Tuesday, April 16, AD 2024 2:57am

Catholic Guidelines for Science,
Part 1*: The Church Is Not a Judge of Scientific Merit

Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.–Pope St. John Paul II, “Letter to Rev. George Coyne,S.J., Director of the Vatican Observatory.”

This is the first of two articles about how the Catholic Church might deal with matters related to science.  In this piece I’ll argue that it is altogether inappropriate for the Church to judge the scientific merit of theories and hypotheses.  As a corollary, the Church should not incorporate the results of science (which can change) into Catholic teaching. On the other hand, it is appropriate that the Church set guidelines on how to use the results of scientific research, as in applications of genetic modification of humans (see Catholic Guidelines for Science, Part 2).


Here are propositions I’ve defended that can be regarded as axioms, foundations for how the Church should deal with science.   They summarize the stance I’ve taken in my ebook, “A Science Primer for the Faithful.

  • The Catholic Church is not the enemy of science and, indeed, was the midwife of science for Western civilization.

  • The Catholic dogma, Creatio ex Nihilo, God created the universe from nothing, is consonant with settled cosmological science.

  • Logic and rational inquiry have limitations and exceptions. Also, science, which employs several modes of rational inquiry, requires both theory and reproducible empirical validation: for example, science can neither disprove nor prove the existence of a Trinitarian God.

  • There is no conflict between Catholic Teaching and the science of common descent (evolution) provided we acknowledge that the human soul is uniquely bestowed by God at the moment of conception.  Moreover, there are several theories to explain how evolution occurs.

  • Cognitive science explains how the brain works but does not tell us what is a soul or how consciousness works.   Philosophers disagree generally about “the hard problem of consciousness.”  Scientific findings or philosophical conjectures are not a challenge to Catholic teaching about the soul.

  • Miracles have occurred and will occur.  Although such events are outside the realm of scientific inquiry, they are validated empirically and by faith.

Just as science and technology do not tell us what our moral or religious beliefs should be, so our Catholic faith can not help us to judge what is good or bad science, as I’ll demonstrate below..

The Galileo Affair: The Church and Scientific Truth

In 1633 the Catholic Church made a big mistake: it convicted Galileo of heresy for advocating the Copernican theory, that the earth revolved around the sun.   That is a bald statement of a much more complicated situation,  as I’ve said in another article.

George Sim Johnston, gives a fine analysis in his article, “The Galileo Affair.”

“The Galileo affair is the one stock argument used to show that science and Catholic dogma are antagonistic. While Galileo’s eventual condemnation was certainly unjust, a close look at the facts puts to rout almost every aspect of the reigning Galileo legend.”
–George Sim Johnston, “The Galileo Affair

Summarizing Johnston’s arguments, one can say that both Galileo and some Church officials were at fault, that it was a different time with different concerns–high officials in the Church, initially sympathetic to Galileo, were defending orthodoxy against the onslaught of the Reformation.

Galileo was condemned not for his advocacy of the Copernican theory per se, but for his position that Scripture was to be interpreted loosely (even though St. Augustine had also argued for a non-literal interpretation of Genesis). And Galileo’s science was not entirely correct: he proposed circular orbits for the planets and an incorrect theory of tides.  The article by George Sim Johnston (see link above) deals with this at greater length. Nevertheless, this one piece of history has been the cannon materialists use in their war against the Church that supports their perceived conflict between the Church and Science.

In 1979 Pope St. John Paul II asked the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to make an in-depth study of the affair. Commenting on their report in 1992, he said, as an apology, explaining what had happened:

“Thanks to his intuition as a brilliant physicist and by relying on different arguments, Galileo, who practically invented the experimental method, understood why only the sun could function as the centre of the world, as it was then known, that is to say, as a planetary system. The error of the theologians of the time, when they maintained the centrality of the Earth, was to think that our understanding of the physical world’s structure was, in some way, imposed by the literal sense of Sacred Scripture….”
–Pope St. John Paul II, “Address to Pontifical Academy of Sciences”, as quoted in L’Osservatore Romano N. 44 (1264) – November 4, 1992

Cardinal Schonbrun and Intelligent Design: The Church and Scientific Truth

Clearly the Church should not judge scientific matters when the science itself is in dispute. Church dignitaries should carefully consider whether it is necessary that they support one of several contending interpretations.  Cardinal Schonbrun caused much controversy by  publishing an essay in the New York Times, “Finding Design in Nature”, that seemed to support the theory of Intelligent Design as opposed to the neo-Darwinian mechanism of evolution.

The essay was criticized by a number of Catholic scientists, including the then director of the Vatican Observatory, and by the physicist, Stephen Barr, in an article in First Things.  Cardinal Schonbrun enlarged on his position in a later article in First Things and explained that he was not necessarily supporting Intelligent Design theory, but that God guided all events, including evolution, and that our universe is not the product of chance. I certainly agree with that opinion.  It was a good save!

Pope Francis and Anthropic Global Warming: The Church and Scientific Truth

I’m very much afraid that Pope Francis has repeated the mistake made by Cardinal Schonbrun, by advocating the truth and perils of Anthropic Global Warming in his Encyclical  Laudato Si.  In statements from the Pontifical Academies of Science and Social Science there are judgments and statements that are contentious, that are not held by all scientists.   For example, it is not the case that polar ice and Himalayan snow are decreasing (they continually melt, but the net amount is not decreasing due to global warming–see evidence from satellite images.)

I don’t propose in this essay to debate extensively the merits of AGW.  (See “Scientific Integrity: Lessons from Climategate,” Laudato Si on the Science of Global Warming.“)  On the other hand, it is essential that two points be made:

  • First, it is not true that a “97% consensus” of scientists support the AGW / Climate Change proposition.   See, for example the 97% myth.   And in any case, empirical confirmation is the final judge for the truth of scientific theories and propositions, not majority vote.  Before the Michelson-Morley experiment a majority of scientists believed in the ether as the medium for propagation of electromagnetic waves;  afterwards, not many.

  • Second, the extent of data massaging (“fudging”) in the Climategate excerpts and of fiddled temperature data from Paraguayan weather stations   should cause one to regard reported temperature increases with more than usual skepticism.

Accordingly, global warming caused by human production of CO2 is by no means a settled scientific issue.  For a fuller account see Andrew Montford’s “The Unintended Consequences of Climate Change Policy”.

LeMaitre & Pope Pius XII, the Big Bang as Doctrine: The Church and Scientific Truth

Pope Pius XII wanted to use the Big Bang theory of Abbe LeMaitre as evidence in a proof for God, supported by the Church. (See here.) Abbe LeMaitre dissuaded him from doing so by arguing that scientific theories are tentative, subject to change, and that certainly isn’t a property one should expect of a religious truth.  After his conversation with Abbe LeMaitre, Pope Pius XII evidently agreed.  He made no further proposals about the Big Bang as part of Catholic theology.

Evolution, Cosmological and Biological: The Church and Scientific Truth

Perhaps the most contentious topic is evolution, both cosmological and biological.  I’ve discussed this in several articles (see “Did Neanderthals have a soul,” “Can a faithful Catholic believe in science,“) and in Chapter 5 of my web-book, “A Science Primer for the Faithful,“) so I’ll not repeat those arguments here.

I will assert, however, that this is a battle between those Catholics who, like some evangelical Protestants, who take Scripture as literally true, and those, like Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who believe that the Bible is not a science textbook but a guide for how to live.

As Pope St. John Paul II remarked (and I paraphrase), there are a number of theories explaining evolution (the theory of common descent of species from some single organism) but the empirical facts support the general notion of common descent.   The problem is that many people (including some scientists) confuse evolution—common descent—with the Darwinian model for evolution (the survival of the fittest).

Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Pius XII asserted that any theory of evolution which regards man as a totally material being and does not take into account a soul imparted by God, could not be true.  (Again I paraphrase.)

Catholic Teaching is Eternal, but Science Changes

God handed down the Dogma and Doctrine of the Church  as eternal truths, whereas theories and fundamental principles of science can change, new theories and new empirical evidence supplant the old.  Accordingly, it is a serious mistake for Church officials to evaluate scientific theories—settled or unsettled  They assume knowledge and authority which they don’t have.  And using empirical validation to judge the truth of Dogma and Doctrine, is not the way; Revelation and Tradition is.

Nevertheless, the Church should engage with science by setting guidelines for how one uses the results from science.  Since the scientific enterprise itself has no ethical content (other than how one should do science), the Church can make judgments only on the ways to use scientific results, not on the “truth” of scientific theories or hypotheses.

In Part 2, I’ll discuss an example of this: Catholic guidelines for genetic modification of humans.


*This article was first published on Catholic Exchange.

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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, November 25, AD 2022 10:57am

I agree with the sense and sentiment of this article, that the Church is NOT a judge of scientific merit. But there are some details on which I disagree. After having watched and listened to many videos by Dr. Steven Meyer of the Discovery Institute (https://www.discovery.org/p/meyer/) on Intelligent Design (Old Earth History, not Young Earth History), I found his arguments persuasive and I now reject the theory of evolution as a likely good explanation of the rise of life and intelligence on Earth.

Darwin’s Doubt

The Case for Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design and the Return of the God Hypothesis

I will summarize a few points below. Caveat: I am a nuclear engineer. I have expertise in NEITHER biology NOR organic chemistry. Thus, if I am wrong, then that should NOT surprise the reader. Indeed, my wife often reminds me of how wrong I can be. Ha! Ha!

DNA acts as complex software code (https://www.discovery.org/a/200/), and software code cannot have developed spontaneously and randomly from base chemical progenitors no matter how long a period is allowed. Any software program must have a programmer or coder. Furthermore, any random changes to software code corrupts the code; random changes never introduce new functions. I write that as a software QA engineer for nuclear industry digital instrumentation and controls. It takes a special software life cycle comprised of software requirements specifications, software design descriptions, software configuration management, software verification and validation, software safety analyses, software unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing, etc. ad nauseam to develop safe, secure, reliable, robust, traceable, and maintainable code. DNA coding with its sequencing of base pairs of amino acids (adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine) to mimic logic 1’s and 0’s in computer software (well, it’s the opposite way around: man mimics what God has already made) is many orders of magnitude more complex, more reliable and more robust than the very best code that I have seen for digital reactor protection and control systems in my many decades of experience.
The homochirality of life on Earth when normal bio-chemical development suggests bi-chiral or mirror image symmetry. Many of the essential molecules for life on Earth can exist in two mirror-image forms, referred to as “left-handed” and “right-handed”, but living organisms do not use both. Proteins are exclusively composed of left-handed amino acids; RNA and DNA contain only right-handed sugars. This phenomenon is known as homochirality. If evolution were true and correct, then life forms should exist with proteins made of right-handed amino acids, and with RNA and DNA containing left-handed sugars. But this is NOT the case. Symmetry has been broken. Evolution can offer no explanation for that.
The Cambrian explosion of life approximately 538.8 million years ago was a period when practically all major animal phyla started appearing in the fossil record. Before early Cambrian diversification, most organisms were relatively simple, composed of individual cells, or small multicellular organisms, occasionally organized into colonies. As the rate of diversification subsequently accelerated, the variety of life became much more complex, and began to resemble that of today. Evolution is a theory purporting gradual progress, not an abrupt appearance of almost all present-day animal phyla. Indeed, the fossil record shows no intermediates between the life forms of the Cambrian period and those before it. See https://www.discovery.org/t/cambrian-explosion/.
The nano-machinery within living cells is exquisitely complex and highly well design. No evolutionary process of random mutations can explain the development and existence of such machinery. Indeed, machinery requires a Manufacturer. Boeing 747s do not arise out of a whirlwind in a junk yard of aircraft parts no matter how long a period is allowed, and cellular machinery is orders of magnitude more complex than a 747. An example of the bacterial flagellum is provided at the Discovery Institute: https://www.discovery.org/t/bacterial-flagellum/.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, November 25, AD 2022 10:58am

Crap! All my formatting got screwed up. Argh! Sorry guys. 🙁

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, November 25, AD 2022 6:17pm

Thank you, Dr. Kurland. I like something you quoted above:

“Design-by-laws is incomparably more intelligent than design-by-miracles.”

I don’t think God whipped up a new miracle every hundred million years or so to give rise to life and intelligence. Likewise, I don’t believe in development of life and intelligence by evolutionary random chance, but I could believe that the laws of biology and chemistry are so designed and so finely tuned as to make the rise of life and intelligence inevitable. Certainly the laws of physics are designed and physical constants are so finely tuned as to make the rise of our present universe from the Big Bang inevitable.

That all said, I think Intelligent Design as I have described it above to be a better explanation than random chance mutation and survival of the fittest in evolution.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Saturday, November 26, AD 2022 6:41am

Thanks for the article, Dr. Kurland. 😀 I will be sharing it!

The Christian Teacher
The Christian Teacher
Saturday, November 26, AD 2022 12:34pm

If Genesis is not literal with hen there was no literal Fall in Genesis 3. Nor did God create us literally male & female. Nor will the serpents head be crushed by the 2nd Adam. And I could go on…

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Saturday, November 26, AD 2022 3:44pm

Someone needs to read Hunani Generis by Pope Pius II:


This topic used to bother me a great deal – how to reconcile science and Genesis. The fact is that we can see with our telescopes galaxies that are billions of light years away. That means that the universe is billions of years old, not the six thousand or so that a literal reading of Genesis would give us. Now regarding evolution (in my case, Old Earth History Intelligent Design) and original sin, paragraphs 36 & 37 in Humani Generis say this:

For these reasons the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter – for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God. However, this must be done in such a way that the reasons for both opinions, that is, those favorable and those unfavorable to evolution, be weighed and judged with the necessary seriousness, moderation and measure, and provided that all are prepared to submit to the judgment of the Church, to whom Christ has given the mission of interpreting authentically the Sacred Scriptures and of defending the dogmas of faith.[11] Some however, rashly transgress this liberty of discussion, when they act as if the origin of the human body from pre-existing and living matter were already completely certain and proved by the facts which have been discovered up to now and by reasoning on those facts, and as if there were nothing in the sources of divine revelation which demands the greatest moderation and caution in this question.
When, however, there is question of another conjectural opinion, namely polygenism, the children of the Church by no means enjoy such liberty. For the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents. Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Saturday, November 26, AD 2022 5:16pm

This very short video with Michael Jones (a Protestant Apologist) explaining the fine tuning that tunneled evolution into the development of intelligent life is closest perhaps to my view. This view is called theistic evolution (I think), but I would call it intelligent design.

Here is a longer video by Michael Jones that goes into more detail.

Can you be a Christian and Believe in Evolution?

Jordan Peterson, the famous psychologist, has a really unique view on Genesis – you have to remember that the ancient Hebrews like their Sumerian cousins believed in this kind of cosmology:


Nevertheless, I digress. Here are Jordan Peterson’s video lectures on Genesis:

Lecture: Biblical Series II: Genesis 1: Chaos & Order

Lecture: Biblical Series III: God and the Hierarchy of Authority

Lecture: Biblical Series IV: Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death

Lecture: Biblical Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers

Way back in high school in the early 1970s, I knew that a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 through 3 was inadequate. The insistence that Roman Catholic Traditionalists and Protestant Evangelical Fundamentalists make that the Universe was created in six 24 hour days some 6 to 10 thousand years ago is simply inconsistent with the physical evidence. People like Dr. Henry Morris are absolutely brilliant in their explanations, but they are brilliantly wrong. Here is his Study Bible. Yes, I have it in my collection – very useful when debating literalists, both Catholic and Protestant:


There is another one like him – Ken Ham – a fundamentalist young Earth creationist from Australia:


These evangelists have their own web sites and spend hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars misleading people. They were the ones who in my youth drove me away from Christianity. What intellectually returned me to Christianity were things like Pope Pius XII’s Encyclical Humani Generis and Pope John Paul II’s Fides et Ratio. You don’t have to $hit can your brains when you become a Christian and blindly accept six 24 hour days of creation 6000 years ago when all the physical evidence says otherwise. That alone was sufficient to put to bed for me the ever continuing strife between science and faith.

Today I try to maintain friendly relations with young Earth creationists instead of fighting them. We have more in common with our mutual faith in Christ than we do in what separates us. But I must confess that I got no time whatsoever for atheists who have this overpowering need to constantly criticize theistic evolution or intelligent design or whatever you want to call it. If as the atheist says God isn’t real, then why does he need to convince me? I really think those people are trying to convince themselves.

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