Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 6:52pm

Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves

Sebelius-Websites for Dummies




What does it say about a President, when Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter!, is calling him out for incompetence?



He’s done the best he could under the circumstances. His major accomplishment was Obamacare, and the implementation of it now is questionable at best.

Nothing quite so bad as what is says about the average voter, considering that the American people, God love them, elected this malevolent bungler President of these United States.  Twice.



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DJ Hesselius
DJ Hesselius
Saturday, November 2, AD 2013 6:43am

I once heard that the US could survive President Obama, but could not survive the people who elected him.

It has gone through my mind on more than one occasion recently that President Obama will soon say “See? We are trying to get the health care industry/markets open to everyone and look! it doesn’t work. Only Single Payer will work.”

I believe we may get it sooner rather than later. Why? There may really not be enough people to stop the Low Information Voter. Our State Legislature just adopted Common Core after a long fight; more dumbing down of the children, the creation of more Low Information Voters. Even the Catholic schools in our area have adopted the Core.

Art Deco
Saturday, November 2, AD 2013 10:07am

Sorry to be a bore on this subject but…

1. Mr. Carter made a number of poor policy decisions. However, this reflected to some degree the mentality in the matrix in which he was working. I doubt there were many issues where Mr. Carter’s preferences were not more sensible than the median of the (northern) Democratic Party of that era. (Northern) Democratic legislators of that era could be decent and collegial in a way that seems foreign today; however, economic illiteracy and functional pacifism were the order of the day.

2. Electoral politics was Jimmy Carter’s third career. He had prospered adequately as an engineer in the Navy and in agribusiness (though the family’s wealth was largely accumulated under his brother’s management of the family business). He had had experience as a public executive. Compare his accomplishments to BO and it is embarrassing to BO.

3. Carter had deficient people skills for a working politician. The grossest error he and his camarilla made was assuming the dispositions of the U.S. Congress would be similar to those of the Georgia legislature. Question: are B.O.’s dealings with Congress any more edifying than Mr. Carter’s?

4. Mr. Carter was the most resistant to public sector borrowing of any American President post 1960; B.O. is the least.

5. Carter is abrasive and sanctimonious on occasion. It is doubtful that narcissism is one of his problems. Also, Carter’s embarrassing apologies co-exist with a patriotism which is standard equipment for a Southerner born in 1924. B.O. is post-American, like his mama.

6. Who would you want to share a household with, Rosalyn and Miss Lillian or Mooch, VJ, and Mrs. Robinson? Would you rather go fishing with JC or play basketball with Choom?

It is unfair to Mr. Carter to compare him to B.O. Carter was and is out of B.O.’s league.

Art Deco
Saturday, November 2, AD 2013 1:17pm

You are correct. Mean public sector borrowing since 1960 has been about 3.0% of domestic product. The median during the following Administrations is as follows:

kennedy 0.876
johnson 0.859
Nixon 3.5
ford 3.8
carter 2.6
reagan 4.6
bush 4.23
clinton 0.5
bush 2.8
obama 8.0

Among other variables, who controls Congress the state of the business cycle is important. The figures for Bill Clinton’s first administration differ markedly from his second, after he had to get past the Republican Congress.

Saturday, November 2, AD 2013 7:50pm

ad astra per aspera

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Sunday, November 3, AD 2013 2:18am

I have always found Carter to be a mean-spirited spiteful little man as well as an anti-Catholic bigot. He has gotten worse with age.
Donald R. McClarey

James Earl Carter’s anti-Catholicism and general spitefulness was kept out of the papers and six o’clock news as he strove for national office. Once he was de-elected and no longer president, he let ’em rip. Alas, he’s not unusual among Southern Baptists either.

When the fashionably secular and atheist among college Democrats feign their fear of theocracy coming to America, I like to respond with, “Theocracy? Oh yeah, Jimmy Carter the fanatic Southern Baptist president from Bomont. “Transform and purify” sure gets Democrats excited.” This spoils their narrative.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Sunday, November 3, AD 2013 3:02am

Katie Sebelius can hire somebody else to make her a web site. Only herself can make her a Catholic. Would that someone had handed Obama’s Secretary of Abortion a copy of Catholicism for Dummies.

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