Friday, May 17, AD 2024 7:02am

Reality is so Unfair


Ah, if only the surrealists of the last century could have seen our times they would have burned their easels and notebooks since their art could never have twisted reality sufficient to match our reality.

A fine example is American traitor Bradley Manning, who in a morally sane time would have been executed and in his grave for several years now, instead of making pronouncements like this:


As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition. I also request that, starting today, you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun.

Of course loons have always been with us.  What makes our day so bizarre is that so many people take loons with complete dead pan seriousness:

The Huffington Post, the London Daily Mail, MSNBC and Slate have all started using the feminine pronoun.

NBC’s Today, USA TODAY, The Boston Globe, Politico, CNN, Fox, the New York  Daily News, the New York Post, the Daily Beast, the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times are using the masculine pronoun.

According to the Associated Press Stylebook, a reference for many journalists, reporters should use the pronoun preferred by the individuals who have acquired the physical characteristics of the opposite sex or present themselves in a way that does not correspond with their sex at birth. If that preference is not expressed, use the pronoun consistent with the way the individuals live publicly.

“This is a tough one and sparked vigorous debate in the newsroom,” USA TODAY Editor in Chief David Callaway says. “Style evolves with the culture, and the latest style recommendations are that transgender people should be described as they want to be described. That said, Private Manning has been known as a male to this day, so should be regarded as ‘he’ at least for the immediate future. We will continue to discuss.”

In addition to a plenitude of insanity our time is cursed with a lack of a sense of humor.  How anyone could view this and not laugh at it is beyond me.

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Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, August 22, AD 2013 8:49pm

Mr. Brian Manning of Oklahoma has my sympathy.

Tito Edwards
Thursday, August 22, AD 2013 10:18pm

. . .symbolic of his struggle against reality.

Nailed it.

Thursday, August 22, AD 2013 11:19pm

The real me is a philanthropist. Since childhood, I’ve identified uses for spacious, beautiful available rest homes, sanctuaries, orphanages, and foundations – whiling away time spent trying to earn a living with these dreams. But … as I transition to the rolls of unemployed, pension-less social security beneficiaries still remembering the old dreams, I can only hope someone else does something to fill the void of grand planning.

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 12:02am

[…] Kevin J. Jones, CNA Pope Benedict Changed Phrase in Baptism Ceremony – Fr. Z’s Blog Bradley Chelsea Manning, Reality Is So Unfair – Donald R. McClarey JD The Scouts of St. George, An Alternative to the Boy Scouts – […]

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 1:39am

He can still be Chelsea and retain his junk. I am sure the other inmates would not notice.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 1:45am

Just you wait, in federal custody he’ll end up getting the hormone regimen he desires at taxpayer expense. This might even have been the motive for his criminal deeds all along.

Paul W Primavera
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 5:17am

Wikipedia has changed its article to reflect the feminine pronoun:

Romans 1:18-32 again comes to mind.

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 8:53am

“I also request that, starting today, you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun.”

Where he’s going there will be a feminine “pronoun” used, but I doubt it will be the one he prefers.

Alphatron Shinyskullus
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 9:03am

Both his crime and his announcing he is a “woman” are designed to get attention. He’s simply a narcissist addicted to drama, nothing more. Lacking further access to classified information, he is now using what little remains available to him to create a stir and get people to look at him.

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 9:17am

While we should all be somewhat disgusted over this poor man’s perversion, and while hoping that somehow he will one day leave his sins and come to the Faith, let us not forget what he exposed to Wikileaks.

He exposed a war crime, a crime that is every bit as despicable as any committed by any totalitarian regime of recent history. I am somewhat appalled at those who are doing their best to show him up for the sodomite that he apparently is while saying nothing of the crimes he brought to our attention.

Let us have indignation for ALL the crimes here.

Paul W Primavera
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 9:26am

“He’s simply a narcissist addicted to drama, nothing more.”

An apt descriptor of the current Occupier of the Oval Office – the “N-President” where “N” stands for “Narcissist” (or is it ‘Narcissistic”?).

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 9:30am

Some days I feel like a boy, some days I don’t. My sexual identity is fluid, so I just report in to Wiki every day as a courtesy.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 9:36am

He exposed a war crime, a crime that is every bit as despicable as any committed by any totalitarian regime of recent history

You’re deranged. Give it a rest.

Mrs. Zummo
Mrs. Zummo
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 9:42am

Is he trying to get transferred to a women’s prison? Or get special housing in a men’s prison? Traitors are perhaps not treated well in military prison?

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 10:27am

Years ago, when feminazis attacked men for displaying their attraction to women, Rush Limbaugh acted out a radio schtick wherein such attraction was licit because the ogler was a lesbian trapped in a man’s body . . .

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 11:59am

A century from now, medical students will be appalled at us when they read their Medical Ethics textbooks. Did doctors really take money from people with body image problems and mutilate their faces, bodies, and genitals?

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 2:30pm

Oh, and I almost forgot:

him He him him His Bradley him Bradley He him

Friday, August 23, AD 2013 2:43pm

I admit I don’t understand much about this.
Will Chelsea be guilty of what Bradley did?

At least In The Three Faces of Eve they ( the 3) were all the same sex

Matt A.
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 4:20pm

Too funny. Video and responses! Laughing my head off. At this point it’s the only option, isn’t it? Cheers!

David Spaulding
David Spaulding
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 8:36pm

I forgot how funny that scene is. Thanks for the laugh!

David Spaulding
David Spaulding
Friday, August 23, AD 2013 8:42pm

“He exposed a war crime, a crime that is every bit as despicable as any committed by any totalitarian regime of recent history. I am somewhat appalled at those who are doing their best to show him up for the sodomite that he apparently is while saying nothing of the crimes he brought to our attention.”

You are quite mad, aren’t you? He released mountains of disconnected secret and top secret data including communications about which foreign officials in oh-so-safe-and-democratic-states like Pakistan were working with US forces. We will never know the horror that he inflicted. It seems likely that there are many thousands of men, women, and children who met an untimely end due to his arrogant, unjustified, and treasonous conduct.

When he stands before Christ, it won’t matter what gender he “prefers” to be seen as, all that will matter is whether this deranged, lost soul can use the time that the Administration bought him to good effect. I sincerely hope that he does since Man’s justice – the justice of a firing squad – was denied.

Elaine Krewer
Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 12:36am

Say what you will about Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s, ahem, preference, the general rule in journalism is that you 1) spell a person’s name the way the person themselves spells it (the spelling of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s name was all over the map until he sent a personally signed letter to some U.S. schoolkids, IIRC) 2) pronounce the names of towns, counties, states, etc. the way the locals do (Toulon and Marseilles, Illinois, are NOT pronounced in the French manner), 3) refer to individuals by the name they choose for themselves (Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali, Lew Alcindor/Kareem-Abdul Jabaar, Prince/The Artist Formerly Known As). So by the same principle, if someone takes a female name and insists they are female, you call the person “she” because that is how the person wishes to be addressed.

David Spaulding
David Spaulding
Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 6:32am

Following thw Monty Python theme: “If I was to go around calling myself an emperor, they’d lockme away.”

When a name the subject of the article is absurd though, no one is bound to accept it, right? Imagine that the President – OK, some other person who happens to be president – wanted to be called, insisted on being called “His Excellency.” The media wouldn’t be bound to do it, would they? Going farther, if an interviewee wanted to be called “the most Exalted and Powerful Queen of North America,” the media wouldn’t bow to her absurd wish and religiously use that title.

Wanting to be a woman when God made you a man is insane, no matter what medical professionals say in the literature. Insisting that others refer to you by names and pronouns that are feminine, if one is biologically male, is a symptom of that insanity, no more worthy of general respect than calling a man “Jesus,” he believing he really is our Lord and Savior, merely because he wishes so to be called.

There is a continuum to this: if a man has a “right” to be called by female names and verbiage, then it is grounded ins some “right” to be treated as the gender one prefers, not the gender one is. If Manning is entitled to morph the language around his self-selected gender, he is entitled to morph the rest of society’s norms too. So, when the Administration spirits him out within 7 years or through a pardon between the election and the the next president taking office, Manning would retain some bastard “right” to shower with my daughters at the pool or to use the restroom with my wife (I wouldn’t advise this of course, she has a wonderful recall of faces, would likely recognize him, and I’m sure she could take him).

We don’t get to choose our gender, God alone has that duty. We don’t get to choose the societal norms that fit us, society does. It does violence to the social order for individuals to seek to make the rest of society conform to their whim.

Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 9:33am

and if personality disordered persons can make all of us enter into their madness, who is the crazy one now?

Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 9:34am

Why shouldn’t Manning get in on the act? It’s worked for so many other liberals when they want to cow others into submission. Manning’s apparently been successful in transforming himself from his being rightfully branded as a traitor, to his now jumping on the “transgender” bandwagon so dear to the leftists and becoming their victim and hero. What a coup! But it only plays if we let it.

We should not play into the word games that are being used to advance this evil agenda called “gender theory” which Pope Benedict XVI warned against in December 2012. The Truth is that men are of the male sex and women are of the female sex. God created us as a male or as a female. The extremely rare intersex condition that gender theorists like to pretend is evidence of a “third gender”, where a person is born with some male and some female physicality, is only a physical developmental defect, not evidence of some kind of a legitimate third sex they call “gender”. The gender theorists engage in the deadly sin of Pride by trying to usurp God’s authority and challenge His wisdom by getting people to use the term “gender”, in place of saying a person is of the male or female sex, because it allows them to pretend that God is wrong, and try to convince us He is wrong, so they can advance their own wrongheaded, sinful theories. Here’s the definition of gender from the Merriam Webster Docket Dictionary written before the gender theorists twisted the true meaning of the word;

“gender, n. Grammatical difference of WORDS as masculine (man), feminine (woman), or neuter (book).”

Notice that gender refers to words, not people. The gender theorists have morphed the grammatical term neuter, which as you can see in the definition really refers to objects, to instead pretend there’s a third sex that can be neuter or whatever they want it to be. By our using the grammatical term gender to describe a person, we are playing right into their game and helping them advance it. But by using the correct verbiage of a person being of the male sex or of the female sex we remain faithful to the Truth and do not help advance their lies.

Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 9:35am

maintenant it is not just whose Truth – your “truth” my Truth but now “your reality my Reality”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 6:02pm

So, when the Administration spirits him out within 7 years or through a pardon between the election and the the next president taking office,

Daniel McCarthy, the editor of The American Conservative, actually compared Manning to Eugene Victor Debs, who was jailed for sedition during the 1st World War (for importuning young men to disrupt conscription in various ways) and was later pardoned by Warren Harding. He fancies Manning ought to be pardoned as some sort of political prophet. Why turning over soldiers’ personnel files to a snake like Julian Assange qualifies one for admiration he has not yet answered.

I cannot believe Patrick J. Buchanan does not read the publication he founded and bury his face in his hands from time to time.

David Spaulding
David Spaulding
Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 6:43pm

I think it is the breadth and scope of the materials Manning released that removes all question about his being some sort of “whistleblower.” We aren’t talking about debatable treasonable acts such as Snowden may have engaged in. We are talking actionable intelligence thrown to the wind with no concern for the impact. This little, sniveling, snot-nosed boy did a real man’s crime here, one deserving of death. If it had been during this administration and he had released details of Benghazi – details that I am increasingly curious about the more the Administration obfuscates – make no mistake that Manning’s trial would have been quick and he would have been either locked up forever or put to death.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, August 24, AD 2013 7:01pm

One correction: Debs sentence was commuted and McCarthy wants Manning’s commuted. Eight and a half more years ‘ere his first parole examination is too much for the man who tossed 700,00 documents into the lap of Assange.

It has been the editorial line at The American Conservative that 25 years was not enough for Jonathan Jay Pollard, who passed secrets to Israel.

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