Monday, May 13, AD 2024 6:59am

In The Birth Control Controversy; The Mocking of Conservative Religious Women By Militant Secularists Will Soon Backfire

We have all seen the supposed polls indicating that 99% of Catholic women use birth control. However, has anyone ever bothered to look at who conducted the poll? It was the Guttmacher Institute; the driving force behind abortion and other leftist social movements.  Finally someone in the Mainstream Media (The Washington Post) has weeks after the fact realized the untruthful nature behind this canard. This is just one of many red herrings thrown at religious conservatives to discredit and mock them. It seems some in mainstream media are making it their mission to ask former Pennsylvania Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum every question imaginable with regard to birth control. Whatever happens to Santorum in the primary race, it does seem as if the Hand of Providence is helping bring up the topic of birth control and the faithful alternative of Natural Family Planning.

While there is some dispute between Catholics and some Evangelicals on birth control; there are signs that many Evangelicals are seeing what Catholics and some Orthodox Jews have long believed about birth control. In my previous book and forthcoming book; The Tide Continues To Turn Toward Catholicism, I cite quotes from Chuck Colson and R Albert Mohler, two towering figures in the Evangelical world. They have genuine affection for Pope Paul VI’s 1968 prophetic encyclical Humanae Vitae which cemented the Catholic view on birth control in the modern birth control pill era. If you want to really rile up a militant secularist you might mention that it wasn’t until 1930 that the first religious group (the Anglican Church) even approved of birth control. The Progressive Teddy Roosevelt said the idea of birth control was “ridiculous” and even liberal hero Dr Sigmund Freud said the whole concept was “narcissistic.”

Dorothy Day (1897-1980) the late women’s rights activist, who used birth control back before any religious group approved of it, spoke out forcefully against abortion and birth control once she converted to Catholicism later in life. She told men and women that in using birth control they were becoming engaged in a culture that was disconnecting them from God’s plans, along with not using their bodies in accordance with the Holy Spirit. Though her women’s rights and libertarian economic views remained, she became a social conservative, who lashed out at Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, something you aren’t likely to hear or read in the mainstream media.

Families that adhere to the clinically proven facts of Natural Family Planning are treated as if they are some sort of religious nuts. Militant secularists in the corridors of power (Legislative and Fourth Estate) have even thrown out their favorite term “sexually repressed.” Now this term is so widely repeated in our popular culture, perhaps we should examine where it came from. Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) of the infamous Marxist “Frankfurt School” came up with the term. Marcuse left pre-World War II Germany and taught at Columbia. Marcuse believed in free love and surmised that the more narcissistic society was with regard to sexual relations, the better the world would become. Before his death, he claimed his prized student was 1960s militant radical Angela Davis. Marcuse was way out in left field in his day and yet the militant secularists in our pop culture have made him seem as mainstream as Dr. Phil. When societies turn away from religion they embrace the crazies like Marcuse; sadly something has to fill the vacuum and it is usually the ideas which come from the half baked among us that do so.

 We all know that contraceptives are only the tip of the iceberg. One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines, militant secularists in Big Government and their allies in the mainstream media are frothing at the mouth as to how anyone be for Natural Family Planning and not whole heartedly for birth control. It doesn’t stop there; they wonder why anyone would want a large family, or view unborn children conceived in unplanned circumstances as anything but a “punishment,” to quote the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

One of the biggest stories in the last ten years in the Catholic world has been the growth of Catholic Men’s Conferences. Well now the women have overtaken the men. These Women’s Conferences are full of faithful Catholic women who have had it with the militant secular elites who are trying to shove their morally bankrupt ways down their throats.  Too bad Dorothy Day isn’t still with us but there are plenty of fed up conservative women, whom given the chance, would love to debate these haughty, militant secular elitists until they retreat back to back their enclaves of pomposity. (If you like this article you may want to read; If You Want The Left To Run Governments, Look At What It Has Done To Religion, Left It In Tatters.)

The Dictatorship of Relativism like all totalitarian regimes can only survive so long before they are swept out; right now God is raising up fearless bands of woman who will break through the liberal militant secular elite’s glass ceiling of control. These elites have stirred up a hornet’s nest and someday soon, if they let conservative religious women speak, they will get an earful 

Dave Hartline


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Sunday, February 19, AD 2012 10:08pm

Your last paragraph is a good prayer for Lent – I won’t limit it to women though.
Having read the Left in Tatters from 1/25/10 link, I saw that Fr. George Rutler commented; and think you would enjoy his 2/19/12 column on the Church of Our Savior site.

Monday, February 20, AD 2012 4:00am

[…] Mocking Religious Women By Militant Secularists Will Backfire – Dave Hartline, The Amr Ct […]

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