Monday, May 13, AD 2024 2:15am

Three Days of Darkness Begins


That tribute to all things heretical, the annual Religious Education Conference of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, is underway.  Father Z gives us the details:

The Religious Ed Conference is being perpetrated in Los Angeles.

Watch LIVE…. it’s a hoot.  Right now they are dancing with bowls of burning stuff while singing about themselves.

I haven’t heard any mention of Jesus yet.

It’s a real blast from the past.


Go here to read the comments.  I have to admit that a clown mass would probably improve this mess.  As I was gazing at the picture at the top of this post, I had the nagging feeling that it reminded me of something.  I finally realized that it was a repressed memory from my misspent youth:


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Scott W.
Scott W.
Friday, March 14, AD 2014 1:34pm

Ok, fine. They got us on a technicality because there’s no clown makeup in evidence.

It certainly is a circus however.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Friday, March 14, AD 2014 2:38pm

If that’s the future, I might as well stop with this adult catechesis rigamarole and remain an evangelical protestant.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, March 14, AD 2014 3:30pm

I imagine they’re especially lively this year, and why not?

Their hour come round at last…

Friday, March 14, AD 2014 8:56pm

oh my. Oh my gosh. I really really thought this stuff was in the past.
Urban Fusion Mass apparently has a new translation of the mass of their own. I am sick and tired. Sick and tired of this. jim Wallis and Ron Rolheiser. oh my gosh. God help us. That homilist is quite an melodramatist. Archbishop Gomez what are you thinking?

Friday, March 14, AD 2014 9:06pm

Remember this prayer? In more innocent days I never thought the Outrages Sacrileges and Indifference were in our own Church with the complicity of our own priests. And Bishops!

Most Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit- I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the Outrages, Sacrileges, and Indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

Friday, March 14, AD 2014 10:53pm

As I mentioned before, I witnessed a Mass with barefoot women in sheer
garments prancing around a taller woman who held a colorful bowl above
her head as they proceeded with the priest to the altar. The Mass was so
bizarre that I was reluctant to take communion.

A few years later and at a different Catholic church, I, also, had the misfortune
to witness a female Methodist minister participate in the celebration of Mass
at the altar with the priest. Again, I was reluctant to take communion. Later,
I learned that Mass was invalid. Meanwhile, Pope Francis is demanding that
women be given a greater role within the Church.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 2:33am

[A]t a different Catholic church, I, also, had the misfortune
to witness a female Methodist minister participate in the celebration of Mass
at the altar with the priest. … Later, I learned that Mass was invalid.

Where’s the 1-800-4-BISHOP hotline?

I so wish EWTN television (or even radio) had an action show which portrayed stalwart young men bursting upon such syncreatic nonsense with their identifying insignia held high and calling out, “CDF! Drop your felt banners and put your hands up!” Shows would start like Dragnet and end like S.W.A.T. but with fewer Berettas drawn and more birettas worn.

Victor R. Claveau, MJ
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 7:10am

How much longer must the Our Heavenly Father endure the profanation of His temple, either by clergy or laity?
The philosopher Edmond Burke (1729-1797) wrote: “For evil to triumph, good men have to do nothing.”
It is easy to simply blame lax priests and bishops for the liturgical mess confronting our Church, but in reality, we, the laity, are equally culpable. We have allowed these aberrations to continue year after year as sheep being led to slaughter and will be held culpable if we do nothing. In June, 1972 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, wrote: “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious.”
The following are a few suggestions:
1. Pray daily and fast often for a renewal of proper liturgical practice.
2. Have Masses celebrated in atonement for our neglect.
3. Educate yourself by reading Church documents on the Liturgy.
4. Be vocal in your appreciation toward faithful priests and bishops who celebrate Mass properly and reverently.
5. Speak out in support of proper liturgy. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that there are many others who share your concern.
6. Do not be afraid to confront improper practice, but do so respectfully.
7. Use the chain of command. If your priest is negligent and does not respond to your entreaties, document everything and write to your bishop, respectfully asking him to provide fraternal correction.
8. Finally, if your bishop does not respond to your satisfaction, write to: The Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship & Discipline of the Sacraments, Piazza Pio XII 10 00193 Rome, VATICAN CITY

It falls to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to maintain the liturgical life of the Church and

Victor R. Claveau, MJ
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 7:13am

to assure orthodoxy with Rome.

Michael Leggett
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 9:59am

This Spectacle could become a Reality Show called “Apostasy Tonight” on Bravo or Tru TV.
Pray for this Apostasy to Flop.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 12:18pm

William of Ockham’s “Posit nothing Superfluous” comes to mind.

Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 5:04pm

[…] – Ptr. J. Smith What Not to Learn from Eastern Orthodoxy – Gabriel S. Sanchez, Crisis 3 Days of Darkness Begins – Donald R. McClarey JD, The American Catholic ‘c’atholics for Choice & Canon 915 […]

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 8:07pm

Sounds like they need Fr. Volpi to hammer them into submission. Alas, it won’t happen. The legacy of Roger Mahony lives on.

Mary De Voe
Saturday, March 15, AD 2014 9:42pm

Micha Elyi: “Where’s the 1-800-4-BISHOP hotline?
I so wish EWTN television (or even radio) had an action show which portrayed stalwart young men bursting upon such syncreatic nonsense with their identifying insignia held high and calling out, “CDF! Drop your felt banners and put your hands up!” Shows would start like Dragnet and end like S.W.A.T. but with fewer Berettas drawn and more birettas worn.”
that is the job of the Knights of Columbus.

Tom W
Tom W
Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 8:58am

With the issue you are refering to being bad enough, please don’t refer to “repressed memories” as that concept is an evil visited on society as well. Suddenly remembering something you long forgot is something we all do and not a repressed memory, just normal forgetting and remembering….

Steve Gee
Steve Gee
Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 10:50am

Try watching ChurchMilitant.TV’s weekly updates on the Internet If you really want to keep abreast of the corruption that’s going on in the Church. Watching a few of Michael Voris’s news programs will let you see just how dark the times have become. It’s getting very scary out there.

rev. Dan hesko
rev. Dan hesko
Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 12:46pm

As a young priest in the 1980 s I was always told these things are good for the young people. But in reality the majority are always old.

Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 1:49pm

When oh Lord will this come to and end????????

Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 2:25pm

Very sad that satan has infiltrated our Beloved Church…but the gates of hell will not prevail.

Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 2:42pm

Los Angeles, more like LOST Angeles.

Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 2:59pm

May God forgive them.

Tony R
Tony R
Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 5:26pm

I have a video of a similar Mass that I will post on youtube in the coming weeks. It happened around 7 years ago in the Saginaw Michigan diocese. they were dancing around with a bowl of water and something burning. before that they had someone dancing around in a ballerina outfit. at the end they sang, priests and all the “Saginaw blessing” “may the Lord bless and keep you, may He let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you His peace. May the lord bless and keep you. May she let her face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you her peace.” the “prayer” was banned by Bishop Carlson who has moved to the St. Louis diocese. They are still using it along with illicit matter for the Eucharist.

Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 5:36pm

I guess it will be – viva la annual catholic appeal – to compensate for attrition and lost to the Church children.

John D
John D
Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 6:31pm

Please, to those who have commented here, seek out a Traditional Mass! You can find their location online in each state. Sometimes it’s a bit of a sacrifice to get to one but it’s very important to try. The stuff shown here is madness! It’s evil! I served Mass starting in 1954! So I’m old enough to remember the new mass of Paul VI when it came out around 1969. Even in a “good” parish these days, the mass is almost nothing like the original Novus Ordo because it was designed to devolve. Many people think the traditionalist question is simply a case of the same mass in English vs. Latin. It never was the same mass. It always was and is, a new mass for a new religion…A “religion” rapidly descending into New Age horror! Benedict XVI knew this. That’s why he issued Summorum Pontificum in 2007, I think it was. seek out the Tridentine Rite!

Michael Leggett
Sunday, March 16, AD 2014 9:02pm

We have a Wealth of Catholic Liturgy, both Latin and Eastern, especially Byzantine, but this REC, is more interested in pushing Heretical forms of the Ordinary Form of The Mass.
The LA REC is an Heretical WRECK.

Jim Labyak
Jim Labyak
Monday, March 17, AD 2014 2:12am

Note to my parish priest: Hi Father, is this sacrilegious? ……………………. or what. Am I not thinking correctly or is the apocalypse in full swing?

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 6:13am

Forgive us Lord Jesus, we still do not know what we are doing to you!!!!!!!

Gerardo Gaddi
Monday, March 17, AD 2014 7:26am

When I have read this I find it very disturbing to think that a Catholic Mass in America is being desecrated by people who show total and blatant disrespect for the Holy Mass. Chatting, texting, taking calls on their cellphones, making a mockery of it while the Mass is ongoing. What has become of all American Catholics? Why doesn’t anyone protest? If I witness something like this in my own parish I will be the first one to protest the blatant disrespect for the Holy Mass. This must cease!!!

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 8:38am

To many stand up for their own warped beliefs To many laugh at Christ and clown at the Sacraments To many spite on the Ten Commandments in name of Free Choice Sadly even less kneel down and adore Jesus

What you see is Pagan Rome 21st Century style This behaviour is NO stranger to Jesus As Christians and as True Followers of Christ we must follow his example God bless Happy St Patrick’s Day

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 11:14am

Why is the bishop allowing it?

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 11:33am

Years ago I thought the Harry Potter homilies were enough to stop contribution to diocese in Denver.
Writing to Archbishops? Made me an outlaw..

Candy Bear
Candy Bear
Monday, March 17, AD 2014 1:31pm

A couple of years ago there was a Kwanza Mass in our parish. There was a young African American woman dancing down the isle to the beat of an African drum; looked like she was having a seizure. Whole Mass was blasphemous! The next year my husband and I went to another Catholic Church for Mass, which was a little more traditional, but not much. Another time there was a wedding at the 5:30pm Mass we attend and Father had the couple come up to the altar and hold up the bread and wine as he said the words of consecration. I think someone complained about that because he has not done it since.

Candy Bear
Candy Bear
Monday, March 17, AD 2014 1:41pm

Totally blasphemous!

Leo Daly
Leo Daly
Monday, March 17, AD 2014 3:27pm

Typical Americans. Hope this doesn’t spread to Australia. No wonder they voted in Obama Sin Laden.

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 4:50pm

This is part of the New World Order infiltrating everything. The Rockefellers main contribution to decadence after funding Planned Parenthood was their financing & co-opting of mainland Protestant Churchs (which is why the Episcopalians are
“Christian” in name only). Our Church was infiltrated through the Vatican II Council. The attack on its main mission, attack on orthodox dogma and morals has denied true Catechisis, which is why so-called “Catholic” politicians spit on the Jesus. Together with the faux-idol worship of the so-called “Catholic” Kennedy family, and the devil ran wild through the Church. God’s chastisement will bring this all to an end, with many a bishop, priest, and religious ending up in Hell. This is my prayer: “Dear God, destroy the New World in a way that brings You honor and us solace. Destroy the New World Order in us, the Church(es), governments, non-gov’t agencies, foundations, political parties, the MSM news media, Entertainment, Education, Corporations and businesses. We pray this through Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 5:02pm

God Bless the SSPX!!!

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 5:47pm

This sacrilege would never happen at a traditional Latin Mass. Don’t give in to this blasphemy. Find the nearest Latin Mass, go, and be awed by the beauty, majesty, and reverence.
This nonsense is not saving souls; it is condemning them. God have mercy on these priests who encourage this, or who refrain from ridding this ‘self worship’ spectacle.
For those suffering Catholics who have no access to the ‘Mass of the ages’, buy a CD of a traditional Latin Mass, get a 1962 prayer book, and immerse yourself in a taste of heaven. May God have mercy on us.

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 8:08pm

I have been attending the Traditional Latin Mass in my diocese that is also attended by a good number of Catholics who attend the New Order Mass. The immodesty is out of control with many attendees wearing jeans and some women wearing skin tight black spandex outfits (to the Latin Mass). I complained to the priest who agreed that this conduct is inappropriate, but will not do anything about it. I also requested the ushers not let people in who are dressed immodestly or at least tell them that they should dress modestly out of respect for God and His Church. The ushers acted like I had a problem and said, in any event, they did not have permission from the priest to tell people to dress modestly. I finally resorted to preaching in front of the church, after Mass (I told the the priests at this church that I would do this since they would not), and warned my fellow Catholics to dress modestly as a sign of their love for Christ and so not to bring scandal into the Church. Overall, I have been met with derision from my fellow Catholics with most ignoring me and a handful agreeing with me and supporting my attempts to put out the flames of satan that have engulfed my diocese and church. As a side note, I have also tried to stop the lgbt service (false mass) at another church, through preaching in front of the Cathedral and warning the Bishop to put and end to these blasphemous services. The last three bishops of my diocese have supported these satanic lgbt services going back almost 25 years. Please pray for my all Bishops and Catholics throughout the world as I believe faithful Catholic Christians throughout the world are under attack from the tribulation flames of the devil!

Monday, March 17, AD 2014 9:00pm

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