Monday, May 13, AD 2024 6:25am

Pat Archbold Fired From National Catholic Register




Well this is no surprise.  Pat Archbold was repeatedly guilty of telling truth out of season which is apparently a mortal sin these days in the Catholic Church:



Yup, they fired me.

I am grateful for the five years I spent as a contributor to the Register, the online presence of which has grown immensely during my tenure and that of the other original group of contributors. There is a lot to be proud of there. I stuck with them in hard times even when they were completely broke and it looked like they would blink out of existence, only to be saved at the last minute. Alas and alack, our time together has come to an end.

There are many things I could say about why this happened and how and maybe one day I will say more. But for now, suffice it to say that my particular contributions have not been well received over the last year or so and that has lead to increasing tension. I suppose that is plain to anyone with eyes to see. I will note that upon my departure, among the top 10 posts for the last 3 weeks, you will find three of my contributions.

I am proud of my writing at the Register. I feel I have been consistent in my approach to writing and the topics I cover. I think I brought a viewpoint to the Register that is otherwise not well represented among their stable of good writers. The Church has been going through some tough times and as a consequence I have sometimes tried to tackle some tough issues. I have always tried to do so fairly and as a loyal son of the Church. I will leave it to others to decide whether the Register is better off without my writing or viewpoint. 


In the current pontificate of love and mercy, if you are an orthodox Catholic who seeks to defend the traditional faith, do not be surprised when you get it in the neck.  If all you care about is your career, in these Franciscan days this is the song you had better be singing:

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Brian English
Brian English
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 5:21pm

What a disgrace.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 5:50pm

Surprised at all. Pat’s recent posts have made me very sad. He seems to openly mock Pope Francis as well as the second Vatican Council. If I were the Register, I wouldn’t want someone on my staff who chose openly mock and insult the current pope.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:13pm

If I were the Register, I wouldn’t want someone on my staff who chose openly mock and insult the current pope.

Well, deadpan reportage of some of Francis’ daily blurt might be mockery enough.

Regrets the Register has had such troubles, and that the Vicar of Bray wing of the Church now owns it.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:17pm

See, I choose not to openly insult and mock the Vicar of Christ, even if I disagree with some of his actions. I’m sorry that you seem to think it’s acceptable behavior for someone who claims to be an orthodox Catholic.

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:36pm

“Pat’s recent posts have made me very sad.”
Oh, please. Spare us the passive aggressive nonsense. You’re just as likely to read sentiments quite similar to Pat’s from any number of people posting here. Yet, here you are, risking more “sadness”.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:40pm

Okay, JoAnna. This is the bit where you cite actual examples of Mr Archbold’s open mockery and insults directed toward the Holy Father. I haven’t seen anything of the sort from him, but maybe I missed something?

Patrick Archbold
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:44pm

“He seems to openly mock Pope Francis as well as the second Vatican Council.”
Not true. Are you suggesting the Register published pieces openly mocking the Pope and the Council? Are you just lying?

Dante alighieri
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:52pm

Typical calumny from the likes of JoAnna. To her lot “mockery” is expressing any type of discomfort with the current Pontiff.

And now we have two fishwraps with an NCR acronym.

Elizabeth Fitzmaurice
Elizabeth Fitzmaurice
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 6:56pm

Bingo, Pat Archbold. Consider it a badge of honor to have been let go. By the way, in all the articles of yours that I’ve read over the years, not once did I ever feel that you were “mocking” the Pope or disparaging VII. Always respectful. But thank God you pull no punches, either. Keep on doing what you do so well, at Creative Minority Report.

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 7:12pm

“Are you just lying?”
Either that, or just plain ignorance as to what constitutes “open mockery and insults”. But it certainly seems that calumny is the order of the day where your reputation is concerned, Pat.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 7:17pm

The tongue reflects what is transpiring in the heart.
The utterances of Pope Francis betray a heart, at best, in conflict with its own perceptions and the Magisterium of the Church. A heart in conflict with its touted devotion to “mercy,” and a vindictive and retaliatory nature finally getting a chance for vengeance. A heart fossilized by adolescent resentments birthed in the novitiate, in conflict with the mystery of the Church. He really is the poster boy for his clique. And here it is right now, they go after another guy. Rosica, Dolan, now EWTN. Can you imagine what they are pulling off behind the scenes? Deeply saddening to see this man trashed.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 7:57pm

And here I was giving them credit for not being totally off course when he was able to blog a response to the counter-Catholic-teachings Death Penalty group hug.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 8:00pm

[…] Pat Archbold Fired From National Catholic Register | The American Catholic. […]

Dante alighieri
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 8:21pm

So, in summary, Pat is too toxic for NCR, and yet they continue to publish Fisher and Shea.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 8:25pm

Intelligent Catholic discussion could be forced underground, huh. Wouldn’t that be too bad! The NCR is inviting disaster on themselves and on their Church.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 8:43pm

In the countries where the State has taken over churches– like a patriotic church in China or the Russian situation– Church media and Church leaders did not go gladly – they were forced underground by the secular State. Here today we are not at that point yet, though we do have a seriously compromised culture. But the secular transformers of society are given space to grow in influence and power by Church leaders (whether in the episcopate or the media) who do not articulate our side. They are going down before they have to. If EWTN only knew how much we and esp our children and grandchildren need those earnest voices, like Archibold, defending the Faith.

Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 8:45pm

Would NCR have a financial reason for firing him? The opinion of big backer?

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 8:46pm

PZ, you beat me to the extreme irony.

I wonder if either of them will give pause over this departure.

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, March 31, AD 2015 9:12pm

“So, in summary, Pat is too toxic for NCR, and yet they continue to publish Fisher and Shea.”
Maybe Fisher will show up here at TAC to gloat over Patrick’s firing. There is precedent for that, after all.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 3:27am

“So, in summary, Pat is too toxic for NCR, and yet they continue to publish Fisher and Shea.”

Yes indeed. What was is someone once wrote, sin makes you stupid?

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 4:18am

I admit to not following Pat Archbold’s writings at the Register closely. Mark Shea’s writings are toxic and I don’t go to websites that publish him. Prayers for him today.

EWTN has been accused of something close to Papal worship in the past with St. John Paul II. He appointed some real, in Pittsburghese parlance, “jagoffs” to be bishops, bit I never thought he had some agenda he wanted to shove down everyone’s throat.

With the current pontificate, I have no doubts of his agenda. Look at what he says, what he does, who is around him and who he appoints. Is it any wonder why the Latin American Church is losing members? Not to me.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 5:07am

“Who am I to judge?” In other words::Go to hell, I cannot be bothered teaching the truth.
Pat Archbold’s capital punishment column was right on target. The Catholic Church in America is already an underground church. This is why our Bishops and priests do not speak out. That the Pope assists in sending our Bishops into the catacombs, is reprehensible.
At least there is still Creative Minority Report.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 5:42am

PZ: “And now we have two fishwraps with an NCR acronym.”
Terrible, isn’t it?
The real problem about the crisis in the RCC is that many faithful Catholics don’t yet realize how grave the crisis is. And it is going to get worse, even after Pope Francis. We need prayers.

Dan Curry
Dan Curry
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 5:44am

How very sad. For years I would get the free copy of the NCR inside the church . Good solid conservative paper. Read it every week. Then over the years it was gone! Now we have CDs or little booklets written by the “peace and love” crowd. I dont read them . I read the Wanderer or The Remnant ….. Both excellent newspapers I get in the mail. What bothers me is that very few priests will buck this trend. We rarely get any good sermons anymore that really matter. Pablum about Job , usually a canned sermon from some company that writes them for homilies or some Old Testament story… Whoopeeee!!!

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 6:07am

How interesting that Archbold was betrayed by those close to him this holiest of weeks. Welcome National Catholic Register to the ranks of the New Pharisees.

Stephen E Dalton
Stephen E Dalton
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 6:35am

The NCR did Pat a favor. They threw him off the Titanic before it hit the iceburg. BTW, it was really crappy that they fired him before a major Christian holyday. To show they can be impartial, they should fire Shea and Fisher before Halloween.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 8:36am

So, my question is where will we be able to find Mr. Archbold from here on out? His writing is honest, thoughtful and refreshing. Sure, it sometimes makes us uncomfortable but in the service of truth that is to be expected.

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:11am

Patty that sounds like a call to have Pat start cross posting his stuff on TAC here… 😉

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:25am

He says he’ll still be blogging at CMR.

You might harass him a bit to mention what “elsewhere” he’s got in mind. 😀

Dale Price
Dale Price
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:25am

Yeah, some examples of Pat’s seeming “mockery” would be nice.

Truly, making idols out of pontiffs and councils is rather silly. Some popes are poor leaders and some councils are failures. To argue otherwise is baffling to me.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:52am

This is the post that raised several red flags for me, in which Pat sounds like he’s denying the validity of Vatican II:

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:53am

And here he is implying that Pope Francis is telling orthodox Catholics to “shut up,” when the Holy Father is only encouraging people not to gossip (which, last time I checked, was indeed Church teaching):

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:54am


Pat has also written a couple of articles for Steve Skojec’s excellent and wholly orthodox OnePeterFive site, so we may see more of him over there.

D Will
D Will
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:54am

IMO, Pat’s problem wasn’t so much what he wrote, but how he wrote it. An unhealthy spite grew into his sphere. Sad indeed.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:55am

And this one, which I think he (or the Register’s editors) may have edited after it was originally republished, because it doesn’t read like I remember — in the first version I read on the day it was published, he didn’t say that Scalfari was “putting words into the Pope’s mouth.” Rather, Pat seemed to be saying that the Pope had said the things that Scalfari claimed and no one cared.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 9:59am

PZ, are you claiming that the Register is on par with the Reporter? Can you please demonstrate where the Register has openly condoned heresy, as the Reporter has?

Personally I do think Mark Shea should be fired as well, given that his public and flagrant vitriol of late is unbecoming to an orthodox Catholic. But I’m not the editor of the Register so it is their call to make.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 10:16am

So you claim he openly mocks the Pope… and all you can offer to substantiate it is what you read into what he’s published?

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 10:17am

JoAnna really? He “sounds like,” and is “implying,” or this one must have been edited because it “doesn’t read like I remember.”

Is that all you have? Because if it is you have nothing and your original offering was indeed a calumny.

It just sounds to me that you are the type who definitely doesn’t like to read or hear anything that nudges you towards the edges of your comfort zone. But that type of writing, properly done and based in truth, is exactly what is needed, especially now. Mr. Archbold’s writing was worth reading for that very reason.

The Popolatry and the council worship really needs to stop. But it is stoked because these are very useful errors for modernists, with the right pope of course.

Dante alighieri
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 10:27am

Congrats JoAnna. You have managed to prove one thing through the links you provided: you do not know what the word “mockery” means.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 10:45am

This is the post that raised several red flags for me, in which Pat sounds like he’s denying the validity of Vatican II…
What on earth are you talking about? Nothing Pat writes in that short post could possibly be construed as “denying the validity of Vatican II”.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 11:09am

I do believe that Pat is a respectful and devout person. I would hope and pray that his writing is not censored. We all must pray for humility and the love for The Truth
As Catholics, who love our Lord and His Church, we should be mindful how we react to people like Shea and his like. It’s easy to develop that hardness of heart. Having said that I believe that most Traditional Catholics are more heartbroken than angry and Our Lord knows this.
It’s easy to feel very alone when defending Church Teaching to others, especially in one’s own family, but we are not alone. Our Lord is our defender and we must follow Him.
Viva Cristo Rey!

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 11:58am

Sadly, lines are being drawn for the likely upcoming schism. Pat’s just been directed to his side of the playing field, perhaps for his “dissent” from the new death penalty “orthodoxy.”

Tom M.
Tom M.
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 12:28pm

Are all of you relatively new Catholics? This process has been going on since the 60’s. There are traditionalists and conservatives. Pat is a traditionalist writing for a conservative paper so this was bound to happen. I’ve seen it dozens of times over the years. In fact the current kerfuffle is rather tame compared to the days of JPII’s ecumenism, inter-religious dialouge, and especially when he kissed the Koran.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 12:35pm

Are all of you relatively new Catholics? This process has been going on since the 60’s.

If your definition of “new Catholic” is “everyone younger than my kids’ grandparents” you may have an issue.

I don’t consider this:
to be more of an outrage than a Catholic being fired from a Catholic paper for, apperently holding to Catholic teachings over prudential ones.

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 1:40pm

Joanna is a known Mark Shea groupie…

Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 1:58pm

In fact the current kerfuffle is rather tame compared to the days of JPII’s ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, and especially when he kissed the Koran.
Since comments have touched upon the 2nd commandment [by which we are commanded to speak with reverence of God and all holy persons and things … ] the JPII should properly be addressed as Pope St. John Paul II [the Great]. Since a saint, who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies; who is to condemn? [cf. Rom 8:33-34]
We are in Holy Week and my thinking is that those with this kind of thinking without knowing why the Pope did what they think he did, would have an issue with these words of the LORD to the good thief: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise. [cf. Lk 23:43]

Art Deco
Art Deco
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 2:17pm

Personally I do think Mark Shea should be fired as well, given that his public and flagrant vitriol of late

“Of late” in Joanna’s lexicon would be “in the last 10 years” in most people’s. Idiosyncratic usage makes for confused communications.

Patrick Archbold
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 2:42pm

You are a liar and a slanderer. Gluck with that.

Steve D.
Steve D.
Wednesday, April 1, AD 2015 2:46pm

“Joanna: Can you please demonstrate where the Register has openly condoned heresy, as the Reporter has?”

Yes, their call for the abolishment of the death penalty (with which they aligned with the Reporter). This contradicts almost 2000 years of Church teaching which allows the state to enact the death penalty as a matter of retributive Justice.

What will be interesting to see if the pope does the same on Good Friday, as reports say he plans to.

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