

I could not read Shea’s long diatribe. It makes me sad that people support him, especially after what he posted. I’m reading the comments and my favorite so far is this one: “Pithy, you are not, as you took over 30 paragraphs to answer a one paragraph question. I believe you protest so much to quiet your own conscience. Also, the CCC, paragraph 2240, states it is morally obligatory to exercise the right to vote.”

I would like to say, my 15 yr old went to the youth rally in DC on the 22nd. He was very moved. He’s always been pro-life, but this took him a step further. He said to me yesterday that he thinks he’ll live to see the end of abortion in our country. Please pray for him that he never loses his zeal or his faith. Oh, and while in the train station, waiting to leave DC, he saw a homeless man with no socks. He sat next to the man to chat, then took off his socks, and gave them to him. Turns out, you can be 100% pro-life and still care for the homeless, all at the same time. Strange that a 15 year old knows more than Professional Catholic Shea.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, February 4, AD 2016 7:06am

Missy. You are correct on Shea. Folks with little to say take many words to say it. This is often a product of the confused Liberal mind where truth is covered up and nonsense proclaimed, e.g., Pope Francis.

Good for your son. Perhaps he has a religious vocation which should be cultivated.

Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Thursday, February 4, AD 2016 7:10am

Remember the “Catholic case for Obama” from some allegedly Catholic professor 8 years ago? I can’t remember his name now, probably because no one has heard from him again. He was featured on a show on the Catholic channel at that time and what he peddled then so frustrated me that I had to call in and challenge his “Obama is pro-life” theme. The host was less than helpful and never challenged the fantasy painted by this gentleman. Plus ce change….

Stephen E Dalton
Stephen E Dalton
Thursday, February 4, AD 2016 8:50am

Springtime For Hitler And Shea!

Sunday, February 7, AD 2016 3:35pm

Was that Douglas Kmiec ?
I heard he may be hoping for position as VP

Barbara Kuzminsky
Barbara Kuzminsky
Tuesday, February 9, AD 2016 11:05am

I will be much less flowery..but the reasoning in this argument is baloney, period. I have long taught my children to avoid such thinking. Shame on the author. Shame on the Church if this is what “we” have become.

Tuesday, February 9, AD 2016 11:56am

EXcellent! I’ve had to avoid Mark Shea and his followers as an occasion of sin. Your point is well made in this piece and I’ve been sharing it freely – let the fireworks begin!

Donald Link
Donald Link
Tuesday, February 9, AD 2016 1:42pm

We all knew what we were getting with Obama. After all, he voted against the born alive after abortion bill when he was in the senate. Yet, almost none of our clergy opposed him on moral grounds and a good many of them actively and vocally supported his election to the presidency. I am certainly not in a position to define who is on the road to perdition but I will note that the signposts are quite clear and we ignore them at our peril.

Tuesday, February 9, AD 2016 2:27pm

RU 486 – Ella abortifacient – Plan B

More signposts Don Link.

The antechamber of Hell is a never ending waiting room in an abortion mill. Pray for conversions.

Friday, February 12, AD 2016 8:02pm

Spot on.

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