Monday, May 13, AD 2024 7:24pm

Benghazi: The Truth Is Coming Out

The Benghazi hearings in the House have gotten under way with a bang, especially from Gregory Hicks, the number 2 American diplomat in Libya at the time of the Benghazi attack:

The No. 2 diplomat in Libya during the Benghazi attack testified Wednesday that he and many others knew the Sept. 11 assault was terrorism from the moment it happened, and he was shocked when the Obama administration said otherwise.

“I was stunned,” said Gregory Hicks, former deputy chief of mission in Libya. “My jaw dropped and I was embarrassed.”

Hicks was referring to statements by his own State Department and the White House, which insisted for days afterward that the attack emerged from a spontaneous mob angry over an anti-Islam video.

Hicks was the first person who was in Libya during the attack to testify publicly before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is investigating the Obama’s administration’s handling of security in Libya and response to the attack.

Hicks said he felt he was subject to retaliation for criticizing U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice’s appearances on talk shows five days later in which she insisted the attack emerged from a protest against an anti-Islam video gone awry. Several days later, the State Department acknowledged there was no protest and it was a terrorist attack.

Under Secretary of State Elizabeth Jones “told me I had to improve my management style and that some people were upset,” Hicks testified

When Hicks returned to Washington for the funeral of ambassador Chris Stevens, who died along with three other Americans in the attack, Jones “gave me a blistering critique of my management style,” he said.

Hicks, who now works as a State foreign affairs officer for government affairs, says has been “effectively demoted from deputy chief of mission to desk officer.”

Go here to read the rest at USA Today.  What happened at Benghazi is fairly simple to understand.  In the midst of a presidential campaign the Obama administration had a potential political disaster on its hands:   an American ambassador murdered on the anniversary of 9-11 by a terrorist attack.  The administration instantly went into political cover up mode.

No military assets were dispatched to Benghazi, because the last thing that the Obama administration wanted was for Americans at home to see the US involved in a potential new ground war in an Arab country.  If that meant leaving two American heroes, Tyrone Woods and Greg Doherty, to die while they futilely asked for backup, that was a small price to pay for the reelection of Obama.

The attack was blamed on the Mohammed film, although everyone with any knowledge of the attack knew this was a bare-faced lie.

Then the administration simply stone-walled all efforts to learn the truth about Benghazi.

None of this would have worked, but for the fact that the vast majority of the news media was  in the tank for Obama.  Turning their backs on a news story that was probably the most important event last year was of no concern to the reporters who are quite willing to suppress news if it advances their political agenda.

Benghazi revealed the Obama administration to be weak, vacillating and concerned with politics above any other consideration.  The success of the coverup underlines both a corrupt mainstream media, and a population that is largely unwilling to pay attention to events unless it is presented to them in a propagandistic overwhelming drum beat.

The truth about Benghazi is coming out, but truth is only of utility if people pay attention to it.

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Thursday, May 9, AD 2013 6:19am

I pray that people pay attention to it and that justice is served.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, May 9, AD 2013 10:34am

And, filmmaker Nakoula rots in jail.

Obama-worshipping imbeciles, mainly academics and journolsists, immediately screamed for internet censorship based on huge Obama/Clinton lies.

The demonstration/YouTube video lies were concocted in Washington. KIA SEAL’s father says he knew Clinton was lying when she told him it was about the video.

Greg Hicks exposed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a liar.

Hicks was in Libya on September 11, 2012. He testified that Clinton called him around 2 a.m. from Washington to ask “what was going on.” Hicks responded that consulate was under attack. He did not mention a protest near the consulate. There wasn’t one.

“The only report that our mission made through every channel was that this was an attack,” Hicks said. “No protest.”

Hicks said that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens called him and said, “We are under attack.” Nothing said about a protest.

“The video was not instigative of anything that was going on in Libya,” Hicks said. “We saw no demonstrations related to the video anywhere in Libya.”

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Thursday, May 9, AD 2013 3:36pm

“The truth about Benghazi is coming out, but truth is only of utility if people pay attention to it.”

Sadly, I do not think that the majority of Americans care about the truth so long as they can have their i-Phones and i-Pads, and rut in heat like wild baboons without facing the consequences of their actions. Maybe, however, I am wrong, but the history of a less prosperous and certainly non-technological though equally idolatrous people – Israel and Judah – indicates otherwise. May it not take a King Sennecharib, a King Nebuchadnezzer to teach us a lesson in truth.

Thursday, May 9, AD 2013 5:58pm

@PaulWPrimavera: I think you are on to something. As opposed to living in enlightened, progressive, evolutionary times, as so many seem to believe, I am beginning to get the sense that we really have regressed . . . to Old Testament times.

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Thursday, May 9, AD 2013 8:22pm

@ Tom D:

I want to be wrong.

Thursday, May 9, AD 2013 8:33pm

@ PaulWPrimavera:

Let us pray that you are.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, May 10, AD 2013 12:02am

“Sadly, I do not think that the majority of Americans care about the truth so long as they can have their i-Phones and i-Pads, and rut in heat like wild baboons without facing the consequences of their actions.”

Maybe if our side smartly and aggressively pursues this, we may be surprised as to how much people care. The fact that people have iPads and iPhones means they have more access to alternative media sources they didn’t have 30 years ago. While it is true that the MSM is biased to the left, I’m afraid that it provides an all too convenient excuse for many on our side to avoid looking at how we often undermine our own cause,

Paul W Primavera
Paul W Primavera
Friday, May 10, AD 2013 8:12am


I like what you suggest. However, when I have tried to communicate with liberal progressive Democrats about these kinds of issues – the Benghazi scandal, the Kermit Gosnell trial, etc. – I am met with skepticism at best, but more often with outright ridicule as a right-wind conspiracy theorist.

I participate on several pro-nuclear energy blog sites. One is run by a very intelligent and knowledgeable man who has nothing but the best interests of the country in his heart. When I explained my overall philosophy to him – of the individual right to life and of individual responsibility and accountability – he emphatically agreed. But he is a devout supporter of Barack Hussein Obama and will not countenance any discussion that opposes his liberal leftist point of view. This man was a former nuclear submarine engineering officer and is a nuclear professional with decades and decades of experience and training. He is far smarter than I am. Yet he is convinced that Obama’s social justice programs are best for the country, that national health care is a good thing, that abortion is a human right, that sodomy and lesbian marriage is likewise a human right, and that the fuss over Benghazi and similar scandals is simply conservative hype. Nothing can be done to convince him and his compatriots otherwise.

We on the right can use all the i-Pad and i-Phone technology that we want. The situation, however, is no different than when the prophet Jeremiah went into the King’s court wearing a wooden yoke. The people did not want to hear what the prophet said. So they threw him down a cistern, and today’s leftists do the same in effect to any who oppose their socialist utopian dreams.

Now let’s be clear: I have nothing but respect and admiration for this unnamed man about whom I am talking. He has been magnificent in supporting safe, clean, economical nuclear energy for the prosperity of everyone and his actions in that regard are to be commended and supported. I have nothing but good to say about him. But he – like all liberal leftists – is utterly blind to the evil of abortion, sodomy, lesbianism, and all the godless scandal and corruption of the Obama Administration. As Jesus Himself in Mark 4:10-12 states:

“And when he was alone, those who were about him with the twelve asked him concerning the parables. And he said to them, ‘To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables; so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand; lest they should turn again, and be forgiven.'”

And St. Paul confirms this in 2nd Timothy 4:3-4:

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.”

Oh dear Lord God, please save the country that I love, our President, our Congress-people and our Justices. Please open the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf, and the hearts of stone, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, May 10, AD 2013 4:02pm


I am aware of the situation of which you speak. Whenever i have come across the kind of situation like the fellow nuclear engineer of which you speak, I have almost always have discovered there is something more beyond what meets the eye.

I too see the parallels between what we are seeing now and the times of the prophet Jeremiah as well as the fall of the Roman Empire. However, this is not to used as an excuse for the ineptness on our side. Such was also the case in the two cases mentioned above. While the technology we now have isn’t all we need, we need to continue ask ourselves how we can better use the means at our disposal.

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