Wednesday, May 15, AD 2024 7:43pm

Sex, Lies and Planned Parenthood

Hattip to Patterico’s Pontifications.  Worse Than Murder, Inc, aka Planned Parenthood, has written a guide entitled Healthy, Happy and Hot.  It is subtitled a Young Persons Guide to Their Rights, Sexuality and Living With HIV.

This pamphlet is truly based upon irony in that if there is one organization more dedicated to promoting sexual promiscuity other than Worse Than Murder, Inc, I am unaware of it.  From passing out contraceptives to kids without parental consent, to promoting the idea that sex is the be all and end all of life, to killing the inevitable offspring that result from sexual activity between men and women, Planned Parenthood has done everything possible to promote a cultural atmosphere in which sexually transmitted diseases can run rampant.

So a teenager who has followed the advice of Worse Than Murder Inc and has HIV now is supposed to look to them for guidance?  I honestly sometimes think that Satan has a deep streak of the dark comedian about him.

Well, what sort of advice does Planned Parenthood dispense to their victims who have a fatal illness?    On page one the pamphlet stresses that people with HIV have a right to express and enjoy their sexuality.  But of course!  For Worse Than Murder, Inc, life boils down to:  “I fornicate therefore I am.”

In regard to disclosing the fact that a person has HIV to someone they are having sex with, the pamphlet states:

Some countries have laws that say people
living with HIV must tell their sexual
partner(s) about their status before having
sex, even if they use condoms or only
engage in sexual activity with a low risk
of giving HIV to someone else. These laws
violate the rights of people living with HIV
by forcing them to disclose or face the
possibility of criminal charges.

What about the well-being of those people who might be infected by you or have been infected by you?  Page 3 indicates that those people really have to take second place behind number one:

You know best if and when it is safe
for you to disclose your status.
There are many reasons that people
do not share their HIV status. They
may not want people to know they
are living with HIV because of
stigma and discrimination within
their community. They may worry
that people will find out something
else they have kept secret, like they
are using injecting drugs, having
sex outside of a marriage or having
sex with people of the same gender.
People in long-term relationships
who find out they are living with HIV
sometimes fear that their partner
will react violently or end the

Sharing your HIV status is called
disclosure. Your decision about whether to
disclose may change with different people
and situations. You have the right to
decide if, when, and how to disclose your
HIV status.

Of course none of this comes as a surprise to those of us familiar with Worse Than Murder, Inc.  After all, what can one expect of an organization that makes huge amounts of money each year killing unborn children and ignores laws relating to the reporting of sexual crimes?  This is all of a piece with the unending battle of Planned Parenthood to separate the sex act from love.   God intended sex among humans to lead to the deepest of love between a man and a woman in marriage.  This love usually leads to children, to be loved, cherished and sacrificed for.  The secret of love being of course that it requires us to willingly sacrifice ourselves for those that we love.  This  is anathema to the worldview of Worse Than Murder, Inc, where selfishness takes the place of love, and life is a cold, sterile trek from cradle to grave of total absorption in self. The Christian truth that stands ever against this greatest of all sexual perversions, was set forth by CS Lewis in his The Screwtape Letters.

His real motive for fixing on sex as the method of reproduction among humans is only too apparent from the use He has made of it. Sex might have been, from our point of view, quite innocent. It might have been merely one more mode in which a stronger self preyed upon a weaker—as it is, indeed, among the spiders where the bride concludes her nuptials by eating her groom. But in the humans the Enemy has gratuitously associated affection between the parties with sexual desire. He has also made the offspring dependent on the parents and given the parents an impulse to support it—thus producing the Family, which is like the organism, only worse; for the members are more distinct, yet also united in a more conscious and responsible way. The whole thing, in fact, turns out to be simply one more device for dragging in Love.

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Monday, April 12, AD 2010 9:13am

Thanks Don. This bring up a lot of emotions for me. Among my sibling I am the only active Catholic and one has left the Church all together. They each have three children. Each child has been brought up in an atmosphere of “moral relativism.” In that each can find there own conception of God. If they choose to say there is no God – so be it because we all have “rights.”

So I try to be the God-father figure to all of them and learned my lesson that I can’t play God. The most effective action for me is located in the Divine Mercy Chaplet and I continue to let them all know I love them and that I pray for them.

I am in love with the truth and cutting through the lies of our enemy. This site has been a great tool for me to see honestly through the lies of Murder-inc. Which when the children are left to find a god on there own, may choose the a god that has sex, drugs and rock and roll as the result.

Monday, April 12, AD 2010 10:21am

Incidentally, the Girl Scouts allowed PP to distribute this pamphlet last month at a Girl Scout event at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Monday, April 12, AD 2010 2:40pm

[…] and immoral (not to mention illegal) behavior will get them shut down. I saw a post over at American Catholic regarding the PP stance on HIV disclosure that made my stomach turn.  I was under the impression […]

Wednesday, April 14, AD 2010 12:50am

“You know best if and when it is safe
for you to disclose your status.”

I’m sorry, but isn’t this piece of advice, intended for teens about to undertake a sexual escapade, just ludicrously irresponsible *even* from the perspective of PP? It is clear, in any case, that they care more about their business than they do about the health of the teens they service.

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