Thursday, May 16, AD 2024 12:23am

Good Riddance


Pro-abort Republican Senator from Pennsylvania Arlen Specter is now pro-abort Democrat Senator Arlen Specter.  He does this of course because he realized that Pat Toomey would have creamed him in the Republican primary in 2010.  Instead, assuming that the Democrats are deluded enough to nominate him, Toomey will cream him in the general election.  This should be a prime race for all pro-lifers around the nation next year.

Update I: Hattip to Hot Air.  Here is Specter last month on the prospect of his switching parties:

I am staying a Republican because I think I have an important role, a more important role, to play there. The United States very desperately needs a two-party system. That’s the basis of politics in America. I’m afraid we are becoming a one-party system, with Republicans becoming just a regional party with so little representation of the northeast or in the middle atlantic. I think as a governmental matter, it is very important to have a check and balance. That’s a very important principle in the operation of our government. In the constitution on Separation of powers.”

Normally, I’d berate someone like this as a self-serving turncoat.  However my reaction is simple joy to have this political hack finally out of the GOP.

Update II:  The ever perceptive reptilians at Big Lizards Blog have an intriguing look at the upcoming Toomey-Specter match up in their post A Specter Is Haunting the Democratic Party.

UpdateIII: The Cranky Conservative has some thoughts here on Specter, including the observation that after 30 years in Washington Specter is the poster child for term limits.

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Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:12pm

We’re going to need to work blue-dog Dems or Obama will have a fillibuster proof Senate

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:18pm

Lets be honest here, he simply jumped from one tyranical party to another. At least now his label is more accurate. American politics is about winning, not about anything having the least to do with truth.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:33pm

Why do you think Toomey will kill Specter (or another Dem) in the PA general election? Everything I’ve read suggests that PA has become more Dem over the recent past.

Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:36pm


Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:38pm

No doubt I wil be in the minority among many Republicans but I am not cheering this. Spectre no dounbt will be compelled to go along with Dems on certain procedural votes in order to maintain a potential Chairmanship. I suspect some deal was made here.

It should be recalled that ASpectre had a ACU rating of 44. Casey has a ACU rating of 8. I am anxious about how far that might drop

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:43pm

Specter Switches To Democratic Party: Potential Democratic Fillbuster-Proof Senate Closer (Includes Roundup)…

Faced with a stiff challenge from conservatives and part of the dying breed of moderate Republicans, Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter has announced that he’s leaving the GOP and will become a Democrat — creating a new situation in his up…

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:44pm


You should cheer this (although I know you dislike Toomey, who is now most assuredly going to win the nomination).

THIS is the REAL Arlen Specter: the one who will do or say whatever is necessary to get elected, but, at the end of the day, you can always expect to act more like a liberal than a conservative.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:49pm


Well as to the GOP primary another republican might challenge Toomey in the primary since the field is clear

I have no doubts that Spectre wasa liberal Republican. But for the most part he was good on the procedural votes. Now we are facing a Filibuster prrof Senate which is frightening.

If Toomey or another Republican cannot defeat Spectre (which I think is likely in the general) then what have gained in real practical terms

I honestly think our only hope is somehow Spectre is defeated in the Democrat primary

I think Spectre will do quite well in the general

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:49pm

Also, now Huck (who we all should know is not on good terms with Toomey) is free to back the other pro-life Republican in the GOP primary without fearing any pro-life recriminations for throwing the nomination to Specter.

That’s a good thing, too, from your perspective. Because, as I noted at your blog, a pro-life split in the primary that could have thrown the nomination to Specter would have been the cause of Santorumesque retribution toward those who didn’t back Toomey as the strongest pro-life horse in the race.

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 12:53pm

As for “what have we gained”, I’m not a Republican, so I don’t much care. Specter is a leftist pro-abort regardless of whether he has an “R” or a “D” next to his name. At least now, with his new-found home, there is some truth in advertising.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 1:04pm

Jay well I suspect this affect non Republicans as well.

I know many Conservatives have a love/hate relationship with the Republican party. However for all the talk I hear of “they are all the same” it appears having a Dem Super majority is in fact important and affects all sort of things.

I agree with this from Contentions

“. Pennsylvania Republicans played their part in this. Much as Connecticut Democrats’ decision to reject Joseph Lieberman in the 2006 Senate primaries in favor of Ned Lamont ultimately came back to bite the party – Lieberman, after all, won the state-wide race as an independent – Republicans do not help their prospects by rejecting a figure from their own party who has long represented state-wide political consensus. Granted, a left-wing Republican might not serve many Republicans’ policy priorities effectively – but neither will representation by two Senate Democrats.

3. With a filibuster-proof majority, the Democrats have reached a major political peak. How long they stand on this peak is an open question. But Republicans have physics on their side: what goes up must come down.”

No doubt there were many Demcratss and indeed liberals (who have no love for the Dem party) thought good riddance as to the Senaotr from Conn.

As they found out that had consequences. Now of course Liberiman is a different animal from Spectre. I respect Libierman more. Still I am getting a sense we have seen this before on the other side.

If somehow we regain the White House in 2004 and we get a Judicial retirement from the Bench I just hope it is not SPectre’s vote that holds it up now

Still a lot of water must go under the bridge. THe good news it appears more and more that my GOP Senator from Louisiana is going to be safe. Now the GOP needs to find 5 or 6 more seats in able to slow this stuff down

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 1:18pm

You assume Pat Toomey would have defeated him in the primary. Like 6 years ago Republican leadership would have put aside their lipservice to the pro-life cause and would have been out in force to support Spector because holding a seat is more important than principle
They are all self-serving turn coats.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 1:47pm

Awakeman I had no problem with Republican leadership protecting a Senate Incumbenet and I don’t think that mean there is just lip service.

The problem is this. This is a Coalition party. If people want to say to all conservatives that are pro-choice and to voters please leave then they should that. When that happens we can have the Republican convention in a telephone booth and I don’t think that helps the pro-life cause at all.

That being said if have to support Toomey I will though I don’t like him

I am surious about Rick Santorum. Is he not offically damaged goods. What are the changes he could get into thsi Republican primary

Michael Denton
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 1:52pm


I most certainly hope that David Vitter’s seat is NOT safe. I prefer the GOP, but I am very much hoping the Democrats give me a reasonable option to boot Vitter out of office. Vitter has consistently lied to the people of the Louisiana, about his past transgressions and his commitment to the pro-life agenda (see: support of Rudy).


That’s true; the GOP leadership protected Specter; they reap their rewards today.


If this brought the total to 59 instead of 60, I’d be right with you. However, I am a little worried that this increases the chances that the Dems can ram through FOCA or the anti-conscience clause despite anything a pro-lifer might try to do to stop it. I worry about this particularly because I think Obama will probably be concerned about losing seats in 2010, and so faces a “do now or forever hold your peace” mentality.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 1:59pm


David’s endorsement was not long term deal breaker to me. But I understand how some people feel. He has beena consistent good vote for pro-life causes. His past sins of the flesh never got me to rufffled and in fact I think most people knew that had gone on when he was voted in. It certaintly was the talk of the state

That being said I was never a big Vitter fan but he has grown on me slightly because I can tell he has been humbled a tad. Vitter with his ego was badly in need of a humbling experience and I think he got it.

Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 2:00pm

I think to oppose Vitter in favor of a “pro-life democrat” one would have to be completely sure this “pro-life democrat” is not a cowardly equivocator like Casey Jr. or most of the other so called pro-life democrats. Otherwise, it’s simply a vote for the pro-abortion agenda of Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

While I’m not a fan of the use of “pro-choice” over “pro-abortion”, Rudy’s position was infinitely closer to “pro-choice” than Obama et. al.

For me the only trustworthy choice was Huckabee when it came to the paramount issue of abortion, far too many questions about the other significant candidates.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 2:00pm

On a side note there is now just one Jewish Republican left in the entire COngress!!!

I never understood this.

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 2:05pm


If hoping for Specter’s reliability is what our hopes for blocking the Dems’ anti-life agenda were based on, then that battle was lost already. Isn’t his very willingness to switch parties (not to mention his pro-abort record) indicative of his unreliability?

Michael Denton
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 2:13pm


I think most people knew that had gone on when he was voted in. It certainly was the talk of the state

Yes, but it was talk he denied. He was asked about it point blank, and he lied. He has to date not apologized for that lie. I could deal with the other stuff if he had been honest about it.


I see what you’re saying. My point was that this will embolden Obama, as there is absolutely no chance Specter will hold (as he might have before to appease the party, a small chance mind you).

As I said in my blog, we don’t know if this will hurt us all that much. It could do nothing. But I don’t see how it helps anything other than cleaning the party out a little bit.

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 2:27pm


to be more specific what Vitter was asked about was the Wendy Cortez alleged incident in New Orelans. Not about his activities in DC

Before Vitter ran for Seante it was common knowledge that he and his wife had recieved Couseling for certain issues. WHich everyone knew what that met

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 2:50pm

[…] Good Riddance – American Catholic Sphere It! | addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = ‘timecom’; adsonar_placementId=1301527;adsonar_pid=755772;adsonar_ps=-1;adsonar_zw=540;adsonar_zh=240;adsonar_jv=’’; […]

Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 3:49pm


My point is exactly on one hand the Republicans tell social conservatives that they are against abortion, same sex marriage, etc.. They pound their chest and state “We are the pro-life and pro-family party”. Yet, when they are in power they do nothing except just say if you want us to do anything you have to elect more of us, and at other times they tell us all that we should be voting for someone like Spector because we should trust them because it will all work out and because we have to build a big collition party. To hell with both parties there is not a dimes worth of difference between them.

Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 4:15pm


while pro-lifers are and should be dissappointed about progress made under Republican administrations, it’s absurd to suggest that the massive reversals under Obama are the same.

when they are in power they do nothing except just say if you want us to do anything you have to elect more of us

this is just false, while they often don’t do enough, they do more than nothing. Look at Senator Jesse Helms’ (God rest his soul), record of successful action on pro-life issues.

Eric Brown
Eric Brown
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 7:39pm

Well, no surprise there. The Governor of Pennsylvania had mentioned that he, Biden, and Casey had attempted to get Specter to switch parties with no luck. I suppose this prompted Specter to think about it and to make a decision.

If anything, I’m more sympathetic in that his reasoning about political parties is not all too different from my own, particularly in regard of the “Big Tent” and feeling out of place. So, I’m sympathetic. Though, I’m not excited that once Franken is in, the Democrats have 60 votes.

In other news, Sebelius was confirmed as the HHS Secretary (the vote was 65-31). Tito, you’d be interested to know this: Sen. Brownback voted ‘yes.’

Tito Edwards
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 8:03pm

Et al.,

This is still sad news now that the extremists have a filibuster proof senate.


I was aware of his initial backing. It’s pure politics since I hear that Mr. Brownback wants to run for governor and needed Sebelius’ backers to pull that trick.

And I am not happy that he did vote ‘yes’. Very disappointing.

Et Al.,

How about Senator Casey Jr. switching over to the GOP?

Sydney Carton
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 9:09pm

I’m glad that Specter quit the GOP. Good riddance to him I say as well. But he should also quit the US Senate. He’s old, he’s got cancer, he’s been in office for over 25 years. Clinging to power, and doing so by switching parties, is a very bad sign of moral degeneration (which was evident from his support for abortion). Specter needs not just to be gone from the GOP, but defeated entirely.

Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald
Tuesday, April 28, AD 2009 11:24pm


Troll alert!


How about Senator Casey Jr. switching over to the GOP?

why would you want him? He’s not his father, and is only pro-life when it suits him.

Eric Brown
Eric Brown
Wednesday, April 29, AD 2009 6:47am

I pray for Senator Casey. However, since his last voting scandal, he has been consistent in his pro-life votes.

If anything, his father is my hero and even if Casey were like his father, I’d be very sad to see him cross over to the GOP.

Tito Edwards
Wednesday, April 29, AD 2009 7:50am


For Senator Casey Jr. Even if he didn’t cross over, I’d vote for him for president if he continues with his pro-life voting record.

I’m not a registered Republican, I just vote for the candidate that carries my Catholic values best.

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