Wednesday, May 15, AD 2024 4:29pm

Counseled to Abort in a Catholic Hospital

Also published at Catholic Lane.

“What’s going on?” asked the therapist.

“I told my doctor that I am having issues with anxiety. I’ve had three babies in the last four years and just found I’m pregnant again, and no matter how hard I try, I keep having panic attacks. I feel out of control. I’m ready to admit I need help. I have some past issues I need to face, but I don’t know what to do. My doctor said I could talk to you because you have experience helping pregnant women.” It all finally came out, stuttered, yet punctuated, a first plea for professional help.

“Why do you feel anxious?”

“I want to do everything perfectly, I want to do it right, I’ve made some bad decisions in my past, but I want to do better. Now I get so confused and overwhelmed. When I give up, I feel ashamed, sometimes I harm myself because the emotional pain is so great. I know I need help. I’m pregnant!”

The therapist replied with a knowing grin, “You don’t have to be perfect, you know. Don’t you see? You are beating yourself up trying to be perfect. Slow down. Right now you need to take care of yourself. You have living children and they need their mother. They need their mother to be healthy. Have you thought about abortion? You know, it’s alright to abort this pregnancy so you can take care of yourself right now.”

“What? I’m Catholic, that’s why I came to a Catholic hospital, well, I mean, I’m a recent convert and I’m learning about the teaching of the Church, and this…”

The confused mother stared past the licensed mental health professional out the window of her obstetrician’s office, where she was meeting with this therapist. In this hospital that bears the name of a saint and a crucifix in every room, the mother was more confused than ever. She tried not to let the vortex starting to swirl in her mind show. Abortion? She trusted these people under this roof, but abortion? Catholics are not supposed to have abortions. She could barely speak.

“…this isn’t right.”

“Well,” chuckled the mental health therapist sitting under a Catholic roof, “Catholics don’t really believe that today, that’s an old idea. Women are not expected to tear up their bodies giving birth to baby after baby, and besides, most Catholics have small families. If that’s what Catholics really believed there’d be many, many more large Catholic families, wouldn’t there? Look, I’ve travelled in Europe where there is a large Catholic population, and they all have one or two children. You don’t have to have lots of kids to be a good Catholic. Perhaps you’re just trying to have a lot of children to be a perfect Catholic.”

Later, they got around to the big question.

“Do you ever have thoughts of suicide?”

“Yes, when I feel out of control and I don’t know what else to do. I just want to give up, but I don’t want to give up either. That’s why I want help. I’m scared.”

The conversation continued past the scheduled hour, and the mother insisted she could not have an abortion. The counselor, growing weary, continued to try to engage the pregnant woman, and asked about her family.

“Got any pictures of your family?”

The mother pulled out a recent photograph, with a smile. She’d ordered matching sweaters for the entire family to wear for Christmas portraits, and even though in all the moments before and after the shot the room had been filled with chaos and bickering, she was proud of how united and happy everyone looked in the instant of the photo. It was proof there could be peace amid turmoil.

The counselor, however, didn’t see a mother trying to keep herself and her family together; she saw a mother obsessed with perfection. She saw children who didn’t have a healthy mother, and she uttered the words that invited in the demons.

“Look, if you do not abort this pregnancy, you may not survive, and then those beautiful children in that picture will have no mother at all. Is that what you want?”

The mother heard nothing else…

By the end of the session she was unable to hide the despair that had overcome her. It had taken more strength than she thought she had to admit she needed this kind of help, and now all strength had vanished because a professional had just confirmed her worst fear. She was a bad mother, incapable of taking care of her children. How could it be that she must choose between ending the life of one, or failing all the others?

The counselor took the now shaken and incoherent mother to the emergency room and had her admitted. She stayed by the mother’s side until an ambulance took the “pregnant woman at risk for suicide” off to a psychiatric facility.

That night the terrified pregnant woman lay flat on a hard bed in a room thinking about her unborn child while white-suited professionals marched outside in the hallway, and she talked to her Saviour, The Counselor, asking for answers. She was determined to find the truth because she had not given up hope.

You see, pregnancy can do that to a woman if she lets it. There’s a life inside her, and that life is a spark. She saw with the light of grace and clarity that even professionals — even professionals in Catholic hospitals — sometimes cannot be trusted. In spite of her failings, she knew she loved all her children, and love does not give up.

By the time her husband picked her up from the hospital the next day she had made a private commitment to find real help and to keep trying until she felt the satisfaction and peace she knew the Holy Spirit would affirm in her soul.

Through prayer, grace, patience, and sheer determination, she did find an independent counselor. She accepted medication and therapy, on her own terms. No one was going to label her again. She clung to the Sacraments and whispered the Rosary whenever the demons of doubt and insult threatened. The child was born prematurely but perfectly healthy, a six-pound baby girl to grow up with three older sisters. She named her Lucia — from the light.

It took some time to process all that happened in that therapist’s office, but the mother would finally heal and be able to talk about it with her husband. When she told him the full story, he held up his hand when he could hear no more, left the room, and found the curly-headed, brown-eyed toddler who looked just like him. He wept as he held her tight, thanking God for safeguarding this gift.

Then he became angry, and it was all he could do not to storm into that counselor’s office with his daughter in his arms to show this professional the beautiful child she had counseled a mother to kill. Instead, he contacted his bishop’s office and started a process of setting things right.

It outraged him — a father who would give his life to protect his children — all the more that this could have happened without anyone even consulting him. In a Catholic hospital a mother asking for help was urged to kill a child to save herself, a monumental lie, without even asking the father. How many times each day does this happen in the world, where confused and hurting patients seeking advice in Catholic hospitals and are told lies about Catholic ethics and pushed to do things that only tear people, families, and societies apart?

Women have to speak up if something happens in a doctor’s office that is against Catholic teaching. Priests don’t frequent gynecological offices, after all. If a doctor prescribes contraception, anything else could happen behind closed doors too. Speak up, if not for yourself, then for the woman sitting next to you in the waiting room because you don’t know what she is going through.

The mother? Well, she doesn’t think women should be lied to, and so she decided never to shut up preaching the truth about abortion and talking about the strength that mothers can find if they accept the graces that God offers. She decided she’d learn for herself what the Church teaches, and she’d defend it from the proverbial mountaintops. She decided that if her faith wasn’t everything, it was nothing. She decided that she would accept God’s purpose for her life and live it, accepting the abundance she knew He wanted to give her if she just trusted in the healing power of love.

(And eventually — she started a blog.)

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Paul W. Primavera
Monday, September 17, AD 2012 7:41am

Thus we have today’s women’s rights – a movement that denies them of their sacred vocation as wives and mothers, and instead denigrates all that true womanhood is. I hate, despise and loath liberalism, progressivism and Democracy – two wolves and one sheep voting on what’s for dinner (in this case, the bloody corpses of 53 million unborn babies since Roe v Wade in 1973).

BTW, this is but one more problem with the tearing asunder of that seamless garment which was to be the Roman Church in America. Pray for our Pope, our Bishops, our Priests, our Doctors and our Nurses. Most of all, pray for the protection of all babies, unborn and born. God have mercy on us all!

Paul W. Primavera
Monday, September 17, AD 2012 7:50am

PS, forgot to say thank you, Stacy! Good post! Keep up the good work!

Ted Seeber
Ted Seeber
Monday, September 17, AD 2012 10:32am

What was the end of the story? Did the complaint to the Bishop work to get this so-called “therapist” out of the office?

Monday, September 17, AD 2012 11:48am

Speak to fellow Catholics. And speak with your wallet to the charities you choose to support or not support.

Great article and great cause.

Monday, September 17, AD 2012 11:53am

There is a sequel of books titled Fatherless, Motherless, and Childless by Brian J Gail. They are about the infiltration of contraception and abortion into the American Catholic mindset and the Catholic health system. I’d call them fiction but they are prophetic. They are based on Blesses John Paul’s warnings as well as current science. It’s like reading about the future as it is happening.

Lord, have mercy on your people as we place out trust in You.

Mary De Voe
Monday, September 17, AD 2012 12:03pm

“I’ve even found out that pediatric offices give kids over 15 (or a certain age) contraception without consulting parents, if they want it.” Sue for your parental rights. Informed consent, minor children do not have to give. The parents are responsible for their children when they contract HIV/aids and herpes and all the rest. It might be good for the child, when he grows to emancipation to engage a malpractice lawsuit over his being ill-advised to suffer a health risk. The law is the only thing they will understand

Ted Seeber
Ted Seeber
Monday, September 17, AD 2012 1:17pm

This, I am sure, could help many:

The thing about living in a capitalist nation, is that all businesses, including health care businesses, need customers. Voting with your dollars would help greatly.

Monday, September 17, AD 2012 3:39pm

I had good luck with going to Crisis Pregnancy centers and asking for their list of doctors. Sadly, more effective than looking for the local Franciscan health system. 🙁

Tuesday, September 18, AD 2012 12:01am

[…] Counseled to Abort in a Catholic Hospital – Stacy Trasancos PhD, The American Catholic […]

Tuesday, September 18, AD 2012 8:13pm

I was afraid of the exact situation described when I had a crisis pregnancy 32 years ago. I was so upset and distracted that I was afraid if a counselor acted as that one did, I might just cave in and get the abortion. I hung on to Christ and ran “He Shall Feed His Flock” from the Messiah over and over in my head, refusing to talk to anyone who might possibly try to persuade me to end my child’s life. I told myself that I would probably live long enough to be grateful I let him live, and I am. He’s a great guy.

Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 9:25am

I’m so glad this Mother turned to God, and was able to get true help. A few years ago, I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety. I had been going to a “therapist” for several months and taking antidepressants. During this time, my husband and I turned to the Church and fully embraced “being Catholic” including NFP. The change in my condition was rapid and profound. When I told my “therapist” about how much better I was feeling and how my entire outlook had changed when I chose Christ over myself, she actually tried to talk me out of it! How silly it was for a woman to find peace in the Sacraments and No Contraception! It was like she couldn’t believe that the advice I received from my Pastor, and the peace I found in prayer could possible be better for me than the “therapy sessions” I endured with her. These sessions focused mainly on my abusive childhood and hardly anything at all as far as helping me in the present. I would leave “therapy” feeling much more depressed then I did going in, and it would take several days to recover! Needless to say that was my last visit to her. I did continue with the medication for several years, but have been off of it for over a year now and doing well! I have decided if I ever relapse, I will find a good Catholic therapist who recognizes the strong link between spiritual health and mental health!

Sr. Hanna Klaus
Sr. Hanna Klaus
Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 9:37am

There is no substitute for knowing your faith and Church teaching, and inssiting on following that. The idea that a Catholic hospital or staffer would never offer anything considered unacceptable under the E&R directives is no longer true, as the above story illustrates perfectly. I wish it were the exception but it isn’t.

Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 12:00pm

This story highlights an incredible moment of powerlessness and unmanagability. In those moments, God is very close, very willing, and very able to help those who ask for His help in those moments.

Powelessness and unmanagebility are also the starting point for 12-Step programs, which offer a practical aid to recovery and growth in the spiritual life, usually in the context of a particular issue. The steps are non-denominational and can be very helpful to Catholics (or anyone) to grow closer to the God of their understanding as a supplement to (not a replacement for) a sacramental life. That’s been my experience, at least.

Paul W. Primavera
Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 12:46pm

Relative to Matt’s comment on the 12 Steps, the Biblical basis thereof can be found here:

Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith based the AA Program on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 through 7, St. Paul’s discourse on love in 1st Corinthians 13, and St. James exposition on faith without works being dead in his epistle.

Every Christian should read from the Preface through Chapter 11 in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, whether alcoholic or not:

This is the practicality of how to put Christian principles into action.

Eileen McAleese
Eileen McAleese
Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 1:36pm

Every Catholic needs to have their own copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to refer to when questions arise so they can tell correct answers to their questions and situations. You can’t necessarily trust anyone’s replies anymore with even clergy and religious answering based on their own particular bias.

Paul W. Primavera
Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 1:39pm
Paul W. Primavera
Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 1:50pm

Stacey wrote, “If you’re a Catholic, you have no excuse for not knowing.”

Can we have a chorus of Amens, Hallelujahs, and Glory Bes for that?

No excuse. None. Zero point nihil.

Wednesday, September 19, AD 2012 10:18pm

I’ve got to disagree that there’s no reason for a Catholic not to know– they may have never been taught that there was a Catechism.

I wasn’t. Found out on my own. Jimmy Akin’s place, if I remember right.

As best I can tell, every level either assumed we’d already covered it or that we were too young for it. Or that it was outdated. Or that it didn’t fit with what they wanted to teach. Had lots of teachers who wanted the authority of teaching, but not the work, and I’m still wondering what geninus let a man-hunting divorcee be in charge of “continuing education.” (I was a teenager, as was the rest of the group. She had us cutting out shapes to glue on things, and I seem to remember coloring books.)

Never underestimate the damage bad teachers can do, especially if they’re defensive about their “authority” and don’t want parents “interfering.”

Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 7:49am

Stacy I am so happy that you continued to listen to that still small voice and were so much trying to find out God’s counsel. Teachers and therapists, priests and nuns, men and women around us have offered us a world view that does not admit the Truth.
We have a personal responsibility to keep listening and trying. I cried reading your story–I and many others have been there in some ways. but I rejoiced when I saw the photo of your beautiful daughter, and then read her beautiful meaningful name. I rejoice at you efforts to do right.

Paul W. Primavera
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 8:29am


I understand the point that catechesis in the post Vatican II environment has been abominable, and that a great many – even a majority – of Roman Catholics are ignorant of both Scripture and what the Catechism teach. The Shepherds – that is to say, the Bishops and Priests – who not only allowed, but in large measure caused this to happen will be responsible to the Lord God Almighty exactly as Ezekiel 34:1-10 describes.

Nevertheless, with today’s internet access to information, there is no reason for any Christian – Roman, Orthodox Anglican, Eastern or Russian Orthodox, or Evangelical or Pentecostal – to any longer be ignorant of Scripture, and since Romans pride themselves on being “THE” Church, they are particularly without excuse. Papal Encyclicals are readily available at the Vatican’s web site. The Catechism and the Bible are both available at the USCCB web site. There are now a plethora of orthodox Roman bloggers like Father Z., Jimmy Akin, Father Longenecker, etc. And there is the availability of orthodox teaching via EWTN and various Catholic radio stations of the Roman persuasion.

Members of my immediate family – all of whom are Assemblies of God Pentecostals – know that abortion and homosexual behavior are intrinsically evil. They have always known that without moral behavior there can be no social justice, and they have NO Catechism to tell them that. Thus, there is NO excuse for Romans to complain, “But I wasn’t taught, so it’s not my fault.” That may be the reason for having been raised in ignorance, but it isn’t an excuse to fail to read and study the Bible and the Catechism. When people in other jurisdictions do what is right and Romans don’t but claim their jurisdiction is “THE” Church, then their claim fails hallow. They should remember St. Paul’s analogy of the branches of the olive tree in Romans chapter 11 – Christ will cut off unfruitful limbs and graft in those who will produce fruit.

Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 9:02am

Again, you cannot study what you do not know exists, and do not forget that some of those entrusted with teaching have TAUGHT FALSEHOOD. That is why those in authority must make sure their delegated authority goes to fitting people.

My mom stopped teaching CCD when the priest walked in and told her teenagers that it was OK to have sex outside of marriage so long as you “really loved” the other person. This is not isolated, as the abortion nuns demonstrate.

I’m sure we’ve all met “Spirit of Vatican II” AKA Fr. O’Leary in Japan? The English speaking priest that isn’t too sure that Jesus was even divine, among other…”odd” beliefs? If it’s against Church teaching, he’s probably promoted it. There are a lot of bad priests floating around, you get to meet a lot of them in satellite parishes. (Some just can’t speak very well, some are a menace to all but the most stubborn of believers.)

We can’t stand around and growl that there’s “no excuse” for someone who has been told a lie to not realize it, we have to tell people. It’s not comfortable. REALLY not comfortable when it comes to family. We have to tell them about all the incredible resources, explain why they should trust them over what Ms. Smith told them in confirmation class.
We also need to do our best to hold our local parish’s feet to the fire when it comes to offering decent information.

We’re not supposed to figure this stuff out on our own, we’re supposed to learn it. Like any other important job, if the guys on either side are slacking or failing, you pitch in to get their work done.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 9:44am

Bizarre teaching from moral theologians is nothing new, as anyone who has read Pascal’s « Les Provinciales » will know only too well.

A decree of the Holy Office of 4 March 1679, issued with the approval of Pope Innocent XI condemned the following two propositions, extracted from the works of notable theologians: –

“ 34. It is permitted to bring about an abortion before the animation of the foetus, lest the girl found pregnant be killed or defamed.

35. It seems probable that every foetus (as long as it is in the womb) lacks a rational soul and begins to have the same at the time that it is born; and consequently it will have to be said that no homicide is committed in any abortion.”

Others include

“ 30. It is right for an honourable man to kill an attacker who tries to inflict calumny upon him, if this ignominy cannot be avoided otherwise; the same also must be said if anyone slaps him with his hand or strikes with a club and runs away after the slap of the hand or the blow of the club.”

And (two of my favourites)

“ 37. Male and female domestic servants can secretly steal from their masters to gain compensation for their work which they judge of greater worth than the salary which they receive.

38. No one is bound under the pain of mortal sin to restore what has been taken away by small thefts, however great the sum total may be.”

The condemnation is as laconic as it is restrained, “All condemned and prohibited, as they are here expressed, at least as scandalous and in practice pernicious.”

Paul W. Primavera
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 10:40am


Part of me agrees with you on this. But part of me feels that people should take charge of their own learning instead of waiting to be spoon fed. I know that’s not what you’re saying. And I know that through no fault of their own, many people in the Roman jurisdiction (and in others) have been lied to. But Rome’s insistence on preeminence in Christendom places a special responsibility on itself. If Rome can’t ensure that the Truth is consistently and accurately preached, taught and otherwise disseminated, then who can?

Pray for our Bishops and Priests. Pray for the Pope. And don’t wait for someone to teach you. Teach yourself. (I speak in the global sense, not as directed to Foxfier.) The resources are there.

Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 10:52am

But part of me feels that people should take charge of their own learning instead of waiting to be spoon fed.

And we are part of that Church– the “it’s not my job to teach you, it’s your job to learn” mindset is a betrayal of that special responsibility. It’s not just “Rome”– we need to do it, not growl about how “if you don’t know it’s your own fault.” The pathetic mess that I was given as education, both in the Church and in civil life, is a result of that mindset.

Sure, you can’t make a horse drink– but you should lead him to water when he’s thirsty, and offer good water when you see him nuzzling into a fetid mud puddle.

Paul W. Primavera
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 11:26am

Yes, Foxfier, with your last comment I have to agree. We are all responsible to help our brothers and sisters learn. I had that opportunity about six or eight months ago when the Bishops came out against the HHS mandate and a Roman person at work asked me what I thought. She admitted that I was very knowledgeable in the Catechism and in Scripture. So I gave her a 6 page essay on whole issue. I waited a few days and went back to find out what she thought. She said that she read the first few pages and stopped, and that she has a different opinion regarding a woman’s right to choose and regarding gay marriage and the other moral issues that face us. She is a 60+ year old educated in the spirit of Vatican II. It didn’t matter that I could quote from the Greek New Testament or the Didache or from St. Ignatius’ letters. It didn’t matter how many Papal Encyclicals I cited, or anything like that. Social justice and freedom to choose trumped everything else. Yet to this day she says she knows no one who knows as much about Scripture and the Catechism as I do (and truthfully, I feel abysmally ignorant when I read what Donald M., Paul Z., Bonchamps and others write here at TAC).

The ignorance that the spirit of V II has founded has resulted in an almost invincible and purposeful ignorance. These people ask for the truth and when it doesn’t agree with their liberal progressive Democrat mindset, they reject it. You can’t teach them. And yes, they have ZERO excuse.

Dante alighieri
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 12:57pm

Congrats, Stacy!

I’ll echo some of the earlier discussion. As I’ve mentioned before, I attended a Jesuit high school, and boy some of the things I was taught (and not taught). It wasn’t until I started grad school at a real Catholic university and was surrounded by excellent books in the Basilica’s bookstore that I was able to basically self-catechize. And per a discussion had in our men’s group last night, we’re constantly learning and “converting” so to speak, as our faith grows deeper and we gain in knowledge.

Paul W. Primavera
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 12:59pm

Congradulations to Stacey on the baby now conceived.

As far as educating doctors goes, Stacey’s attitude is most commendable. Now I know some people are going to say I can’t discuss the following lest I violate the 11th Tradition in 12 Step Programs, but I don’t know any other way of emphasizing Stacey’s point effectively. Of course, this isn’t related to religion, but it confirms the need to educate your doctor.

As many readers may recall, I recently injured my left leg, tearing quadriceps from knee joint. Needless to say, drilling of the knee cap, inserting of Kevlar thread and all that happened in subsequent surgery. Of course pain medication is required and OxyContin was prescribed. I told the doctor, “Are you crazy? I am in recovery from ### and that’s like putting gasoline on a fire.” He said that I would have to have it so that I could withstand the pain enough and do therapy. He was right. But after 3 weeks, I am now down to 2 pills a day from an initial 5.

I had a conversation yesterday with an Alanon guy I know, and after that conversation I got scared. So I called my doctor and asked to be taken off OxyContin and onto a less addictive medication. The Doctor agreed and was actually happy that I was staying on top of the issue instead of waiting for him. Well, fear of being back in the gutter is a strong incentive. The point in all this is that no one is responsible for my education or my health but me. I have to take responsibility and ownership. I can’t rely on a doctor or a priest to always know the ins and outs of my faith or my addictions (whatever those may be).

So I applaud Stacey, and if anyone wants to slam me because of the 11th Tradition, then so be it. I am an example of nothing except how to do things the wrong way. I can’t even recover from arterial heart disease and diabetes without screwing up my quad! And I have no lock on either sobriety or spirituality. I am just lucky and blessed one day at a time.

Donald R. McClarey
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 1:54pm

Congrats Stacy!

Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 2:36pm

Looks like I’m going to get a chance to face the doctors again very soon…Just found out we’re pregnant again


I admit, I’ve done a little bit of evangelism at our daughters’ doctor’s office– happened to have a nurse come in to ask about fetal grown vaccines, since the nurse had never heard of such a thing. I did my chirpy short version– it’s hard to get mad at someone who is chirpy, at least to their face– and the next time I came in, I brought some papers on what vaccines have alternatives, and a letter from the USCCB on when it’s morally licit to use immorally produced vaccines. (Which is when I found out that the old scifi favorite of “do you let the Space Nazi doctor treat you, even though he learned how to save your life by killing people in the Background War that they lost?” would be much shorter if the characters weren’t such goobers.)

Elaine Krewer
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 6:06pm

Congratulations, Stacey! Praying all goes well with the new baby.

One thing many people (including, for a long time, myself) fail to realize is that medical advice is just that — ADVICE. It is not a command from on high; it is information provided to you by a hired professional to assist you in making a decision. No rational adult is legally or morally obligated to follow a doctor’s advice. If a doctor’s advice is not helpful to you for any reason, you are perfectly free to disregard it, or seek help elsewhere (though if one has an HMO or PPO type insurance plan one’s choice of doctors may practically be limited to within the network).

Mary De Voe
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 9:00pm

Gerard Majella pray for Stacy.

What I find not adequately addressed is Holy Scripture, read daily and at Sunday Mass, the books of the Catholic Bible being approved of by the Catholic Church. There is LIFE in that Book. It breaks my heart to see the children hauled away to cut and glue in the classroom while the Sacred Scripture is read at Mass. The children have a right to the TRUTH. In my case, being at Mass as often as possible brought my children into a metaphysical understanding, and they were able to imagine and visualize the parables. Later, the abstract thinking enabled the children to secure good jobs. I, now, encourage mothers to bring their children to Mass and visits to the Real Presence as often as possible even while the children remain unborn. I believe that my generation was the last generation of children to receive proper Catholic training taught by the good nuns before Vatican II. I have witnessed the good nuns’ lives work miracles in the community. The hardest part, I find, is to not be able to verbalize the questions in my mind. Jesus is always there. Go ask HIM. Another way I find to answer questioning and stubborn friends and acquaintances is to say: “God is leading you”. and trust in the Lord.

Mary De Voe
Thursday, September 20, AD 2012 9:13pm

This is a most beautiful post and comments.

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